Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 30 May 1924, p. 1

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Formerly~ . Lake Shore ~WI A Ckan New1paper for a Clean Community VOL. XIII, NO. 35 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1924 TWENTY PAGE~ PRICE FIVE CENTS Enlargement carriel· territory of the W1lmette postoffice has been authorized br the postoffi~e deLegion Commission Gives partment at Washmgton, accordmg to Servicea at Lake Front Park More Than 200.· Wilmette Postmaster Joseph E. Shantz. S.,uts to , ge in Pertinent Instruction in ' New territory that will henceforth Scheduled to at flaa Courtesy receive deliveries of mail include the 10:30 o'doc:k · Competitive Events · west side of 15th street south to !sabella street and the south side of Witmette avenue one block west of 15th DATE IS FRIDAy MAY 30 QUESTIONS ANSWERED street. COL. FOX IS spro·.a. vroR ' It is also announced that portions ~ of Sheridan road and Michigan avenue, which have been receiving one for Event is Lake Draping With Old Glory is delivery of mail each day, will hence- Dedicate Memorial Sun Dial Bad Form forth be included in the two-delivery At Front Park territory. · ..._ The new territory will be handled by carriers as soon as the necessary reMany inquiries have been made the routing can be completed, Postmaster The morning of Memorial Day will Decoration Day afternoon will be past week as to the proper way to Shantz explained. be crowded with activity for every citthe scene of the biggest Boy Scout display the American flag on MeResidents in the new territory are izen of Wilmette who expects to enter rally ever held in Wilmette. Promptmoria) Day. For the information of requested by the postal authorities to into the observances arranged by Willy at 2 p. m. in Lake Front park at all such persons Wilmette Life here provide street numbers and mail boxes, mette Post, No. 46, and Peter J. Huerth e foot of Washington avenue the reproduces the regulation method of without which mail cannot be de- ter ]. Post, No. fHJ, of the American maneuvers and exercises will st~rt. displaying Old Glory on that occasion. livered. Legton, with the assistance of various Over two hundred boys and their It is taken from "The Flag-How to Postmaster Shantz this week also municipal officials and leaders in the officers will participate and all indicaDisplay It, How to Respect It-Naexpressed the hope that all residenh civic life of the community. tions are. that this year the rally will tiona! Americanization Commission, in the village who can conveniently Activities begin at 8:45 o'clock when rYrn ecltpse the one held last year the American Legion." do so will endeavor to transact their the various units of a great street when over a thousand citizens witpostai business through the Wilmette procession will assemble at the vilnt'ssed the events. Elaborate plans "On Memorial Day, May 30, the flag office in order that the resultant in- lage green, Wilmette and Central avearc being laid and preparations made is displayed at half-staff from sunrise crease in revenue, locally, might in nue , and proceed to the cemetery at to handle a capacity crowd. until noon and at full sta.ff frl?m noond the early future be sufficient to per- Ridge and Lake avenues, where the Promiae Keen Competition until sunset, for the nation 1ves an m·'t of a first class rating for the Wit- Peter J. Huerter Post Memorial cereh fl · h b t f th r · t: e ag 15 t e sym 0 0 e tvmg na- mette postoffice, an achievement that monies will take place. Competition between the six scout troops· will be very keen, this year ttOn. would materially improve the handling From St. Joseph's the procession wilt for a handsome shield donated by th~ Diapla:rin· in Churc:h of mails here. wend its way through the village east Scoutmasters is at stake. Troop 2 has "When the flag is displayed in -------to Lake Front park at the foot of won the shield twice in succession and Central avenue, where the regular church it should be from a staff placed on the congregation's right as ' is out for a third win, after which Community services will be conducted it face.s the clergyman. The service it would become their