Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 1

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AND Fo..-rly Tbe .. lanta Ia. Lake Shore N WIL A Clean NeWtpafHr for a Clean Community VOL. XV, NO. 21 WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1924 ~TH rdener LEGION WILL HONOR SCOUT Linus Smith to Receive Cov. eted Eaele Medal at A.sembly, Monday 1549 ········· · · · · · · · · · · · · · + · · + · · + + · + + · + · + · + + · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ········ · · · · sea- ry Robert I. Koens, yclept "Bob" to hosts of north shore viltage folk, and premier Better CityCampeip Judp. tobacconist of Evanston, where he has to Visit Community on been located, local historians will tell you, since before the advent of JUDe I Columbus, broke from his perennial moorings at 1624 Orrington avenue According to a report submitted by John C. Blaylock to the village trus- yesterday, and drifted into Wtlmette. "I'm here," he told a friend, "to WILL tees, Tuesday night, the materials being used in the Linden Crest apart- either purchase or trap .or. steal an ment structure in process of erection active bumble bee ; I want and need one at Fifth street and Linden avenue, is with a real sting, the more piercing and Every Scout Troop Open Quiz to be Held in the of the finest quality and the best that more powerful, the better." Mr. Blaylock has seen used in the Represented "What's the big idea?" asked Bob's Eveninc village in the past five years. wondering friend, to whom the reply Mr. Blaylock, a former board mem- came: ~I ~ ber, had been delegated by the "Rheumatism, which attacked and The next meeting of Wilmette Post trustees to make an inspection of Monday, June 9, will be a "red-let... of the American Legion will be in the the structure. He did so and fo~d abandoned me years ago, is returning. ter" day in the history of Wilmette. n~ture of a consolidated assembly On that day, under the auspices of it more than up to the standard in The sting of a bee is an infallible cure wtth all Boy Scout troops of Wilevery particular, judging by the re- for rheumatism. I'm itching to be the Wilmette Sunday Evening club, stung." mette as guests. The meeting will port he made. the village will be judged in the toni· be held in the auditorium of the Byron In addition to knowing how to cure heralded "·Better City Campaign" to The report, however, did not satisC. Stolp school, Monday evening, June fy Trustee Baker, who declared the rheumatism, and more about tobacco determine whether Wilmette ia en~ 9, at 8 o'clock. building was not fireproof. Under the than any other man, Bob is an authority titled to th& Chicago Evening Amer· village ordinance edifices of more on bugs, insects and other families of ican's $1,000 prize offered for the ideal ~t this time the Legionnaires will than three stories must be of fireproof that ilk and a variety of the specimens community near Chicago in which to asstst the Scout executive in conferconstruction. The Linden Crest will of them-particularly several species of rear children. ring upon Linus Smith, son of Mr. be a three-story building1 with base- rare buterfties-which he bred, are now Dr. William A. McKe~ver, the Kan· and Mrs. Claude C. Smith, of 701 ment. Mr. Baker wanted to know if prized and on exhibition in the scientific sas author and sociologist, who has Forest avenue, the Eagle Scout medal the Wilmette ordinance properly dedepartment of Northwestern university. the general campaign in charge, has the highest honorary degree that ca~ fined a "basement." He said the Chiselected four judges of wide renown be conferred upon a Scout by the cago building ordinance did and that to inspect the physical a11et1 of U.. recognized ~oard of control. This the floor of a basement there had to village and to listen to reports of COIM promises to be a very impressive ocbe a certain number of feet below munity leaders. The Sunday Eveftlnl casion and it is the hope of the post the sidewalk surface; if it did not club has gathered a group of s~h that every legionnaire in the comreach the proper depth it would be leaders to receive the judges, esc~ munity "sense his duty and be presnot a basement, but a story of the them about the village in automobiles~ ent." Organization of a unit of the League entertain them at dinner and in the building. He was not quite sure that, "The G. A. R. looks to the Legion The Wilmette Council of the in these circumstances, the Linden of Women Voters in Wilmette will evening to conduct an opening meetto 'carry· on,' and the