Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, Optimist section, p. 2

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2 OPTH\IIST SECTIOK, \\"ILMETTE LfFE. FRIDAY, AUGC T 15. 1924 hoth indh·idually and collectively. The study of the ci\'ic and economic problem5 confrontin~ each community and the development oi a keen sense of duty to all matter' pertaining to their ad,·ancement. onstructi\·e \\ork in the behalf of the delinquent boy~ in each cgmmunity working in conjunction with the juvenile courts. Taking the leadership in the matter of beautifying cities and making them more sanitary and healthful. The stimulation of greater efficiency of ib memhcrs through closer acquaintanceship with one another and the various commercial and professional callings. The development qf a greater moral obligation in the service of its members toward all mankin4. The advancement of a loyal and 's taunch Americanism and the exertion of a united influence toward ihat end. ' ollectively and individually its members srand for the enforcement of law and order, and believe the rendering of a jury . ervice a public duty which should he performed by all citizens when called upon for that purpose. ALL LOYAL MEN 'NOTHER VIEW OF ARE OPTIMISTS OPTIMIST AIMS Principles of Oub Founded on Patriotism and the Square Deal In OptimismONE FORGETS THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST AND PRESSES ON TO GREATER ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE FUTCRE. J · First Cl falo · BOLSTERS CITIZENSHIP Seek to Make Members and Conditions Better 1-:H·r} m.111. \\hether he he a Rntan.tn , E'lchangc cluh mcmlx·r or a 1.1 .. 11 ) h . <'Vl'n if h-:! think~ he's a c· n~-w.tlll;tll, International Optimi t club ~eek::. a it~ objecti\ e,: The healthy de\elopment of th~ ~ocial. mental. moral, physical and financial standing of its me1nbers. The adoption oi a high ethical ,tandard ior llU,inc~ - and professions all() the attainment of that standard The su COVER) Board Cl Eating Headquarters of the Optimists FRED A. MILLER, Optimist enthusiasti~ Early in insurance 1 N.Y., gatl formally 01 Buffalo. back to ll present see The ex~ the Optim1 is not av secretary, ht:r eight It rain 1916. Sev ont of t~ · · nwd Jll". ,imist-f':U1 '-llh,;:rihL to the pr Ill ivl<·, un which Optilll,q lntcn.l· ~··n· .J 1- l<lllmkd. Fv..:n maa wh·l hcllf' H " in a o,quarc cl.:al f<;r tlw .tl·er feiJ,,~>.- · 11ho helicvcs in h, cit1 a-; the hcst <':ty 111 the land; 1\hll'>t: patr-Jot :·m i, 100 Jwr r.·nt " lwn it .:: "11<" to a r..::d tc-t, ·· ·H I 11 )L) believes in <~JHI pr;1ctices the hnd oi citizenship tlut m.tl;cs a man '"" ,Jill! think it II( I plan r.. ,Jo l'l'l'ry" ltl! ill' C~ll to makt Cllliolilit·lh iH:IIl'r 11 rl IJt't!t'l, 1' an optimi't at hnri . \\ 1wiiH r he j, a mc1t1ht'r ni thr I )ptnn -t dub or not. he i' a rl:'al .. ptimiq; .11 d tlw duh-, that makc up C >ptit"hl InIt fii; IIIIJil,d arc compowd ni ju~t that I.