Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 1 Aug 1924, p. 15

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w TI-JERE ON STAGE AND SCREEN. By TMs,traction at the Adelphi theatre, Friday and Saturday, Aucust 1 and 2. Blanche Sweet, who scored in "Anna Christie" of the celluoid version, has the principal role. ' She makes an underworld character of herself in order to get evidence to release her brother who has been sentenced to be hanged for a deed of which she believes he is not guilty. The double feature day on Tuesday, August 5, will consist of "Not One to Spare" and "Unseen Hands." In the latter named film, Wallace Beery has the role ~£ an adventurer, master mind of cunning and stealth in his fight for power. Claire Windsor will be seen in "For Sale," that s.tory of arranging the husband for the beautiful socie!}' girl by her parents, Wednesday and Thursday. morning, noon and night. He imagines he knows women, although he is too abashed in their presence to associate with them. In fact the more he tries to study them from afar, the more he fears them. His characterization in this film is said to be by far the best and funniest thing he has ever done. Nortbweatem U. ·._ 01. . · Ua.!l ,..____ PubliC U11·z ~ A complete curriculum in public utilities and utilities management, in connection with its School of- Co~merce, has been announced by Northwestern university. Courses wilt be offered both for fulltime students at the Evanston campus and for part-time students in evening classes downtown, in Chicago. The classes wilt open in September, at the same time the regular fall semester opens in other courses. Men golfers at the Indian Hill cltt& will have a match play against par for the Y:. Paul Noyes trophy, Oil August 2. The schedule for Saturday, August 9, calls for the foursome belt ball for the Geora-e E. Routh, Georae M. McConnell, Karl B. Korraday and Charles A. Klotz trophies. Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ketcham, 611 Abbottsford road, Mr .and.llrs. Georp Richards, 530 Euex road, and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Coyne, 240 Melrose ave·Due, left Thursday to spend the weekend at the Frank Ketcham's cotta.,e at Mamie Lake, Wisconsin. CAMPUS In M.abel Forrest's first Grand-Asher picture in which she has the stellar role, produced by Ben Wilson and directed by Arthur Rosson, there are a lot of sliding panels and trap-doors to make "The Satin Girl" a mystery. Whilt making the picture Mabel had to emerge from one of the pan.els and when Rosson called camera, she didn't appear. Instead they heard wild seratchings and thumps on the panel. It wouldn't work and Miss Forrest was held a captive. "The Satin Girl" comes to the Campus theatre Monday and Tuesday, August 4 and 5. "Swords and the Woman," the screen . ada.ptation of Baroness Orczy's "I Will Repay," will be shown at the Campus Thursday and Friday, Aueust 7 and 8. The adventures of the dashing figure, the Scarlet Pimpernel, are among the best known and best loved. Ramon Navarro, who plays the title role in "The Arab," the Rex Ingram production for Metro which is coming to McVickers theatre on August <4, i,:; a Mexican who speaks Spanish, French, Italian and English without a struggle. But he is at his best when he does his specialty of telling dialect tokes including Scandinavian. Here 1s a sample of one of his favorites in which with a Spanish accent superimposed upon his American one he impersonates a Norwegian saying: "What a wonderful bird the frog are I When he stand he sit almost. He got no sense, hardly. He got no tail, either, hardly; when he sit he sit upon what he ain't got, almost." A play that has all four episodes in the living room of a suburban home fills the stage in the production of "Easy Street." There is a growing interest in the expectation that Agnes Sheridan has don~ one thing or another to obtain money for her costly gowns, only it is later revealed that she goes to the city to work, without her husband knowing of it. n hese hore woe, ro'iclca ~.for are two women, mother and Each is married to a man ined to neglect his wife things. One puts busines& the hearthstone, the other attractions of interest. On appear