Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 6 Jun 1924, p. 28

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28 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 1924 1 161 111.111· Ill I I·III·J GJi:eL~nJC~PE, DtPAPJMENT &T CVJHING J.MfiH,MLJ\: Frank Borovicka Many students from the north shore are among the 1612 who will be granted degrees from the University of Illinois this year. While the fifty-third annual commencement will be held at Urbana on next Mohday morning, when most of the degrees will be granted, special exercises will be held this Saturday morning in Chicago for the graduates of the colleges of medicine and dentistry, and the school · of pharmacy, which is located in that city. Dr. Lotus D. Coffman, president of the University of Minnesota, will deli\·er the commencement addr~ss. next Mondar. The baccalaureate address, which precedes, on Sunday afternoon, will be given by Dr. William E. Barton, pastor of the First Congregational church of Oak Park. Among those from the north shore who will graduate, are the following: Wit mette-R. Thomas, Pharm.; Lillian L. Borgfeldt, L., B.S.; Helen Evans, A.B.; Bernice C. Hosken, A.B.; Evelyn M. Humphrey, B.S.; Robert M. Jones, A.B.; William B. Robinson, Jr., B.S.; Martin H. Seifert, Ph arm. Kenilworth-Arthur B. Durham, B. S. ; John Alling Keith, A.B. Winnetka-George L. Cadenhead. B.S. Hubbard Woods-Fred Ellis Hagen, B.S.; Jane M. Leichsenring, Ph. D. Glencoe-Viola R. Hammer, Pharm. FLOWER Vegetable Planti of aD ldada. Driveways Built and Repaired. Will fix up ypur whole place in No. 1 condition and care for it during season. Call Winnetka 430 or FORMAL AND INFORMAL DESIGN Let me give you an estimate on your FLOW· ER BOX PLANTING. It is also time to set out your annuals. 741 Center St. PhoDe 283 In court society in England not so many , years ago, men of letters dis- ceived living room always portrays. cussed heatedly and at great length, the Groups inviting in their appearance and two schools of Landscape Design. On arrangement will provide a welcome the one hand were those men, among which no hostess can afford to lose. them architects of note, who had reOutside the lattice wall of our tiny ceived their inspiration, their ideals of formal garden, walk with me through a landscape architecture from Italy. where gate to an open lawn, bordered with for the most part, the gardens and shrubs with drooping branchlets, coverentourage of necessity took on the ed with masses of bloom to the corner formality of terraced treatments. On of the lawn where a retreat nestles the other hand were those, notably among the branches of some massive Capability Brown, who held that there could be no place for regularit; in de- hemlocks. Can you see that we have combined sign of gardens, especially arniof the rolling, undulating topography of the both formal and informal landscape deEnglish countryside. So serious did this sign in our small lot ? Perhaps if our controversy become, and so divided be- house were low and rambling, it were came the two groups that great gardens, better to keep the informaliity of a a generation perfect, were demolished, country home setting. For the average country estate it is their beauty destroyed, their paths, walks, hedges and topiary, even their safe to keep the formality near the water-features were obliterated to make house and the naturalistic informality way for rolling lawns, shrub and tree- toward the borders of the property with bordered with masses of Rowers at their inviting curving drives and walk apbase, and borders of alpines in the midst proach, except where the house is near the main highway, when a direct and of woodland glades. As the years have passed in England, straight means of entrance may be more as in America, there has gradually come aesirable. Ct:SHING SlliTH, the realization that there is room for Do not overload your motor as on Landscape Arcllitcct. both so-called schools, yes room for both a hill-it is cheaper to shift gears phases of design on even the small place. than to buy new parts. Such design must obviously be worked out to fit the site selected, and every advantage must be taken of variety in topography. The writer feels lhat the smaller the lot, the more are we forced into a somewhat formal treatment with Here in Detroit, the heart of the the regularity 'of the house carri;d out Ford industries, another step was into the balance of the lot. taken to link these great manufacTurning to the principles of informal turing plants more closely and selandscape design for a moment, it is curely with the source of raw mateh~re t_hat only a true artist can portray rials, when the Ford Motor company's hts _PICtures. He has, and needs, no second steel freighter, the Benson architectural features to control him in Ford, was launched at the shipyards his development of the plan. Years of of the Great Lakes Engineering sympathetic observation, coupled with a Works. kno}VIedge_ !Jf Botany with its array of The ship, which is named after plant famll1es, of geology and physical Henry Ford's