WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1924 11 Garden Club Meets to View a Display of' Dutch Tulips RS. Harry K . . V.issering w~s the speaker at the meeting of the Garden club which was held at her home on Monday, May 26, in order that the club and the members of the Kenilworth Garden club, who were cordially invited to meet with them might have a view of the beautifui collection of tulips which Mrs. Vissering herself brought from Holland on her last visit abroad. Before leaving America, Mrs. Vis. sering procured a permit from the department of a~riculture to import almost anything she wished, and no matter what other trips seemed alluring, she did not allow herself to be tempted to deviate from her plan to visit the bulb fields in the vicinity of Haarlem, Leyden and Lisse. These gardens form a long strip, bounded on one side by the dunes and on the other by land, which has been reclaimed by draining the lakes and marshes. The fruitless efforts of growers in countries other than Holland to emulate the perfection of the Dutch bulbs show that the soil conditions ther~ contain something that cannot be found elsewhere, and Holland reigns supreme in the propagation of the crocus and the tulip, while France is a close rival in the hyacinth and narcissus world. Though Mrs. Vissering found the bulb growers busy men, and the gardens real business institutions, they took the time to carefully explain the culture and history of their varieties. Mrs. Vissering's questionings and her purchase of some of the choicest varieties, her tulip beds, with the brilliant colorings of the "May flowering," and the pastel shades of pink· and lavender "Darwins," the "Cottage" tulips with their pointed petals and the "Breeders" with their wonderful varieties of deep rich colors ranging from buff to brown, present a scene of indescribable beauty and charm. Miss Isabel Cline added to the enjoyment of the occasion with a group of charming "bird songs." Her mother, Mrs. ]. S. Cline, accompanied her on the piano. -oThe Kenilworth Garden club met at the home of Mrs. Hugh A. Foresman on Friday afternoon, May 23. The members of the Home and Garden club were invited to attend this meeting and enjoy with the others, Mrs. Foresman's very attractive garden which is now abloom with spring flowers, but owing to the inclement weather, guests were forced to view the luxuriance of bloom and foliage from indoors. Mrs. Viba K. Spicer gave a most instructive talk on tree anthology. M burch will h"t n Fl'iday, June page 19 Mrs. Vibe K. Spicer was the speaker at the meeting of the Lake Forest Garden club of which Mrs. Walter D. Brewster is president. The club met at the home of Mrs. John L. Pi~ie in Lake Forest. Mrs. Pirie's tulip gardens are quite marvelous at this season and according to her friends there is nothing this side of Holland to compare with them. Mrs. Spicer's subject was "Tulips." -oMr. and Mrs. David R. DeCamp left on Tuesday, May ?:/, for Booneville, Mo., to attend the graduation of their son, Wilson H. DeCamp, a student at Kemper Military school. After commencement they will take a month's motor trip through the Berkshires and to Atlantic City. Next fall Wilson DeCamp is planning to enter Kemper college for a two years' course. The Y. M. C. A. drive for funds is on in Kenilworth, in charge of Miss Elizabeth Merrill, 420 Essex road. Others on the committee are Mrs. S. D. Flood, Mrs. John Marshall Roberts, Mrs. R. Ward Starrett, the Misses Emily and Dorothy Foresman, Virginia Little, Katherine Merrill, Elizabeth Stevens and Dorothy Bennett. I;to.rnelia Mr. ~nd Mrs. Carl Reith and Miss Heith, of 310 Woodstock -o-- -o-- -()-- Miss Isabel Lovedale, 42 Kenilworth avenue, will be hostess for a kitchen shower at her home on Saturday afternoon, May 31, in honor of Miss Helen Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto M. Ruth, 416 Woodstock road, whose marriage to Mr. Harold McKenzie ,of Winnetka, will take place June 27. -oM iss Patty Foresman, who is a student at Pine Manor, Wellesley, Mass., is expected home on Friday, May 30. Miss Foresman will be one of the bridesmaids in the wedding of Miss Virginia Geuems of Hyde Park boulevard, Chicago, whose · ·marriage to Frank Wolf of Chicago will take place on June 3. -a-Among the box holders for the May Festival are Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Cresap and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart. Mr. and Mrs. Cresap were hosts at dinner preceding the concerts on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eckhart were dinner hosts on Wednesday, later taking their guests to the Festival . --o-Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hutchinson, 515 Abbottsford road, have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Glassner, of Chicago, who expect to move in on June 15. Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and daughter will spend the summer in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. --o-Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, who has been spending the winter and late spring in Pasadena, California, returned to Kenilworth on Saturday, May 24. She will reside with her son and daughterin-law, Mr. and Mrs. John V. Rathbone, of 523 Abbottsford road. -()- road, and Mr. and Mrs. George Shipman and Miss Elizabeth Shipman, of 432 Warwick road, who have been spending a week at the Shipman summer home at White Lake, Michigan, returned home on Monday. -oMr. and Mrs. William W. Wheelock, 244 Cumnor road, left this week for Bradford, Mass., to attend the graduation of their daughter, Florence, who is completing her course at Bradford academy, on Saturday. -oInvitations have been issued for a Pageant of the Seasons presented by the students of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college on Tuesday evening, June 3, at the Evanston Country club, 1501 Oak avenue. -oThe Indian Hill Golf club will open the season with special events in golf and tennis during the day and a dinner dance in the evening on Decoration Day, May 30. A buffet luncheon will be served from 11 :45 until 2 o'clock. -oMrs. Roy C. Osgood, Mrs. Rufus Porter and Mrs. Dyer motored to Lake Geneva on Wednesday where Mrs. Dyer remained for a two weeks' visit. The others returned on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark, of Fuller On Tuesday eveninJ an exhibition of folk dances was g1ven in costume lane, entertained the Young People's on the open air platform at the In- Bridge club at their home on Weddian Hill club by the Folk Dancing nesday evening. -o-class under the direction of Mrs. EdMrs. Charles Rockcastle, of 520 Abward W. Ellis. bottsford road, was hostess to her --oMr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, who left bridge club on Friday afternoon, May WedMsday evening, May 21, for a few 23. --odays' visit with relatives in Davenport, Roy Snell, of Chicago, gave a very Iowa, returned to their home on Moninteresting lecture for children on Friday. day evening, May 23. -o---oM iss Mariam Shattuck, 338 KenilMrs. L. ' M. Allen, 412 Melrose aveworth avenue, who has made an ex- nue, entertained her afternoon bridl[_e tensive stay in Asheville, North Caron Tuesday, May 'D. olina, is expected home about June 1. club for luncheon -o--o-Mr. and Mrs. William C. ltnglar Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ketcham, of were guests in Kenilworth on Sunday Sheridan road, left on Thursday for last. a three weeks' motor trip in the White Mountains and Adirondacks. ASSAR club met on Saturday for the last time this season. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert D~nly were Percival Hart had charge of arho.st and hostess at the. dsnner and rangements for the luncheon which was bndge. on Saturday evensng, May 24, ;served at Field's. The meeting took the at thesr home on~ Essex road. form of a round table discussion on the Roy C. Osgood has returned from ·".Ed~ti.onal Value of ~liege Preparaa fortnight's holiday at White Sui- ti~, ":lth Dr. ~atharme .~lunt of the phur Springs. .Unsverstty of. Ch1cago ~res1d1ng. -oAt the bus!ness meetmg held on May Dr. Rufus B. Stolp is convalescint~ 7, the followtog. o~cers for .the Vassar at the Evanston hospital after a tonssl Alumnae Assoc1atson of Chsc:~:go we~e operation. elected: Mrs. ~rthur D. Weltin, pr~t-o·dent; Mrs. Damel H. Burnham, Jr., vsce -oMrs. Harry V. Crooks, 615 Cumnor president; M~s. Charles Fabian Kell~y, Mr. Burt A. Crow, 234 Leicester road, and Mr. Clyde P. Ross 1321 road, entertained her bridge club for secretary; Msss Frances Coonley, assssluncheon at her home on Thursday. tant secretary. Chestnut road, returned on Friday, May 23, from a successful fishing trip of a week in northern Minnesota. V -o-- M iss Ainslee Bennett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett, 185 Sheridan road, who has been attend.nig Ogontz school in Philadelphia, returned home on Wednesday. . -o- The Misses Emily and Dorothy Foresman, 515 Essex road, were hostesses to their evening bridge club at their home on Tuesday evening, May 27. -o- Better get that Medium Weight Suit! .