· ·d ,,; mt·n Optimiat Purposes I lp t· nl, lnh·matit~n.d kn1111" tk1t 1 , h '.t"'"ll 1111" it..., <"i'tl'nCl' - a J\,.. , I ·I ,Ill I \ \ ll'l'. !I tTl' ,t fl' t hl' (II II I' · , I· I \\ hfl'h tht· ( )ptlllli·t rin:, 1 'lll l'lt . Wm. B. Lucke Optimist · «erracf I' 1Cake Shore Joppy, m present e more org men, and "Agreed," idea at o 7, 1916, luncheon formed apolis. Busine caught th of Louis' ideals b ganized It is these cl Fn: lhl' 11111lllal lll,piratlon ;111<! rll'n·l · jllll·'l 1 ·>I tlw 11111ral. nH·nta l. ph _1 ,ir:d, "··'l.t l .md hu-11H',, llt·lian· "i n- mt·m 1.,,' 1,~ n1aint.1111111g strict adll"rtnc.· to llw hi~hL,t l'll<ll' oi ethics m all rdati<Hh · o1 II h' .uu l h1 tt111in~ c<~ch man to r>e a J,·" trll';,,ting ~tati11n 11f optim1o,m. T., \'llbrgl' and iutelhliv the inten,t Plt1111bit1g Co11tr 1ct r 4 ... ,.. Phone \Yihnette 1731 'S ...l!:eridan~d ac Chestnut · 'Phone ... '-'li.hn.d·lg 21ft6·229J ~ ·· f.... .. ___ ~ ' ~ '- .. · i. 11, lllt'lllhl·r, in tlw '"cia-1.oi ci,·ic. 1r1at and c·ducati<·11al <J!Tair~ theirinduo,CJmnllmit_l l·<r it' li<·ttn nwnt. T" :.111- an ar .. u-r d. traim·d 111l'lllltt:r'hip 111 tht: or·· tlll/··d f11rn·, alrl'ady at \1 11rk, h)· C·> · Jlll.llllll-: \\lth tl11· it·dnatL·tl l'II'IC clults 11 lu n ,urh Ulllllll i, dTertul ant! com p!t· 1 tllg -.urll it-1krar i1111 wht·re non-l".:i' f··nt ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Abso-Clean and Laundry-Ette Vacuum Washers 11 about e and pi tives so came to pose an no furt mental ance of ill I :t-1! ~ 11ttr ltlankt·t~ and curtain.., imlllaculatcly. Standa For Patriotism ( lp1 1111hlll ~hall 'tand ior ,1 loYal an<l · ·lllll: h \)i.llt'lutl>\11 and cx.crt a Ullited in· llw·nn· l11r thl' 1lefense of national in,titll!lon,, It ,!Jail undnt 1k1: a dl'hlllll' 111 "g1 . 111l '" 111l'rl'<l'>l' I") alty ttJ our coun 11 j, It, f1.1g, ib language. it- alca), aJH! ih iu-utuli·llt'· \.Vt· 1,. l.n ·· that tlw J.:"l'l'·lll'o,t a~'tl oi ~~~~ n;tllllll 111 .lg·· 1' a high Cfttahl\· cttl :tt'li'h lp. \\ ,. "ill undcrtah, thc1:,.,,ll'\', il Jll'.lt'llt-.tl d11tl t'lllht IIKti \l' \\ 111'k Ill lrl h.di .,j thn 't' iuturc citi.-t·lh, tht· h··l . \\',. will dt h'll11111t' and dn all in ,;lit I· ·W<'t '" dimin.l1L' tht· calt'l" oi dc:lin ,. 1 HOOVER and SWEEPER-VAC Motor Driven Brush Cleaners lt·a1 l' IIC· KELVINATOR The Perfect Electrical Refrigerator 11 hit h tall ·l 111stallul in your pn·-.t·JJt rdrigl rat or. Lake Shore Electric Co. \· . \~C'E F. FO~'l'ER, Optimist 01 l h-an ,·r t u It, <I t. 'II\~ olin ltt·hincl \\ill B··}·' appn·lwndl·d 111 f1rst ltlt,tJL'Illl'·lll ""' "<lid "nt 111 penal ttr corrt'<.'tl\'t: ,(,lit' 111 tlt1111·11h mu't uso,oclatl' \\lth confirm · I rmnin,d, Thl·w pl.tct·~ ni dl'll'nlion .li t' h:tlth· t·· pron· cnllt:gl" oi cnmc and !l1 1~,,, l11 gr.ulu,ltc th ·n·irom uot a d .. ··I I"" to '>oUt' I), ltut ,, JHhittn· llll'll \\ \· "ill 'tll\t' It " makt· tht· ( )[l . 