Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jul 1924, p. 20

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WILMETTE <Continued from pace 11) plet~ In place at $3.60 lllaJor Bulllvant Is In camp be left clear and o p en. per nneal foot ...··.. $ 3,622.60 Troop 6. Said expansion joints UO lineal teet of twentyshall be provided with aeven (!7) Inch drains Women's Day at the n:sp~~ln~~ two (2) feet long, threelaid at an aTerage Camp meeting Js ~~ldl~h\./~h~ N~rth quarter (llO Inch depth of seven and Is announced. rat . · 'clock railround ateel bara placone-halt (7~) teet; \Vestern station at .~ - 20 0 time) . Dr. ed acrose the Joints complete In place at road time (9;20 dayllghdhtna will be and extendlnft sixteen $4 .50 per lineal toot .. UO.OO Ida Kahn of Nanchang, · (16) Inches Into the 625 lineal teet of ftfteen the speaker. concrete at one elde of (15) Inch drains. laid the Joint. and the othat an average depth er end Into the conot eight (S) ft>t'l; comcrete on the other aide plete In place at $2.60 The services Sunday morning, July ot the joint, and the per lineal foot . .... . 1,312.60 20 will consist ot Holy Communion aJ latter shorter end 1,890 lineal feet ot fifteen ' o'clock and morning prayer an shall b 1)rovtded wt th' (16) inch drains, laid dedi c ntlo~ of the Bak e r :\femorlal wina wrought Iron cap at an average depth of dow at 11 o'clock. ten ( 10) Inches long. eleven (J1) feet; complete In place at $2.76 Said three - quarter Frida,·. July 25. b;lng St. James Day; per lineal toot ...... . (%) Inch bare a hall 5,1P7.60 th e re w'ul be a cel e bration of the Hoi) 990 lineal teet ot fifteen be placed two (2) Communion at 8 o'clock in the morn(15) Inch drains, laid feet apart. centt'r to Ing. at an average depth of c nter. There shall be fourteen ( 14) feet; constructed a longituAt th e d edi cation ot th e Baker Mecomplete In place at dinal mptal traptzoldal mortal window next Sunday at 1~ $3.00 per lineal foot joint along the center 2,970.00 o'clock :lfrs Bak e r , the widow o line or the pavement All ot the above drains Frank ·J. Bak er, and her two children. extending from end to shall be of hub and Channing and Xona Gayle, · will be end . Said joint shall spigot vitrified tilt> Jll' t'St·nt o n their· way !rom New York b constructed of eighpipe, and shall include to CAlifornia, their present home. The teen 1l ) g a u g e all excavation, backfillregu la r st> rvlce will be considerably wrought Iron. seven Ing, and removal of all short ·· n t· d . Tht> rector 'Wlll give a short and onP-half (71,~) surplus excavat d maacld t ··ss a nd a service ot dedication lnchPs wide. with three terials, and shall ' be will f o ll o w. All residents ot Wilmette, quarter <%) Inch laid with mortar joints and ' SI>ec·i alJ~· friends ot .the late Mr. square d~torm<'d stt>el composed by volume Baker·, a rc invited ·to thts service. bars spac~>d flvp (6) ot one (1) part Portfe<'t apart from center land cement aud two to center. Eat'h bar ( 2) parts sand, mixed shall be five (5) feet with sufficient water. In lE'ngth. Including Th e size shall be the protE'ctlon, curing, and lntllde diameter. cleaning the surface Adjusting present manot thP pavement after hole covers to grade . . 168.50 completion ; laid comAdjusting present sidewalk FOOTLIGHTS AND SPOTLIGH TS r>lt·!P at $4.00 Pt'r approachl·S to line and There was a day when Ton v Camsquare yard . ... ... .. $ 62,000.00 gradt> ... . ... ... ..... . 200.00 aradonio did not have his hurdy. 14,600 Rquart· yaniH park<.:oet of Engineering Capitano. ways to hP IPvt>led, Services .. ... .....·.. 7,065.00 gurdy and the stubborn smoothed and handThere was a day when Hajj had no All lawful expenses raked , at5c per square attending the proceedscat that his antecedants claim to the yard ........ ..... . .. . $ Ings tor making sa.ld 730.00 had occupied at the temple and begged S,OOO cut,tc yards ot grading proposed I m p r o v e the alms of those who came to worof roatlwuy and parkments. Including court ways, mell8ured In the < 'Ol!ts and cost ot makship. Of those days that led to thes_e cut; Jnclutllng tlw Ing, ll.'vylng and colexalted positions and wealth. Otts grn<llng, rollin~':' and h ·ctlng tht· assessment Skinner joyfully recites in his "Foot11reparatlon of the subfor salcl propos<'d lmlights and Spotlights." grade to rt"CP!ve the pr·ov.,rn .. nt, not In f'x)JaVt' ment and lnt gral Ct· s:-~ of six per ct·ntum His writing is like his acting. One curb, and the grading lli ' r) ot said $123,feels the joy and glee, the swagger, ot the parkwn~· ~. and 00U. OO . .. . . ... .. .. . . i .320.00 the kindness and the thoughtfulness th' n·movnl ot all Murplu" PXCFlvated materof Otis Skinner by reading the lines TOTAL BWI'I1\IATED lnls fr·om tht· grading 'UHT <W .SAID PROof his reminiscences. as the playgoer of thf' roarlways and l'OSt·;n HII'HOVEreacts the characters ).fr. Skinner has rlllrkway11 nt $1.r.o po·r 1\IE.'<T . . ... . .. .. .. . .. $129,320.00 portrayed. cubic yard ......... . $ 12,000.00 And I do ht·rt·by < '<'r·tlty that In my "Footlights and Spotlights" takes opiuion tho· ~aid estimate does not ex22 manholt>ll, lnsldf' dlllrno·tpr tht'f'E' (3) feet, ceed th£> prfll.miJie cost of the Improve- the reader from coast to coast and ment ))rOJJOMt·d and the lawful t!xpenses to Europe. The opening chapter tells With four hundred a lt!'n<llng the same. t·lghty IHO) pound l>at cd Kt·nilwot'th, Illinois, June 23rd of the first trial of the ambitious son ca11t Iron manhol" cov1!124 . of a Universalist minister and how Pr and lid; <·onl!truc·tt·<l J A:\ll':S C. ~ll' RRA Y <'nllltJIP!f' Rt $12a .OIJ he got a letter of introduction from <·at·h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 750.00 Pr<· ~itl!'nt nr lh<> lloar·d or Local Im- P. T. Barnum to a cackling group of JII'OVt·ntt'llt8 of the Vlllag., of 32 nuwhoiP- catchbaslne, thespians gathered for the Philadelphia Kt·nilwot·th, Cook County, ln11itlt· tllamo·l·-r four ~luscum hv William Davidge, Jr. (~) ff't>l , l>oltom thn ,. Illinois. Cl) r.... t ho-IC>W th<· /low I, ll\' f' J . Taylor·, Village Clerk ot That wa in-1877. Skinner got his job llnp or tht· oulll't the Villag,. ot KettllwOI'th, Cook County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the as utility for $7 a week. In that first drain, wh, r·· liH·att·d. season, he played 92 different charforegoing are true ancl correct copies with four ,\lunclr·f'<l (401t) poun<l enst Iron of a recommt·n<lation of the Board of acters. lnlt't t'OVer·. t·nnstrul'tLocal llttprov<·mcnts of eald VIllage, Things were not as sweet as honey ..,1 c orn p l < t t· at an ordinance (with plate or plat omlt- during the many years of barnstorm$1 IO.IrO .. , . . . . . . . . . . . 4,480.00 t .. d th··r·ef··om) and lht- estlmatc of ill)<. But the congeniality of the actor 8 c· :·tc·hfla~<lnll, Inside dleost or the President of said Board of am<·tcr· tour <4) f\let, Local lmv··ovementa. whlcn were aub- folk with whom he experienced his h .. lght ovl'r all or mamltted to tho. Prl'sldent and Board ot jovial moods and histrionic training, ll<>ury II IX (G) fp('t six Trustees ot Bald VIllage at their meet- made Otis Skinner one of the most 16) lnrht'l!, cach turIng held on Monday, July Uth, 1924, His nlRhf'tl with an eight and which ordinance was thereupon lovahle actors in the country. n:ft>rl'l'd to said l'r<'sldent itn<l Board co-workers read like a list of the Hall <H) Inch vltrlflo·d tilt' plpt· trap and with an of Tt·ualt·t·s as a Commlttl'e ot the of Fame, living again, on the stage. \Vhole an(! which was duly recomPlght ( ) Inch vltrlWilliam A. Chapman, the Barrctts, fl,·d tlh· plpP connt·cmt·nded tor )laMsage uy eaid Committee of the Whole. Fanny Janauschek, Fanny Davenport, tlon to storm water drains. With four hunJohn T. Raymond, John 1fcCullough, l:-1 WITNESS WHEREOF I have drpd 1400) pound cast ht·t'l·unto a ·t my hand and affixed the Edwin Booth, Louis ]arne , Mary AnIron lnlt-t covt·r; con" COI'IJoratt· s<·al ot said Village ot Ken- dcr~on, Clara Morris, James Murdock, structell <'omph·tt:> at Ilworth thil! 15th day of July, .A. D. Nat C. Goodwin, the Drews, Maurice 1924. $90.00 each ... . .·.... 