Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jun 1924, p. 22

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WILMETTE TIN ORR IS HONORED BY REALTY BODY North Shore Realtor Choien Officer of Aaa'n Chicago Banker Buya Winnetka Residence Chester D. Masters, vice president of the ChicagQ Trust company, has purchased through Gllbert D. Johnson & Brother, the H . H. Anning home at 851 'Ash street, Winnetka. The consideration was not disclosed. Mr. Masters took possession June 1. Mr. Anning and f~mily will leave the latter part of the summer for the east, where they will make their permanent home. COURT SUSTrlU AJNS ZONE ORDINANCE Ev~ton Law Ia Upheld By Chicago Jurist Validity of the Evanston zoning orTwo Evanstonians we~e named to the dinance was upheld last Saturday by official board of the National AssociaJudge Oscar Hebel of the circuit court tion of Real Estate Boards at the conof Cook county, who entered a decree vention which just closed at Washingdenying the request of Mrs. Sarah V. ton, D. C. They are H. U. Nelson, 721 Deynzer to change the classification of Forest avenue. who was re-elected exproperty owned by her on the northecutive secretary of the assoication and east corner of Fowler avenue and Lake Hiram S. Cody, 1527 Lincoln street, restreet. elected treasurer. ·Mr. Cody is also Arguments in the case which had been chairman of the Mortgage and Finance . division of the association. Charles G. Say Project Will Be Com- pending several weeks before the lower courts, were completed Friday afternoon, Edwards, president of the New York J d Earl N y City Real Estate . Board, was elected Pete Y ext ear June 13. Harland Bartholomew, author of the president to succeed H. R Ennis of ' Kansas City. present zoning ordinance, and C. D. EYanatoaiana Speak The electric line extension now un- Macpherson, chairman of the zon,ing . Mr. Nelson and Mr. Cody both de- <ier way in Evanston will be run commission, were both called by the del1vered addresses at the national real- through to Waukegan instead of ter- fense to testify. Horace K. Tenney assisted Corporators' meet. Mr. Nelson spoke before minating at Dempster street, Niles the Rea.ltor Secretaries' division, and Center, as originally planned, it was tion Counsel Frank T. Murray in the Mr. Cody presided over the meetings revealed this week by Chairman Sam- defense. The complainant has forty days to file of the Mortgage and Finance division. uel Insull of the Chicago Rapid an appeal bond and take the case to the In addition Dean Ralph E . Heilman of Transit Co. supreme court, providing the plea for thd Northwestern University School' of The elevated trains will be operated Commerce, spoke on "Education for the only as far as Dempster street, but tht' an appeal is alfowed; and the complainRealtor of 'l'oday and Tomorrow" and Chicago, North Shore & Wilwaukee ant desires to carry the case to the higher courts. . Frederick M. Babcock, 735 Michigan trains will continue on. The case which was disposed of last avenue, read .a paper on "Appraisal The roadway between Dempster Procedure and Methods" before Brok- street and the present elevated struc- Saturday is the ·second complaint to be ers' division of the assoiciation. ture near Howard avenue will be filed by Mrs. Deynzer. The first comThe following vice presidents were owned jointly by the Rapid Transit plaint in which Mrs. Deynzer desires elf!