Legion must of Knight~ of Columbus plan a dinner Crest woulti T>Ot be a four-story struc- be the object of a meeting to be held ing at which all the good points of necessity look to such organizations and theater party for Sunday eve- ture. Wednesday afternoon, June 11, at 2 :15 Wilmette can be presented for con· · as the Scouts to follow after the same ning, June 15. Mr. Balcer's point led the trustees o'clock in the Wilmette Woman's club siderarion . span of years," reads a notice of the The affair, it is explained, is to be into a lengthy trgument during which under auspices of the Civics and LegisOn the reception committee whicb meeting. "At the scout age examples a sort of patriotic expression prompted Mr. Blaylock , rentured th~ informa- lation committee of the club. will make the afternoon tour will be set by the elders is a big thing and the as a result of the spasmodic spurts of tion that the cal building ~·-tinance Miss Edith Rockwood of the state representatives of the village govem· opportunity which is afforded Wil- pacifism and anti-Americanism in the required the..·t lll footingt·itOJ be five headquarters of the League of Women ment, schools, churches, Sunday Eve· mette Post on this occasion should be various sections of the country. feet under .,~ J itnd. ')ru: Voters and another speaker from nin' club, Wilmette Life and local felt and realized by every member of A. committee consisting of W. G. "That's not he question;~ sahl Mr. he~dquarters to be announced later busmess men. 'l'he tour will occupy this post." Obermeier and his aides, AI Schaefer Baker, "where will the .ftoor of the will be present to assist in the estab· about two hours and ..til inchade Yi11 The seating facilities in the Stolp and Frank Kreusch, is handling ·11 of Linden Crest basement be? Is that lishment of the unit in Wilmette. to parks, pla;.tounda, 'beaela, c hue will allo be tepreuat&tiona f{rammai schoo . , llflll ~ ·--,.~-;r auditorium are very limitedt it is ex- the details. It baa- been arraa~ that baltment ooe-fifth under .J'l'alUSd from Evanston and Winnetka branch- residential diattida . plamed, and the invitation I~JKtead the party will 4in~ at Madame Galli's four-fifths above the surface?" ended by· ltrueting Wr. 18 E. IJiiaoU at ani ~ t es oi the or·aai~tiora· ed to all membera of .... .. a.. ...... w Bla tcftk .pfer once more into the The League of Women Voters, ft is AllllW.f)" M ,.telltW of the ICOUtl, wfll proc"" to the At 6 o'clock thie aroup will be aq. Peter J. Jkurter Post, Evanston Post the men will occupy an entire sectfon Lindel1 Creat buildin_,, with particular elfl)lainedL ia a proaressive movement orders to examine the basement di- which wtll mean much to the future men ted by a large number of~~ and Winnetka Post to be in atten- to witness the picture "America." All Wilmette K. C's 1 their wives and mensions. education of the women .of the com- active in work with aad ft:>r. dance. The people of Wilmette are munitY in matters of citizenship, since and youth, and the entire bo4I,J 'wi also especially invited, it is emphasized. friends are cordially tnvited, it is anand those intending to be Celebrated t to 3 Vote the memberssbip is open to every dine at tb~ cl·b houe of St. ~... "A Wilmette boy is to receive this nounced, the party are requested to get in woman voter in Wilmette. Every tine's church, Wilmette ana· aeU' coveted decoration," states the an- in on Boba Up A,ain touch with any of the members of woman in the village is uraed to at- Lake avenue. At 7 o·clock the open nouncement. "The services are under th~ above named committee. Parliamentary procedure came in for tend in order to become enrolled as meetina will be convened in the tuthe auspices of your own American an airing when the finance committee a charter member of the local organ- tors of the club house and the i\MIIea Legion Post and as members of the of the village trustees sent in a report, ization. The fee is nominal and cov- witt start their quiz. community you should feel proud. · So Ravinia Preparea Free Wen and "'omen active in the local Tuesday night, approvinL a few bills ers a sub~eription to the leaaue bulcome out and show your interest in Concerts for Children campai&n have been busy catalogiq against the municipality. Trustee John letin. the young blood. After all it is they Wilmette's childhood assets and they Children's Thursday afternoon proClark · Bam, one of the newlywho will in the not distant future grams of the Ravinia concert season report their chief difficulty is tbe step into active civic duties. Be will be one of the features of the elected members of that body, opened Scout. and Plan superabundance of strong poiDta. among these to start them off on the summer course. This year Eric De- the protrram by an objection to the 'l'laey are confident that in nanf report. Mr. Baker claimed there is no C... aad Feut respects right· foot I" the community enjoys advanLamarter will conduct the Chicago finance committee of the board of Boy Scouts of . Kenilworth will meet A program appropriate to the oc- Symphony orchestra on Thursday af- villap-.