Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 13

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.,,1 ~ Sh ore sendS _LT D orlh an· A ruen 1111- WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, · · · · to Bask et p "Cn"C 1nv"tat"on I ULY 18, 1924 13 !sponse activineed of ~resque ht club ranean. m now ill take waterin. On ~ars on embers ours of co, and e time Keota, of the Iowa, bnnibal, guest of rs. John ue, since ce Segshe latter day for she will hen she two chile guests ue. Mr. later in brother er guests Sunday .w.w. Lincoln, Kieth of he guests Baldwin, xt week idge and honor of splendid influence and work of the RDEN SHORE invites you to its camp are Mrs. Leslie F. Gates, chairMiss Beatrice Billinger, 1520 Spenannual basket picnic at the camp man. Mrs. Hayes McKinney, vice on Tuesday, July 22. You are chairman; Miss Edna Lewis, indus- cer avenue, was hostess on Wednesday asked to bring your own lunch, and trial chairman; Mrs. Charles McCoy, even ing, July 9, at a Japanese lantern the camp will serve coffee. The lunch- Chairman ' of the driving committee; lawn fete and dance given at her home eon hour has been set at 12 :30 o'clock, Mrs. Robert Stoddard, of the Big on the occasion of her eighteenth and th e p~nickers will gather to- Brother cf>mmittee, and Mrs. E. R. birthday. Eighteen guests were present. gether in the camp library, where, in Hcinzheimer. the afternoon, the group leaders will In Kenilworth Mrs. Mark W . Cresap, Frank Flanner arnved Tuesday from tell of th eir work, and it is expected is chairman of the committee, assi sted that some of. th e children will give by Mrs. Alfred McDougall, Mrs. Grant Blackwell, Wisconsin, to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Fatch of 611 an entertainment. Ridgway and Mrs. E. D. Parmelee. Washington avenue until Monday. -oEach north shore chairman is asked to secure as many visitors as possible. The excursion to the north shore of Edward Arden will return with him Those who have kept in close touch the summer school students of the to visit his son Edward. -owith th e development of the camp. National Kindergarten and ElemenBethsaida Shrine number 43, White will noti ce many improvements and a tary college which was scheduled for Shrine of Jerusa lem, is making plans number of new buildings. Saturday last ,was prevented because Rehuilding has been going on in of rain. The plan will be carried out for a card and bunco party which will An ex- be held at its meeting place, 810 Davis the library, the gift of Mrs. J. Mc- on Saturday of this week. Gregor Adams of Highland Park. The ten~~d bus ride through the suburbs, street, Evanston, on Thursday evening, build,ing ha s been raised, two screened a v1s1t to the site of the new college July 24. -oporches have been added , book cases buildings, and supper on the Wilmette M iss Pauline Pettibone returned to have been built in, and the entire beach will be enjoyed by nearly 100 her home, 512 Central avenue, last building ha s been painted. The members of the school. Sunday after a week spent at the Dells -olibrary will be completed in time to receive its fi~st guests, and owing to On Monday next, July 21, Miss Anna and Madison. She left Monday evethe tireless efforts of the librarian, L. Kappes, will entertain the north ning for a few weeks' trip in CaliMiss Sutherland, even the books will shore alumnae of the National Kinder- fornia. -abe ir. order. garten and Elementary college at her The Comanci Bridge club met at the The generosity of Mrs. Adams and summer home, 512 Sunrise, Lake Bluff, home of Mrs. Frank G. Watson , 134f Mrs. Robert Gregory has been re- for luncheon and the afternoon. This Chestnut avenue, on Tuesday afternoon sponsible for the doing over of the will be the seventh meeting in the for luncheon and bridge. About mtire sewage system, now inadequate summer series, which combine plea- twenty member s were present. becaus e of the growth of the camp. sure and work. As usual, sewing is a Thousands of dollars have been ex- the order