Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 27 Jun 1924, p. 26

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~d ~m~y a~ up~~d unY~m \Vitmette the first of July to from Wash- 'CC~h~u~l~~~~~~~ili~,~~~t~9~F~m~e~s~t~a~v~e!n!ue~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ in~on, D. C., where they haYe been 1T.Iaking their home for some tim~. They have taken the Willis Hutson home, 1112 Elmwood avenue, for th.e ~"'"mer. while the Hutsons are ia' Californi~. -oM'rs. Frank B~ King 825 Greenleaf I --()-()avenue, entertained at luncheon .and (nC)Uded in the list of those 1[1'~·.._Edward J, Bradl~y, 234 Catalpa bridge Tuesday afternoon, for etght from Chfcag~. guests \lating from the academy' on June- 13' place; is conn.lescing a~ter a YCI"J' are the following Wilmette girls: serious accident, she sullered when --+Rosal1)0nd Agatha Barton, Agne· she fell from a stepladder, breaking Mr. and Mrs. Chartes F. Kremer Chatdine Biehl, Elise Marie Jonea, both her ankles. and family, 72J Laurel avenu4f, ietherine Joan. Kelley, M~rje~~IJ,sr -<>-. . . ·turned llonday evening from a six-day afthefer, Mary Ann Patterson, :W:n. John Cummiskey of Escanaba, automobile trtp in Michigan. Etizabeth Laura Reichman, Rosaline' Michigan, left today foe her home,jffi~s~i5~~e~~5fi5Si~j Alice Mills and Winifred RosamOnd after having visited her sist'e£, Mrs.ll Seng. George B. McKana, 1053 Liadea ave-onue. · Miss Marie Levi will be one o( tht! --o-br'i dal attendants at the wedding of A bridge club of eight members Fluffy light summer fr.ocks Miss Dorothy Emilie Mapu-. dalfl'h- was' entertained ThUrsday at the home ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hans M'agnus of of Mrs. Lyman Gou, Jr., SZO itventh for the hot July days. Hubbard Woods, and Henry B. Ax- ,street. They're attractive and mod---c>- . man, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sam H. · · . · erately priced. Axman of Chicago, whicfl is t~ing . S~a:nne Gage ha~ arn!ed from her pl,ace at the Sovereigp hotel on July .hoine aq ,qtearwat~;r, .FI~tda, to spend ~' in the presence of the immediate the ai1Dltner at t~e ti.otne of Mn. Helen Unique Style Shop families, Dr. Louis Mann oftlefatitf'l'. Gage on EltnwOOd avenue. -oluf CENTRAL AVE. --o-. The' Travel dass met' for luncheoa Pia. Wil24U Mr. a~d Mrs. William A. ~UrJ!n on :rhursday of last week with !lrt. Ell~worth Tay1or, aon of Mra. D. L. Taylor, 849 Mich1gan avenue, sailell for Europe Saturday. He will study in · the New York School of Fine and Applied Arts this summer. Whitman Taylor will attend the meeting of the American lJar association to be held in London. He is sailing July 5, to be away until the first of Septembe£. Winfield Taylor will spend the summer at the Rocky Mountain Boys' camp, Estes, Colorado. Mr. aad Wrs. Oeor,1e D. White, 1101 Greenwood avenue, left last week to spend the remainder of the season at their summer home at Eagle W·er, Wisconsin . --o-Mariesther Krafthefer, OOl Oakwood avenue, entertained the 28 graduates ot the Marywood academy at lunch· eon and btidge on June lZ, at the Evanston Golf club. --o-M iss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm has issued inYitatiOila · for a luncheon and bridge which abe is giving oa Wednesday, July 2, at her home oa Fore.tt avenue. On Wednesday 86 members of the Eastern Star motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Galitz at Wheeling where they had luncheon and spent the d~y. -o-- Mr. and Mrs. W. F. English, Jr., are expected to return to their ho~e1 729 Ninth streets, today, after a v1s1t of about three weeks in Colorado. -o- Mrs. H. W. Cald~ll, 930 Lindea avenue, has, as her ·house-guest, l,ter aunt, Miss Felter, who is he~e. from Cincinnati for an extended v1s1t. I. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOIIILE WE SELL AND SERVICE P AlGE and JEWETT AutomObile. None better at the price. We also have the following used cars for sale. 1920--Qakland. Touring, in fair shape ...... $1Z5 1920--16-Yalve Stutz Bearcat Roadst~r .... $411 1916--~QComobile Sport, in excellent shape $551 1920--Bulck Touring, in good shape. . . . . . SS58 We will tell you the truth about these cars. Summer Dresses J. C. Slowil A. B. Vaa Deilaa --oM iss Eloise Arms of 720 Lake avenue i1 givi.