Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 23 May 1924, p. 22

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22 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 192-t BUYERS AND SELLERS MEET HERE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS charged only Evanston to Glencoe Inclusive whose names appear In the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribt>rs to either WIL~fETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. cents R ates--10 papers. per line in one paper. 20 cents per line In all three .tli~JliUlll CHARGE GOc. Average of five words to the line. No black face t)·pe used. Rates for Display type on application. · Classified advertisements w-Ill be G enecal N OttCeS--to residents of the district from . f I t. Cla811ltled D ea dl tne Ot nSet lOns--c epted up advertisements will be acto Wednesrlay 12 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papeu; Thursdav 12 o' clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 1% o'clock for thP GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 2000-2001. I"Oil SALf:-RE.\L ESTATE FOR S.-\.LF.-RE.\L ESTATE FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Sl 'l'l \'1' 10~ WANTED-FEMALE FOR RENT-ICOO:tiS BALE- 4 ANTIQUE SLAT-BACJt FOR RENT-2-ROOMS FOR 2 GEN- COOK ·'ATERESS, FIRST CL~S FOR chah·s; 3 arrow-back Wlndsoer cha.ln· tlemen ·, suitable for light housekeeplu n d· '"~ afternoon t eas, dinners a very old; spindle beds; 1 black ev.: L3 , , ·· ~Irs . S. Thomas. Tel. Glen1 !'!!~l~n~g~ · ~6~0~1~~~[a~l~n~S~t~.!'!!!!!!'!!!!!=~ · ~=·::·::lt~c sp<e<·· LTNU-2tc gown, size 38 or 40. Tel. Wlnn. 782. LTN34-ltc I' DELI· WA.NTED-!IALE ~~~c~o ~e~~~~~!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!!'!!!!!~~~~~~ --------------::-=::::::-11 ~ ; \ 1.1:.:-HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE-TWO 32x3~ STERIJNa W~N~~~C~d\R!':~~~; a:!ts~~~t!~i FOR f' .\ 1.1:-BARGAIN; MAHOGANY cord tires, never been on a rim. Ct.U house; r ef e r e nces required, 1190 Oakdav enP ·"· . upholstered In mohair, after 6. Wilmette 776-M. LT11:32-Itp ley Ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel. fine con d itiO n; double Iron bed with Wlnn. 2067. LTN34-ltc sprin g s ,,nd mattr~ss; round exten- FOR SALE-OATS SPROUTER FENCE sion t a l It- painted light grey, with post and wire. Tel. Wll. 262 7. tour ch air~ to match; following storm SITUA'l'~O:V '\VA~'l'ED-lUALE LT!\"34-ltc wind o w ~ painted white; seven 34x65 SITUATION WANTED-AS CHAUFIn th n , ~ 2 x 5 5 ·ln ., three 25x 56 ln.; feur ; 8 )' ears ' expe ri e nce ; married; bl~k st'll ,.ns, seven, 26x.>O, one 26x- FOR SALE-BOY'S SECOND HAND byclcl , "Princ e ;" made by Mead whit e : willing to go anywh e re; ref· 65 ln., ·· i ~ ht 34x55., five 3Sx56 ln.; Cycle Co. ; In good condition . Prlct e r e nc e s furnished. Write M. Hertwo 1ead 1·<l glass windows In box $20. Tel . Wil. 2399. J. C. Phillip.. man, 1014 Sh e rman Ave., Evanston, fram e, 23x i6 in.; two glazed storm 1159 Wilmette Ave. LTXh-ttc Ill. LTN3 1-Hp doors · h ·orv built-In sideboard, blue trim. ' ~l u.lford, B35 Elmwood Avenue. Tel. l ii 63. L34-ltp WANTED TO DUY-MISCELLA:VEOUI <· OWKER LEAVING CITY, WILL ACLaid, scraped, cleaned, c e pt any r easonable otTer for six rm. 9 rooms ; 3 baths; h. w . ht. ; dbl. stucco on hollow tile r e sidence with Our own patent sanders gar.; Immense wooded