« Mr. and Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett, 624 Abbottsford road, left their home on Thursday, May 22, for a week's sojourn at French Lick Springs, Indiana. Mrs. Charles Ware and Mrs. Alfred McDougal, 325 Abbottsford road, entertained on Thursday in honor of Miss Helen Ruth and Miss Elizabeth Stolp. --o- Douglas Flood and Norman Vissering, accompanied by four other young men from Ann Arbor, Michigan, will leave on June 26 to spend the summer in South America. They will sail from New Yorlc City on the Santa Eliza, and will go through Panama, down the west coast of South America, Valparaiso and Chile to Buenos Aires, and then to Rio De Janeiro. The party will return via the Munson line to New York, arriving about Sepetmber 15. Besides being a pleasure trip this will be a trip for biolo~i cal survey and to find sites for aTrplane stations. -oMr. and Mrs. Louis Schriber, of Oshkosh. Wisconsin, spent the weekend of May 24, as the ~nests of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Woodland, of 336 Leicester road. Mrs. Schriber is well known in the bankinf;t world. being president of the old Commercial National Bank of Oshkosh. Miss . May Schriber, his sister, formerly principal of Joseph Sears school, now supervisor of instruction at the Rockford public school, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Roy C. Osgood, of 433 Essex road. Mrs. Irving W. Woodward has sold her home at 537 Abbottsford road to Mr. and Mrs. Bluthart of Chicago, who will take up their residence in Kenilworth about July 1. For the present Mrs. Woodward will be the guest of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Hopkins, of 904 Michigan avenue, Evanston. Later she will go to Richmond, Indiana to be the ~uest of her mother, Mr~. Mayhew. Miss Minnie Mayhew, her sister, is now residing with Mr. and Mrs. McKay of Oak Park, Ill. Fifteen women from the Church of the Holy Comforter attended the annual meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Diocese of Chicago which was held at Grace church, Oak Park, on Tuesday, May 27. At this meeting the United Thank offering of the whole diocese was presented. --o-Mrs. ·B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, was hostess to a number of EdR"ewater friends at luncheon and bridge at her home on Wednesday, May 28. Mrs. Hawkes left on Sunday, May 25,, for a business trip to New York C1ty. --o- A medium-weight Summer Suit can also be worn 1n the late Fall. Come in and let us make one for you. We have on hand a very fine assortment of fabrics appropriate for warmish weather. Select your own colors and textures. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peck, accompanied by their daughter, Miss ~sahel, and son, Walter, Jr., are planmng to leave for their summer home at Lake Geneva Wisconsin. During the summer a' month's motor trip through northern Wisconsin is planned. -o-- If your eyes feel strained, perhaps all you need is a pair of resting glasses. Eyestrain is the cause of more headaches and nervous disorders than all other sources combined. "At the first sign of eye trouble you should seek an examination." 14 Year· of l!laeeeaaful Praetlee REPAIRING, CLEANING, PRESSING Schultz & Nord THE NORTH SHORE'S LEADING TAILORS Dr. 0. H. Bersch ()ptometriat ForrMr Mtr. Op4ic.U DttJI. C. D. Ptacoclt, i11c . -o-- M iss Rebecca Wheelock, who attends Briarcliff Manor, Mrs. Dows' school, New York, will leave there May 30 to join her parents at Bradford. The Wheelocks will return on Wednesday of next week. 1177 Wilmette Ave. ll'or _...,.tata-t Plloae WU. .,.. . or . _ . . _ wu..ette l'fOf Roan froa 8180 .A. M. to lhSO p, M. lll·e'· ItT appelata-t. 1152 Central Ave. Phone 320 · ·an,. --o- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Clark of Fuller lane Kenilworth, and Mr. and Mrs. Rob~rt Bennett of Winnetka left their homes on Thursday, for a motor trip to Indianapolis to attend the autOtJ?O· bile races taking place on Decoratton Day. -o-Hugh A. Foresman, who has b.een in Austin, Texas, and in Indianapolis on a business trip, returned home on Tuesday. Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, Tenth St. aad <AntTal An. Wilmette, Ill., Services: Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting at 8 P. M. Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Subject of the Lesson Sermon 1, "Aneiellt and Modena Neeromaacy .U.. M·meriam and Hn-~otla-, D·ounced." Christian Science Reading Room Hours : Daily (except Wednesday and Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. The Bible and work· b:r MarY Baker Eddy and all other autborChrlatlan Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchued. lr:ed J-· MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. 72lllaia Street Phoae w-Ilmette 2600 WILMME, ILL on.. ._..._ .. _....11 ,. ta'Yit. . te tile t.............. att··· Oil..,.. ~ ... -y~att