~: En\erson Challeigh. Ind)a$- and the North Shore companies. Most to change the zoning classification on pohs; Edgar Allen, Jr., Richmond· of the right-of-way north of Dempster the lake front from an exclusive resiJohn ]. Hurst, Baltimore; J. J. LeddY, has been acquired, the announcement dential to an apartment house district, Ottawa, Ont.; Walter Lang, Manches- said. The project also .involved ac- is still pending in the courts. te~, N. H.; C. A. Nichols, Oklahoma quiring by the North Shore of the DECORATES SHOP Ctty, qkta.; Fred Reed, Oakland, Cal.; Chicago, North Shore & Northern Newly decorated in Dutch blue and AI R1tter, Portland, Ore. ; Walter line. This proposal is to be voted on Ro_se, Orlando,' Fla., and John White, ;August 19 by the stockholders of the cream colors, the Wilmette Food Shop has resumed its service at 417Yz Ut1ca, N. Y. former company. , street. Mrs. Hildegard J. C. Nicholls, Kansas City; Frank The project is ~xpected to be com- Fourth Holmes is managing the shop. ~yan, Lo~ ~ngeles_; ~· A. Sm_ith, pleted early n~xt year and, the anouston, e~., Ben1anun D. W.atk!ns, noun cement sa1d, will open up and At!anta, dGa.W:, B en Feast, Eau Cla1re, develop rapidly growing new territory W JS:, an. a 1ter Eggleston, Minne· apolts, Mmn., were dlosen directors. WILL BUILD IN GLENCOE J h T K L. T. On- Ia Honored The following newly elected officers d o n f Ewne elly, a·. fo_rmer resiof the various divisions were ad ih ent o_ Gvanston, IS bulldmg a new n~unc~; Property management- Good= orne m lencoe at 425 Woodlawn wm Gibson Toronto h . Lo . avenue. T. Or~, Chi~;g~, vice' chai:~~~ krok:;; !br!'!~·h ~ffi~~ f~:hi:J;3.l f:~ned a Tmg a · a.: enJamm . ouston, Sherman avenue Efa~;~~~·ts-;-c..-ttH--...Ciiii:l.._ acoma, and. George S. Horton, Brook- 1 ' · lyn. Industnal property-Harrison S. RETUR Col~urn, New Yo.rk City, chairman; NS TO aUSINESS Orns E. Hart, Ch1 cago, vice chairman I .. D. Burtner ~as returned to Farm lands-H. H. Richardson Jack~ busmess after an 11lness of five weeks Bonville, ~Ia., chairman; ]. E.' Miller, -and an operation for appendicitis. ~eva, VIce chairtnan; ·Mortgage and F1~frank Lincoln Johnson, Chi~gSI. cha1rman; J. C. WeedQD Wa~ m~on, D. C.,· vice chairmab.' Home budders ·and aull!llmers-Bert I.' Clopton, Los Ang~les, chairman; I. N. GrisWOIMierfal Opportuaity com, , AtlantiC ~City, vice chaiqnan Realtor . secretaries - J. L. Wallace: to obtain choice acreage just Jacksonvtlle, Fla., chairman; F. S. I west of Lake Forest, near transBnmyate,_ Norfolk, Va., vice chairman. ! portation and adjacent to valuCo-operahve ap'!-rtment section-Albert able intproved property. W.ell ~- Swayne, Ch1cago, chairman; E. A. wooded and rolling. Price $750 acDougall, New York City, vice chairESTIMATES per acre. Easy terms. man ; Arthur E. Curtis, Chicago secretary. ' FREE ~he following standing committee cha!nntn were announced : Planning and S<>jng-;j · C. Nicholls, Kansas City. a ~s ~etlwdr-J. H. _ White. Chicago Leg1slattve committee-H · D Eva · Youn t 0 C . . ns, S4Z gs own, · onvention arrangeDaria St. ments-oGuy Ellis, Detroit. Park AYe. E . .uton Gl·cPhone IM Board Explaina Uae PLAN TO EXTEND 'L: TO.WAUKEGAN A. W. McConnell, .Highland avenue, $350. David L. Anderson, Hill street, $350. Construction is now under way for Joseph Dux, 2-story brick an $80,000 gymnasium building for the 131 Maple, $12,000. North Shore Country Day school at Winnetka, as one of a group, of new buildings planned for the school. The upper school building was recently completed at a co~t _ of $8~.000. The new gymnasi um butl~mg w1ll _ be fireproof and will contatn cafeterta, gymnasium, girls' and bo_Ys' locker rooms with showers, an equ1pment room and directors' room. Clark & Wolcott are There is a "class" to a house the architects. roofed with Hawthorne Tile that distinguishes it from all its WILMETTE BUIWING PERMITS neighbors. The harmony and richness of. its .colors, the sturdy The Village of Wilmette has issued beauty of ·ts hnes, makes it the the following building permits through envy of others and the pride of C. C. Schultz, village manager : the owner. To A. E. Miller, front porch, at 1202 Lake avenue. The . low price wtll aurpne· JOU. Walter Brailsford, 2-story dwelling, Aak for quotation. 