Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jul 1924, p. 2

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2 WILME'M'E THE PUBLIC fORU MI I 1..--------------- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , ' sion 544 South State street, Chicago, and' can be had by all EX-MARINES j who write or call in pe:son fo_r them, together with co~plete mstructwn and ,envelopes for mathng_ the ~me. WOULD CLOSE lOTH STREET . Will yo'! . please gtve th!s matte_r . as much pubhctty as space wtll permtt so June 30, 1924. that all EX-MARINES may avail them1 selves of this information. Editor WILMETTE LIFE, Wilmette, Ill. H. P. YOUNGS, Dear Sir : Publicity Sergeant, The article appearing in last week's U. S. MARINES. issue of your paper relating to the clo~ ing of Tenth street was decidedly unfatr and did not represent a true statement of facts or conditions. The writer presented this matter to the Board of Trustees and still believes that this street should be closed and thereby shut off this "r\o Man's" land from Wilmette. Kenilworth likewise desires it closed <llld the writer has written The County Draft Communication . to Commissioners to join with the villagers and c!o e the part that lies in the townBoard of Trustees ship. . This property is a menace to hoth vtlThe Wilmette Optimist club at it s lages that part lying on Sheridan road ·r ep ular luncheon at the Lake Shore has two oil stations, also "The Shack" Terrace Tuesday of this week addresand !'The Cottage." . . sed a formal communication to ~he Saturday night it looked hke a mma- village board of trustees requesting ture Coney I s land, '"The Shack" was prompt action in pushing the P~?posed ablaze with light s, cars parked on all w id en ing of Central and W tlmette ~idt·s, and at "The Cottage" jazz music avenue s in the local hu!>iness section . and dancing with still more cars parkThe action of the cluh followed ed, the place was crowded. . . closely di sc ussion s in which the OptiTo invite the same condtttons on mist s decided to bend every effort toTenth street is criminal, it would des- ward having the s treet wid~ning protroy the fine houses adjoining it in both gram as proposed by the vtllage sevWilml:tte and Kenilworth and the writ- eral months ago pushed to an early er sincerely hopes that the people of conclusion. uur village have not reached that stage The concensus of opinion among the that we are indifferent to the rights of club members is to the effect that the our neighbors and citizens. pre se nt congested condition on hoth We cannot police this district as tt ts these thoroughfare :; in the principal 110t either in \Vilmette or Kenilworth. husincs~ sec tion makes traffic over \Ve cannot annex it until the ow·ners ·hem <'xtremely dan):!erou s alike for petition us to do so. motorists and peck~trians. Unfortunately we have a few citizens A committ~'e compri~ing Dr. D. \V. in our village who can only th1nk evil of Rapp and Orian Galit7 wa s appointed others and when they speak of gra.ft by the Optimists to .draw up a ~om they become contcmptahle. You wtll munication reque st111g the vtllage generally find ,them a class for whom boa rd to take prompt action leading right minded people have ltttle respect toward the street widening improve and persons who by their own conduct ment. and unwarranted statements are unThe Optimists al-;o emp ha sized that trustworthy. no cars should be permitted to be Respectfully, parked within 20 feet of business EDWARD ZIPF, s treet inter sec tion s, in order to afford Prl'sidmt Village of Wilmette. clear vision for advancing traffic. Tt i~ statecl that a large representaEditor : tion of Optimists will attend the next Application blanks for the V cterans of re p, ular session of the '".illag.e hoard the "WORLD WAR" have been re- to urge action on the w1denmg proceived at the Central Recruiting Utvi- ject. Your Friends have tried out the service of this bank, and found it good. Ask any of them, and see the kind of report you get. This bank expresses a sincere wish to be of real service to its patrons. It realizes that the prosperity of the bank depends directly upon the prosperity of its friends. OPTIMISTS HOT ON 'WIDENING' I STATE BANK Ill I WILMETTE CenttdlAve.at'/Welfth ~----- Nl1bt and Mornlag Hne Ck4n, Healtbr Ere~ U they Tire, Itch, ··vou1· Home Banh·· Smart, Bum or Discharge if Sore, lrri· tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Re/ruhu, Soothe$, Safe for Infant or Adult! At all Druggists. --~- Ill I I ' IPriU tor FJW ~~ Bool. H....U.o B,.o Ro·ed,. Co., 9 Baot OW.o St., C~ First Church of Christian Science Christ, Scientist, Reading Room Wilmette, Ill. 1163 Wilmette Ave. Tenth St. and Central Ave. Hours : Services ; Daily (t'<cept Wedne~day and Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45P.M. Saturday: 9 A. M . to 9 P.M. P at 8 · M · The Rlble and WorKs by Mary Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Baker Eddy and all other author. Subject of the Le sso n ~ermon ~!~ ~~rl~~~d~ g~~~~~ed Ll~:ra~~~~ July f "God" chased. Tlae Public: ia cordially iavited to attend the Church Senicea and viait tlae Readin~r Room . No.lA Ready-set Ansco 2~ X 4>{ Pictura · · : "~s Good as · · The Best Home-made!" · · · · One of bur customers, a · ··························· Picture-taking reduced to its simplest terms T HAT'S what you get with the No. lA READY-SET Ansco, a sturdy, good-looking camera of the popular 2}Sx4y.l size. No focusing, no shutter complications. Just set for snapshots and shoot. It's all so easy that you can't go wrong. And this camera has the famous Ansco Automatic Finder, which prevents the chopping off of heads and feet and other finder mistakes. The name describes it-it's ready-set for pictures. In fact, it's fool-proof. · · · · · · · · · · · · · hou e-wife of much experience, said of the cake he bought at The Dutch 0\·en, "It's as good as the best home-made cake." Fll The Dutch Oven The Quality remains when price is forgotten Come in and ·ee it Renneckar Drug Co· The Telephonea 28-29 in teres· in full charge And a privile1 payme1 1129 Central Phone Wil. 2998 Store WILMETTE, ILL.

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