lot In choicsun parlor and sleeping porch; hot est neighborhood. ·worth $35, 000! water heat, oil burner; metal weathSpacious! Substantial! er strip; garage and large lot. 72 Warwick Ave. Tel. Kenilworth 2553. L34-1tc CharmlnK Stucco Colonial; 6 real A . W ASLEFF, Prop. large, light, airy rooms: sun and IN GAGE'S ADD. TO WILMETTE ON sleeping porches; tile bath with 10 YEARS TIME OR MORE 542 So. Dearborn St. shower; hot water heat; 2-car garLocation-Sheridan Road, Chestnut age; beautiful wooded lot; space tor Ave., Ashland Ave., Elmwood Ave., 2 rooms and bath 3rd floor. LTN31-tfc 7th Ave., lOth St., Lots 2, 7 and 10, B. 1; L. 2, B. 2; with riparian rights, L. 6 Alm~'>et new 6-room Colonial· sun i2.BB. I·N=o=R=T=H==s=H=o=R=E==H=o=u=s=E=.=L=A=w=N=A=N=D sleeping and open porches; tile 'bath: 17; L. 16, B. 1B. GARDEN SERVICE hot water heat; Ivory trim and oak floors throughout; 2-car garage; John P. Gage, Vineland, N:i.4':N -tfc House and window cleaning, floor 29 $16,500; terms or $16,000 cash. waxing, lawn and garden work, first class references. Walsh. Tel. Wlnn. 1035. LT25-tfc 6-room Stucco on hollow tile; aun HOME ON GREEN BAY RD., and sleeping porches; tile bath; hot 7-ROOM southwest Glencoe; has large bedwater oil heat; garage; $15,600 for room and bath on 1st ftoor; 3 bed1 week only. rooms and bath on 2nd; just been <t»(O) decorated throughout; hot water heat; double garage; large lot; can Attractive, remarkably WE'll built Bbe aeen by appointment only. Phone room residence; 3 tile baths; hot Winnetka 1800. LTN34-1tc water heat; hardwood trim and floors throughout; fine 2-ca.r garage· lea.ded glau casement windows; Tlf: Investment Securities Insurance by a new electric. sanding profany Wll.lls; reduced to $37,600. ~171>1L. ~t%t~J'e1Ztl~ lQ>_ f1"'J ~n1L.~171>n._ cess. Prices very reasonable. OTHER HOMES AND VACANT· rQ)~Jillw\Silf \Siil ~ \Ulii.V IQJw~Jill Call for estimates. from Evanston to Highland Park at D. J. CLARK prices that will Interest you, as our Evanston 4517 llst Ia considered the most complete L'l'N27-ttc 909 Ridge Ave. on the North Shore. Tel. WI!. 364 w® ~®~©Imi1mril®Inl~ I~ GLE~COE wniiDiril~froc& HARD\VOOD FLOORS IN HUBBARD '\IVOODS Advance Floor Co. MOVING-WlLL SELL AT ATTRAC- WANTED TO BUY-ONE CAR OR tive pric··s. OverstutTed tapestry, 2-car garage. Must be 20 feet long. covere d dav e nport and two chairs, Joerns, 466 Oakdale, Glencoe. Tel with new slill cov e rs; reed davenport; 1004. LTN34-ltc gas range; fi l' ml s h oak dining room set; old hi c kor y breakfast s e t; wheel- WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE barrow ; 888 Oa.k St. Tel. r~~'}j.~it8c buys and sells rugs, stoves, auto., pianos, anything useful. 1045 Alb St. LTNl-Uc FOR SALE-C HEAP; HOUSEHOLD articles or ali descriptions; also 300MISCELLANEOlJS 400 emptv fruit jars and jelly glasses; every.thing must be sold by June let as I am moving then. Call any time, day or evening. 613 Main St., Wilmette. Tel. 1944 . LTN34-ltc LEAVING ILLINOIS, WANT TO SELL Icebox; mangle.; baby basket and carriage, like new; six; tables; chairs; shelves; desks; 3 double beds; Brunswick; fireless cooker; swings, etc. Tel. Wlnn. H~k _1tc IN WINNETKA ~J-;· i.. ~~dB~· 1~; t ~· !