permanent by the legion at the scene of the Meproperty. The other troops will be morial Elms that symbolize Wilmette's flag, the state flag or other flag should fighting hard for the coveted shield be at the left, of the congregation. If ' Gold Star heroes. in the chance1, the flag of the United to hold it for future competition. Beaill Serrieea at 11:31 , States should be placed on the clergyServices at the park, it is proposed, This b.e an excellent opporn's ril{ht a. he f.ic(s the conc.c,ega'lt e~ at abot!t 10~30 oCtodc· IITI'l1 tunity tor Wtlmette to see its five tlon and other l'lags at his left. Scout organization in action and will include. wdress by· :~~:~ar~lllll Fox, Wantry, 0. R. C., e1 Arranse F. at first hand a practical Memorial Services Held at . "Do not place any other flaf or Metbodiab 341st infantry regiment, dedication Assembly Hall pennant above or to the right o the Pro,-ram for Event iilllllr.feJmc·nstration of the Boy Scout proflag of the United States. Do not place of a Memorial Sun Dial by Dr. Hubert its aims and its accomplishany object or emblem of any kind on Carleton of St. Augustine's Episcopal ments. Show the public spirited scoutor above the flag of the United States. church, a response for the community masters who are helping these boys The Evanston commandery, the Illi- by S. ]. Duncan-Clark, decoration of become better citizens that you apKenilworth paid fitting tribute to its Do not use the flag as drapery in any preciate their work by turnin~ out en hero dead last Sunday afternoon in form whatever. Use bunting of blue, nois commandery, and the Wauke~an the Memorial tablet and boulder by commandery will unite in a beautiful members of the Woman's auKiliary of masse to view this rally in charge of a patriotic and memorial meeting that white and red. the scouts. Scout and athletic events crowded the Assembly hall. The cere"Do not drape the flag over tbe musical and dramatic service in the the Wilmette le[lion, a minute of are on the program and plenty of fun monies began at 3 o'clock, with the hood, top, side or back of a vehicle, Wilmette Methodist church next silent tribute while the entire asand excitement are promised the spec- Kenilworth World war veterans as the or of a railroad train or boat. When Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Dr. sembly faces east, patriotic selections by the New Trier High School and tators in addition to the educational guests of honor. The day's program the flag is displayed n a motor car, Stansell will speak. In full uniform these Masons will the Chicago Rapid Transit Company features. was conducted under the auspices of the staff should be affixed firmly to begin the parade at Linden and Fourth bands, taps by members of the New the Kenilworth club and c~.s a special the chassis or clamped to the radiator E·pect Lar·e Crowd avenues. preceded by the famous Illi- Trier band and a salute by a detach .. As an exceptionally large crowd is tribute to the memory of Franklin B. cap. nois Commadery band of fifty pieces. ment of U. S. marines. "Do not use the flag as a covering expected to attend, the public is asked Bellows, A. Courtney Campbell, C. The full choir of the Methodist church, Ord... of Seniee to observe the police lines and not Purcell Macklin, Walter H. Schultze for a ceiling. assisted by Louis F. Kunstman, Mrs. The order of servi<:.e has been an"When flags of two or more nations Robert Sherman and others will sing nou need as follows : to park automobiles on the field where and Manierre B. Ware, all Kenilworth the maneuvers will be held. 1'11e boys who made the supreme sacrifice are displayed they should be flown "Fear Not, 0 Isreal: "Springs in the Lea J. Orr, commander Wilmett«t Scoutmasters' association, under whose in France. from separate staffs of the same Desert" and the Hallejuah Chorus by Post, No. 46, American Legion, chairSpecial guests of the occasion were height and the flags' should be of ap- Handel. auspices this annual rally will be held, Mr. Kunstman will sing man. desires to thank the men who have Maj. E. D. Redington of Evanston, proximately equal size. "The Pilgrim." Dr. Stansell will speak Invocation-Rev. Leland Hobart Danconsented to