Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Apr 1924, p. 17

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······ · · · ~ . .. · · · · · · · · · · · · · · + + + + + + + + WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1924 HERE AND THERE ON STAGE AND SCREEN ----~--------------------------------------~-------------1 Reviewa of the Week By Th~spia,. ll = . f COMING TO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __._ senhausen, daughter of the late Col- American production, with Pola Negri one! Count Paul de Tiesenhausen, who for fifteen years held the office of Russian vice counsel in New York city, will make her deb ut before the camera in the Cosmopolitan's picturization of Paul Leicester Ford's story of the American Revolution. "Janice Meredith," in which Marion Davies will star, following her appearance in "Yolanda." Mlle. de Tiesenhausen, although born in this country, is a member of the told-time Russian nobility. Her father, Count de Tiesenhausen, was well-known in diplomatic circles in this country and Russi;l and a trusted representative of the late Czar Nicholas. He also served as a colonel with the Russian army during the TurkoRussian war. E. Mason Hopper is directing the THE HOWARD I Mn!nc~:r..!:=df~ Run Noblewoman Stars picture from the scenario by Lillie H:::.:·-D_i_m-itr-i,B-u-ch_o_w-etzki's first STAGE "LITTLE JESSIE JAMES" A Musical Comedy . Garrick Theatre 1 h b in the starring ro e, as een completed at the Paramount west coast studio. Like all but three of Buchowetzki's pictures, the story is an original by the director. Paul Bern adapted it to the screen. Supporting Miss Negri are Robert W . Frazer, Robert Edeson, Joaef Swickard, Monti Collins, Gino Corrado and Edgar Norton. · · · Walter Woods, production editor at the Paramount west coast studio, has just made a record trip for the purpose of seeing a show. He jumped from Los Angles to Philadelphia to see Glenn Hunter in "Merton of the Movies," and started back the day he arrived . ~····· r sa · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · + s II to Seve n or eight months in New York and still going strong. Seven or eight \~ceks in Chicago and just fairly ~tarted on what will doubtless prove to be a most successful run . T here are good reasons. Little Jessie James is excellent musical comedy, welt presented and well sung. There is nothing so very costly about it, the chorus numbers less than a baker's dozen and there are none too many yoiccs, but still it 's a hit. A hit because the chorus is well trlined, the tun es "catchy" and the comedy sufficient, albt:it at_ times a . trifle spicy. Th e plot ts thm but from a musical comedy standpoint all that is neces · sary. It concerns the affairs of a deal er in antique furniture who exhibits his wares in a house loaned rent free, to a couple of poor, but handsome, young men. John Hund- !ervices of Jacqueline Logan and ley, with a splendid voice, is one of others to good advantage. these young men. Gregory Kelly, less There is much of underworld life l_~eighboring Theaters of voice but with a comedy touch that with a considerable plot in .which a is refreshing, plays the other. Mad- rich and some what eccentric old HOWARD eline Grey, Martha Throop and Olga Steck are the young ladies who make gentlemen makes some experiments "P:l.inted People," starring the possible the love scenes. Each has among the poor and unfortunate. In- youthful and vivacious Colleen Moore, her song or songs to sing; and there cidentally, he finds that his own is the feature booking at the Howard is little choice between them in the nephew is about as much of a crook for this week-end. The "Telephone matter of voice. Two of the songs a"J those he has endeavored to study. Girl" series will also be shown in its seemed to make a particular hit; one Miss Logan is the girl, and hers has third episode. the familiar, "I Love You" and the been a careful study of the type she Constance Talmadge will be the atother "Such is Life in a Love Song." endeavors to portray. She is simple, traction at the Howard for one day You will be ·uterested in the chorus attractive and convincing even when only, Sunday, April 27, in her latest because of the fact that it consists of she says that if she had ten pounds comedy triumph, "The Dangerous some ten large show girls of the type she would buy her man the best set Maid," said to be one of her best efseldom seen these days, actively en- of burglar tools in New York. Ray- forts for the screen. gaged in high kicking and athletic mond Griffith, a very capable actor, "Flaming Passion," starring Irene dancing. They are remarkably well makes much of his part. Rich and Monte ·Blue, and with an trained, have a few individual stunts all-star supporting cast, will be seen of their own and exhibit a goodly at the Howard on Monday, Tuesday share of good looks. In fact several VAUDEVILLE and Wednesday of next week. A are beauties. story of society life, marriage of "May The chances are you will like Little Nalal Vaudeville Association and December" forest fires and other Jessie ] ames and it is sure to give week shered in some . excellent per-1 thrills are th~re ~s well as the es· you some good laughs during the formers to local vaudev1lle houses and sential happy endmg. course of the evening. the Majestic: theatre had its full share. "Flowing Gold," a Rex Beach story, The Y1p Y1p Yaphangers, who ~ave will be pictured at the Howard on been .seen locally on several occas1~ns Thursday, Friday and Saturday, May SCREEN