~Jo3~B~ RENT-A-CAR DRIVE IT YOURSELF PAY BY THE MILE IDEAL FOR Rosenber street, Eva of addition S. Kresg~.: mediately berg store, The additi and third building a1 store one i The lea~ terests to by W. L. aggregates, mate rent; vcars this Charles S as joint o a year ago pany und Kresge in~ /If. 34 IN INDIAN HILL Especially Attractive IN KENILWORTH IFll Ir~ FOR SALE-LIVING ROOM SUITE. fumed oak with genuine leather upholstery; bed davenport,; arm chair; rocker; library table-all Karpen make; reasonable. Tel. WI!. 858-R. . LTN34-ltp 1----------------Realtors Have Your · Old Floors Made Like New FOR RALE- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY high-boy and low-boy matching; 54in. round mahogany table; pottery; Tel. Wlnn. 165. LTN34-ltc white Iron beds: mattresses; odd chai,.s; rugs; planola. Tel. Wlnn. FOR SALE-AUTOMOBILES 1081. LTN34-1tc Pleal'lure rides Week-end trips Fishing trips Hunting trips or While your car Is in repair or pa4nt shop. Oper, car, 13c per mile. Closed car, 16c per mlle. These cars are lnaured for your protection. SalAsmen Doctors Collectors Realtors WERSTED MOTOR CO. IHI~nll'il~cell'il&cn~rlkplliiD~o 656 Ce nter StreE>t Winnetka 254 (Formerly W. R. R. Ave.) LTN34-1tc: N. EVANSTON-NEW 5 ROO~{ BRICK bungalow, all large, light rooms, metal Wl'ather strips thruout, convenient to Lincolnwood school. A real buy at $12,000. Terms. Wilmette- Modern 6 room bungalow with sleeping vorch, near schools and station, lot 50x200. Splendid otrering at $11,500. Attractive 7 room stucco In good east section nl.'ar the "L." Hot water heat, tile bath, corner lot, garage. Reduced for quick sale to $16 000 Winnetka-New 6 room shtrigle. near new school. Hot water heat' large living room with fireplace, 50 foot lot, very attractive buy at $15,500. It you are considering the purchase of a lot, we will be glad to tell you about som!' special buys In ~~[~~. Evanston, Wilmette and 'wtn- §[p)~~il~ll~ SITUATION WANTED-EXP. GARCHOICE WOODED VACANT LAKE dener and other work by clay or Ave., Wilmette; adjoining Northwest hour. Address Life, A-213. LT34-ltp corner Sixth St1·eet; south front 50xl95 ft., with garage. Price $160 Pl'r foot; terms. Call owrter Evans- EXPERT GARDEN WORK DONE BY ton 1155. LTN34-ltc hour or contract. Call. Winn. 1902 . 2_ 7_-t_rc L_T_N_ Look at this one To-dav ,____________ Evanston. VACANT AT COR. OF WOODLAND Ave. and Lake St., Glencoe; 50x142; H~~~::lie C~l~i!~N~i 22 R~~~~~N~~:.: HELP WANTED-FEMALE ~~g.~J.ot ~~o~~is0 !,e;;~o~r~~. orJ~6 .$3,- Tel. Evanston 4956 . LU- 3 tc LTNU-ltc TEN PIECES MISCELLANEOUS HSE.holrl furniture tor sale; very reasonable; good condition. 601 Main St., 1923 FORD SEDAN, exc. cond., $436. Wilmette. LTN34-ltc 1922 FORD DELIVERY, good cond., $185; and others. FOR SALE-PIANO; UPRIGHT: ALNIOTOR most new: fine condition; great gargain: $300. Tel. Glencoe l~T34-ltp Dodge · B~f~rre:sD::l~rsWills St. Tel. Wlnn. 165. LTN34-ltc FOR SALE-WHITE ENAMEL GAS range; large !ern and pedestal; 2 FOR SALE-1923 BUICK DE LUXE sedan; fully equipped with heater; ~eed;~~~~ri~akss~a.1 child's roct;a4~~~ Clymer spotlight; automatic windshield wiper; bumpers; motometer; FOR SALE- PRACTICALLY NEW stop light; trunk; mirror, etc. Llet Brunswick art model phonograph. price Is $1,824-!or quick sale, $1,224; cash or terms. Tel. Wlnn. 617 or Tel. Wll. 645. LTN34-ltc Winn. 567. LTN34-lta WAN'l'ED-HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dependable Used Cars \VERSTED CO. ~o ~o Jf@llilinl~(Q)Iffi & (C(0) UO Linden Ave. 0 Wll. 68 and 444 L34-ltc