Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 14

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;you can reach your bpme in a tell the truth, the whole truth, poet queried, "What is so.rare as, Gr~duation is an i·portant veiy short time either by motor and nothing but the truth, can day in June 1 Then, sf e.er, easton, but those who think · Lake lhor· Kewe) or train. help. buyers to get good things at come perfect days." Well, that's it as the ending of a preparatorr with wbl!L-: c!!::lne4 The season opens this year on economical prices. the way June strikes us. Pretty period are makiqg it less imPQr,.. ~.. ~t.t" lOIWI Saturday, June 21. The price of We trust that our paper is in soon we'll be knee-deep in June. tant than it reaDy is: the Yeart JUVSD ....,AT or JUca ......,. a book of season tickets is only some c,onsiderable measure doing All over the country, boys and leading up to -craduati.on are aa b :eighteen -dollars, "only," when these beneficial deeds for our girls and young men and women, valuable in their way as th.oet 7 u.u~~u-J'~~~W:.~~~·m you consider that it covers the readers and the community in are ~ommencing. Having finished following it. · entire series of afternoon and which they live. they are beginning. It's a pretty But, whatever the name ~~ ,......._ · · · · · · · · · · · · · Wu..tt· ~ evening entertainments. po.or notion- this idea of prepar- be, let us in these days of new Mo. 11Jit8CaJP'I'IOif ISM~ TmAll SHOW YOUR COLORS! mg and comme1\cing, and we un- ginnings stand shoulder to All communication· muat be a.ccom· COLONEL DENMAN While riding in a recent parade derstand that the American shoulder with the youth and gin ~~:~. '1r:f::Te:-t:: ~~t f~~:~· :io~~ Before you give heed to the a Civil War veteran was over- schools are getting away from it.· them our hearty cooperation. reach the e4ttor 11 7 wecSnea4aY noon to cheap rumors now being cir- heard to say as he passed a flaglnaure appearance Ia current taaue. culated in Wilmette concerning less home: "I t~k I'd cut down Reeolutlon· of .condolence, carda ot our superintendent of police, Col- on my expensc:s JUSt e~ough to t!~~~:m~~::arc:;, ~t~';· :~~\~~· ~h:~; onel Denman, consider the source buy a go?d, bt~ Amencan fla~ an admittance char&"· will be made or and consider the facts You will and hang tt out- m front on patn:.::~::t~~e~r.~:c ~~~e~e charged at find· that the people V.:ho are op- pttD. c 'dhohlida ys." .., h' · 1 e mean you· Entered at tbe post oft\ce at Wll- P?smg tm are, tn most cases, . mette. Illlnola. as mall matter of the vtolators of the law and thereVANDALISM ;ecfffi. ctua, under the act ot Marcil f.ore are naturally critical of one . . WhatiVIT . whose duty it is to see to it that I£ rou ~ad m your ~arden. a FRIDAY, JUNE 6. 1924 vi.olators of the law are punished. beautiful dtspl.ay of ch01ce tuhps We are confident that if the col- a~d one ~ornmg you s~ould .find $eparote the Grades. onel's best friend broke the law that durmg the precedmg mght E"ftwce the Traffic LrmJs. this friend would be treated as s.ome vandal had torn up every Build the Through T,.a!Jic Road. a law-breaker single one of those beautiful Colonel Den~an has developed flowers you woul~ feel ju~~ as an efficient police department. outraged as the Wtl!Det~e cttt~en NOISES For the first time in the history who ~ctually had thts dtstressmg We speak not of noises in gen- of the department the policemen expenenc~. Ho~ could an,Y eral, but .of noises in particular, themselves are satisfied with h~man bemg so v10late another s of noises at out-door public their system as organized and ad- nghts? We do not kno~ whether meetings. There's plenty of noise ministered by the new head. the one -~vho had commttted this at political meetings and at In the interests of good govern- depredation has yet been ,0~nd, grammar-scho.ol commencements, ment and genuine welfare of your but who~ver or w~atever tt ~~ but that's to be expected and in- own home town Wilmette do man, chtld, or ammal-we giVe deed is almost essential. Out-of· not give a willin'g ear to these ?ur entire sympathy to the inplace and a nuisance it is at an criticisms of Colohel Denman. JUred h.ome-owne~. out-door meeting where there is Demand evidence. a speaker. COMMENCEMENT TIME At the best there are only a few men whose voices are strong DECEWCY It is Commencement time. enough to carry an intelligible There is a becoming way to do June is the month of roses, Phone Wilmette 654 message to hearers over twenty- almost every thing. Judging from brides, and commencements. 1124 Central An. five feet away. Most words after what one often sees and hears we These are the days of beginnings leaving the prdinary orator's lips know that everybody does not and beauties. This is the month Wilmette are blown to shreds or float up believe that this statement is as far as possible from December, and off into space. And even the true. But a little reflection will whichever way you look. As the modden~riann~dsallilieh~p prove hstt~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~he can get from favorable condiFor example, there is a becomtions if he is to get his words ing way, a decent way, to disacross. He must be allowed to play the flag. To display it in speak without competition. He an advertisement is indecent, bemust have silence I cause it is there used subordinW~ attended a Jdemotial. p.ay ~~e~I t~--~-me c?mm,e~cial· pr~.d meetmg. There was a speech. .u.ct. ~o use tbe flag a~ dra~ry But there might iust as well have is not decent, for a reason that been none at aft so far as . our· · obvious. We are sure that 'getting it was concerned. There every real · patriot, whate-.er his w~s noise a~ound us, .mostly ,cp_untry, , desir~s to treat hi!i flag ~hrldren shouttnl{ and babie.s cry- aicently._ tng, and dogs figflting, and adults ~c:re ts a d~ent way to gr~et talking. At first! we did our .best ladtes, to talk _'fi . ·~~h