two men, the kind understand. Sympathetey show their "stuff" and both and daughter are in a fair way But then one of the buswith an accident and that bre~ks the spell. One not tell you the rest because this is just the story you had in mind e the first time you sat down and paper. the old time-worn theme which ates as to what will happen if " is neglectful and doesn't conto shower as much attention on half after marriage as he fore. It is heavy and weak and from start to finish. But it a number of the better known layers. Corrinne Griffith and Williams are the two "Single The former displays numgowns and pouts her way the story with considerable Sills does the best he can the material involved. Lou Teland Henry B. Walthall essay s of the two gentlemen who the places of the neglectnds. The latter gives a good nee but to me looks decidedly place in this type of part. "UNGUARD'ED WOMEN" NEWELL RETCHIN HOY BURri "For Sale," which comes to the Hoyburn theatre for three days starting Monday, August 4, deals with a polVerful dramatic chapter in the ·life of a modern society girl who is virtually placed on the auction block by her parents to be sold as a wife to the highest bidder, in order that they may still retain their high social power. In the present era as well as in the past, many society girls find that their husbands are picked for them bp parents. These arrangements are made to combine vast fortunes, or as in the case of "For Sale,.. the marrying of a daughter by a family which feels that it is falling from social power. Eleanor Bates, the girl who is placed on the auction block by her selfish parents, is portrayed by Claire Windsor. The other parts are taken by Robert Ellis, Adolph Menjou, Tully Marshall, Mary Carr and others. Thursday, Friday and Saturday the Hoyburn wilt show "Broadway After Dark" and one of the Jack Dempsey two-reel films. NEW EVANSTON Harold Lloyd's "Girl Shy" is just a little different than some of his other pictures. In this screen story he acts to a large extent the way he does in actual life, according to those who know him personally. Lloyd is one of the few screen stars who dislikes to be recognized in public. He is by nature, retiring and . modest. Once known in public, he becomes diffident and ill at ease. In "Girl Shy," which comes to the New Evanston theatre for one week c HOWARD ADELPHI Every Da.y-1:16 to ll:lli Contlnuoua 8aturda.ya, Sundays. Holldua M:atlneea N. W. ·L· Statloa at He.... Betty CompiGil Friday 11 aa· - · N..a Clull lt. Frillay aiMI SahNaJ' Satu..day Blanche S...t Miami" "ThNe Wlao Dance" Sc:dfa. . Me..aay "TelephOM Girl, No. 11" S......y, MoaU.y - · Tuu4ay DeMille's "Bedroom Wuadow" T...-y Anna Q. Nilaaoa "Broadway after Dark" W..laeMiay aiMI Tlaunclay DoaWe F·t1ma Day "Not Oae to Spare" ..... "UNSEEN HANDS" WedaeaU.y UMI TlavMay Uled· bore in in ar Heleae Ouulwick ukee Pere mlin McJ!ickers Theatre somewhat unusual theme coning a young man who spent some in No Man's land with his bosom and, when- the latter was dying, to see that his friends's wife cared for. up to this promise, guardin every possible way even it involves him in difficulties rious kinds. T~e scenario was from a story known as "Face" 4 -· '":"'d ·.fs ame froq;w fors belief fh · nen a woman face" it is well nigh impossible her to "come back." ebe Daniels is really given some work to do in this picture and considerable ability. Playing her is Richard Dix as the handhero. He is just the same kind . he ~as a.lways been. Mary 1s also m ev1dence and is somet appealing. "In Her Own Free Will" "FOR SALE" witla CLAIRE WINDSOR The North Shore'a Moet Rapr·entative Theaten MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY Noa.Sectarian EVANSTON ILL Perpetaal Care Have you given this important matter y.our sincere thought? Pola Negri plays the part of a bema.n by is seen as a poor, bashful tailor's ap- force of citcumstances but is in ·love prentice in a small country town with another, in her latest vehicle, where only three things ever happen- "The Lily of Dust." -nc:ing Monday, Jle.suet 4, Ltoyd ...vitc:hins p\ wbo marries one New Evanston Hoyburn Startia· Moaday, Au.