Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 8

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 1,~1~92~4=~;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~ . . d Fred . wmg, m1 I A sample street light will be .m~talle c ·t . oil operator has purchased for in the Village of Kenilworth w1thm the $ZS>000 the "Gold Coast" 23-acre tr~ct ne?'~ two wee~s. for the purpose ~f re- on Lake Michigan, just north of Racme ce1vmg an opm10n from the res1dents for a lake front home colony. The property has 1,000 feet of l~ke con.cem.ing. the type of light. standard Calla Opera Patrona to Initial wh1ch st IS prol?Ose~ to use m ·a con- frontage on the bluff, with. be~ut1~ul templ.at~ new .hghtmg sys~em. beach, ravines, and woods, w1th npanan Performance ~h1s hght. wtl be kept. hght7d for a rights lying about three miles north of penod suffic1ent to permtt _r~stde~ts of Racin~ adjoining the estates of Mr. the vill~ge to makt; a deCJSJOn m the Walla~e and Mr. Hull of the ]. I. Case Many followers of the Ravinia opera matter, 1t was explamed. company of Racine, and the summer sea on will have their wish come true home of Mr. Franks of Milwaukee. next Wednesday when "Le CheminHEART F AlLURE VICTIM eau" will have its first performance Frank Lundberg, son o£ Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Suttbn of the Nort.h of the year. The opera is by Xavier Leroux founded on the play of the Shore hotel, Evanston, a former resi- :Mrs. Charles E. Lun~berg of 1538 Walnut avenue, is at Pmewood Camp, same name by jean Richepin. The dent of Kenilworth, died very suddenly Twin Lakes, Wisconsin. stage play has been known as "The of heart trouble Thursday, July 24. Harvester" in the United States. It is suggested in the program ~hat a more literal translation in this particular case may be "The Man of the Roads." The program for the week starting Uonday includes the following: Order your screens from us now-Any amount-Any size ' ' Monday, August 4-Symphony OrMade in our own factory . ~stfla concert with Merle Alcock . ~pd )Lario J~asiola, s~loists, with Eric REAL SERVICE ,J,>~;Lamarter conductmg. ' Tuesday evening, August .>Plate and Window Glass-Glazing-Mirrors-Art Glass ... M'anon" will be given with Thalia Picture Frames and Framing · Sabanieva, Giacomo La uri- Volpi, Leon Roth~r. Desire Defrere, Louis D'AnPaints and Varnish a-elo, Giordano Paltrinieri, Margery Maxwell, Philine Falco, Paolo Ananian and Virgilia Grassi. The conductOr will be Louis Hasselmans. Wednesday evening, August 6-"Le 1133 Central ATe. Phone Chemineau" will have in its cast Louis D'Angelo Ina Bourskaya, Leon Rothier, Desire Defrere, Paolo Ananian, Giuseppe Danlse, Margery Maxwell, Giordano Paltrinieri, Philine Falco. Louis Hasselmans will swing the baton. 1 Thursday afternoon, Augu t 7-The children's program will be given with a young artists' concert. Thursday evening, August 7-"The Barber of Seville" will he given with Graziella Pareto, Armand Tokatyan, Vicente Ballester, Virgilio Lazzari, Paolo Ananian, Giordano Paltrinieri and Anna Correnti. Gennaro Papi will be the conductor. Friday evening, August ~"Faust" will be given another performance with Florence Easton, Giovanni Martinelli, Virgilio Lazzari, Desire Defrere, Margery :\faxwell, Philine No.6 in a Falco. The conductor will be Louis Hassel mans. about this Saturday afternoon will he devoted to a symphony orchestra program with Eric DeLamarter directing. Saturday cl'<~ning, August 9"L'Eli ir D'Amore" will l>e sung- with Grazicllo Pareto. Giacomo Lauri \'olpi, Vicente Ballester, Paolo Ananian ami Phi\ine Fll\i:o. o~,,a,.o Papi will direct. ~ -.1 Sunday afternoon will have another symphony orchestra concert with Eric DeLamarter conducting. Sunday evening. August 10- "11 Trovatorc" will have its second performance with Florence Easton, Ina Bourskaya, Giovanni Martinclli, Mario Basiola, Virgilio Lazzari, Philine Falco and Giordano Patrinieri. The conductor will be Gennaro Papi. RAVINIA OFFERS Kenilworth to Decide on Millionaire Buys Lake . · b · s t Front Land Near Racme S t~t L18 bng ya em H Th · 'll'ona 1 're Kansas I 'LE CHEMINEAU' I Now Is the Time TO PHONE 1304 Regarding that Property you want to sell Screens Screens Wilmette Glass & Paint Works zsea A. J. WOODCOCK 35 Years Experience ~I Ill I~ I~ series of statements Company's business Value Behind Se curities o{ 'Y · setS behind the securtttes