Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1924, p. 14

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WILME'M'E LIFE, FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1924 WILMETTE LIFE (J'ormerl~a'!'!:u~· m~re Tlllil WU.·Ift'r& LOCAL KICWI El'~bll81le4 l'UI ISIUBD JJ'&IDAY 0 .. ICA.CB with wlrich Ia NeWI) combined WIDICK LLOYD HOLLISTER, INC, 1112 Central Ave., WUmette, IlL ~._ by ·.·.. . . . .. . .. WU·ette tr.. -·CRIPTIOJIJ ~00 A. YBAR All communlcattona must be accompanied by the name and addreas of the writer. Artlclea for publication should reach the editor by Wednesday noon to lnaure app-rance In current luue. lleaolutlone of condolence. card· ot tbanka, obituary, poetry, notlcea of entertainments or other &Jralra where an achnUtance eh&rce will be made or ~.~~~~ct~'!.e~~:g ~~:.:· charged at often a story whose humorous essence is a mixture of curses and booze, what kind of a man is he? Or if he laughs heartily at a raw practical joke, can't you judge his caliber? Perhaps a young man loves to tell stories whose whole p.oint is sexual. Would you think him a fit associate for your daughter? Another individual tells you a tale setting forth a quaint conceit. What do you size him up to be? Don't you believe it true that a man is known by the things he finds laughable? Vacationists! Here's Best Way to Reach Wisconsin and No. Michigan OING to Wisconsin or Northern Michigan this summer.? Take the North Shore Line-your vacation will start as you board ~he train. This is the clean, convenient, enjoyable route to vacanon lands Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silv~r Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connections with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal: Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads co~ec~ wtt~ North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore tram tn M1lwaukee into aT. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train outside the door. A NIGHT OUT G Here is .drama fo ve ry best, sister wh what has ~ Entered at tbe J)Oit offtce at wnWe bought a car, the seats of =~~'.,~ W!:.'-a:t'ermr~~ ~~r:~ ~a~~~ which could be so arranged as to 1. 1111. form a bed. We liked this duplex scheme, an automobile by day and FRIDAY, JUNE 27, 1924 a Pullman by night. In fact this combination idea attracted us so Separate the Grades. strongly that it had much to do Enf~nce IM Traffic Laws. with inducing us to buy the car. Build the Through Traffic Road. N.o hotel bills, no hurrying to a definite spot before retiringWILMETI"E PARKS wonderful I All of us accept too ily beneSo much for theory. But the fits which have cost the donors question was, would it work? much active thinking and work- And especially, would the actual ing. We are like children in that experience be entirely pleasing? we take for granted what others So Bud and I decided to try · have provided for us. it out. One Monday in June we Most citizens seldom take the left home in the late afternoon trouble to find out what men and and motored north to Racine. women have devoted a great deal We wore our oldest clothes and of their valuable time and energy carried with us only a very few to securing suitable sites for things such as tooth-brushes and parks, and after that have worked blankets. At Racine we inquired ~teadily and modestly to maintain the way to the Tourists' Camp. those parks. All of us need to We reached that sought-for cultivate the virtue of gratitude. place at about 9 :30, just as the It would be well if every Wil- shades of night were falling. mette citizen would make at least We dismembered the seats and a be.ginning of this cultivation by put them together in the form of findmg out who are responsible a bed. Then we lay down to for our having such fine parks in gloat a little over the other Wilmette and by knowing more tourists, who were pitching tents exactly how much time and of several varieties, from a "pup" energy goes into the maintenance to a new-fangled contraption of these parks. made with ropes and pulleys. The shades of night soon stopped "SCHOOL'S OVER!" falling and FELL. It was dark, School's .over, and vacation and thunder was rumbling. days are here I Now we can go Bud and I talked a bit and then up R: Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Manistee, Hamlin Lake, Por.. tage Lake and Onekema. Leave here in af.. ternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michigan next morning. Fast trains leave for Milwaukee over the North .Shore Line, at frequent intervals. You may buy a "through" ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of destination. For schedules, fares or other information, inquire at North Shore ticket office. who is ab ing him she endea help of a been kill ing adven There througholl from the drama fro and quite ness. Blanch not as go gives a So, also s ie Love frightene worth wa and her impresse in the pit "THJ Here i men wh hut with in a fo tunity f dress an young a weak, u lover. I is little largely a ot mind. to parts suggest obvious tray a r bara La the you is fair Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 ~ .,.