Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 13

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drawina up plans for a club wfuch will into their new home in Evanston. · :-0-pa.rlia.menta.rJt la.w a.o.d. l.ite.ta.-. -4-Mr. an Wr~. - U~Yer PIJ'nb, 1GZI' " ture. Mrs. Alexander poured, and Ki.u Helu and Kiaa Mara s..aa., ec a · left s....~a,. ,_ Children's afternoon, on TuesMrs. Charlton, Mrs. Lawton's daugb- daughters of Mr. and Mrs. William E. northern Wisconsin, where they wiU July 1, an annual event at the The weekly gathef"ings are being ter, served. -.oSuits, 718 Forest avenu.e, left Friday spend the remainder of tbe summer. Woman's club, and at__._ Many residents of Wilmette will~ for Camp Minaewaba, Three Lakes. interesting occasion for young held each Monday afternoon durina Mrs. R. A . Montague and daughter, and August by the Nort... hlatSH:hlllorarelt·"nterested to know that Frantz Pro- Wisconsin. was a most charmiag event. July Alumnae associatioa of the ... -o.Mari~ne, 1.125 Greenwood a~w. was given by graduates of Kindergarten and Elementary college. scbowsky, formerly a resident oi this Mr. and Mrs. J . Melville Brown, 738 retunu:d Thunday from a fortnialtl'· Kindergarten and Elanen- Articles are being pre~rcd at the viUqe, is retunt" hie h:etee in Eleventh street, accOII)pasaied by their atay ia Mootiftllo, Illinois. · f 1 h 11 c New York, after havinK been at the for the Woman's club and meetmgs -oor sa eat t e e_K~ orner Minnesota conservat ...., of vocal music soa and daughter, left on Thursday of the Courtesy Shoppe, 508 Davis ·J !O sail from San Francisco for a year's Jame1 M . BrG~Wn .. 1010 Central avestreet, Evanston. sim:e June 1. JOUrney around the world. nue, is sperulia1 the Founh of Juty ia ~ Miss Anna F. Murray will be host-oMt. Vernon, Ohio, visiting at the home Mr. and llr-s. C. J. Carlsen and their ess at the meeting on Monday, July 7, Herbert Braun is leavi~ Saturday o.f his fiancee, Miss Sarrah H~. at her bo~. 1312 Church street, daughter, Miss Harriett, Mr. and Mrs. for his home in Florida after spendinc -oSam S. David and Miss Helen, and Evanston. Harry Wilson 611 Laurel a ue, Miss Elizabeth Packer of Glencoe, as- two weeks with his father and moth., -oprincipal at New Trier, are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Brauo. 629 and Tbamas eoitdaud of tbe Oa:rilqtMr. and Mrs. Edward S. Challinor, sistant today for an extended stay at Prairie avenue. ton hotel, are leaving July 5, for Mr. 4510 North Winchester avenue, formerly leaving City. -oChiltfs eamp in Canada. of Wilmette, announ~e the approaching Mexico . -oMrs. Wilfred DeBerard, 802 Elmwood ~ marriage of their daughter, Dorothy Mrs. }. L. Vose, who has been visitMrs. F. L. B.orwell w bas beea · Mary, to Howard Warren Shaw of 1004 ing at the Paul S. Roche home, 801 avenue, has as her guests, her sister and two children who have arrived from visiting her daughter, Mrs. Harry B. Spruce street, Winnetka, on August 15, Central avenue, for a week, has reSouth America to spend the surnmc:r wita Wilson, 6U Laurel avenue, bas reat the Revenswood Methodist Episcopal turned to her summer home at Bass her. turned to her home in Racine. church, Sunnyside and Hermitage ave- Lake, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Roche --o-<>nues at 8 o'clock. A reception at the are spending the Fourth at Nippersiok Stanley Gage is now occupying his Mrs. W . B. Rohillsoa, 1026 Ashlancl church will follow immediately after the Lodge. cottage on Sheridan road. Mrs. Gage avenue, has returned from Waldren, service. -o. is expected to arrive shortly from the Colorado, where she was called by the -oWill C. Braun, ll)9 Central avenue, south. deuh oi her father, David