Ir»~celf~n~llcdl A~w®~ OPENING SALE, Vern on and Ridge COUNTRY HOM:E SUBDIVISION SMALL ACRE TRACTS, $850 to $925 per acre. Easy terms Location Saunders Rd. just south· of Deer1lelci Rd. Agent on premises. §m:m&Jfit & (G@ll<e<ep lliiD~o 15BO Sherman Ave, Evanston 285 Evanston Rogers Park 0272 LTN84-1tc NORTH EVANSTON: FRAME DWELLIng; B-rooms; 4 bedrooms; new furnace; close to school and transportation; newly decorated and painted· Immediate possession. $11,000; $1 ~ GARAGE FOR RENT-JUNE 1ST OCcupa.nc)· ; corner Lake Ave. and 11th 600 cash: $50 per month and Interest Isabella Str l't, North Evanston: St. Good driveway with entrance fi-room frame residence; 2 bedrooms; from Lake Ave. Tel. 'VIl. 844-J. furnace heat; hnmecllate possession 'L34-ltp !~·Jo?,;t!)~~~.o cash: $50 per month FOR RENT-NEW GARAGE, 261 WILson Ttoad. Winnetka. L34-ltc .I<'OIC. REX'l'-ROOMS Ev. 961. FOR RENT-LARGE LIGHT FURnlshed room; private family; near LTN34-2tc ~~~~sw~~~a~h0 ~k. woman £f~:r~frc FOR RENT-SUNNY ROOM; NEAR OWNER LEAVING TOWN, WILL SACb!'ach and golf club; gentleman rifice his comt. 7-room home at $2,600 leBB than actual value; has large only; private family, 3 adults. Tel. living room with artistic fireplace 'Vil. 205. LTN34-ltc tour bedrooma; 2-car garage; fruit TO RENT-2 FURNISHED ROOMS; and shade trees; shrubs and perenlarge; light; freshly decorated; 8 nials; tine neighbors; nr. schools and blocks from station. Tel. Wlnn. 415. atatlon. 'Vhoevt>r buys this at U3 LTN34-ltc 600 wlll g t one of the blgge~t ;-:-::::::-:::-::==:::::--:::-:-::-:-:-~---bargains In several years. Terms If desired and must be sold this week LARGE FRONT ROOM; SUITABLE tor couple employed. Call after 6 Phone Winnetka 1226. LTN34-1tc p. m. 41B Park Ave., Wilmette. L34-ltc WE OFFER THE OPPORTUNITY TO purchas one of thP last corners lett TWO LARGE, LIGHT FURNISHED near thl' EleYated; 60x150, for $8,000; rooms; single or In suite; n~>ar lake, transportation; private bath. Tel. ~!;:~ct~':r. this section are rapidly Wlnn. 1543. LTN34-ltc $6,000 CASH BUYS CHOICE OF WANTED-RELIABLE COMPETENT WANTED TO BUY-SECOND HAND two new 6-room \Vinnetka houses on white girl or woman for general furniture and other household goods. Cherry St .. Nos. 1066 and 1070; nr. housework; no other need apply; Highest price paid for same. Crost Skokie school and g-olf course; ail private room and bath; washing opFurniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., lmprovemt-nts In and paid for, price tional. Tel. Wlnn. 1448. Evanston, Ill. Phone 189. LTN24-tfc $15,500. Call 877 Elm l;t., or Tt:l. LTN34-ltc Wlnn. 1689. LTN30-tfc FOR 8.-\.LE lUISCELLANEOUS WANTED-GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF 3 year olcl boy; 3 hours In morning M)' LAST LOT IN W. KE~ILWORTH. NATURE'S LAXATIVE or afternoon: mornings preferred. Price $1,500; worth $2.000; some PAL-PINTO CRYSTALS Phont Mrs. Saville, Wlnn. 976. cash, balance like rent; Pavlik, Jr. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY PHYSI· . LTN34-ltc . Tel. Kenilworth 2016. LTN34-ltp clans In the treatment of Rheumatism, Constipation, Indigestion, DIWE HAVE A SPLENDID OPPORTUNabetes, Kidney and Stomach trouWA~'l'ED '1'0 DUY-"\<' At:AXT Ity for someone desirous of making bles. Produced and guaranteed pure money at home In spare time or full by Texas Carlsbad Natural Mineral BlJILDER WILL BUY FOUR OR FIVE time. Ray Studio, Evanston, Ill. Waters; it has wonderful curative lots ·ln good neighborhood. Will con' LTN32-tfc properties. Liberal portion for one sider frontage of 50 to 100 tt. tor dollar. Money refunded If unsatiseach lot. Give size, location and FOR GEN.; 3 I!:': FAMILY: REF. factory. For Sale by Geo. L. Hildebest cash price. Address Wilmette GIRL t·equlred. Tel. WI!. 3010, 1316 AshLife, A-66. LTN29-tfc brand, 3600 Rokeby, Welllngton 6B19, land Ave. ·L TN34-1tc Chicago. L34-1tp .I<'OR RI!:N'l'-HOUSlMI EXP. WOMAN FOR CLEANING AND BLACK DIRT, MANURE laundry work. Tel. Wlnn. 58. ATTRAC1'IVE 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR $2.50 per cubic yard In Glencoe and LTNS4-ltc rent, furnished; from June 20th to Winn. $2. 75 per cubic yard In WHSept. 20th; reasonable. Tel. Wlnn. mette, delivered. 806. LTN34-ltc Landscape Gardening MATT CARETTA FOR llENT-APA.R.TMENTS 409 Randolph St. Phone Glencoe B86 LTN34-tfc FOR RENT- COMPLETELY FURnished kitchenette apartment In WilPOULTRY HOUSE "PERFECTION mette for a few months; janitor serPortable;" 6ft. by 10ft.; tully equipvice; near transportation; to responped; good condition; nt one-third sible party. Tel. Wlnn. 567. cost. Call 680 \\· alden Rd ., Winnetka LTN34-ltc. 794. LTN34-ltc FOR RENT-OFFICE FARROW CHIX; IN 100 LOTS. LEGhorns, $8.50; Barred Rocks, Single FOR RENT-WINNETKA; OFFICE Reds, $9.o0; nose Reds, White suitable for practitioner. Furnished Rocks; $11.50: W)·andottes, Butr or unfurnished. Reasonable. Call Orp., Mlnorcas, $12.50; assorted, $7.60. Winn. 1268; evenings. LTN34-ltp D. T. FARROW, CHICKERIES, rEORIA, ILL. LTN18-22tc FOR RENT-GARAGE Help for the locker room, Used Cars- All Make~ OFEN AIR SALES ~or. Sherman Ave. and GroYe St. Evanston 1 41\ Wlllys-Knlght and Overland Dealers T.TN29-tfc FOR SALE-FORD SEDAN: 2 DOOR; all possible equipment; exceptionally powerful engine; best otrer takes. Tel. Wlnn. 1487. 1U5 Asbury Ave. LTz-{34-ltc FOR SALE-1923 CHEROLET COUPE In excellent condition. A bargain if sold at one. Call R. H. R., care Wilmette Life. LTN34-lto FOR SALF~MAXWELL FOUR PASS . coupe, 1923, perfect condition, many extras, barg111ln. Tel. Glencoe 1H. L34-ltc FOR SALE-$550 CASH EQUITY IN new Franklin automobile. Will sacrifice for $350 If taken at once. Tel. Wil. 1640. LTN34-ltp PIANO T1JNING EXPERT PIANO TUNING; REPAIRlng; old pianos made new. L. w. Foster. Tel. Wlnn. 509-J, LTN29-tfc KENNELS Officials Detroit fo ments wi pany, whiq city, for two flbor company old Baile being torn formerly and the Bros. hav Church st ket has on Davis ncated b The R 1 a complet partments floor spac A new planned a will be On this furnishin basement. hold utili be displa will be f special s cralizing 1 establishe The fa store wit! with the plans. T display r will mak IHIIElLIP way is basemt!nt. for a lar ton, offici will spar this feat dapartme chandised ficult to it is pron Rosenb by Chari store bur · date stru enlargem that time. Sunset Ridge Country Club dining room, clubho~se. kitchen and HAVE ROOM FOR FEW DOGS IN private kennel for the summer. Give your pet the benefit ot a summer In the country. For particulars. Tel. FOH. SALE-BABY'S CARRIAGE IN Northbrook 83. LTN34-ltp good condition; child's brass bed; good strong high chair; very cheap. Tel. WI!. 493. L34-ltc Address application with references to Wilmette Life, 215 ' LTG34-ltc 1546 W. Hallroad