Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 12

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12 W!LMETTE LI ·--------------------~---------------r-· Marriage of Farmer Villagers Occurs A ugq ILMETTE folk are doubly inte~ested in the · of Miss Dorothy Chalhnor Warren marnage · ·and A tk which takes place on Fnday evenmg, ';lgust 15, at -, mne .a. d Methodist Episcopal church. The brtde, who is } ,avenS\\ oo S. Ch a 11'mor o f Ch'tcago daug h ter o f Mr · and Mrs · Edward Sh · ' aws a 1so rna d e thetr f ormer rest'dent of Wilmette · The here at one time. . Miss Dorothy Rose of 753 Twelfth street. entertam~d for Challinor with a bridge and shower on Fnday eventng. were twelve guests. oc W w· California Claims One of Our Old Families ·-----------------------------------------· Announcing A Series of Informal ILMETTE is about to lose one of its old families. William Maynards have become imbued the W spirit and are leaving Sunday for Pasadena. Thetr daughter wit~ SUMMER DANCES Every Friday Evening 9 until 12 In The Co()l Roof Garden of her family, the Charles W . .Braithwaites, of Greenwood avenue, also packing up their lares and' fenate.s to .folio~ the . the fir t of September. Miss Betty Bratthwatte wtlt go wtth Sunday. . · 1 f M Today Mrs. Edward Fatch is entertammg twe v~ o rs. nard's friends at luncheon at her home, 611 Washmgton On Tuesday Mrs. H. J. Richter gave a luncheon at the Country club in her honor. Plans in the Making far Club Dinner-Dance BUFFET supper with an evening of cards is scheduled for tl A members of the Ouilmette Country club on Thursday of th coming week. Aside from that occasion and the usual afternoon bridge games for women, the club cal~ndar entertainment until the middle of August, when an mformal and dance is being planned. The tentative date is August 14. A simple home wedding is taking place Saturday morning at the home of Mrs. Edward Winslow, 838 Park avenue. Her niece, Miss Frances Marjorie Kilburn, who makes her home with her. is marrying Felix Visk of Rogers Park, at 11 o'clock. The Rev. Gilbert D. Stansell will read the service in the presence of the immediate family. There will he no bridal attendants at the ceremony which will be followed by a luncheon served to the members of the family. Mr. Visk and his bride will stay with Mrs. Eaton for a short time before making ~~~~~.home somewhere on the north Mr. and Mrs. Harry McDermott aal their three children, 620 Washington aft11ue, are leaving on Monday for a IWII weeks' trip. After stopping at Toledo and Detroit they will take a boat Ill to Niagara Falls. On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Lawreua Luby and Mrs. Luby's sister, Miss Croty, of Rockford, and Mrs. Dan Lubr and her little daughter, Eileen, and her sister, Miss Elizabeth Joyce, of Ja~& ville, arrived to spend the remainder of the week at the McDermott home. -oMr. and Mrs. R H. Durham of 713 Greenwood avenue, are in Wilmette for -oa few days, befo e motoring to Shcr· Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barton, 1216 wood Forest Camv. Wisconsin, to visit · nn:n ~. _,.. _ ._ .... .,. - ......"'-W~i: d l{hter, Dor ~~ 5 and their family, 435 Lake a¥enue, an mer at Lake enev<L Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kritten, 915 Eleventh street, have returned from Alaska, -o-where they have been for the past three Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, weeks. were called home from Colorado on «' -ocount of the death of Mrs. Fisher's falhMrs. J. F. Kletzing, 522 Washington er, Edward S. Avery of Lansing, Mich· avenue, left a week ago to accompany igan, have returned to their residence on her niece to Quebec. After her stay 826 Greenwood venue, accompanied by in the east, she will visit relatives at Mrs. Avery. Crystal Lake, Michigan. She will be -oaway two or three weeks longer. Mrs . Charles McCue and her daugh· -<>ter, Miss Margaret, have left. Estes Miss Dorothy Rae, 431 Greenleaf Park for Cheyenne. They w1lt ~ot avenue, will leave on August 9, for return to Wilmette until time for MISS Clear Lake, Wisconsin, where she will Margaret to enter school about the spend the remainder of the summer middle of September. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Cham-oplin of Evanston. After an eastern trip Mrs. 0. H. -oBenning and her daughter, Margar~t, Miss Elizabeth Reichmann, 600 Cen· slopped off for a ten days' visit w1th tral avenue, who has been the guest Mr. and Mrs. John S. Stevens of 7~ of Miss Florence Rooney at Wab- Central avenue, before going to thell aningo, Michigan, for the past two home in Los Angeles. weeks, is expected home on Monday. -o--oMrs. William R. CrawfQrd, SZ1 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Nystrom, 714 Laurel avenue, is at St. Joseph's h?s· Central avenue, and their daughter, pita! recovering from an operation Jane, have returned from a month's which she underwent Saturday morn· vacation at Lac du Flambeau, Wiscon- ing. sin. -o-- GJtw ORRINGTON <VAJmO.LLINOU $1.75 Per Couple Husk O'Hare's Orchestra Refreshments A La Carte PooL C"""-01\e"'·a ·INC· & PtPER ~ ~~<:.\.._,"-'._.~~ rr,- Announce the Semi-Annual Sale OF WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S SHOES AND HOSIERY WE HAVE PLACED ON SALE 2,000 PAIRS of women's, girls', boys',. misses', children's and infants' 'I Shoes, Oxfords and Pumps These shoes are greatly reduced because of the incomplete sizes but every size 1s included in the complete assortment -o- It is advisable to come as early as possible for they will not last long at the following prices 7. Mr. and Mrs. Reed G. Landis, who have been living in Ravinia until their home in Deerfield is remodeled, have announced the birth of a daughter at the Evanston hospital on July 22. -oMr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Barrett and their family sailed from France, July 26, on the S. S. Suffren. They will arrive in Wilmette about August Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lindblad and their son, Walter, 338 Greenleaf avt· nue, are planning a fortnight's motor trip in northern Wisconsin. They are leaving Saturday. -o- Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hall and thei: family, 500 Central avenue are .ptu ning to leave in about a f~rtnight Estes Park, where they will pass twsor three weeks. -o- INFANTS' SHOES, $1.45 GHILDREN'S SHOES, $2.45 MISSES' SHOES $2.95 WOMEN'S SHOES, $3.35 1a 0\icap Avenue, at DaPI. Street Mrs. R. B. Taylor, 423 Central avenue, is giving a small tea next Friday in honor of Miss Grace Gary, superintendent of schools in Superior, . Wisconsin. Miss Gary is visiting friends in Deerfield. -o-Mr .. and Mrs. H. 1: Newton, 348 Washmgton street, ~ave JUst ~orne ~orne from a two weeks stay wtth fnends who have. a . summer home near South Haven, Mtchtgan. --o- The Birthday club entertained at an anniversary dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Cameron on Satur· day evening at the Morton L. Pater· son home on Chestnut avenue. -o- Sidney Davies, Lorrin Bennet, aad Robert King are Wilmette boys wbo have returned from Freemont, Midigan, after spending two weeks iu the ·pew Y. M. C. A. camp. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rosen, In au1 becom irritati M -o-. r. and Mrs. J. G. Wray, mgton street, have gone to mer home at ~ke Kegonsa, where they wtll spend the August. 618. Wash- Elmwood avenue, are spending two the.tr sur:n- weeks in the west. Their trip wiU W1sconsm, include Estes Park and the Y dlotr· month of stone. B. H. Caniff of Los Angeles is fi. iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Caniff of 723 Central avenue. llt. Caniff is en route from Toronto, wheft he was visiting for some wer.b. -o-Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Pringle of l~ Eleventh street, departed WednescW for a five-week outing in nortbeJ11 Canada. -o-"-~ Mrs. C. L. Van Hoesen of Mollll<1 Illinois, is visiting her nephew, C' A. Nash of ~ Tenth street. 1045 Murit condil well 1 1lare 4 Ifwe4 encou condi nob~ lnJI'CC --oGeorge and Virginia Lewis, small son and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Virgil Lewis of 1420 Lake avenue, are quarantined with scarlet fever. -o-Mrs. Herbert Leach, 630 Washington avenue, has as her guest her aunt Mrs. Christie, of Syracuse, New York: --o. B. F .. Lewis! 610 Washington avenue, ts .spend~ng th1s week fishing at Phelps WtSCOIISID. , --o- s....d WH 1 EVANSTON, ILLINOIS

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