1 _ 11!11 t duh· knt~\\11 l·t tlw 1w1ld a~ the lilt· uti nt thl' ddinqttt'IIL ho\. \\' e will "'"'l" 'l'<ttC with till' jun·nllt· ·r.,urb. \Ve \\ dl - ur;uund tht·m \\ ith a 100 Jll'r cent 1fll'nd,lllp that \\Ill "1-\·l tht: hmlt" with tht.:m. . \.\'e will una·rtakc tu con crvc tl.1un lor the home and country and l·mltl out of them stwng, clean men. port i··r,·-. nwt u,.,._, . If you like beautiful things for the home )'OU .\. \\'. McC X~ELL, .\uthorized Dealer iurnitun· "all -p;q·t·r. l'tr. _ ;~llll' th, Lighting Fixtures hc·uw i._ ,pick and ~p;~n in,tall will be interested in seeing our display of 1 \\\ kind-. of lighting and attral'II\C ceiling' IUI'l' or hrar ket h L'l'l' anrl t ht·rc. Arti't ic lighting treatment m.lkt.., 01 er an old ho1hl' l.l't th quoit· ) ou prin·'! Ill' \\, a T\n\·cr Installation~. E. A. Dannemark Electric Company P rofi.~ by our aervice ':Riddle DECORATIVE LIGH'IlNO flTMENTS 619 Main Street Phone Wilmette 2494 1151 Wilmette Avenue Phone 21.4 WIDER STREETS-KEEP TENTH STREET OPEN" "Wider Streets--Keep Tenth Street Open" OPTIMIST CREED OF COAST ORIGIN Sans Worry, Anger, Trouble Fear; Happy Only ' t creed, originJlllhl"lwd m the: Opti-Nuze, organ ot t!lt' J.o!'R Bl·ach Optimist cluh, "'as I··Jtrnltt·tl Ill a recent i~ uc of Optimist lutt·nlatwnal: .. .,.,, be too largt· for \\ urry, too nohl 111r ;tlll(t·r, too. trnng for fl-ar and too l~<~JJI~) t·1 perrmt the prt",t:ncc of trouble." \\\·. hu(M! that we will not offend our n Ill~· m ml>cr if w again re. ort to H'r <' 111 th. \\ay of comment on this our Ia t wr e m the creed: , " ) , you wi It till' world were better? r.et fill' tell you what to do. Set a watch llllC'··.· )our acti n., k p them al~·<&y) tr:ught :and tntl.'. Rid your mind o{ . elfi h m:Jtlves, ll.'t your thought be cl an m11l lnKh; you can mak a little Eden (<I the: . phere you occupy. Do ·011 wijh tht· world w r wi er? \\'ell: uppo e _.,,u make a tart by accumubting wi · <l·1m iu the cra1)bouk of )onr heart. rio 1101 wa tt· one e btl folly; live to I arn · 1 d lc:arn to li\·t.'; if }OU want to giw m n kn·twlt··l~.:<', )OU mu t t it e1 vou Kh. . , ~Ju )OU \\ i h the world were 1-iapJW I lllt·n rc:m mher dar by day, ju~t to ;;atter ·e d of kindue a you pa Meyer Coal & Material Co., Inc. COAL AND BUILDING MATERIAL SAND, GRAVEL, CEMENT AND SEWER PIPE you get c a ,tl)> . 'I ht· fo~lowin~ Optimi. Oa (Us our MAIN OFFICE 44 7 Main Street Wilmette, Ill. .Phone 1734 DeaPlainea Yard 1155 Lee Street DeaPlaines, Ill. Phone DeaPlainea 82 w cow~ comt for city, reve our eren tba stri1 not lie's way bea1 (A! JOHN H. DAVIES BUILDER North Shore Homes 1157 Wilmette Avenue, Wilmette Bernard Meyer Optimist SeE Jus "H the way. For the pk- , ure of the may be tractd to one, a the- hand tlat plant the acorn sheltera anttif'.S frmn th un." · alon nuny ofttime Phone Wilmette 1664 "Wider StreetsKeep lOth Street Open" An W: ~ Gr ,......,_D< Y< Gi Tl

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