grandson, Benson, secgeography with their secrets of natural ond son_ of Edsel B. Ford, was launched laJ_td formations, are essential to con- on Apnl 26. ceive and carry out naturalistic effects. The new vessel will go into service : FLORIST : There are but few living designers of about July 15, joining the Henry Ford : Cut Flowera and Pot Plaata. : the na 'stic or informal school who II, which was launched about two Scott and Linden A..,., ·. have caught the s~irit of the rock-edged months ago, and will carry iron ore ++ HUBBARD WOODS lake, or the .mrst1c be~uty of the quiet from the Ford mines in northern : Phone Winnetka 437 : pool, or the ltltmg mus1c of the gurgling Michigan to the great blast furnaces BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME : . brook, and who have translated the e at the River Rouge plant of the com- : dreams into permanent ever-thrilling pany here. On trips from Detroits nature retreats. the boats wilt carry Ford coal to the Fo~mal design means merely carrying upper peninsula of Michigan. The Benson Ford, which will be one the J~nes of the house, in their regularity out mto th~ . garden design, preserving of the largest lake freighters is of ~ype lake bulk 'freight a~ emphas1zmg the axial views from standard wmdows or French doors, by the use steamer destgn, 612 feet over all, with of long turf panels, straight walks of a 62-foot beam and a cargo carrying gravel, ~tone or brick, with enclosures capacity of 13,000 tons. It will carry of archttectural character and perhaps a crew of approximately 40 men. and a summer-house, pool or some such feature as a terminus to the main view Ir:t formality in a design for a garden: : JERRY KUCERA'S : a~otd the obvious, YC:t ~eep the design stm_ple.. The more mtncate a design, · Perennial GarcleD at : wht_Je tt may and should contain points · 1050 Oak Street, : of mterest, the more restless does it become. A maze is not necessary on a + Cor. Rosewood AYenue, · small pl~ce,. bu! on a large estate it IDDetka, IU. · ~ay by tts mtrtcacy as a unit, prove in- : + All kinds of Perennial plants : vtttng for exploration. ~s has bee~ suggested in an earlier : and Shrubs for sale, also best · 1487 Albury AYenae, arttcle, th_e ~es1gn selected for the home · mixture of Gladioli from 40c to : · HubMrcl Woocla grou!lds ts m a great measure pre-de- : $1.00 per doz. For any kind of Landscape : ternuned b~ the design of the house. · Phone Wmnetka 546-J Let me: a~am emphasize the desirability · Gardening call WlaDetlra 32t. · of destgm"!g the house and gardens at the same ttme for the sake of a unified final_ result. Perhaps on a small place outstde of the living room, toward the Otlice TelephoDe NW'MI'iea Teleplao. . west or south there might be an open HIGHLAND PARK 31 HIGHLAND PARK 51 terra~e, P<f:Ved with stone or slate, in the. mtersttces of which alpines spread thetr gorgeous , colors. Outside the terrace from whtch could be viewed the gardens, passing down a few steps we F. D. Oany cl: Soaa enter an out-door living room on the EVERGREENS TREES SHRUBS left o~ which is a covered seat or pergola, m front of which a pool reflects HIGHLAND PARK, ILL the red bursting blooms of the rambler We Plant and Accurate Eatimatea climbing. the latticed end. In front of Guarantee Submitted the latttce enclosure within the limits NURSERIES ONE MD..E WEST OF RAVINIA pARK of out slate walk is a wide border of perennials and annuals. Glencoe 1 · S. BISETH Landscape Gardener WINNETKA EVERGREENS PERENNIALS SHRUBS-TREES Phone Winnetka 1549 Winnetka Landscape Co. M. J. Sullivan and Son FORD LAUNCIIS SECOND ·························· · GREAT WES FREIGHTER · · · i NOW IS THE TIME i · · : For : · · · · : Annuals : · · GRADING SEEDING LAWNS TRIMMING FERTILIZER BLACK DIRT MANURE GET OUR ESTIMATE 882 PINE ST. WINNETKA i · · : Bedding Plants ! and window Boxes : i F. MUELLER i · · ·························· FOR SALE Perennials Trees, Shrubs ,........................, · · · · w· · · · BARGAINS John Ostrowsky , s························ : RAVINIA NURSERIES Franken Bros. Nursery Deerfield, Ill. The can most formal offer an which be successful designed should informal formality, which the well-con- garden~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When Your Trees Need Expert Attention Coualt Bedding Plants Cerauiuma, Hill Salmon Pink healtla,., buaJ' planta, not yet i~ full bloo., but b......_ Fi- for becWia. out. $15.11 per 111. TIIQMAS ·J.- LYNCH PRUNING Tree Specialiat SPRAYING SURGERY : Large_ st organization ,Pil-tlie North Sho~e specializing ~ _ · in t!te scientific treatment of trees. : .._lllllll:1li:I5;..QIIMicoe II~ Porch and Window Bo:u. Fillecl Edt~~tlrtl·, We would like to share with you the pleasure of seeing about 350 different varieties of Darwin, Cottage and Breeder tulips in blossom and extend, therefore, a cordial invitation to you to visit us from May 21st to the end of the blooming season. Flori·t 117 Willow St., WINNETKA ftoDe\ViDnetbiiS F.... UD· ,. - Franken Bros. Nursery ,· Deerfield, Ill.

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