\-.., W\~cotte\n :. t. t .v ~ \n tea' earne brooks or go over to Michigan woo sweet steep. Bud must have and loaf around. won her first, for soon I heard What good times we used to him breathing heavily. Meanhave in those July and August while I was assuming various days up at that w.onderful Wis- positions, mostly right side, left consin lake! The very air itself side, and back, to see if I, too, was full of magic. All winter couldn't slip into unconsciousness. and spring the lake and woods But just as I thought I must be had been waiting for us. And nearing my goal I became aware now here we were at last. that my feet hanging over the D.ays like those won't come ~ower end of the bed und~r the agam for the simple reaso'n that mstrument. b?ard, were achmg at the golden days of youth never the ankle-J~mts. ~hen I drew return. myself up mto an 1rregular Zshape and at once felt that I was headed straight for the arms of IMPROVED PROPiiRTY It's too bad that the "improv- Morpheus. But I wasn't. Then the air became somewhat !ng" of vacant property should tn so many cases mean just the cool, and I silently debated with opposite of improvement. A few myself the question, Shall I reach ~eeks ago. the property was un- down by the speedometer and get l~proved; tt was then a beautiful the blanket? For a while the ptece of the original wilderness Nays had it, but, the rain beginone of n.ature's masterpieces, car~ ning to fall, the Ayes finally prep_eted wtth the flowers of spring- vailed, and up came the blanket. ttme, beneath the shade of a Once more I resigned myself towering oaks and elms. To-day to slumber. No use! So I let it is "improved." The trees have my thoughts wander aimlessly, been cut down and sawed into when suddenly I knew that I had cord-wood; the beauty and frag- been asleep, because day was rance of the flowers has been breaking. trampled upon. In the place of To bring my story to a very these natural growths stands a quick close, let me say that I still house, habitable but not worth prefer a regular bed to any looking at; purely utilitarian makeshift, no matter how incement sidewalks and drive · a genious or convenient. conventional lawn and bordei. True enough, what was once a A WANT AD deep tangled wildwood is now a We believe that the following home. BUT why call it IM- experience of one .of our wantPROVED? ad advertisers is typical of what happens to many others who have TEST OF CHARACTER used the same advertising ,.Nothing," says Goethe "is medium. more significant of a man's ~har He advertised that he h::td tor acter than what he finds laugh- sale certain household goods. He able." Find out what sort of used a small ad costing him $1.50. stories a man really enjoys and On the day of publication and the you know what kind of a man he two following he received over is. Or, what amounts to the his phone 150 inquiries. He sold same thing, find out what sort his goods and was so well pleased of stories a man likes to tell and that he wrote us a letter telling you know at once whether he is of his experience. crude or refined, selfish or 150 inquiries at a cost of $1.50. dlowdttful of others, loving or One cent for each inquiry. A teful, thick-skinned or sensi- business man w110 sold merchane. Aceording to Goethe there dise at a cost of a penny per . prospect would soon be a milliona man repeat aire. 1'f.e ~ Shore LI'Oe le ratlna · oeriee of liiJ>clul morcn co.ch r~ro throuthout the IWDIJier. lc. newt c:,omfonable de luxe coacber-outtnp of u~d tcel\lc beaury throuth lake and raon res10na of Nolthem Jillnola and 'Wilconlln,locludlna the famoua Wl.lcooalo Della. Way Uip-·US ...U...lDcladlac ~._..aDd boac trtp., .37. MOTOR COACH TOURS 5-liay tdp-738 ...... bM:Iudloa hocele aDd-u.. $65. 7-day Uip-959mlla,lodudbac botela, meala aad bo.c tripe, t89. 1-clay Uip-180 mu.. to Lab Oeoe.. aad ntuna, locludiDc bo.c . trip, $7.50. llluatrated Colden with fu~rtkulan at North Shore Une atatlon, or ~~~l:s!!:~~r Rm. 82 , 72 W. Adama St., Chicqo. While vented an oper dancer of the uation hnmtt& ani never was co~ in othe11 her and charity going f to dane the dire ful ne tor put and sh her lat social stead, society. Snug Georgi al Sch theM Here tain c cation was d isolati The tion t sive house which ing, b The Georgi at an year BE SURE Before L~aving For Your Trip THAT Your Car is well lubricated Your Motor Tuned up You have an Emergency Can of Gas An ass.ortment of Bulbs and Spark Plugs A pair of Weed DeLuxe Chains A good Spare Tire or Two An Extra Tube And one of our Free Road Maps A trip is a pleasure only when you are free fr.om unnecessary road delays. minist The make requir Mrs. au tho~ Titani in the took pupil , Wh' took perf or: ..,

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