K. Smith. M iss Susannah Armstrong, daughter and C. E . Renneckar, 935 Elmwood --o-oof Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Armstrong, avenue, have rented a cottage at Edward Hoffman, who bas been in Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wrightson 861 Bluff street, Glencoe, sailed for Crawling Stone Lake near Lac du California for the last eight months, have returned from a trip around the Europe from Quebec last Friday. Miss Flambeau, Wisconsin , where, with has returned to his home at 1713 world and are living at 419 TentJa Armstrong is. assistant musical direc- their families, they are spending a Forest avenue. street. tor at New Trier high school, and is month. --o-otaking a year's leave of absence for -oThe meeting of the Neighborly dub Mr. and Mrs. P~ul Stbroedcr, ~ study and travel. The Misses Dorothy Troy and Eliza- was held Tuesday at the home of Mrs. daughter, M!'rg~ente, . returned th· During this period. she will study beth Cullen of Ashland avenue,- left Theodore DeLang, 1501 Forest ave- week from M1a1n1, Florida, after an ~ piano with Arthur Schnabel at Berlin. of Saturday for Estes Park, Colorado, nue. \ 'lence of seven months. -o-to attend the convention of the Delta - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Daniel Gamma sorority to which they are Burnham entertained at tea on the both pledged. terrace of her home in Evanston for -o-all the women who were active in the M iss Agnes Biehl, 1120 Chestnut aveCounty Fair, the large and exceedingly nue, gave a farewell luncheon and successful benefit for the Northwest- bridge party on Monday, June 23, for ern Settlement given under the au- Miss Dorothy Wineberg of Evanston spices of the Evanston and Winnetl<a who leaves for Europe this week. boards. Eighteen guests were present. --o-oMiaa · Gra~~ Hemio.wa,Mr. and Mrs. Willard Thayer, 522 Mrs. William Balhatchet gave a Do You Know That Moths Destroy More Than $200,000,000 Worth Central avenue, and their daughter, garden party at her home, 725 Tenth having appeared on Chautau- Miss Marion, are leaving Saturday to of Valuables Every Year in the United States? Well, they ~- . street, for fourteen gu~sts, in ho":or at dubs, churches and spend three weeks in the northwest. Before hanging your winter clothing away for the summer, bnna tt the country, told stor- They will tour along the Columbia of Miss Mary Lestwsck of Pomt in to us for Cleaning and Pressing, and we will return it to you in Miss Lillian Lyman of highway out of Portland. After stop- Pleasant, Virginia. --oMoth-Proof Bogs. Then there will be no danger of Moth Hol~ most pleasing in her ping at Lake Louise and Vancouver The American Legion is giving a dance, and the Dance of they will sail for Alaska. when you are ready for them in the FaU aod Winter. We make dance on the Fourth at the Ouilmette ester. The Misses Nellie no Extra Charge for this Extra Se"ice. club. Country Mulford, Stella Nichol of Holt MacOloney of Colorado Springs We will Call for 4nd Deliver all your work: Promptly. in their well known role of spent a few days visiting Norman minstrels, sang their jolly Shellman on his way home from We clean Domestic and Oriental Rugs, Curtains, Clothing and Fabrics Dartmouth college. of any kind as they should be cleaned. We also do repairin1. You close of the program, the chilMr .Shellman was a guest at a will be more than pleased with our servK:e. led to the thought of our na- house party at Crystal Lake, Wisconbirthday. National music, a flag sin, over last week-end. headed by Arthur Turner aDd --o-c Mr. and Mrs. Robert E . McLain who Helm as Uncle Sam and Colbr~ght the young guests to the have beerl staying ·for three weeks where refeshments were served. with