720.00 IIPt·t·lal manhole, lnBarrymore, Ada Rehan, Charles LeCLIV.I!: J. TAYLOR, eldf' illametf'r three Village Clerk. dercq. Helena Modjeska, Joseph )ef!E't>t, ln<:ludlng a fltL42-1tc fer on. Pinero, Barrie, the Frohmans, tt·t>n (15) Inch vltrl.Tames Whitcomb Riley, and Booth flt·cl till' pipe connection to the t>Xll!tlng Tarkington are only a small number of llltt'rceptlng St'Wt'r Of the stage and literary lights who get thl.' Hanltary District center of the stage in the anecof Chicago, at Wln._________________,. the ful career. dotes Skinner narrate of his eventnt-tka Avtonue and C ntH StrE'et; with a tour hundrt>tl eighty (480) There are hints to the actor, the llOUnd ca>!l Iron manhole COVH and llcl; Tht· Annual lll'nch party ot the playwright a1;1d the theatergoer. The Baptist church Is schl'duled !or to- little stories he tells of some of the compll'te at $500.00 each .. . . . .... . ...... . night at 7 o'l'lock. The meeting place 600.00 Is tht' root ot Jo~lmwood avenue. There profession have the same sort of efAll ot th .. above manfect that his jihes at the General and holes, drop manholea, will he a program or songs and games artt·t· supper. The annual beach party Capitano, have have in ":\fister Anmanhole catchbaslne, catchbasln . and speIs always one or the long-ren,.·mbered tonio." The songs that Mr. Skinner <:vents of the church year. cial manhole 11hall be plays on the 353 pages of printed matconstructt>d ot eew r Mr. Stl ft<.>r ,. turned last Tuesday ter in "Footlights and Spotlights" are brick laid In mortar from the il. Y. P. U. convention in worth reading not only for the decomposed by volume Denver. and will occupy the pulvlt on lightful procession of tales but also of one ( 1) part Portland cement and two Sunday morning at the regular wor- for the historical knowledge of the ship hour. 11 o'elock. Hie theme for American stage, since 1877. <2> parts eand, mixed with water, with aide ~~~~.~~: July 20, Is "Building on walla eight (8) Inches -Jac Tulman. thick and bottom ah: (6) lnchea thick; and During July and .August, the Bible school will conven by departments at all ot the abov man10 o'clock ln11tead ot 9;-t6. During hoi -catchbasln¥, drop .August no record will be kept of Inmanholes and sp cia! dividual attendance. manhole shall be provided With three quarElectric street cars are the safest The Mid-week meeting of the church form of local tran portation. ter (%) Inch round They Will be held In Children's hall on Wedwrou~ht Iron ladder nesday evening at o'clock. The topic run on fixed track . Their operators rounds epac d alxteen are skilled. The eq tipmcnt is usually for thle week Is "What 1 Intend to Do (16) ~nchea apart. The In My hurch Nt:>xt Yl'ar.·· There will kept in good repair. above eatlma.ted coet be no meetings In .Au.ruat.. lnclud a all trenching, Automobiles are not governed by backftlllnc and removThe Wilmette Baptist church Ia lo- the same conditions. Some rules that al ot surplus excavatwill be helpful to drivers arc: cated at .lt~or st and Wilmette avenues t>d mat rlala ........ . and welcornee all to He services. The 290 lin at tef'l of elx (6) Make sure no vehicle is coming pastor, Rev. Francis C. SUtler may be Inch dralne, laid at an when starting your automobile from reached at his study during the morn- the averagl' depth ot tour curb. Ings or by appointment. The church and one-halt (4 ~) office, In charg ot Miss Badger, Je Do not trail a street car too closely. feet; complet In place open dally from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Air brakes respond more quickly than at $1.10 Per lineal toot$ au.oo Wllm Saturdays. The church telephone Ia do automobile brake bands. f,676 lineal te t ot elfifht tte 2235. ( ) Inch drafna, laid at Be watchful of street car making an averace depth ot a curve so as to keep clear of the tour and one-half (4~) te t; comulet In plac swing of the rear end. at '1.50 p r Jtneal toot' t,SU.lio Avoid parking autos near street car Dr. Gilbert Stansell, pastor. 1018 2,%60 lineal feet of tt>n (10) Lakt> av n\le. Telephones Wilmette curves in narrow street so as not to Inch dratna, l&fd at an 25 · and 2341. be caught in a pinch. average depth of alz !