Social Season Feels Summer Relaxation· HIS week bids farewell to the Wilmette brides. disappeared, for a time at least,_from these pages. spring. many who h~ve followed thts column, have activities from the ttme of the engagement announce all the pre-nuptial entertaining to the wedding many cases in the per!flanent departure of o~r W . this village. Village mterest has centered 111 thetr fun. Early autumn promises more weddings, t~me though known to this ~1ews gathe.rer, m.ay not ~e dtvul But in the meanttme, what ts Soctety domg? of sunlight and warmth, make the real optimists feel the summer season. Many villagers have felt the lu travel. Others are packing themselves and their f motors to "follow the road" into the woods of nor and Michigan where they enjoy fishing, golf and the b for week-end and even monthly periods. Those who ing at home are drawn to golf clubs and yacht clubs pusue the out-of-door spor.ts a~d the informal d_inn~r of the seas.on. It is vacat10n ttme , and the soctal ltfe temper of the villagers who are taking a breathing onrush of early fall activities when the large, formal a their place on the social calendar. T Real Hom e Ch e r In This Spaciou s Tudor· Lounge of The Ol'l'lngton Unfurnished ~partments Ready Sept.l st ........., I r····· t\ the new unfurnished apartments of 'fhe Or········ I 1 Community Shop Needs Supply to Meet "W E wish to thank those who so generously contributel last appeal made by the Economy Shop and to 14 and others to still bear us in mind. We will be glad to have who doesn't understand the working of the shop, visit it,a the good that is daily being done in the community." Coming directly from one .of the heads of this splendi4 prise, the above message is an urge to all who read it ~o tal of their household and personal possessions to see if contri can be f.o und. The demand is always grea~. and the supPJ at least meet it if this enterprise is to succeed. ' Many of us have articles we could send, but we need reminded. I Tl ~ E1·mtsfon, · ..... ~ ~ Date · · bo<>k\et ~ I td me . I I Kindly . SCI f '(he ornng- I I dcscnptwc o be interested I ~ ton. W.e m;Y (un\urnished) ~ ... peop\e ~ ~ in {urnrshe I quarters for . . . . . I I If Orri11gron , I Ill ~ I rington you retain the pleasure of you.:; own furnishings and ~ain the many comforts and conveniences of hotel service. Two, three, and up to eight-room apartments, beautifully decorated in paneled ivory, carpeted and dra}>ed ready to move into. Real economy, too-----no taxes, interest, servants wages, repair or maintenance bills. · Investigate thi s happier mode of living now. Ready September first. Send for illustrated booklet. Moderate rentals. I ~ about · ·"" I I .·.·.. " . . . . .... ~ ~ I I ~ Narne ·" · I I .. ,. . ...... . .. . . . . . . . ··" . .. .. . ...... ~ I Address · · · · : I ~ ~----········ phone . .. . ········"' Feltal&n s Curme's Pa1~E SALE One Two Pairs for the Price of l/2 In the styh here illutrated-blue, green and tan c:alf. Other st)'les in satin, brown and -.lack ldd, patent, lf'aY aD4 white. llake your eelecnc. tD ~~ large assortmellt. Britt Ptlfr tap« froro .-r regular $6 stock. Be nre to Me oar wlr.4ow'l. ~ora hy Mlllloas from Coast to Coa·t CHICAGO STORES (S~te 308 So. State St. 736 W. Madiaon St. 1227 Milwaukee An. 4631 So. Aahl-d A.,.. 3403 W. R-··.,.lt Road. 617 Duia St., E·-·ton, Ill St.) 118 So. State St. OUTLYING STORES 6341 So. Halat-.1 St. 818 Eaat 83rd St. 4710 Sb...W.a Roacl Ill Broaclwa,.. C...,, lad. 134 No. State St. 619 W. North An. 1222 Comaercial A.,. 1707 Stoa,. lalaacl A.., 11127 So. MWdpa A.,.. %21 State St., Ham-t~, ID4. EVANSTON STORE 617 Davia Street A troupe of enthusiastic young actors, Mrs. S. M. Singleton, directed by the author of their play, avenue, returned TpC$day Sara Gaper, produced a four-act drama west where she attended that dealt with knights and their ladies, Phi convention held at kings, princes and princesses, and to add Naional Park, June 21 a touch of mirth, the court jester, on the closing of the con Tuesday evening, July 1, in the garage companied a group of of the Gaper home, 731 Park avenue. visited Yellowstone Park The proceeds were given to the Tribune sed the unveiling of the Buff Ice fund. monument at Cody. Those who took part in "The King's Mrs. C. P. Evans and her Mistake" were Walter Miller, Jean