pra.cttcally stopped the . show w1~h 1, 2 and 3. Milton Sills and Anna thetr s_ongs and acrobatic stunts m Q. Nilsson, stars of the .revived ver-~ "THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE" war t1me costumes. Harmon and sion of "The Spoilers," have the leadFirst National Production Sands, a la~ge Y?Un_g wom3ln and a ing roles in this picture. NEWELL & RETCHIN ) HOWARD N. W · .,L" Statioa at Howanl COLLEEN MOORE "Painted People" TELEPHONE GIRL NO 3 KENNETH HARI.A.N "The Vir1inian" One Day Only CONSTANCE TALMADGE In JAS. CRUZE'S "The Dangerous Maid" IRENE RICH "The Fiahtina Coward" We.la~a7 ··· 'l'll. . . . .7 "Fiamina Pauion" MILTON SILLS ANNA Q. NILSSON CHAS. CH..tPLIN'S "A Woman of Paria" with "Flowing Gold" EDNA PURVIANCE tine of toptcal comedy songs were ADELPHI From the stage play by Sir Arthur and thin exhibiting companton,a smgmg Wing Pinero, John S. Robertson, the a close second. Barrett and Cunneen, the old man and the flapper, seemed "The Virginian," starring Kenneth director has made a somewhat unto tickle the fancy of the capacity Harlan, and with a genuine cattle usual picture. In the story is a crippled soldier, at audience while Carlton Emmy's dogs country setting, the directing having outs with the world in general be- was the best act of its kind seen here been done by a real cowboy, is scheduled for appearance at the Adelphi cause of his affliction. Also a plain in a long time. -------on Friday and Saturday of this week. and homely girl fully aware of the Maurice Coleburn, well-known Eng- It is taken from the famous novel by fact that her ugliness and general unattractiveness would be an unsur- lish actor, is soon to make his debut 9wen Wi ster, which has been made before the camera in the role of Moly Immortal ~n t~e spoken stage. mountable barrier as far as attention "The F1ghtmg Coward,': .a re~l from the opposite sex is concerned. neaux in "Monsieur Beaucaire," the They marry, each finding something Sidney Olcott production in which 1 sout~ern drama of the . th1rt1es Will to think about in the other's mis- Rudolph Valentino is starring for be v1ewed at the Adelphi on. Sunday, fortune. Into their -lives and their Paramount. Coleburn is at present Monday and Tuesda~, Apnl 27, 28 "Hon eymoon cottage" comes a blind doubling up on his stage and screen and 29. Cullen Land1s, .Ernest Torgcntlement whose talk of love, hope work as he plays Molyneux at the renee, Mary Astor, Phyl11s Haver a~d and faith brings each to a realiza- Long-' Island studio during the day and Noah Beery are. amon~ the stars m this extremely mterestmg drama of tion , that in their own minds at least, at night appears in "Saint Joan." · · * the South. she is a most beautiful woman and he William Ricciardi and Mme. AdriFor Wednesday and . Thursday of a straight handsome man. Their ilenne d'Ambricourt are the latest ad- next week the. ~delph1 has. secu~~d lusio n, seen through the~ye of love, ditions to the cast of Herbert Ben- Charles s p~oduchon A has a lapse when they b~gin o realize on's production. "The Mountebank," Woman ofChap,l1~, Pans, starr.mg Edna P~r that to the outside wo d ere has which features Ernest Torrence a~d vian_c~, made fa!llous m the lead1t1g been no change in their p sica] apQ. Nilsson. Both were in Glona femm!ne roles . m al!, of the recent pearance. But back it comes in a Anna Swanson's recent picture, "The HumChap!:n comed.1es. A Woman ?f beautiful scene and it remains to the ming Bird ." When not actively en- Pan_s has enJoyed record ru?s m end. gaged in theatrical work Mme. d'Am- leadmg downtown theaters and IS exRichard Barthelmess, as the crippled bricourt lectures for the Alliance 1pected .to bring packed houses to the soldier, does his best work for a long Francaise. Adelphi next week. tim e. At times he makes a cold shurlder run through you so realistic is his work. May McAvoy is the ugly duckling and you would not know her in the part without a program. Her change to a beautiful woman in the midst of the picture , is most startling. These two players are the life of a picture, odd and unusua l, which must have been a hard one to successfully film. Chicago Theatre · --========~====;::================= The North Shore's Moat Representative Theatres Exide BATTER IE§ Now is a good time to determine to use our battery service during the 1924 motoring season. And now is a good time to introduce yourself to that service. Perhaps your car has been idle and the battery needs recharging. Or you may have been busy and neglected it. In either event, you should have it examined and at least have the terminals and holddowns cleaned, greased and tightened. On the other hand, if your battery is badly worn or giving you trouble, you may be able to make a saving by replacing it with an Exide at the present low price. But no matter what an examination reveals, rest assured that we will make n.o suggestions which are not necessary and economical for vou. Our chief concern is to make you our : atisfied customer-to save you money if we possibly can. Won't you give us this opportunity? Hour Battery Sani~· "THE DAWN OF TOMORROW" Params~unt Picture McVickers Theatre The story is from Mrs. Burnett's novel and the picture employs the "The Musical Center Of Evanston" 712 Church Street EVANSTON AFI'ER MAY tat NORTH ~HORE Talkiat Madliq Co. 554 Center St. eG3 Davia St. WINNETKA EVANSTON Phone 1793 Phoae G23 · Winnetka Exide Battery Service Phone Wumetka 1387 Z , . - 3 Cultoa 41 Hoar Battery Ser.ice sw·.

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