-iunday aervlct <I) t et; compl t In A void crossing in rear of street car. 9:30 o'clock, the 8unday school In all place at U. 76 per llned partml'nte. · Other cars, unseen, may be coming 11 o'clock, Public worahlp and aer- from the opposite direction. ii.;i · a.uT.so mon by Dr. Stane JJ. To get ahead of a street car, make <16) Inch dralna, laid 6 o'clock, Epworth League 11ervices. at an avera~· d pth ot it is well in the rear before cutReporta o! th del g-ates to the Geneva sure a ven (7) feet; comting in front. conference. All youn~ people Invited. plete In place at U.liO Mid-week service ot prayer and c·OpJel r JlnPal foot , , . , , .. ,, 1,1100.00 pralaE' Wedneaday evening at 8 o'clock. "" n al f t ot lght en SOME HEN! A h arty In vltatlon Ia extended also ll ) Inch draina, l&td to all vlaltora In the community to atLong Island boasts one of the larg. tend th ae aervlcee. e t ' ettin'" hens in the world. It- 1924 Pboae Wilmette 2600 721 WILMm'E, ILL. ------ St. Augustine's Parish I MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. J EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE Time Wasted There are two reasons for using t~e car just now, either because the weather .ts .good or because it is bad. In any case this ts a poor time of year to have the car laid up .. We are prepared to give you prompt servtce. .We keep on hand a large stock of mate~tals, bolts, nuts, fan belts, radiator hose,. sprmgs, etc. Furthermore we go to . the ctty from three to five times weekly. Thts enabl~s. us to get your car back into shape in the m1mmum time. /BOOK REVIEWS I FAMILY J. C. Slown A. B. Van Deuaen ~Ve make a dead car live again, For we've got autos on the brain. T HIS is the base hospital for the conservation of automobiles and for the building up of wrecks. Don't go out on a long run unless you ask ·us to look your car over first. One 1 sened itt may interfere with the pleasure or profit of your trip. II I Wilmette. St. Aug~stm Sunday m P Frank J. B and vestr.ym casion bemg tiful memor: the chur~h. I of the d1st1 The servi large cong.r~ ous denomm Baker. her. son, Chanm fornia, were L. Hecht, v lie Service sociate of Jn dedica bert Carlet tine's, said · "Today w vice :to d_ God a lastt and in so 4 .;_:i~htheJ.fl! of a good. of God, a WILMETTE MACHINE AND AUTO WORKS at 1225 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phoae Wilmette 185 :~----------------., CHURCH NOTICES Baptist Church I .........__.._............ ............... , . -wltlloat .............._wltla· oat lou ol power-wltlaoat And at the end of a long sustained high speed. your motor will be cooler, will need le. water than aay eim.ilar eized poppet-valve engine. No Car Like It! a ............ t so..a.. .... Autos and Street Cara : a Set of T raflic Hints Thi. engine's power curve keep. climbing up while the power of a poppet-valve car is dropentirely free from tboee engine repairs which make up SO% of the upkeep alit of practically all poppet-valve cara. It has no came- no llprinp- to cet out of order. A car you can keep -..on after RUon. Take a iide today. Pin& oft. Furthermore, the Willya-KJlicht i8 thing of ich will spire the s who will to come, girls, and, · message, P. of its uph thousands but whose thoughts t tiful pictur the daily maip .stree directly b church. lllu "Throug associates fund has which our: lighted f searchjigh long as t in all pr church b of this. "It is b there for beautiful the outsid on any oc within, in church m~ stained gl; richness < of wide an known a · the idea, : lighting t within in sltare in treasure h his thoug along the color and pictures t' (C Methodist Church BON1 ?!o~lnf~~t ~i.' ·,;iieen' Plet In place at U.lio P r lin al foot .... - .$ 1,036 lineal t t ot twentyone CZI) Inch dralna, laid at an &Yer..-e d tllh ot tx and on·half <I~) feet; com- ~~ ::. ~;r~·.~: dc?r!~ 1,171.00 Hoy Scouta will go to camp tomorrow morning. Tht'y co by boat to Muake- Boy Scout troop 3 and the Junior gon and by bue to Pinewood camp where tht·y will Join Boy Scout troop 4 and othera. Meaara. B. N. Cox, P. Bontecou, Wtllard Oaborn, 0. J. Borchra and othera hav the boya tn chal'ge. or she- cares for 40,000 eggs at a ingle setting. She-or it-is an electric incubator. Incidentally the eggs are produced by hens-real oneskept in electrically lighted pens to speed production, and all of the ~ggs are electrically candled before being put into the incubator. C. H. BRIGGS 1117 Cbicawo An. EVANSTON PboDe 141 1M Elm St. WINNETKA PhoDe 2Z37 In for procedt tion fo offered village 46, of Inquiry Comma Green I~ Wilmet Appli secure<l at the it is an This ex-sen

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