14 WILMETTE LIFE . Fu :rnr rh· Tht> Lakf' Shore X t! WS) l~!!t ahiiRhNI 1!112 "' i th 'lift-: whi c h I~ combined 1.0( ' \L \\ ll,"f<:'M'I-; E"\' S " ' EEK Established 1 9 l'·"'l J-; n · ·too\ Of<' by EACH 1. 1. 01"1) IIOJ.LISTER, 1!\"C. lt22 l',.ut..al Avt> .. \Yilmctte, Ill. 'l '"l"phon .. ~I . ,. \\' llmdte 1920 H·WHII"'I'IU' .::.00 A '\' EAR must be accomr·:. r~if'll IJy t h·· uam a nd adur· ss or the "rit··r Arti!'l· ·s for puhli c atlon should r ··:H·t· th·· <·rlitor by \\'t ·dnE>sday noon t o l11~ur·" ap rH·ar·a n ef' In c urrent Iss u e. All ,.,.,rununka tion rn the \'acation Hihle ~chool..: there are added to the relig-iou.., pha"e· !-upe rvi <;ed play and car~ fulh· directed cour~e:- in handr \\'Ork. Scouting and kindred org-anization . empha!:-ize o ut -door activitY which make. for health. -.elf-reiiance and genuine appr~ ciation of the manifo ld intere t of nature . F,·c n · parent should he cone rned ·with providing- an organized vacation for the child. The child i-. n o t onh· the direct beneJiciary hut \\'ill actually re\·el in it. UORTH SHORE 11 LINE Your <Vacation in Wisconsin or tMichigan "THE First NaN, Roos~ WHAT IS A POLICEMAN? th.llrks. ohitu: u·~·. )J o.-try, notfC('S o! ent··rtainnwnts or oth,·r atralrs wher e Orders come from headquarter s an admittan<'P r h arg-1' will bo made or n ro ll r·rtlon tak··n, will be charged at warning every policeman un the rqtular advertising- rat s. "beat" that he is dut\· hound - in dismissal~to e nforce l·:n t··n··l at th t· JJOM t omce at WII- peril of nu· tt ~<, !IIi n!JIIC, as mall matter ot the rigidly the traffi c Ia\\· of the :< o r·or1 d <"lass, UJHlo·r th e a c t or March :!, 1879. state and community . lr1hn the Copper guc~ out- if Fr~IDAY. Jl ' I.Y 18. 1924 he. ha" not alrea<h- been cli'>i, Ju -.i<Jilcd- firmly intent upon doSepara te th e Grades. ing hi' duty: the duty pre !-.c rihed l~nforcc flu· Traffic I.me·s. in the oath he ;;\\"ore " ·hen the Huild th r Through Traffic R oad. chief fir t tendered him that "tar. I lc "tickets" a car that i-. park WE'RE HAPPY, EARL ed rounterwi!'-e tCJ re~ulations . " 'ho \\'a~n't start led one da,· The ",·ictim" rant~ and rag-c.;; b-.t \\·cek \\'hen word fla~hed anent the alntsivc treatment of throug-h the village that Earl E. Ia \\·-abiding taxpa_,·ers. Orner had snffererl a collapse. lie leaves notice in another car \\ ith onl' accord \\' ilmette anthat i< parked minus parkin~ ticipated a genuine loss. II()\\' happy we were next day lig-ht s. Signa l for another out"hen, in -;topping in at the station burst rm part of an<·ther " lawt() inquire a ... to Earl'. condition, ;rhiding taxpayer." I lc checko., a motori;;t fur fail"e found him on the job as usual. That happint's s was reflected on ing to CJbscrn:- the through st reet tiH· cotmtenattce~ of hundreds of or bouJc,·ard stop sign and is co rlltnuters \\'ho exchanged the berated in no uncertain terms. morning- grerting~ at hi s office lie rett~n~ to headquarter s and dCJ()t' , suhmib the evidence of his da\"S I·:arl ha.- s poiled \IS and it wasn't \\'ork only to learn that alre<;dy until last \\ " ednc~day that \\'e the machinen of the \\'ell - kno\\·n realized fulh- that fact. At that "pull" has been set in motion . time we permitted our imaginaOnly too often his arrests, pertion ... to dwell ttpun week.;, possi - fectly in accordance ,,·ith regulah! _ , . nHmth~ of living and ll'orking- tions, are \\'antonlv nullified. in the village 1\ ithout e\·cn a fleet Perhaps he is d(ssillnsioned hy ing- g-laHce at him ll'ho is our most that tirnc: most certainly, if he (·ut-.tanding < ' xponent oi ~r·:R \·- happ<.·ns to h<.