Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 11

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Guests Feted Up to Minute of Their Departure OCIAL gaiety is still centering in our villag-e visitors, two of whom, before departing for their homes in York, on Sunday night, wereguests at several affairs. Tuesday evening of last week, Elizabeth Hannah, 256 Woodavenue, gave a dinner-danee at Yacht club for Miss Lilian Hardand Miss Mary Cru~'! who have making an extended v1sit with Miss Cresap. The following evening Charles Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, a picnic supper for them in Lake On Saturday they were enterat a dinner-dance at Exmoor given by M;iss Eleanor Eckhart, on the following evening, just beleaving for the east, a party was for them at the Buccaneers' club the Wilmette harbor. -oRufus B. Stolp, Mrs. Grant Mrs. Edward Parmelee, M. Allen, Mrs. William ]. and Mrs. Warren Pease arhome Sunday morning from Walter F. Shattuck's house party. Carl Keith motored back to Big Wisconsin. aqd the rest of the returned by train. Mrs. Shatwho is a mos~ ~pitable hostess, kept her guests busy with fishing, picnicking, boating and motoring, filling in their leisure moments with h jongg. -aCalif Darling, 246 Kenilworth Miss Betty Darling, and Miss 1a Woodland of Leicester road, ednesday to motor to Phelps Wisconsin, where the Darlings II occupy a cottage for the month August. Miss Woodland will be Mrs. Darling and her guest. ~~~~~:~~~· Jane and Dorothy, left by train to join them at ke. ~1-Town Mrs. Harold McKenzie and Misll Margaret Backu are entertaining Saturday at the home of Mrs. McKenzie, 416 Wooclstock avenue. They are giving a bridge and miscellaneous shower for Miss Elizabeth Stolp. . -o-Mr. and Mrs. Edward Craven who are occupyingo Dr. Samuel Spach's home at 228 Leicester road, motored to Fish Creek for the week-end to visit their son at Adventurers' Camp on Chambers Island. rou pay for pay- lt on the ·ove you ur shop. Street Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Johnston, D~m<l1na_~r~.ted 321 Melro!ie avenue, have as their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henry of Kentucky. -o-Electrical Rep&lrln· Mrs: Frank Cheeseman who has been Radio Seta and l!lupplle-11··~ "B" in California since the first of May Batterlea Mualc Muter Loud Bpeakera returned Sunday. She is stopping at Baae Plu·· Jutalled Fine Line of Ll·htln· Flxtur41a the Evanshire hotel, Evanston. -o-1. Electric Shap 521 Fourth Street Phone Wilmette 1040 Miss Jeanette Cherry, 422 \bbottsford road, was the guest .>f Miss Dorothy Bailey of Princeton, Illinois, -odurnig the past week. M iss Elizabeth Stevens, 330 Abbotts-o-ford road, left Thursday for Northport Mrs. James H. Prentiss, 201 CumberPoint, Michigan, to v1sit Miss Kath- land avenue, who recently underwent ryn McKinney of Evanston for two an operation on her eye came home weeks. Monday. She is recovering rapidly. -o-o-Screened Play Houses, Rope Swings, Teeter Boards, ' Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex Mr. and Mrs. Andrew M. Taylor of Trick Bars and Rings, Traveling Rings, etc. road, is entertaining the Garden club Indianapolis are being congratulated For particulars phone or write. upon the birth of a daughter, Susan for luncheon today. -o-Elizabeth, on Monday morning, July Mrs. Gertrude Sprague of -aoston 28. is spending a month with Mrs. Roy -oEssex road. Box 494 Arthur Durham, 431 Abbottsford C. Osgood of 423 -o-Hi.hland Park Ph- HichlaH Park 111-W road, was able to come home SaturMrs. Arthur B. Adair, 320 Melrose day from the Evanston hospital after avenue, entertained at luncheon and undergoing an operation for appendi- bridge Tmsday, at Skokie club. citis. -o--aI Mrs. Russell Cooke, 331 Cumnor road, Francis Allen, 258 Melrose avenue, entertained at four tables of bridge who has been traveling in New York on Saturday evennig. state this winter for Hart Schaffner -oand Marx, is home for the remainde~ Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Taylor are of the summer. spendin the week fishing at Sturgeon -oBay, Wisconsin. Bentley McCloud, Jr., 416 