Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jun 1924, p. 1

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. Leaden A Cleon NeiDipaper lor a aeGn Commanif.y ; and Reup ypur . 1 condiit during Some Are Sad a· Wilmette Taite· Over Gro·· Point in Community Are Quizzed in Better City Campaip IVOQJN, CASALS ~~~AY Mill AWARDS ON RECITAL BHl AT NEW Viennese Prima DOiiiDa and Great 'CeUiat Join ArtiatR-t'tal Group ~ New Trier Da;,-;; annual towaship festival celebrated every summer for many years, has been chanced thU ~ e 1549 ·········: · · · · · · · .: e effect d bath ropriate 1 They st frost 'P in at dealers play. .. · · · · · · · · · · c.. IS ~ul · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ········· ry u the t .i ry fare. From being the only oasis of the meree but whieh will be open to aU resiat Final Aaee....y of";~~--·-~ dry area in the immediate vicinity of dents of the township. . 1123-2.& Year Wlilmette, it has been changed into a The date of the annual outmg has Volsteadian desert. Please omit fiowers. been tentatively set at August 20, and ·I The transformation was effected at APPEAR AT NE:W TRIER plans a,;:e already in progress to make IS GOAL midnight Saturday, June 7, and the fol' it a memorable occasion. Committees TNT $1,... .~ARD " ;. lowing day-Sunday- the doors to the are to be named soon, it was stated at several well known "taverns" bore crepe. the Jur.e meeting of the Chamber of The mourning trappings announced MacDowell Club Sponaon Commerce, Monday of this week. to Ha·e ..,.. O . pporto the disappointed legions who came At Monday's meeting it was anW !'--tte JUlie ..-.. that the convivial days of the former Great Pro,rama nounced that the Village theatre and tunity for Honon Gross Point had ende<l. the Wilmette Decorating company had One parched patron was seen to tak4 been accepted into membership in the a "peek" through a window of his favChamber of Commerce. orite resort. And there on the bar stood Recitals in the MacDowell club By an imamimous vote Monday evening, To top off the 1923-24 school yeat "Play, work, sociability and religion a lonely glass filled witf1 prohibition Artist Recital series have been now Leo M. Dean, a former president of the at New Trier high school, a special for the individual," stated Dr. William potency, the last solemn reminder of the definitely fixed and are as follows : New Trier Commercial association, was two-period assembly t~as held last A M K · · · ha the days that were. October 15, 1924, Louise Homer, elected the first honorary member of the Friday. During this assembly various 10 · c eever summarlztng w t "Wonder what that means?" he asked contralto. Chamber of Commerce. prizes, emblems, and other · awards Judges would keep in mind most in of a companion. The other "took a Mr. Dean leaves Wilmette early next were given out, with a vaudeville pro1 4 awarding the Chicago Evening Amer- look" and ventured: November 4, 92 , Ossip Gabrilo- week for Hot Springs, where he ia pro- gram following. "Bet the barkeep left that 'shot' there wi~sebh;u~:~nl~,' 1925, Reinald Wer- ceeding because of Mrs. Dean's fail- The assembly was not the result of ican $1,000. prize for the ideal commun. near Ch" . wh' . c h'l thethey entertainment dry raiders. ing health. disposed his any spontaneous demand on the part tty 1cago m tch to ratse 1- for Heard intended to of call here Sunrenrath, baritone. dai b · He· recently th 'lla h of h · f · 1 d March 31, 1925, lvogun, lyric ..ry usm~s m e V1 ge ~ en P Y· of the high school student body, but h d ren, at t e meetmg o communtty ea - day night." SOJ>rano and Casals. 'cellist. s,ctans adVIsed a change of climate for was the outgrowth of several leas ers and the contest judges at the St. If that diagnosis were true, the barThe price of the series, an aver- Mrs. Dean. practicable plans. Back in April a Augustine church club house Monday keep's forethought was unnecessary. For age of $1.50 for each recital, is . It was announced at ~onday's meet- demand arose for a "rough·houseor . d the awplces . 'l· by Police raids sometht'ng less than one-half what mg that . several In the da village 0 f the W 1 evemng W1 er dry Chief forces Denman futt"le. had You made see, Gross I t I stores W-.1-f day·, this idea was abandoned· because' L. such recitals would eost suburban- are P annmg. 0 c ose on <=W~S Y a - of tha d .. nsu of its iuterfermg Witu mette Sunday Evening club. Point became part of Wilmette (of·5 ternoons dur1ns July ana August. 