· a per, on tiot po~ ICE : ser vice that is g-iYC11 frcdv ses;;ed of untt snal strength of and ~ladJ_, ll'itlt ne,·e r a thoug-l{t character and sense of rlut\·. oi rt·rnun c ration, unlc"'s it be the Yes, there are uncivil ai1d disgood-will and kindly thoughb of courteou s policemen, hut do you hi.., neighhorc;. not find such per~ons in all J·:a rl has ..,l'r\'erl us long and ~pht· re~ of activit\·? "<:II for mall\ 'car~ and we want It is just possil;le that some of hrm to he \\'ith · us for many years the discourtcs\· is treaceahle dittJ t'Oilll' . rectly to the ai1ticipatcd nullif1caIt i~ our hope, th oug-h, that the tion of his efforts in the preconntllrnity \\'ill appoint a com- scribed line of duty. mitte<: of citizen_~ to spj rit him In general, we belie\'C, policeawa' on a \'acatton. lhc man men \\'ant lo do right, he fair and si m1;ly will not go of his own cou rteo u s. atTorc\. lie's too husy serving If yuu arc given the "slip" and hi -. friend'-. kno" you'· c in the "run~. try to practice a hit of that courtesy and "DUCK PONDS" decency you require of the police\ citizen of \\' ilmette who re- man. sidl'-. in that territon· formerly Help the policeman in law entermed Cr(Js-. Point recent!~· forcement. don't thwart him! call('(! upon th<.· village authorities to tah· action that will have SAFETY OR SORROW th<· ell't'ct of eliminating- water Cabs, motor buse , , street cars holes from ~ccgar -;treet. Here \\'as voiced a sentiment and privately o\\'ned automobiles tliat ·obtains quite generall\· in literally thou san d. of them, bea; the section only recently annexed the label S. 0. S . the. e dan a to the viUogc, nantc::l)' : that the the l\Iotor dubs', 'afety ·Fir t citizens are anxiously awaiting bureaus and the Chicago Police a tion that will re ult in the department bend eYerv effort to1 rompt installation of much- ward burning into the mind of 1eeded improvement., the promise the motoring and walking public of which occupied a prominent the nee , sity of care to a void acplace in the wealth of pre-election cidents on the thoroughfares of litt'raturc distributed ll\· the pro- the great city and its s uburb s. ponent~ of annexation." One columnist opines for the It is readilv understood that benefit of his readers that the realization of ~uch improvements econd "S" is till about three mu . t follow a rather extended laps ahead of the first. J,eriod of negotiation and legal And u it will remain, or even proce~urc, with intervening and gain, unle ss we-drivers and peduna votdahle del an, hut action in estrians-determine to play safe that regard shotild g t underway in the interest of safety. · without delay. 'l'o the motorist-doi1't speed! To the pede trian-watch vour ORGANIZED VACATION step! "Rather he · afe than ·sorWilmette and \.lencoe have ry." Daily Vacation Bihle chools this summer. Then there are the NEEDED, CROSSING GATES specified vacation activitie for . \\'hi!~ ;'·e're discus<;ing the subBoy Scout and Camp Fire Girl. ~ect of Safety or Sorrow," would and all the other groups for chil~t not b_e timely to suggest the dren spon. ored hy the various msta~latton of man-operated churche. and communit centers croo;smg gate . at the Forest-Elmof the north , hore . · \\'nod crossing of the North Shore All of which indicate a tendLine? To he sure there is an ency toward organized vacation · a_utomatic signal bell at that locafor chool children; vacation in tton, but, somehow, protection of which work and play are plea humans hy a human . eems to u antly intermingled and there i ~he -a fe t method. ~killed cro provided for the child a definite mg ~att'men are less likely to get objective