Cumnor -o-road, leaves tomorrow for Omaha, Mr .and Mrs. Warren Pease, 320 Nebraska, where he will visit his Leicester road, entertained the evegrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Omstead. ning bridge club Monday evening. -o-o-Mrs. Earl C. Moss, 316 Cumnor road, Mrs. R. E. Moss, 316 Cumnor road, entertained a number of friends last left Monday night for an extended Saturday evening in honor of her Yisit in California. husband's birthd~ 1;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;j A.._. Playground Equipment ol All Kinda for Homes J. Lindberg ····-----------··············----·············-·····, I I I When Out to Dine .. I · Mrs. Joseph Joyce and her daughter, Ruth, 531 Essex road, came home today after spending the week at Manitowoc visiting Mrs. Pratt. -()-- I ' I Don't forget our special dinners and on Sundays t I I rr -o- power ipment a car Miss Kathryn Merrill, 420 Essex Miss Helen Taylor and Jack 310 Cumnor road, will leave on the South Carolina for Jd:o,nt;tgule, Michigan, to spend the e Rockdale Inn at White ke. They will return home on the lowing Saturd¥. and Mrs-.·.., ·· , .ts. ~ hart, 20IS erland avenue, motored to for the week-end to Mrs. Eckhart's father, Mr. Capon, suffered a fractured shoulder e in a recent automobile accident. -oMr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss and their ldren, 316 Cumnor road are spenda few days in Hartland, Wis. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Reed Landis are receiving congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Suzanne, born at the Evanston hospital, Tuesday, July 22. -oMr. and Mrs. Leon Ballard Allen of Evanston are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen. Mrs. Leon Allen is recovering from an operation. -oMr. and Mrs. Sidney Eastman, 255 Abbottsford road, are on a ten day trip through northern Wisconsin and ' :t.liehi·an. i I ·Re,WU and Chicken Dinnen They are deliciously prepared and properly served : I I I I Cut ·Flowers for all occasions . .P J;:.VA.WSTON ILMETTE CAFE 1111 Wilmette AYe., oppo.ite Villap HaD --o- g low Mrs. Frank Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, was called to Green Bay Sunday by the death of her brother, Mr. H. C. Cheyney. -oMrs.]. Herbert Newport of Abbottsford road, left Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Carson in Los Angeles. UlZ Sbenaan A··· EVANSTON ·--·-····----------·--------------------············· First Church of Christian Science Christ, Scientist, Reading Room Wilaette, IU. 1113 Wilmette A··· Tenth St. aH C.atnl An. Hours: Daily (except Wednesday and Services: Saturday) 9 A . .M. to 6 P. M. Sunday at 11 A. M. Wednesday: 9 A.M. to 7 :4SP. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Saturday: 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. at 8 P.M. The Bible and Worxa by Kary Sunday School, 9:45 A. M. Baker Eddy and all other authorSubject of the Lesson Sermon Ised Chrlatlan Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purAupat S, ..Lo·e" cbued. 'nae Public ia conliall~ ia.itelll to att_. the Church S....icfl ... Yiait tlae Rea·li·· Jtoom. · Paint That Stands T.h e old paint entirely removed, Coat after coat of Filler and color thoroughly rubbed down and dried between each coat. Then several coats of Varnish put on without a streak, sag, or brush mark. Not just any old paipt or varnish, but I?aterial& of known merit for adhering to metal or W.ood as the case may be. Only the best and only the most car·e ful workmanship enables us to guarantee our .automobile painting to your entire satisfaction when finished . ·························· · · · Cakes · · · · The one big reason for our big success with cakes is that we use no artificial coloring or substitutes of any kind. There is no Food Value in substitutes. · · · · ·· · · · Rex Auto Tops Standard Prices, Twenty-four hour Service Ask us about them . · · · wheu price is foraotten · · 1129 Central Phone Wil. 2998 · · · ·························· The Quslity remains The Dutch Oven · · · · · ROBERT W. MciNTYRE Succaaor to tile H. H. Trep

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