1t Is school work and discipline. The next Mr. McKeever then pointed out that ficially) at the midni.,ht hour on Saturites, to\ hear them in Chicago expected. that mo. st of t.he stores and suggestion was for an 1 ·m=o-pt·· · Loop, and the saving in time: Is ,in L-a U Ia .... ... the home, school, church and conunun- day. The colonel, anticipating the event like proportion. This should 10_ s....,"" WI subscnbe to th1s p n for the circus : after discussion tbia -.... ity were Dext to be taken in c:onsidera- and rea\izihg th'lit from that fateful sure the series as permanent, to summer months. discarded as involving too peat tion. He remarked that he was pleased hour Gross Poinlj would be within his which the present subscribers will undertaking. Then, in rapid sacceewith the showing made by Wdmette baliwick, had sent out advance notices in the future have first claim. sion, came carnivals, street-danC'Ia,. and its people aad asked that the name to all cheer dispensers to align themvaudeville shows, paradea, and aimilar of the c:oanaaity be used as an example selves in the prohibition ranks the inschemes. From such varied deaip· i.n the better city movement if the praze stant the clock told that Sunday had The MacDowell Musical club has finally emerged the idea of a aeoior ,.__~ begun. And they a u obeyed the portee announced to sers'es, subscribers for the D~Y fare-well assembJv, given primarily by should be awa rded to Wumcue. Artt"st-Recl'tal at Winnetka, J' A l..t warning. All of them had been operatd f and for the senior claas. a t ...· 5_:_:..~ M..tial' ....-·· 1 ed · h · f t · t three pleasant surprises. First, an scheme took ahape it was decided .a.. 'n't....a -tin·g. Af...... a ang unmo est ' wtt m requen m er. I Pftli8CaJD · LIt Was a IPI ~ ....... ~ow · b ~-· 1 f th he 'ff'5 0 f lesser . smportance, th e c1ub has se · to add to the o ri·ma ._. tour through the village durinJ the ~. rupttons Y un.:;la s 0 e s n granting of honors acccuaalatetl dw- cured from the federal government a ,.I.SS 'C'n- A. Reynolds of Lexingt-- fice, since the halcyon days preceding wat·v~ of ·the ,admis!iion .tax, thus Church Scb--'- ftl__ frol· 01 ~·IIQI . ._ _ _ c;:--> the eighteenth amendment. 'b h' uug ' rlllll 1C ing the past year. Ky., Clyde W. Whipple of ~; But the last hours of the wet regime saving the sub sen ers somet Jnf ovfh in W ooda BW Co-..t A.W'U"'II Mo.,. Dr. Earle F. Young . · m- were full of action. Every "tavern" $600. Sec~mdly, ~n extra an 1 The first event of the afternoon verstty of Soatbem Cablomta, Los was reported to have done a record busi- concert Will be gwen March 3 ' was the aanouncement by 0. R. Bar· McKeever and IIOIDC 30 ~- <fl~ ~ gratis to the subscribers. nen ut Oftn "' · · if".,..~-.ll\!lr'111iirrr11Wiiili'· aad ~ail new-Trom near an ar 00;:~~iY'ed:"ctui"f~·"~~ a~ert~i~ty-:-;; Wilmette's first community Sunday bird coatelt. Every year Mr. aar.. of tJi& coadi. . There was said to have beea UchoQl . Dett · ·. , . "1 Of~ · wNaWe the-~ it ICetliicl a ilabte to· it to or· ~ . ic ceun WI life, and. wit the abaiutant mat Herbert B. 11'-'fcn ~ tbe llleet- the obleq~. ~ ....W · the aumber of recitals promited. B·t be lile1d 011 s...nlaY, }wM 1., at tJae ill tW. ftcWty to work , _ . ina' by praeatilw a ~ of the Re- 10 the .·tones IOo .m.layed . ted the ~eat favor with which the ven- Glenview Porest Preaen-e. A joint New Trier boys and girt. aaa rts to in Better City Cam- energy In the guzzq ~ahatmt. ture met made it possible to add this committee of 25 representia· the vari- compete f~ the coveted boilon. in wrttta fora and thea nacl It is claimed that o&_d Gambriaus him- fourth recital. The climax ia, how- ous cb11rches hal been at work for Firtt .prize this ·llrilll" went to Violet parts of it 10 that the judges misht be self would han envied moat 0~ them. ever, reached in the character of the the paat three weeks in arranaill8. and W:,Jd for a paper on the neatina of able to cp.testioo the community leaders Ho~e:v~r, there were tu? casualties, the concert itself. It is to be a joint re- completing the details of the Pr'Qil'am robins. The report of the jud,ea on certam points with regard to the f~ti.Vtbes never advancmg beyond the (Continued on Pare '1:/) for that day. ceraina' tbi· paper wu extt activities of various organizations in bet- smgtng stage and even at that the sore· Everyone participating io the picpic faTOrable · t · coaditiooa for cbildrm. llr. Me· heard were. not of. the old cheerY: t~ · is requested to arrive at the Forest Followinr llf'. Barnett ., --.leer then introduced and he pve bu~ were tmgecl ~~~ a ~te of d1spa1r. Denman Explama Preserve ~ later t~an 10 :JO oe Sat- <:arne Frederick E. Cierk, New '['_.1 a .. _ _ of his interest in children. Sa1d one of the 1mb1bers. D---1-a.