act as judges and also and Col. Manus McCloskey. Major Diaplay Fla· Flat on "The True Knight" and Dr. Lloyd forth, chaplain, Wilmette Post, the Wilmette park board, whose Redington gave an interesting address American Legion. "When the flag of the United States will make the prayer. courtesy in offering the · use of the anent the memories of '61, and Col. is displayed in a manner other than The church and commanders of "America"-The Assembly. McCloskey made a stirring address on park makes this rally possible. by betng flown from a staff it should these three Commanderies heartily in- Address of the Day-Col. Phillif Fox, Remember the time, 2 o'clock Decor- his experiences overseas in the World be displayed fiat, whether indoors or vite all Masons and members of the inf., 0. R. C., com. 341 in . reg. ation Day afternoon. Remember the war. Warren Pease paid a glowing out. When displayed either horizon- Masonic families and the public in Patriotic selection-New Trier High eulogy to "Our Own ·Boys." place, Washington park on the lake School band, J. C. Schuma~her, <litally or vertically against a wall, the general to enjoy this service so far as front at the foot of Washington ave- · The program follows : retor. union should be uppermost and to the the seating capacity will permit. nue. Everyone is invited-bring your Flag Raising ........ The Boy Scouts flag's own right, i. e., to the observResponse for the Communit)-S. J. friends. Duncan-Clark. The Colors .. Great Lakes Bugle Corps er's left. When displayed in a window Optimists Plan Bus Trip Pro..-m Announced "The Battle Hymn of the Republtc,.The Pledge to the Flag it should be displayed the same way, The program follows. Clip and Boy Scouts, Members New Trier that is, with the union of the field to To Milwaukee on June l3 The Assembly. bring it with you to the rally: High school and Joseph Sears the left of the observer in the street. Wilmette and Evanston Optimists Tribute to Wilmette Soldier Dead1. Pass in review by all troops. 2. Placing of wreaths by Woman's When festoons, rosettes, or drapings are planning a gala time Friday, June school Tug of war. 3. Pup tent setting up "The Star Spangled Banner· auxiliary. of blue, white and red are desired, 13, when the two clubs will negotiate contest. 4. Liter drill. 5. Signaling. . . . . . . . ......... Sung hy Every One a journey to Milwaukee via North Dedication Of Mertlorial Sun Dial(Continued on page 5) 6. Progressive broad jump. 7. One- "America, the Beautiful" Or. Hubert Carleton. Shore line tourist buses, to attend the mile relay. 8. Wood chopping con- Invocation annual convention of Optimist Inter- Taps-Four parts: Susan Conne117, test. 9. 100-yard and 50-yard dashes. Homer Flentye, Jean Eddingtoa, .... Rev. William A. Colledge, D. D ~?tional. 10. Fire lighting. 11. Scout pace race. Selection .......... Great Lakes Bartd Donald Wilbur, of New Trier band. The clubs expect to leave early in 12. · B arrel race. S:- lute-Detachment of U. S. marines. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address the morning of that day. Members of Joseph Sears School, E. A. Danncmark, president of t!ie Minute of Silent Tribute-Entire as· sembly facing east. Don't Forget to Vote fourth to eighth grades Wilmette Optimist club, has been of '61 elected local delegate to the conven- Raising of Colors and National For Judge Next Monday Address-Memories Anthem. . . . . . . . . . . . Maj. E. D. Redington tion which convenes on Thursday, FriVoters of Wilmette and Kenilworth America, the Beautiful day and Saturday, June 12, 13 and 14 Benediction-Or. ,stephen A. Lloy4. are urged to go to the po11s Monday, St>lection (conclusion) Chicago Rapi4l ........ Pupils Joseph Sears school in the Pfister hotel. une 2, to cast their ballots .in the Address~"Over Seas in the World Transit Company band. The Wilmette Optimist club will (Projlt'am under auspices of Wil. icial election in which a justice of War" ....... Col. Manus McCloskey have a place in the Memot'ial Day su court to represent the "Illinois" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Audience orocession today and members have mette Post, No. 46, American Legioa, district, including the north "Our Own Boys" ....... Warren Pease been requested to assemble on the Lea J. Orr, commander; Wilmette will be chosen. "America" ............. The Audience village green promptly at 8:45 o'clock. Village Board, Edward Zip£, pr~s idates in Monday's election are tdent; Parade and Program commit,.. Benediction tee, R. C. We set, chairman.) Frederick R. De Young, repubSchool Athletes Eager who is now a judge in the FOR SALE-D EPE NDA BLE superior court, and Agnus Roy Shan- Open Peter J. Huerter lTSEO CARS For BU{ Tournaments non, democrat. 1921 Ford touring car ...... $126 Poat Dancea Saturday 1!123 Foro sedan, exc. cond., $435 ~lore than one-half of the boys en~th of the candidates are well 1922 Ford dely., good cond., $185 rolled at the New Trit'r high school Saturday evening, May 31, marks known in Chicago and vicinity and Dodge Bros. Cars. $450 to $1025 arc taking part in intramural athletmerit careful consideration of the the lanuching of the Peter J. Huerter WERSTED MOTOR CO. DetaiW inf--ation cone~. . ic . The a<h i ory room tournament~ American Legion post benefit dancing electorate, it is explained. Dodge Bros. and · the eYellb aaaoeiated witll Wll· in soccer ba -; eball and tennis are at1-VIlls St. Claire Dealers Regular polling places used in the season at the Lake and Ridge avenue ...tte'a obaervaace ol Tel. Wlnn. 165 tracting the attention of most of the recent general primatj' election will jZ"rove located west of Parks confecM . . .ftel Day will be fe.- students in the school be used for Monday's balloting. The tionery. Paa· el tlaia i.... ef wu...u. The keen competition between the polls will be open from 7 in the mornBeginning Saturday night, dances Llfe. WANT ADS advisory room groups i~ keepin~ the mg until 5 o'clock in the afternoon. will be held in the grove every Saturv- are mYited -c1 ur.-d bJ' interest of the "tudents 111 athlettcs at day evening and on holiday evenings, a high pitch during the last weeks of Wil_.... Poat. No. 41, and Pet· J. sell the Arns orchestra furnishing the WEEK.END VACATION H11erter Poet, No. . . . of tlae .,._.. the school seso;ion. The e tournaments The public schools will be closed all music. ican l.etiOD, to participate Ia will be finished hy the end of the Proceeds from the dances will be Dependable Used Cars day, Decoration Day. That will giv~ .........._. Day actiYitieaschool term so that the winners in the pupils a vacation from Thursday directed into the Peter J. Huerter Post each of the sport may be undi puted. fund. afternoon until Monday morning. COMMUNITY ·HONORS 'ITS. SOLDIE DE~D SCOUTS ·INVITED. ~~: rz:o.uoo TELL HOW FLAG c~o~=m PROCESSION TO TO BIG : RALLY IS DISPLAYED ~e START AT 8=45 19 "Village Mana;;-5chultz's annual report, submitted to the last session of the village board, shows that the total valuation of new buildings erected in Wilmette for the year ending March 31, 1924, was $1,747,949. Of these , 115 were new homes the value of which totaled $1,280,000. There were 144 garages erecte<l during the year at a cost of $61,984. Thirty-eight b.uitding s underwent alterations, addit~ons, etc., and the cost of these operat10ns was $155,965. New apartment structures constructed durtng the year cost $25~,000. the report states. Other details of the report follow: There were 121 sewer permits issued in the year and 122 water permits. 'l;'here ~ere 68 streets opened for publtc s~rvJce and 78 for sewer and water serv1ce. The number of ash contracts reached 1740. The village manager urged and the trustees approved the purchase of a three and one-half ton truck with a S-yard dump for use of the public works department. He stated that the village horses were growing old and decreasing in working capacity as well as value. Mr. Schultz also recommended the erection of a suitable garage to harbor the village motor equipment "Building operations for the year just closed and the preceding year were practically the same," Manager Schultz said this week. "In both years the $2,00,000 mark was crowded." BeP. ee-:- :will PAY TRIBUTE .TO KENILWORTH MEN PLAN MASONIC SERVICE SUNDAY Buy a good used car and DRIVE ABARGAIN! Summer touring is GREAT FUN! e-m-it,.

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