Ave. Don't :Miss this Bargain 2 FOR SALE-ROW BOAT SUITABLE tor Evlnrude motor; also Motor Towne canoe. Tel. Wilmette 645. Fire losses in Wilmette during April LTN34-ltc FOR SALE - WELL EQUIPPED of this year were greater than the losses in any month during 1923, acchicken hou s e. B06 Vernon Ave., Glencoe. LTN32-3tc cording to Fire Chief Zibble's April April Was Worst Month For F. Jre Loases Here WANTED-RELIABLE WOMAN TO DO FOR SALE-TWO MAY ~~~dh~m-:,or~e{o~f~~ll{20~f five In tickets Tel. Wll. 9B3-R. LT34-1tc WANTED_ GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; plain cook; white pre!erred. Tel. Wll. 2357. LTN34-ltc WANTED_ MAID FOR GENERAL h92oo~swew. ork; no washing. Tel. Wll. o L3~-ltc SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE SITUATION WANTED- DRESSMAKIng and plain sewing by the day. Call evenings. Tel. Evane. 6B42. Ref!'rences. LTN34-1tc FESTIVAL port included the following figures: LTN34-ltc Value of buildings, $114,000, loss report to the village officers The re- $18,045. Insurance, $86,00:>, paid, $16,025. Value of contents, $12,000, .Joss, $375.50. Insurance, $7,.500, paid, $375.50. The figures include a $17,000 fire at Kenilworth. The value of property in fires during the fiscal year of 1923 which ended March 31, was $879,700, while the loss was $5,790. It will be seen that even when the $17,000 loss at Kenilworth, which is included in the April lossei is subtracted, that the loss in Wilmette alone was much greater than in any month of the preceding year. There contribut School b a campai ter, Inc., WI~K£T SOCIAL SECRETARY AT LIBERTY June 13; university student; free to travel. Address Wilmette Ltfe AFOR RENT-FROl\'I JUNE 1ST; LARGE %12. LTN34-1tp southeast room with board for two adults. 731 lOth St. Tel. Wll. 992-J. Realtor a DRESSMAKING AT HOME; ALL LT33-2tp IU Linden Ave. Ph. Wtlmettl' 308 work guaranteed; plain dresses, S5 LTN34-ltc or $6. Tel. Evans. B321. LS4-ltc CENTRAL HOTE~LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; steam; hot and cold running KUST SELL BEST BARGAIN I~ VAwater. 629 Main St. Tel. Wll. 1030. WHITE WOMAN WILL DO HOUSEcant on Walden Rd., Winnetka; 72 work; wt>ek's cll.'antng and Ironing LT1-tfc ft. tronta.-e; between beautiful homes by da)r. Tel. Wll. 3129. LT34-ltc and convenient to atatlon and FOR RENT-ROOM AND BATH; ON ·choola, etc.; a. really ftne )uy at UOO WANTED-LAUNDRY WORK, WEDlower floor; 1 block weat of R. R. a ft. Phone Wlnn. 1800. LTNU-ltc nesday and Thursday; best of refTel. WII. 1207. LTNU-ltp erencu. Tel. Drexel 6113, LTS4-1tp Wo <Go .Stt&<e<ey Window Sash, with glass; Awnings, Porch Screens, Children's .Play House (Knocked Down), two bath tubs; one iron ami one copper sink. 1,000 good red brick. These articles are all in first class shape and will be sold at a great sacrifice. HALT RECRUITING Citizens military training corps of· ficers of Wilmette have been notified to discontinue recruiting for this summer's camps by May 25 accord· ing to Col. Albert L. Denm~n. ThiJ will give the young men of Wilmette who still desire to enlist to do so befroe Monday. A. E. BASTIEN Telephone Winnetka 548 Green Bay Road for the for mem A cant two mem and cove1 Another from "A These fund wa general r Reside1 buted a t fund drh band mer for sever . -------------J: Miss 1 resident to her h a four-n

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