20 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY. APRIL 11, 1924 compression, high speed four-cylinder motor-a motor that will surprise for its fleetness, smoothne ss and quietness and a car built around it that will "stay put" for many years of hard streets. Sooner or later the States will see it. And eventually the more than 2,000,000 miles of feeder roads. now .un- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~) NAME OF WHITE BEHIND ROWN Dealer Explains History of Newest Car By H. A. SCHULER, of Tbomp.oa A: Schuler, North Shore Dealers ia Rick-backer aad Rollia Cara When asked how we accounted for the great number of sales of the Rollin car since our debut as local dealers, I vouchsafed the confidence the pub· lie has in Rollin White, one of the IIT11L VC!.VAT~GHT' t'Y J.I.J ~ ~ 'AI.Y~ ' ~~~ul~hebejur~dif~io~ha~!c ~~~alth~ffiS~~s~ /epartments, whose $1,175.00 F. 0. B. Tol11Jo -v ~VE'RLA AllJfU U95.00 .highway A car speedy to accelerate, but maintenance." usage. quick on the stop-for four-wheel internal expanding brakes have been built in. For riding comfort the special spring construction together with the balloon tires, which the car was designed for and has a standard equipment is unparalleled in its fiel d. Ther~ is no side swing, and at high speed the elimination of rumble . ~nd motor noises go·es far toward gtvmg the occupant a sweet, smooth, skidless drive. ~n~o~w~ia~bo~u~t~ro~a~d~b~u~il~d~in~g~a~n~d~r~oad~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<:~~lt~.~B~Il~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ officials SALES-ROOM AND SERVICE-STATION Phoae WUmette 1151 1141 Greenleaf An., WU.ette the White company, as' The worJd has long waited for a ' highly-developed. refined four-cylinder car which could be purchased at a reasonable price. After all a properly designed four -cylinder motor is the most efficient and most economical power plant thus far designed. In Campaa"gn Helped by NewsEurope-where are found some of the greatest inventive engineers in the papers and Civic Bodies world-the four-cylinder motor is the accepted motor for the majority of high quality and expensive automobiles. That traffic accidents on highways, Take the leading English makes , for as well as on crowded city streets are example-Crossley, Austin, Sunbeam, happening too often, and with too seriVauxhall. all costly. In France the ous results, is the conclusion reached by famous Renault and Peugeot are four- automotive interests after careful study cylinder cars. Europe is familiar with of the question. the Fiat, the outstanding Italian car. To aid in clearing up a difficult situaFor years the best portion of this tion and finding a remedy for the trou· company's business has been in their ble, the Traffic Planning and Safety high quality four. Scores of other Committee of the National Automobile European cars which could be men- Chamber of Commerce is enlisting the tioned adhere to the four-cylinder interest and support of newspapers all principle, merely because it is simplest over the country, asking that in reportand most economical from an oper- ing motor accidents · they endeavor to asating standpoint. certain the cause and forward a weekly Then we come to an understanding summary to . the headquarters of the of what one of the greatest and most committee in New York. experienced American engineers and Newspapers already render a public his oqranization have stood for and built. Rollin White, who was one of service in reporting highway catastroh f phies, but that service will be more t e ounders of the White company constructive when facts are developed and for years its vice-president and showing why accidents occur, so that chief engineer, has been in a position the public may know where the weak to follow his extensive engineeri ci spots are. · bent in this country and in Europe. He ha s surrounded himself with such In a general way, mot?r ac~i~ents ~ men as James G. Heasl et, formerly caused by carelessn~ss ~n dnvu~g, 1!'1vicc-president of Studebaker and dur- pro~r traf?c ~egulatton, Jay walking:, ming the war in charge of production · suffi~tent ltghtmg. of stree~s or vehi~les, of aJI Liberty motors, which placed phystcal obstructiOns to ~ew, too ltttle hrm m contact with every motor plant playground space for children, and so of any consequence in the country. R on, but to what degree th~e factors opT. Hodgkins, vice-president and sales erate ha~ _yet to be determmed for most manager, was general sales manager comm~tttes. . for Studebaker, and so on through In thts connection, a recent .statement the organization many names, familiar by Thomas M. Macponald, D1.r~r .of to ' engineering circles, have joined the Bureau of Pubhc ~ds, IS Slgnlfitheir knowledge in the production of cant. Mr. MacDonald satd: Rollin White's latest car. "One of the big needs of the road A compact, simple, sturdy car, with system today is proper policing, country the European type light weight, high roads must be as well policed as city :h~nr~~:~n~f SAFE HIGHWAYS DRIVE OBJECT western chorus chorus from Chistia and Os conduct The s elude t Metrop~ Aa Exceptional Value! It requires no technical knowledge of automobiles to appreciate the outstanding value of the Ford Touring Car. Not only is it the lowest priced five-passenger car on the market, but it is also a car that costs litde to operate, little to keep in condition and has an unusually high resale value after years of service. All Ford <Ars are 101d OD coovenieDt deferred terms, or may be purch.ued ~ the Ford Weekly Purchue Plm. Althous l Richard Easton, Mary FJ Louis Hempel, Kathryn tralto; prano; politan Symph01 conducti A spe ti,·al wi tin!ruish own wom the poli of offeri orchestr that has tion to t selected sicians o presenc gives op and thei CARS ·TRUCKS · TRACTOI\.3 Skokie Motor Company Maintenance and NationalServir.e ATURE is both the ally and enemy of the telephone. One of her forces, electricity, carries the voice of man afar. Others, as flood, tornado or sleet storm, can cripple communications in a large area through their devastating might. Each pair of telephone wires in the Bell System is a pathway for reciprocal speech. When beaten down by the uncontrollable forces of nature, that pathway to fifteen million telephones is blocked, and none of the nation·s voices can pass thatway. Reserve materials must be on hand, that storm damage may be repaired without delay. Adequate funds must be made available so that the c0st of restoration may be met. National telephone service is only possible through an organization capable of handling, on a nation-wide basis, the problem of maintenance as well as of operation. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY "THE HOUSE THAT SERVICE BUlLT" N LINCOLN "BU:y at home and get service at home" 7~14-16 ELM STREET PhoneWinn. 288-281 WINNETKA SALES MLLSYSTIM SERVICE