916 Chestnut, cost $12,000. R. H. Stone, garage, 735 Prairie avenue, $250. Fred Proctor, garage, 314 Park aveZUI So. 4ltla A..... nue, $300. Deak R-1, Cicero, Ill. R. C. Booze, garage, 805 , Park Pbonea: Lawndale 4610; Cicero Tl avenue, $400. Country Day School Start. $80,000 Gym }-h mOIJ metti thi·s- Hawlhorne ·~~ and one place The ten c Who When Ail Others Have Failed Come To Us When a property owner w.ishe5 to sell his real estate, he wants quick action as a rule. The best way to get results is for him co list his property with a reputable and energetic realtor with an exclusive contract. We, knowing that we are protected in our efforts to sell property, will devote every possible energy for making a sale. We will spend money advertising the property which we YIOuld not do if other brokers had the property for sale. The chances for a satisfactory and prompt sale are obviously much greater ander an exclusive contract. This system gives quick results without costing the property owner one cent more than the regular sales commission. LIF1 Why Not Try It? TIWI~ntrc Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. Fountaia Sq....., EYanaton Prouty Buildiq, Wiaaetka E·autoa Z.. Wiaaetb Ziti ) UDit I urlt._, \!Y Hill heeler-- BEAtrnFUL NEW FRAME HOME 6 Rooms-Bath, Hot Water Heat, Grounds 50x140 Reasonably priced at $16,000. Terms. · VACANT 50x257, 1 block from lake, -$5,500. 118x135, east location, $100 per foot. SERVICE' TO THE BUYER-TO DIE SELLER ROOFING over the Old Shingles 33Z PA~ AVE. Phone G'·eoe41t Walter P. Smith & Co. GLENCOE, ILL .. ..... .,. SHORE NORTH ROOF CIWTERS .__.,....... of Term "Realtor" b An appropriation of $1,000 has just een ma~e by the Fort Wayne Real Estate Board, Fort Wayne~ Indiana for !he .PUrt~ose of advertising the or~ PDt,atton, tts work and the meaning of the title "Realtor." The greater part of. the f?n~ will be spent during the sprmg buddmg season and the earlall.. A large part of the appropriatt<?n w1ll be d_evotf!d to correcting any m1s~pprehens!on on the part of the Indaana pubhc as to just whom the term "Realtor" may be applied. I · · · : _; tr Property Owners may have the advantage of our service by telephoning Realty Bc.r.1 Start. The Ka.... City Missouri Real Estate board, which last year carried on an extensive campaign of newspaper- advertisina; is now e~sed in a seco~~ 7ear df the work. Ex~rt adverttsmg observers have come to !hink of ~ansas Citr as now the leadmg !own tn the Unrted States in proportionate number of people "sold" on real estate investment. · The Minneapolis Real Estate Board 11 not . only followinc up it.s vigorous campa1p of ._. year but 1s doubling the acope of lti advertiaina series. ~-~Ad.ertiaina En Wilmette 1314. DOUaLa ITS AD SCOPE !'::t :Wn. B jron Sonslachen of Manitowoc it apendiq -two weeks as the of M.,.. ,Ja.es W. Alder, 931 eeawoocl.ll'fUIIe. . A. J. WOODCOCK - JS Y..... Lperieoce Mn. .,.;; IZI Elmwood . . . . . . . . . expected home 011 ~eleon, Flies have n,o conscience. Eliminate them with a Majestic Underground Garbage Receiver. It isOat of SiPt-Puts your garbage can out of sight-Underground. Odorleu-When the lid is closed no odor ts emitted. C.ftili·t-Can be installed in a convement place near your kitchen door. Garbage is easily deposited and as easily removed. Do.- Proof--:-Dogs can't upset your garbag· e and scatter it about the lawn. Fly Proof-Flies can't get at your garbage-no odor to attract them . ~-Provides the only sani~ar.y ~eans tor storing garbage unttl 1s IS rollected by the garbage ma"J Get tlu Mojesti& at y011r local hardware dealer's. ·e·y fi'GID a fteit Ia Miaaeapolia. w·

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