of the day. Frank Schaedler, 301 Sheridan road, pended. -ohas just returned from an extensive Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bersbach ar- trip through the west, during which Wilmette has given four cottages this year, three of which have al- rived in Chicago Tue sday after spend- time he visited Yellowstone National ready been built. Mrs. Le slie F. ing the winter and spring in San park. He was gone three weeks. They return ed -aGates, the Camp Fire Girls, a Dinner Diego, California. Mr. and Mr s. H. S. Bowen and club, and the proceeds from a card through the Canadian Rockies, stopparty given in the early spring by ping at Banff and Lake Loui se. The family, 809 Elmwood avenue, left friends of the board have made these Bersbachs will stay at the Edge- Wednesday morning for a motor trip water Beach hotel until December through Iowa. They expect to be gone houses possib I e. about ten days. Winnetka has also come to the front when they will again go west. -o-oin generous giving. Cinderella Lodge, the attractive large cottage, given by Henry A. Savage of Ontonagon, Tom Fitch, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur F. Tuttle, the recording Michigan ,announces the marriage of Claude E. Fitch of 1033 Elmwood avesecretary, Miss Leila and Miss Har- his daughter, Louise Clarice, to Car- nue, is expected home the end of this riet Houghteling, and James Hough - roll B. Robertson of Wilmette on week after an European journey of teling, Jr., in memory of their mother, Tuesday, July 15. Mr. Robertson is two months. Mrs. Jam es Houghteling, provides a the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Robert - ·. -oplayroom, classroom, and a place of son of 518 Greenleaf avenue. M iss Margaret Stafford has just rerecreation for the 30 Cinderellas, -oturned to her home at 936 Sheridan A. F. Thurnau left last week to at- road after ten days spent at the Ep(little mothers) and the 30 convalescent girls who are housed in the Hart tend the advertising convention in worth League institute at Thompson's Mr. Thurnau makes his Point, Lake Geneva. Schaffner Marx cottage. Mrs. Nor- London. man Harris has also given a cottage. home with his sister, Mrs. William -oMrs. J. J . Siddall of Glencoe, .presi- Schmetdgen, 710 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. James D. Deutsc h, 777 Mich-adent of the Arden Shore association, igan avenue, gave a house party over Richard Jordan and son, William, last week-end at her summer home at will greet the guests, and interesting, · informal talks will be given by the 1005 Greenwood avenue ,are at Marion - Claannel Lake Bluff, Illinois, for ten · following ~ · ll leo.ders who will tell ette, Wisconsin, for an indefinite stay. out-of-town guests . of their work among the mothers and Larry Mouat, 616 Lake avenue, is with -o· . children for whom the camp is main- them. Mrs. S. B. Roberts, 629 Gregory avetained; Miss Anna Belle Ferrier, super-onue, is passing the summer months at intendent, Miss Alma Stewart, camp Mrs . H. C. West, 811 Forest avenue, Cliff House, Manitou Springs, Colo. nurse and health teacher who has left Thursday for Macoleon, Ohio, -obeen gradually instilling lessons where she is visiting relatives. She Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith, 1325 of health, proper eating, and hygiene expects to return to Wilmette on Greenwood avenue, returned recently into those with whom she comes Sunday. from a short outing at Lake Marie. in contact who were at first brought to the camp for recreation and rest; Miss Blankenheimer, who will tell of the 30 little mothers and 30 convalescent girls from 8 to 12 years of age whom she has in charge; Miss Lindquist, who takes care Are a Wonderful Asset of the undernourished girls from 14 to Murine is Cleansing, Soothing, 16, who are sent to the camp by the Refreshing and Harmless. board of education; Miss Sutherland You Will Like It. camp librarian, who teaches the campers how to read; Mrs. Bowen in charge of the little convalescent boys; Miss