-g a luncheon ancl bridge toclay at the Edgewater Beach hot~t lor about 30 National Park alumnae in honor of her house-guests, lLiss· Elsie Shewman of Cincinnati ancl Win Beulah Floy Bledsoe of Port Arthur, Texas. ave.,ue, left last week for the Lake --oMn. ttred M. Simmons, 929 Forest r>iveraary o( qamma Phi Beta sorority. Before retummg home she will visit friends at Lake Champlain and Syracuse, New York, her former home. -()- Placid club to attend the fiftieth an- Miss Harriet Mons, 921 Oakw avenUJ~:, · is leaving~ . ~~ 1iruf' ·.-. for SherwoOd ~p.t.· · · - · · "'july 1. . . . . .,~s~:a ,., camp, Dr. La.ur~ r !;. camp for girls which . is situated at Springfield, Wisconsin. She will he away f.or two months. -oCharle~ C. Mitchell, Jr., 814 Linden· venue, \eaves in a few days for Fort \Va)'fte, lndiana. where he will spend the sUIIJD\et. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell are going east in two or three we~s, to !Je gone about' a month. -o- - ·· --· M ill Helen lbaclc eame home last' week &oen the University of Wiscoa· sin, ·here she is a student, to s~gd the summer with ber pa:rents, Mr. aod r Greate ·eliability f Service ·'tM hatles A.. Coffin foundation Ia "'~CltarJe. A. Collln,l~ and. ~tol' O.neral Elec~ Wra. Henry J. llack, 1228 C~ roi'T avenue. -ol&r. and KTs. Cart Renneckar, 1014 Greeo1nf avea11e, left on lionda_7_ fer La Salle, Jlliaoia. to att~d t\te Pharmaceutltal cohvention tliat was held there for four day~ of thi1 week. They are returning today. THIS Company's policy of iritercon .neQt· 1 i~ ita major power plants ~by in- Mrs. R. K. Brown and daughter, Frarices, 11~ Forest avenue, wbo have beeri spend... several clays in St. Louls as the pe1ts of Yr. and lirs. Edmund Brown, will return home Saturday. --oBob Burtner, son of Mr. and Yrs. R. D. Burtner, 810 Oakwood annue, and Delma Caldwell, 10n of Mr. and Mra. Herbert W. Caldwell, 931 Linden avenue, are leavinC' June 30, for a month in Mic:hisan at £berhard Camp. Frances Levi, ·Betty Marshall and Cecille Gilroy are three Wilmette girls leaving on Saturda}' _for five weeks at Camp Awakia, Watervliet, Michigan. M iss Alice Wray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wray of Washi~~Jton avenue, graduated from the Untversity of Wisconsin, Monday. --o- ...... --o- eraiJJp ol' tbal ComJ>M~r· , Ae - pP~"Ne(ott o£ appreciation olltlr. eo.lln'all/e 'tii'OI'k the Char,.. A. Forutfhtioa ~rae created. TAiaP-.tdati.,. ooneiateof a fund, IJJe i - /rolla 1I'AiU ie fo . . ·liJ. hedia _..._... cttd re·udl_, Ht'Yi" Ia the electrioal & '!d: A pld tpedal ~wn ·· t1te Cltarlea A. CoAt ltl. .l ia a ~rude</ a.naaallr to 1M electric atilit¥ qp,rjltJII4 cornpalfT in IIJe Ualfefl S.a~ which dtarin' the T.., Ale . . . , the 'reeteal oonh'i6alioa ,.....,.. IJtOreaabt' the ilte ... ol.,_trio lilht and ;power lor the oonYenience of the public and the well beinl of tbe /nduatry. The Companr reoei.,ing tbe c....,., ,..UiedlromiiCti-re/wtlll- ol,.. creasing generation and distribution efficiency and safeguarding ser vtte to' C\18:tomers, was one outstanding activity ~hicl;a woo for it' the Chari~ A Cofftn MedaL In thill SdJ)tr-p()Wet development t'hii eompatJf was a pioneer. The first link in a plan of intercoonection between the large power station8 of the Company, CO!lliat· ing of 27 miles of steel tower transmilaion tiDe extending south from WaUkegan,isnow in operatioh. ThiS with other iritetconnecled lines now pzojected will' liD inlfixl?austible suppy electrical energy to the customers of this Company. Throop this super-power system of interconnected un., reserve power can be broUght from points where the de~ ia ~. to other centers experienc:inf the stram of UftUsal dlmand, at any time. c..-. ad.,_,._ ., assure or Cbule· .A. Collin Med181 r-ive· a1- $1,000 for ite emploJ'e· beneJft or eimilar fund. This policy of the Company which enables it to provide for the increased demand of the future, as it grows side by side with the tenitory IIIE!rVed, ill in itself an expression of confidence in the continued development of Northern Illinois. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY . OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS JNo. s. ·n~ Dlitrilt .......,. til ...... 6,000 .,.._.. mila-202 citia Gild toaJJU-witla Ga. or El.ctrldq LAKE, SHORE AU 0 SALES a.-c.. Str.t P.... E....._- EVANSTON n... Wn..tt.-

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