-t 4 I call your special attention to choice family lots accommodating space for 4 graves as low as $150.00. All space sold on a small cash payment. Balance in two years without interest. It will be beneficial to y.ou to let me show you through this Garden Cemetery without any obligation to you. For further information call JOHM H. MUHLKE W"....tblZIS M7CatlaM A·emae -KirkwocHI ia "Brok- BarrMra" only appearance of James Kirkon the screen without his wife takes place in "Broken Bar~ t Reginlld Barker production to ~e seen at the Chicago theater. h1s marriage to the famous Chicago girl, Kirkwood has co-starred with her in pictures has refused to play elsewhere. when L1la Lee made a temporary ment from the studios Kirkwood ed to act in the all-star cast h was to make Meredith Nichol's popular novel of the same name. .had the hero's role and the opporlty to .play with his old friends Fawc~tt and ~dolph Menjou, a delight to hts artistic soul. Harold Uoyd CLAIRE WINDSOR ADOLPH MENJOU ia Pay as ""'"" id "FOR SALE" Til......,., JJ'l'Wa7 .... Sat_....,. ANNA Q. NILSSON ADOLPH MENJOU "GIRL SHY" Ia ~'BROADWAY AFTER DARK" Comedy-W..ldy NOW-oil-heat your home this .clean new way This amuing new oil·burner for email homee now within the reach of alL No coal or aahee. Just eet the thermostat and set uniform heat all over the bouee t HOWARD Compson romps through some scenes on the Florida beaches · " which comes to the Howeatre Friday and Saturday, 1 and 2. It is a gripping story woven out of love episodes of d men in the southern climes. of the palm trees and the attractive beaches offer exnt backgrounds for the story. "Broadway After Dark," the life bright lights in New York the various happenings. Hapand sorrow have their places in The cast with Anna Q. the lead and Adolphe Menorma Sherer and Carmel Myers to make "Broadway After a finished production on the It is a version of Owen Davis' of same name. k, who has been ·bnew productions for some returns. to the Howard in her film story, "In Her Own Free Wednesday and Thursday Chadwick has several opportun~ to show her charming way1 of she takes advanta,e. The deshe makes in thts story are especially in putting this across. Daily Slaowa at Z. 4, 7 ... t-SatuN&y Cootiauoua 2 to 11 P.M. ow comes the new way to heat small N homes. At a new low BLACK DIRT FERTILIZER LIME To Beautify Yo..r Lawna CRUSHED STONE To Dreu Up Your Driveway· Edinger & Sons . E·· \6 price. and terms within You now pay a furnace reach of all. The hea~":J~e.ay~ .urt· man fl5 a month and~ This new way of heat- Get your order In a month to the ash man. i"Jg is with oil. And this NOW I That's fl8 a month. If new oil-burner is made youdothisyourselfyour by the makers of Kleenown time is worth that. Heet, the famous oil-burner now This new oil ·burner wiU be inuJed in thousands of large homes stalled for a small down payment, and buildings everywhere. and a$ low as $25" Only 11 a month more than you actually Heating with oil is the new-day s:we by eliminatina coal. way. It a3 ures constant, controlled heat. Twenty-four hours a day. SeN! c:0118011 Wtthout attention. Send the cu.... "' Fits Your Present , no ashes to re· {:~·=-~."!~:~~ PriH-~tine IPlant No dl' rty coal pile· knowrealh'>;.,e CCIU OW'U move. No riiSing at dawn to start comfort Without $ 5 the furnace. An oil·bNrMr cannot care, W:ithout ex· 27 go out to leave the familylbiverina IncludeliMhllatioll Don't Wait Till priced completely autoCold Weather matic oil-burner. TlliS is the lowest ,.,.,II. w~eilie~ewu~ilt. =:=:;:¥::=: ~. ~e!~~~ ~.::::- Sead die coupoa for fne book TODAY l·· 1117 WINSLOW BOILER A ENGINEERING co. Tel. B·-· taa rwi!ii"'..Ow- :aoii.U -_u.o-1 I I IDN'OI....UNO co. ll'l' 0 '-a· A.-. ~mtaat· 117 CIUca·o A.-.. EYautoa, IlL B··-·· WILMETI'E Ull Lalre A . - WINNETKA 7ZZ Ella llnet ADBLPHI Who Dance," that story of rn life with the underworld and bootlega-ers, will be the screen at- Wa...tte Ml-ta w. ......... LffiLl~ T7J7 fl. ~~ I Pleue eeDII free book oaoil....._ Without obliptioa. MDII JOW' . . (Check ooe) dI J I I ~a ! ,~~~-~~01 -...,. ____. tion to ... a ae·a'foltt! l Automatic Oil Bumi. . 1 o( J...... Boi*.._l!...._..eo..a.a....l____ . _.........-.. erl) -------- s,.. I I

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