during the month that out of order than are automatic so often prove detrimental t'o the bell -with all due respect to this young ter . age .of electricity. J(,.,wJ u I iOII!' or ('Oilrlult·ncc. cards o f .FOR s~lendid sport ~nd healt~.. givi~g rec.. reation choose etther W 1sconsm or Northe'rn Michigan. And for an enjoy.. able trip choose the one best way-the North Shore Line. Cool, clean travel and cour.. teous service make the journey a vacation adventure in itself. Take a Low-Cost Tour 'Via Motor Coach The North Shore Line is operatinfl a S<>ries of delightful, inupensive motor coach tours - now. B1g. new. comfortable, de luxe coaches-out· intJS of unmatched scenic beauty tl·ough Mlonous lake and resort reg1onsofNorthern Illinois and Wis· conson, including the famous Della. Direct connections in Milwaukee with the T. M. E. R. & L. R. R. for Oconomowoc, Nashota Lakes, Nehmabin Lakes, Silver Lake, Delafield, Waukesha Beach, Nagawicka Lake and Pewaukee Lake. Also direct connec.. tions with Milwaukee Northern R. R. for Port Washington, Sheboygan, Elkhart Lake, Cedar Lake, Crystal Lake and intermediate points. Schedules of both roads connect with North Shore Line trains. Step from your North Shore train in Milwaukee into a T. M. E. R. & L. or Milwaukee Northern train at tht> terminal. Connections are made in Milwaukee with Pere Marquette Steamers for Ludington, Man· istee, Hamlin Lake, Portage Lake and One.. kema. Leave here in afternoon; take night steamer from Milwaukee, arriving in Michi.. gan next morning. Fast trains leave for Milwaukee over the North Shore Line, at fre .. quent intervals. You may buy a "through, ticket at the North Shore ticket office, and check your baggage, to your point of destination. For schedules, fares or other information, ask any North Shore ticket agent, or telephone J-dav trlp-455 mllea, includln· hotels. meala and boat trips, $37. 5-day trip-738 milee, iAcludinll hotele and meala, $65. 7-dav «"'f.~~~~ :'!i:· !:dtut~':.~ trips, $89. 1-day trip-180 miles to Lake Geneva and return, in· cludin111 boat trip, $7.50. Illustrated folder with full partie· ulars at any North Shore Line ¥:~lfi~'M~~..·K~: s~i. ~· ~~~s:~; ~-~raiel¥01\C tc sm ithout questi pictures of l 'ng novel by to sixteen~ s sai led th nee advent1 ' thing ant adve onths must ging the fi tumes are a the requirem1 to Mooris give indi~ hours und of Frank I e story 1 net, falsel) o is carried irection of a ssassin. Capt~ mes a gall tortures su growing hatn it has affect mind in whi ecome a lead have captured Named the "S cessful advent watch with m phal return to of his sweethe subsequent mal Mohammedan The settings thrills abound suspense from appears on .t spectacular, 1t one must not they i!re well able work. done anything did hi~ work course of .he display sev changes as tume and ma occasion equa Beery, as the over do thin himself to be any other o Others who sl Frank Curri [arc MeDer wk." You' Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Company Wilmette Passenger Station Telephone Wilmette 2514 Don't Neglect Your Car Dirt will ruin the paint and polish of your car very quickly. We will clean and polish your car and keep it in first class condition for a moderate price. Our Au to Laundry work is the best. From the s picture h~s al 1t to convmce style of thi there is an ture is entirel the new pro natural color objects in th The setting on the edge o typical Zane hero in a pee He is accus hanging, is ch~ perishes on th and food, is and .in gen times. But t a successful ~ Jack Holt Dove the he Kathlyn Wit~ in the cas~. ~ however, 1s t which is deci that standpoi visit. Thel forE· ,_ A 5-Pal