Rosenthal who teaches the Kindergarten; Miss Phillips of the Day nursery; Miss Foster of Beach Hquse, where they make over old MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY clothes; Miss Hilfert who is in charge Perpetual Care Non.Sectarian EVANSTON ILL. of the Baby Fold where the little ones Have you given this important matter y.our sincere to the age of 2 are cared for; and Mr. Underwood, director of the boys' work. thought? Among the Wilmette women who I call your special attention to coice family lots acgive of their time and interest to the Mrs. Hubeft Carleton and her daughter, Phyllis, wh? have been spending the past month m the east, are returning Sunday evening. Early in the week the Carleto~ fami_ l y are leaving for Post Lake, W1sconsm, where they wit !pass the remainder of the summer. A Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zipf, 925 Lake Mrs. Clara Keyes of Kalamazoo, avenue, recently returned from a Michigan, is the guest of Mrs. E. three weeks' visit in Lexington and Lilienfeld, 816 Michigan avenue, for a Louisville, Kentucky, and Cincinnati, few weeks. Ohio. -o-o. Mr. and Mrs . C. E. Widney, 918 Mr. and Mrs. R. Lee, 118 Maple ave- Tenth street, are ~n Battle Creek, nue, and Mrs. Franklin, 849 Sheridan ,Michigan. Mr. Widney has undergone road, were the guests of Professor and an operation and is doing very well. Mrs. F . E. Ornsby of Chicago, last -o-Wednesday. Roy Melind, 693 Sheridan road, is -ospending the summer at Windermere Mrs. John Rock of Oglesby, Illinois, hotel, Muskoka, Canada. ha s been visiting her mother, Mrs. W . -oB. Palmer, 1132 Forest avenue, during Mr. and Mrs . Phillip L. McKee, 411 the past week. Sheridan road, are in New York for -oa short stay. Miss Elizabeth Swan of St. Louis -ois visiting her brother, James Swan, James Swan, Jr., spent last week at 932 Lake avenue. Lake Geneva at the home of friends. Business Men's Lunchton: 75~ 12Winuus bp Motor~ J3artelmes ~ftlort.hfielO Inn trn WAUKEGAN 1\0AD a;t NORTHBROOK Phone: orthbrooh Clean, Clear, Healthy Beautiful Eyes commodating space for 4 graves as low as $150.00. All space sold on a small cash payment. Balance in two years without interest. It will be beneficial to y.ou to let me show you through this Garden Cemetery without any obligation to you. For further information call A Summer NecessitySummer .Cleaning And no doubt the place to have such work pr,o perly taken care of, is the place that is properly equipped and manned to do it. Central 8330 ~0~0 JOHN H. MUHLKE 647 Garland Avenue 0~0 0~0 Winnetka 1205 o-.o~ A THOROUGH SCIENTIFIC ·EXAMINATION is the first essential to properly fitted glasses. Next in importance is the accurate acljuataant of the glasses. Poorly adjusted glasses or ill fitting frames often destroy the value of the most costly lenses. We furnish complete Optical Service from the examination to the final adjustment of your glasses. F. I. B. ART SHOP Formerly Gairing Fine Arts During the months of July and August we are offering a discount of 20% on picture and mirror framing. 1640 Orrington Ave. Evanston, IU. Phone Evanston 770 ~ i We Conduct That Place And any such werk left in our hands, you may rest assured, will receive the very best that skilled labor and modern equipment can give it. Just now, we are making a specialty of Summer Saita, 0 D n Straw Hata, Ladiea' LiDeaa, Li·ht Suit., Draaea and Hats. We call for and deliver. n ~o~o oao o~o o~o~ 14 Y tars of Swceuful Pf'tJCiiu ESTABUSHED 1854 Dr. 0. H. Bench ()pto...triat Fw..n Jlp. O,.it.J IN_,, C. D. Pttuod, lu C. H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNEIW. DIRECI'ORS FOR 69 YEARS 612 Darn. Street, EtHJtUton, IU. Plaone £tHJruton 164 N. Miclai6tzn AH. Plaon· Rt~ntlolpla 1346-1341 .-'~l:!~~ lac. Wilmette 7-2-7 Wianetka 7-2-7 b DYERS ·&-.f EftUtoa 5111 1177 Wdmette Ave. rw - ....._ Plant-578 Lincoln Avenue WINNETKA wu..u. lflf Be11n ~ tn. · · A. . . to ...,..._...._t Pll-·wa.·· lhM P.M.........,. . . . . . . . . . .t.

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