ot a company is one of the first things the conservative investor inquires into. 1 if.S- NEW QUARTERS FOR W. U. The Western Union Telegraph company is outfitting the office at 1137 Greenleaf avenue for its Wilmette quarters, which will be occupied in about two weeks, according to R. F. Seiffert, who ha . been in ·charge of the local office for the past five years, in the Chicago & North Western sta ... tion . VILLAGE 01<' WILMETTE. WILMETTE SPECIAL NO. 1M AS8ESSliENT The value of the property used and useful in the p~blic utility functions of this Company was found to be $60,7 59,000 as of January 1, 1923, by the Illinois Commerce Com mission in entering its final order in the Company's rate proceedings. The announcement that the Public Service Company of Northern Illinois has been awarded th11 Charles A Coffin Medal {cir 19:13, is a tribute to the territory in which this Company operates as well as to the service it renders. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOI , SPECIAL A88E88MilNT NOTI E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all pereons Interested that the vlllage of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, havIng ordered the Improvement of Lake Avenue from the East line of Ridge Avenue to the Northeast line of Michigan Avenue Northwest of Lake Avenue and the lnteraectlone or abuttlnc streets back to the outer line or lines of Lake Avenue, Bfl the ca11e may t "· be Improved by paving that part ot the roadway, between the gutter flags by one ot three alternale plan.,, belnl' Plan A, Plan B. and Plan C, aU 4n th Vlllal(e of Wilmette, Cook County, Illinois, In accordance with the ordlnRnce r commended and estimate of the Preeldent of th~ Board of Local lmnrovements, submitted by the Board of J..ocal Improvements, and passed and aoproved by the Presldt>nt and Board ot Trustees of the VIllage or Wllmettt', Cook County, Illinois. on the ltrd day of June. A. D. 1924, said ordinance bt>lng on ft14!' In tht> office of the VIIJ"ir"' Clerk of thl' said VIllage, and Mid Vlllage having applled to the ("ounty Court of Cook <"ounty, Illlnole. to,. an &811t'lllment of the cost of 11ald nrooosed tmprovPmt'nt II.(!COrdln~~r to the ht>nt'flte. and an nl!llelll!lment therefor hl\vln~r been madt> and re-turned to 111\11'1 Court, tht' ftnal he-aring th~>reon will be held on the fourth day of AusrA. D , 1924, at tt>n O'<'IO<'k A . M .. o,. ·· aoon tht'rt'after a" the bu"lneu f'lf tht' said Court will pt-rmlt. All perlOOn- tleslrln&' may ftle ohject1on11 In IO&Id Court bt'fOr4!' s&ld datt>, &nl! may rnn ar on the htoarlng and make their -'f'fenal". Raid ordlnan<'e nrovld"R for tile t'Qllt'c:tlon of said aue1111ment In tt'n ""nu11.1 tnt~tallm·nh with lntet'l'llt tll·~,.on at t'he !"ate of lhc pE-r centum U~ ) Pt'r annum. T'"t .t. Wllmett.-, nllnolll, July U, A D ltU. L R Flt>TUNOER. Pf'f't~on apoo(ntetl bv the Preald4!'nt f'lf ttl" Bnartl of f,l)('lll tmo~ovem4!'nts nf t'he VIII. ..- of Wllmf'tt4!', Cook ntv, nttnol,., to mak.- 11ald IIJlf'<'lel The Company at that time had other properties such as its water power sites, coal properties and other assets valued by the Company at $8,088,255 which were not included in the Commission's valuation because they were not used in actual production of service. The ,Company's total properties, therefore, had at that time a combined value of $68,847,255 and this total has since been increased because the Company has added materially to its properties. It is interesting to note that the total valua- Thie award wae made to thie Company in competition with the electric li~ht and power companies of the United State· " for distinguished contribution to the developmento: ~lectric IIAht ~~nd powe·· {;,r the conven· ienee of the public and JIM benelit of tM- induetey". · tion above mentioned after allowing par for each bond outsta..~ding and each share of preferred stock gave a property value of $131 for each share, par and no par, of common. stock. ··-t. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Snn.., 6,000 SlpUire miles - 202 cities and towns - with Gas or El«triat, JNO. S. REESMAN, Diatrict Maaa..,. Ill Claurc:b Su.et, E.,....toa Phon,. Fnneto. 31M 1M Prtfo· ·etl tlllll Cm.mon Stods of this eo,pa,., (,,~ lUted on TM Chk4go Stodt &clumge. Plaoae Wilmette 2851 111\"'ttCJC R. ~OSSLET. Vlnac.- A ttorne · ent.

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