&--. N.... urday momlft8. It 11 parttealarly re. principal, who announced tlre 0 ·-.. "Guess we'll have to fall back on the ~....-.. queated tllat aa many pareatt and of the many achool ctaba wt.o ~t laportaat Evanston drug stores or go to Chicago With the official bathinr se~JOD other adults as poaaible will arran·e recently been elected for aext fall · llr. McKeever explained that modem for future happiness, eh ?" To which openin.g June 15, traftic r. .attou to be present all day. He then read otJ the na·es of tboee daiJdreo hue a better acquaintance of his chum answered: are bemg arranced by Sapen~dent Prorill. TN· I ,..._ students who had "made TNT." adult life than has ever been the case. "Not on your life, pal; cheer up; of Police ~nman. ~here will be a Any children or adults requirinr TNT (The New Trier) dub is aD Ia this compaip the aim is not to have there's Glenview in the distance, within one-~y d~1ve on Mu;htgan avenue. transportation are requested to aa- honorary society eatabliahed 6ve yean the c:ommunities try to change human walking distance, if one can't wait for Parkmg will be permttted on the semble at the Byron C. Stolp achool ai(O repreaenhnr "the his.heat all· nature but to bri.n&" out the hidden riches the bus. Say, folks over in Glenview north side of .the av.en~e where park- on Central avenue or at the Public: aro~nd distinction a student c.&D in the children. He believes that much have never yet heard of Volstead. No ing sp~ces '!1 11 be md~c~ted. Library on Wilmette avenue from attain." Only those boys and s{rls depends oa environment. "Take these Evanston nor Chicago for mine while . Parktng wtll be prohlb~ted on Sher- which points a bus will depart at 9, can be members who ' have busied a.unon children in the low lyins dia- Glenview ·remains true to its traditions." tdan rc;aad at the WashJngtoll, Lab 9:30, 10 and 10:~ for the prese"e. themselves in many plaaau of aclaool tricts of Chicago and put them in your Reports reached Wilmette on Sunday and Fote~t aven~ str~et ends. On]l A full and varied pr~ram has bee!' life durin· their years a\ New TJier, fine homes and we would have the kind that dry forces conducted several raids those havmg bathtng ~tckets and Y/ arranged bl, the comm1ttee alld th1s with the added requirements of llip of people we want," Mr. )(cKeever de- in Glenview, Saturday night. The re· mette car ownera wdl be permttted program wdl be inaugurated by inter- scholarship alld &ood character. daftd. ports also contained the information that to park. church ball .games starting at 11 Maire TNT A....He e%plained that no child is bad or the burg was wet again on Sunday. o'cloc:k. . It IS expected that these In the years since its ori,in TNT wic:bd in himself, "somebody older has Postpone Beach Openins games wtll be; conclud;cd abou~ 12 :30 has been open only to sentOn, bat faulbt him." That when a 16-year-old Another Wilmette Youth Until Saturday, June Zl when there wdl be an mtermisSton for this sprins lll revision ot \t... __.i_ ..__ can .,et his smiling face 00 the lunch. During the afternoon there will made it pos 11ble to.- juniors alao o uu~ · f pull Gi E'--1 5 t D--·- Wilmette's rmmicipal bathing beach be many and varied track events in be cho~n . front page of the newspapers or · ven - . e COU nul& will not open on Saturday, June 14, a~- which it will be_possible for everyone The senior boys and girls who were inc a gun.' he'll play to the gallery for Bradford Hutson, 15 year old son of cording to an announcement made th1s to take part. There will also be a elected to TNT this s.pring are: auch adYertisement. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltiam H. Hutson, 1112 week by the park board. Instead, open- period of "stunt" events. At the conEva Benson. Gertrude Browll, ....... Coaclact Pride Elmwood avenue, will be the honored ing day will be 011 June 21, !f the water elusion of these the final inter-church Dorothy Campbell, Yarcia Converse, The judges were introduced and each guest Tuesday evening, June 17, when is warm enough by that tl.me. · baseball game to decide the champion- Apes Cornell, Ruth Jt;...wiNtlt. took the ftoor to questtion the people on the First Congregational church tenUnusually cool weather 1s giVen as shiv ...,;n he held. {\Mlttnued on Jlilso .7) certain points that they felt were not ders a banquet to Boy Scout Troop the reason for the postponement. c-aaatt,. Siaj (Continued on page 4) No. 2 otherwise known as Roosevelt Another intermission tor supper wilt IMPORTANT NOTICE troop: signalizing termination of anthen follow, after which about threeBecause of the limited seatother Scout year. quarters of an hour will be devoted Bradford it was announced this to singing popular songs, also well- ing capacity at New Trier week has ~chieved the rank of Eagle known and favorite h7tftnl. High school auditorium, adIce cream cones will be distributed mission to the ~ommencement Scout, the highest honor. in Scoutdom. He is the s~cond Wtlmette boy upon presentation of a ticket, one of to gain that distinction this year, Linus which will be given free during the exercises on Friday, June 20, Keep Your Eyes Peeled--Smith of Troop 4 having been an day to every person attending the will be by ticket only. Only Eagle Scout earlier in the spring. picnic. Those who attended the Com- persons holding tickets can .be The big The latest recipient of the lofty munity Sunday school parade on admitted since the great stze Who'· Wllo Caiateet h' h Thursday will have been presented I d ts sop ohonors has just compete wt'th another ticket,and. therdorc, will of thP graduating class and the more year kt New Trier High school. Take a vacation tour begins with next week's isHe entered the Wilmette Scout ~anks be entitled tu two tee cream co~ea on large numbe~ .of the l!le~bers sue of WILMETTE LIFE. in your own hotel Saturday. Other refreshments m !he of their famthes and mttmate, When 12 Yea rs of age and has .en~oyed form of candy, pop associates will require every a splendid record throughout h ts cout h cracker d f hjack and. tt Get A Paper Early career. He is assistant scou!master. of an d restaurant . can be pure ase o t e commt ee. available seat in the hall. No. 2 and is also affihated wtth It is expected, howev~r, .that. everyand read the instructions! Troon ... body coming to the p1cntc wtll proInvitations, other than There's an chance for a real the Wilmette Seascout troop. roa RENT-B0111BI v"tde themselves with a basket lunchtickets, cannot admit to the FOR BALE-"WAYNE TOUR· I lng Home" on Ford 1-ton chueon sufficient for two mea s. exercises, it is explained by the V.atioD Moaey PriH. Trustee Drayer Attencla ale · Bosch Ignition ·ntem; Full arrangements are being made stewart-Warner speedometer; to take care of emergencie~ for !'h~h school authorities. ~Convention H_..'· Aa Oppoat.Uty As stated in another column =~~~u~ordt~r:e.; ·:::::0~ ; ~!!t purPOse the Boy Scouts w11l mamta1n Clarence E. Drayer, 1034 Elmw~ to demonstrate how well acere; tollet; running water; a First Aid station. of this issue, the speaker at avenue, a ~lmette village _.trustee, IS bede, beddlntr. ·llver and The committee is plann1ng for t~e quainted you are with th attending the annual cooventi~n of the dish ea. Tel. Wll. 896-Y -I. best and liveliest Sunday acboo PIC- the Commencement will be American Assoeiatioa of Engmeers, of merchants of Wilmette. nic ever held in Wilmette-so leave Edmund Vance Cook, the which be is national secretary, at San your troubles at home and come alone famou poet and author. Anytbiq iD the W orLI Francisco this week. Dr. F. H. Newell Get iDto ... ~-t {or a good time. Two hundred and five graduof Washington, formerly director. of the Fricla,.. ates will receive dipl.om~s at ia off.-1 for aale by Reclamation service and now WJth t!'e POLICEMAII QUITS JOB Giant Power Survey of Pennsylvama, the exercises. The hst ts to Patrolman Roy N. Benfer hal reA fat .....-. awaitl tM WANT ADS was a vititor at the Drayer home last signed from the police force of the be found in another colulllJ'o week and accompanied Mr. Drayer to Village of Kenilworth. Jo~d::s aJ::~eds ::o:asth~s :;::,r:o:h~ ~ic:'~T~: ~~~eWe tc.!:'ber~r c:: Maay S~ta ~a... A TOMORROW IS PICNIC ° trr· 1925- W a;~;--·~-~7, barr~ ~~~· :-·Y·M95- =icn" J.... . r-- --~...~- K:!r ,... ParJdnt IJeacla Who's Who? "Just what you've been f" 100kiflg £Or· li......i---.-~~J!III!I.....-...,.~~·. die ......... ------- CIOII'ftlltioo.

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