them, to deal to hear, straining our ears anct- with them. ~rtesy is a form necks. But soon we cave·· up and of ~ec~hcy: There is a fitting way contented ourselv-es with admir- to mvtte g\i~sts, to .tender regrets JT}. WISH to congratulate the Public Service ing the looks of t.he orator of the or acceptances. We ourselves beC:Ompany of Northern I~linois on be~ day and thin~inc in a mild way ~ieve that it is abOut aa .unhecomawarded the 1923 Charles A. Coffin Medal . of our own vtrtues and vices. mg to exaggerate pohteness as for distinguished achievement in the electric utility Why allow children under a to slight it or neglect it altooperating industry. certain age to attend an out-door cether. We have1 1,1oticed that in public meeting alt which there is north shore societY {~ knowlTo residents of North Sho~ communities, this award to be speaking? The little boys edge is limited) not s.o much atand girls don't want to hear a tent ion is p·id to ~tiquette aS' in i should be highly gratifying. For North Shore com.. 1peech? And babies sleep better certain commWlities some 'ptiles munities are now served by two public utilities where they are not troubled by awar_. .' · · '! holding Charles A. Coffin Awards-the North words. It s not a bad idea to discharge Shore Une and the Public Service Company. On the Fourth of July w~ hope your responsibilities decently. to get a message that we can The Charles A. Coffin Awards are named for the IDEALS take away with us. LET THERE What can a newspaper do for founder of the General Electric Company now BE SILENCE! the community it represents? retired, in whose honor the Charles A. 'eoffin RAVI MIA · In the first place it can keep Foundation has been established. Each year, two If you've never been to Ra- the members of the community medals are awarded by the Foundation for the purvinia-there are some who hav- well informed as to what is goittg pose of encouraging electrical progress. en't-be sure to go at least once on round about them, in their this summer. Go up t.o the after- own particular civic neighbor· One medal goes to the electric railroad company ill noon concert prepared to remain hood. It can give all the news throughout the evening. The that's worth being told. It can the United States which hu made the m01t diatin.. f!1Usic wilt sound much more de- gi~e this news fully and truly, I'Jished contribution to the development of ele<; ~ghtful tha!l any you ev.er heard usmg common-sense in deciding trical transportation for the convenience of the an any. ordmary ~osed-m room. what to publish and what not to. public and the benefit of the industry. This medal The ddference wtll b.e ~s great In such papers as those printed is held by the North Shore Line. · as that between the smgsng of a weekly on the north shore papers ca.ged-up canary ~nd the .war- that perhaps lie upon the' library The other medal goee to the eloctric utility operating bhngs of a thrush m the thscket. table with the current magazines company making the most progress in the field of You will als.o enjoy the inte!im for a week or more, there should between afternoon and evemng. be nothing of a merely sensaelectric light and electric power. This medal baa Y?u can lunch alfresco with your tional nature. been awarded to the Public Service Company. fnends or get dinner at the resIt can publish announcements taurant .~m the grounds. Then of meetings to be held in the imIn making these two awards, the records of eleca~er ea~mg and r~sting a bit you mediate future, thus linking the tric. railroads and electric utility operating com.. wsll enJOY strollmg about the past and future of the communpa~es th~ughout the United States are thoroughly park across the athletic field or tty. It can tell where and when revtewed. · That both awards should come to utilamong the selendid. trees. . If elections are to be held and give you prefe! .a httle mild. exerc!se the names of candidates, by this Ities serving North Shore communities is an indicawhy not JOin the boys tn an m- means helping the citizens to tion of what these utilities are doing to give their formal game. of ball? . vote intelligently. customers the very highest type of eervice. .Probably, sn the evemnr, you If its editorials are timely, will have the good fo:tune to see thoughtful, and concise they can and hc:ar a prese~tatton of tome do a surprising amoullt towards PJ)er&bc master-psece by a com- promoting beneficial institutions Milwa~kee pany made up of the '!orld's and enterprises. Nor is there createst art¥ · aecompanaed by any reason why these editorials Wilmette Passenger Station an excellent !]I'Ch~tr-!o. Last year may not assist in the shaping pf we h~rd a ~rw.ranance of The pr~gressive public opinion, which Telephone Wilmette 251-' Barber of .SC111le, that for speed m tts turn may build up a better and ~taneity was ~match- community. able. the opera u over Advertisements, too, if they - -, ~METTE LIFE W (ro~ WILMETTEL 6, 1924 a 1 thl Circumstance· It wasn a young Weaver ~ Winnetka timate k1 any gold School se troubles. Then a there apJ of poems ten by every on "Johnny. ver bed Brooklyn holds. T and s~~ Pegp: ~ brought Now ·· ing ente is the re( which have th I hop as "LoVJ : The b was the ing at t · Particl llCrobati :uJd co ~r of baggag lfap Fa O!'er a were ca ; The alded a who be~ his bare ltrated I ORTH SHODt N LINE "~... I 'V llbout liut·s lnd ou than. · It ta ~les A. Coffin · Awards Now· age mo ..eat ~rei :T ...d . Htld byTwoNorthShore Utilities . W I of one io bad ' The dancer Reseui young ltmous falls in *"ho t·tter' ~g a 'Would event lil-.isel hewh' cerem ~eba fjtts i jtJder chang · Bar ~pon, )(oth. broth icide. (ape U.vt~ rescue l.och~ ""l'a . cban vage iilg a this Lo full upe men a ga they men men oT lady with whe1 plair for 1 O,icago North Shore and Railroad Umlpany inch that tray: c:om num A! ·ere 4id t~l lerv

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