Miss Helen, 616 Gregory Miller, Harold Hurtt, Betty Hurtt, gates from the University of Ralph Warble, Clyde Warble, Marjorie went from the convention to Warble, Jack Dunn, Bobbie Dunn, Ira and California. Mrs. Thorw · · ing and her dau.,.ht,.r J1. I verson. J ames I verson and M arJone Moulding Woo<'len,..,, ha\i~,..g-01\t Iverson. Another such performa~ce will be Seattle and Alaska. given in a few weeks when the actors -ohave returned from their vacations, with Mrs. C. C. Shultz, 1609 Lake the Tribune Icc fund once more the was called east on account of beneficiary. of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. -oof Wellesley, Mass. Mrs. James Baker, son of Mr. and Mrs. June 1, and Mr. Bauer died John Clark Baker of Maple avenue, Mr. Shultz and his son ar has returned with the sixteen other in Wellesley for a week or members of Boy Scout troop number which time they will go up u 2 of the Congregational church which chester, returning to WUmetl! has been in camp at Sawyer, Mich- July 21. igan. under the direction of Wilham -oE. Cook, scoutmaster. · Miss Janice West. 8lt -<>-----nue. gave a luncheon and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Marshall. sixteen guest. in honor of 1040 Elmwood avenue, and Mr. and \Vatkins of Honolulu, who is Mrs. Clarence D. Worthington of Glen- way to Boston . Miss Watkin: coe are leaving today to motor to · tbe house-guest of Miss Betty\ Eagle River, Wisconsin, wher e they 1119 Elmwood avenue, for a feJ welt spe nd a week as the gues ts of the -oGeorg-e D. \Vhitcs at their summer Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch h home. turned to their home at 611 w~ -oton avenue, after an absence Mr. and Mrs. Byron Knapp have week s. They spent the Fourth so ld their home at 900 Forest avenue, at Blackwell, Wisconsin, with to :.Ir. and Mrs. Walter M. Cowell of son-in-law. and daughter, Mr Chicago. and have rent ed the resi- Mrs. Frank Ftanner. dence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tubbs, -o1350 Greenwood avenue, for the Among the gue ts who spet summer. Fourth and the week-end i Crystal Lake Country club we -o'M iss Charlotte Springer, 430 Maple and Mrs. Lewis B. Springer a avenue. left last Monday for Yellow- and Mrs. Elmer D. Becker. n stone Park where she will remain until is one of the most beautifully the last of September. Miss Springer near Chicago. ha s been appointed director of recre-oation at Camp Roose velt. Mrs . C. W. Culbertson ~~ dau{o'!hter. Mrs. J. C. Gapen,·~t -oM r .and Mrs. Earle D . Lyon, 1504 latter's son, Clark, Jr., 919 Elm' Elmwood avenue, their daughter, avenue, have returned from ~ uzanne, and Miss Lvon left on Fri- trip through northern W1st day to spend the week-end at Ocono- 'fhey were away about ten day mowoc, Wisconsin, where Mrs. Lyon -ois remaining for three weeks. M iss Gladys Pratt is enter! -oat luncheon and five tables of Mrs. R. E. Pattison Kline, president on Saturday at her of the Woman's club. entertained the wood avenue, for her members of the social committee at Miss Bernadette Ryan of bridge on Wednesday afternoon at her home on Greenwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis. R23 \; -owood avenue. returned 'Vednl M iss Edith Cooper, 824 Lake ave- from Troy, Ohio, where theY, nue, who has been spending two called on Monday by the dea months in En~land and France, sailed Mr. Ellis' mother. for home on Thursday, and is expected -oto arrive in vVilmette about July 18. L. P. Sykes, 825 Lake avenue -oreturned from a three weeks' Mr. Shurtleff, 815 Lake avenue, and the west. He spent part of . his daughter. Mrs. John Campbell, have visiting his son, Sherman, who a just returned from a fortnight's trip living in California. to Montreal, Quebec, Boston and New -oYork. Mr. and Mrs. Freeland G. -o1618 Lake avenue, leave S Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Cohn, 901 a three months' motor trip Forest avenue, are in the west on a Northern Wisconsin, Michigan motor tour, itinerary of which includes Minnesota. all the Pacific coast. They expect to -oreturn to Wilmette in two months. Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cole. -<>-now making their home in Robert Zind, 1724 Elmwood avenue, left on Tuesday to motor to is improving after an illness of three voix, Michigan. They will be weeks. about three weeks. WR