- trustees in existence. Presitqea tha.t are ab olutely unique in thett fathen in a batebatl pme, t · the ent' casion has been arranged for the eve- ternoons . eountry. dent Edward Zip£ thought otherwise oi-war, story telling attd eats, Frida ning and there will be an address by Several years back when similar and a debate followed. E.u...t Jwl... a prominent Scout executive, special afternoon concerts were given by the "The chair did name the new com- evening at the Joseph Sears sc The judges who will accompany Dr. musical musical numbers and enter- Chicago Symphony orchestra in Chi- mittees for the cominl{ year at the The fathers as well as the Boy Scouts tainment by the inimitable ventilo- cago, tickets were all sold out months last meeting," Mr. Baker explained, have been looking forward to this McKeeTer and render the final decisioo for the $1,000 prize ;.ward, are the · quist, Bradley. in advance of the dates of the con- "but there was no motion that these evening to show their skill in the na- following: certs. This year at Ravinia the appointees be confirmed by the board . tional pastime and the social activiClyde W. Whipfle, treasurer of the programs will be free to I have gone through the Wilmette ties . ·Action on Street Widenin1 Thursday the morning and afternoon Crotier Society o Kansas City, Mo.. children living in the north shore dis- trustees' records for the past ten years of During Friday, all the children in the member of the Kansas City Chamber Poatponed at Board Seaaion trict. Members of the Ravinia con- and find every precedent confirms my Joseph Sears school wilt take part in of Commerce and of the Kansas City An ordinance was introduced at cert season committee will be in view, namely, that the chair's commit- the annual field meet. The boys and Advertisement club, an official and a charge of these programs. tee selections must be approved by the girls will be divided into three classes trained authority in church extension Tuesday's meeting of the village trusReports from the Wilmette cam- board. I'm raising this point to learn according tees providin~ for the widening of ot weight. The meet will work, a member and a sponsor of the paign ticket and subscription comif the trustees are prepared to aball- be in charge of Robert Townley, ath- Missouri State Parent-Teacher assoF9urth street, from Laurel to Greenleaf venues, and the widening of mittee show that the sales have been don that prerogative." ciation, and with many other connecletic director at the. school. Piesident Zipf · ruled against Mr. Undett av~nue, trom Third to Fifth very slew up to June 1. People living Graduating exercises at the Joseph tions. on the north shore are urged to aubllaker's contention and the latter apDr Earle F. Young, profeuor ef streets. The ordinance called for an Sears school will be held Friday, sociology in the University of Southextension of five feet to the road beds. scribe so that accommodating ar- pealed from the decision of the cha1r. June 20. rangements can be made. And this was the result: Voting to ern California, Los Anaeles ; assistant Trustee Baker urged that action be sustain the chair's ruling-Tilt, Hoffdirector of the School of Social Welpostponed until the next meeting, a man and Page; voting against the fare, a graduate of the University of procedure which was vigorously opchair-Baker, Drayer and Wiedlin. Chicago and formerly a professor posed by Trustee Frederick Tilt. the three new The tie vote revealed therein; one of the ablest authoritie1 "This matter has been under contrustees aligned together and the in social science and a di cerning sederation for three years," said Mr. three holdovers in opposition. Presicritic of all classes of welfare work. Tilt, "and surely that should be long dent Zip£ cast the deciding vote Miss Lorraine E. Wooster, ex-state enough. I'm anxious to have the ora~ainst the Baker contingent, and If you are in the market superintendent of public instruction, dinance passed immediately so that we thus gave the finance committee a .,rere you have a of Salina, Kansas. a hiih ranking ofcan advertise at once for bids and get to legal status. The bills it approved ficial in the National Education as· the job done this year." Fatten Your Bankroll, wonderful chance to were then O.K.d. sociation and in the Federation of "What's the Baker motion?" Truskeep your eyes pe~ed for ~e t a Perfection Clubs, author of a well-known tries teee 'Hoffman inquired. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEET of school readers bearing her name; A Rare Opportunity "It's not a motion," retorted Mr. Portable at a very . a member of the legal profession, with The Wilmette Chamber of ComBaker, "it's a demand. The rules of that is to present itself in low price. licen e to practice in everal states: merce witt hold its re~rular monthly this body are that any report made to the columns of WILMETTE and an expert in the consideration ot meetin~t Monday evening, Tune 9, in it may be put over upon the request all classe of school and home probthe Community room at the Village LIFE soon. of two of its members." lems. hall. The hour is 8 o'clock. Trustee Clarence E. Drayer had It'll be the M i~s Ellen A. Reynolds of uxia.FOR SALE "'PERFECTION joined the Baker program of delay, "Who's Who Among the ton, Ky .. assistant profe or of holM Portable," 6x1 0 tt., good conso the matter will rest until the board CHILDREN'S DAY dition . Also t'omplete equip· economics in Cornell univer ity, memBuaineu People" ~eets again. ment. automatic feeder, water ber of the American Hon1e EconChildren's Day will be obfountains, oat sprouters, etc. and if you're a skillful readomics as ociation, and of the merCost over $100, price $%11. 680 served in most Wilmette er of faces, you will be in ican Public Health a-sociation. with Wald en road, Winnetka. 794. Wilmette Optimiata to churches Sunday, June 8, with many other imilar credit to her list Attend Milwaukee Meet line for a nice bit of appropriate programs by the of qualifications. Mis. Rt-ynold will V~~eatioa Money. various church sch ools. not accompany the other jud(les 011 A large representation from the their round . hut will erve in the Get busy and become acWilmette Optimist club will make a!l If you are interested in the YOU CAN SELL IT capacity of advisor. automobile trip to Milwaukeee Fnquainted with your merchildren and their very own day, June 13, to attend the sessions chants and if ;you special day in the church STORK VISITS WDINETKA of Optimist International to be held endar, read the Chit d~e n's Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B. CIC?f'e. Jr.J in the Wisconsin metropolis from Watch for the Who's Who of Win netka announct- the htrth or June 12 to 14 at the Pfiester hotel. prog-rams on the C'h11rch USE A WANT AD a daughter. May Zl. The baby is te Edition! E. A. Dannemark, president of the of this issue of Wil me tte be named Grace Lucile. local club, is official del egate to the convention. over young Mr. Howard George Klem who, at this writing, is a few days shy of being one week old. Howard George, you no doubt have heard, is the newest addition to the Ray C. Klem household. He arrived at 7 :15 o'clock Saturday morning, May 31-7% pounds-and yelled so lustily in sheer joy of living and made everybody arou_nd the place so happy, he was immedtately labeled an optimist. Now, Howard's daddy, who conducts Gift Shop in the Boulevard buildJ is an honored member of the Wilmette Optimist club. But he came into ill repute this week when his fellows in the club chided him because of his conspicuous absence from the club ranks in th~, Memorial Da~ line of march. I have a wrttten excuse," retorted Mr. Klem in defense, as he produced a telegram anouncing the arrival of the heir to the Klem fortunes. "Let's make him a life member of Wilmette Optimist club," chorused the ~rowd after Ray completed reading the JOyous message. "So ordered," bellowed President Dannemark. And thus, George Howard's label got the official stamp of approval. Youngeat Optimiat Wina Lofty Title of a Life Member ~----------------~ An atmosphere of optimism hovers IBUILDING LAW BOARD ISSUE The Linden Creat Becomes "Stormy Petrel" I PRICE FIVE CENTS TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES Bob the ·Baccy TESTWILMmE M~::':Ze!::'~c· ASsETS MONDAY TOUR VJLLAGE I. OF C. PLAN DINNER, ~TER PARTY, JUNE 15 WOMEN VOTERS LEAGUE ·TO HAVE LOCAL UNIT t·· w__.·, Board W n.dt KNOW YOUR MERCHANTS? POULTRY LOVERS! --------

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