Mrs. Frank Forrester, 1030 LinEletta · Austin of the North den avenue, have moved to their new University School of Music was home at Park Ridge. Walter Mied of cco'mJ>arsist of the afternoon. Mrs. Milwaukee is a guest at the Forrester an active member of home. Pbaaea PlaoDea Cut Flowers --o-association of Wilmette 7-Z-7 E.anatoa saG M iss Faith Hoffman of Highland hostess for the afterfor all occasions Wianetb 7-Z-7 HiP)and Park 3·1·3 by Mrs. Rollin Pease and Park will be hostess at luncheon and bridge on Saturday for Miss Florence Roy Skiles. Plant-578 Lincoln Avenue Branson who is leaving the last of Phone EVANSTON 632 -<>the week for a year's stay in Europe. WINNETKA Mrs. Lloyd Eldridge returned --oto Ranger, Texas, after spend171Z Shenuan A·enae Mrs. Eu!l"ene J. Perry and her honeymoon with Mr. Eldridge's daughter, Miss Eleanor, of Sandusky, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Eldridge, Ohio, came Sunday to visit Mr. and EVANSTON avenue. During their stay, Mrs. J . M. Brown, 1010 Central avea motor trip to northern nue. nning Program Given in Evanston for Children· Krs. Winiam H. Lawton, 230 Laurel Krs. Herman Spenzler and Mrs. Little Dorothr Varian, ton Ceatral . avpue,. e au afternoon tea on Sat- Wiltiam Hewitt~ borb of R,aciae, w~ aveaac:, hu been iU with tearlet ur y for ten guests, who were aa- the I'Jesta ol Vrs. Paul F.ricsoe, 1707 fever for five cw six weeki, ia . . . sembled primarily ior the purf<!SC of Blmwoocl avenae, before t~ JDOved ~nl~. PREVENT MOTH DA AGE To Your Winter Clothing __...._ ) ) DYERS , ._~ .-'~~~~ me. was married on June 4, McRae of Ranger, Texas, of David McRae. A former resident, Allen Cameron, was Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge will home in Ranger where Mr. is associated in business. Viola M. Specht Announces the opening of her summer classes in classic, aesthetic, and toe dancing. at her new studio; Room No.2. -a-Dorothy Shantz, daughter of Mrs. Joseph E. Shantz, 930 avenue, will marry Arthur son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard 629 Prairie avenue, on Friday, Mrs. Shantz, Miss Dorothy, and her two daughters, Miss ss Helen, are leaving today Dsrn:~.l)ro~k, Korth Dakota, where will take place. Mr. Braun to bring his bride back to WitAugust 8, to spend the winter -<>Mrs. Clarence Drayer and h ters, Jean and Ruth, 1034 avenue, and Miss Marion 522 Central avenue 1 le ft Sunmotor to the Un :vcrsity of They were expected to re ay evening. Village Theat~ Building For particulars call Wilmette 5 between the hours of 8 and 1 o'clock. New thru service JASPER NATIONAL PARK Gem of the Canadian Rockies Through sleepers between Chicago and Jasper National Park via the Chi· cago & North Western Line and Cana· dian National Rys. Open observation cars through the Canadian Rockies. Lv. Chicato dllily (C. 4: N. W.) 5:30p.m. At. Duluth 8:30 ·· m., Wioaipell 9:15 P· m. (Mllt day), Jaaper 8:-40 (3rd moraiot). Correapoodioll return ""~oe. Cued·'· traadeat noatioa rellioa beoomet red· i)y aooe11ible. A oatiooal park ·· bill ·· Coa· aeoticut. 100 toweriq peaka--maay uoaam..l, raiobow·bued lakea, lllitterioll llaoiera, mifbty waterfall·. Spead · oool aummer at Juper Park Lodll· witb it1 AlpiM 10tti·· ia tbe beut of Business Mens Lunchton 7;~ For Phont: Annuals 12'lllinuus MUELLER FLORIST Flowen ud Pot Pla.ts. Seott . . . 1.ia.a.. A ... HUBBARD WOODS P.._. Wiaaetlra G1 YOUR HOME ~ftlorthfitlO Inn D1t WAUKEGA., ROAD J3artelmes by Motor~ at orthbtooh tbeae maoy eoeaio atti'Mtioaa. U bouod for the Paoiie Cout, atop · No puaports ,.quir..t. Gna_ ............ B. B. OrMr, Tioket · ftMlt8. ,_-==:-..:',.. c. a N. Wilaaett., IU. Tel. 4 w. a,.. ~t NOI\THBROOK

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