Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, Optimist section, p. 4

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OPTIM I. T ~ECTTON, WlL:\IETTE LffE. FRlD.\ Y. :\CCCST 15, 192-f Need of Organized Optimism Is World's Biggest Demand Today It Deals with Morals and Would Solve All Problems of Life; Scatters Flowers of Friendship ; Is Courage in Action ]·;, \'1 ·. l'r in the history of the world :!l<'rt· hr<·n a ~o:rcater nerd for ~ay~ a n·ct·nt puhlication tht" ohjcct~ of the intern;.t· '·~':.!~<! ·z'-'d optimi'm than at the prt'~· t·n· ·mw." ou:linin~ t'lllp!oyer and employe would prCI' L'lll thi, lahor unrest with its man1· di-turhancc~. Therefor<: we 11 j,li to l' ll1pha ize in spreading op- t IICl' ll timism that we hope to play a vital Tn plans and purposes w~ enjoy all part in hringing ahout !Jetter undcr- tl.eir advantages plus the mcalculablc emphasi~ we- place on the power of ~tandings. The mind is the cause of our "The optimist is lilk<l 11·ith a ~le mind sire to do something 110rth whde. happines s and our misery. He is filled with confidl'IICL'. iaith. "The flowers of friendship ~cattcred t1 ust . reliance, anrl hope. He doe~ In· the Optimist will some day . m~kc not expect the impo"ihft: hut he does tl;c whole world glad. for Opt11!'1~111 expect to help imprn1 e condition.- hy ;, the moral power of confidence. ta1th the mental attitudL' oi hi' mind and and hope . .'\othing touches our heart s hy the influence of Jij, min<! filled like the goo<h· ill and the good cheer to o1·crtlnwing with cOilllllOil ;.en~e of the Optimi m of kindness. and moral coura~..:"e. .. : nrcly everyone mu.~ t ackno_wledge ·· rn compari,on 11 ith other organi:ration~. we surely han~ an equal dc- tllat if we continue to spread th1s wongrL·t: oi di , ; .:nity. In po-,,ihle hcn~l.its. dcriul doctrine of Optimi~m. this \I'C surely have the <,anw opportun1t1c~. ,tory of faith and vision, thi s doing of things worth while, that in tilfte we will get und &r _ th e skin o£ the pess1mist and he wil l get well and without medicine. "Optimi m storms objections and ( overwhclf!!S op~osition . Optimism is ~ courage_ 111 act1on: It remove the mountau10us barr1ers of pessimism and accomplishes the unheard-of. "Optimism spreads like fire and ets about it in a flame of purpose. Optimism is like the sun on a bright day which. as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us. "The vi~~rous vital men w~o help to pay d1v1dends are all Optimists." , Local ~ By Nl (Assistant f l itmal optimi-t 1!10\' L'ment. Tlw many Optimi,t clul" that arc l,til'..: iMnwd and that arc aliilia ting \'.1!1· -l1c' International Optimi~t club 111<> 1'<' rlearh· and deci,iYeh· that h· llll,lll l' ' ' 1i1en of the \\O;Id art · lnt· .:ry 11 tth a dnirl' to gL·t Ol't r unto tl1·· :,o,i in· con!>tructin· ~ide of liie. "\\'Jut ~~ an optimist? Optimi!>t n.mt·, irom the lat in word 'optinllh.' lll<·aning 'the lt(',t,' and \\ 'd~s!L'r dt· I.1J<" thl' optimi,t a~ Olll' who hold-; th t ,·,~~·trinl' of optimi'm and he clc flll"- optimi,m a' the doctrine that ,. ,,.,,.,h1 11K in thl' pn·-;L·nt ~tall' oi c-xj. I·!!<,. is for the hc·-.t. 'TIJ ht· mcmln r, of thl' lntvrna tir.nal Optimi-t rlull. optimi 111 j, de f,,., d a' 'a C()<h:in·n pri1 ik::e to ~r I'H· humanity.' · r lp !lni,m <leal-. dir<"rt ly 11 ith the 11 ,,.,d ,jilt- of liic. \\'c are :til more ,,1· It·-, J;u_nil1ar \\'ith the motny ,.,.j,ting rc·ligiOih hut II'C mu't adrnit th1·re i . (;lily ont· morality. " .\]orality is charactn and t'OIH!ul't and :hoe ar~ the very ohjl'rh of 11 ·· lntanationa l Optimi,t dul1: charat ·· r :uvl roncltl<·t-an impt·n a hi, 1·1 r,£,-,,ional or romnH·rt ial rharactt r · ,,1 <I ,, 1 IH·L'rf ul. ht·lpiul. hnpl'lul ron d · '11 ,. rue· optimi,t urukr-t :uHJ, h" j,·IJ<IIIIIH'I1 anrl there ;., 110 ntiH'r onc thin;.: that will hdp !-.0 'itally in n· l111ildnH! thl' world todav to snch a dt o.!l<'l a' l1clll'l undr1 ~tandins J,t·t \ t·<'ll ntt'll. · ~un·l} a hl·lll'r .mHirr,tanrlinL:" he- J. H. SCHAEFER E. J . KEIL J. H. Schaefer & Co. REAL ESTATE- JNSURANCE \\'e Specialize in Larg·c J .nt s and . \rrc Tract . " Cosmas Bros. Fa· n cy RETAIL Fruits and Vegetables 7, ./.- Phone Wilmette 364 Ridge and Lake Ave . Wider Streets- WH'O LESALE Potatoes and Watermelons ~ t·ttion Being I been a~kc about the Barring tl war, I hi banking I eight yea cxpcrien I am fol 01\'Self a) .A COl judged o hanks an In other the husi1 the COI11 looking 1 ably, yo an intell \\rhcn ('lliTIIllllll and its dearing 1153 Wilmette Avenue Phones: Wilmette 2693-2694 "Wider Streets- Keep Tenth Street Open" Wm. Cosmas C. A. Lindstrom pository ty and The ~ to the I ated. ~ the buil cia\ air man; and int always tcrpris ddibcr of pers tration inherit the \I'< Here, am su set of age a deep and r ness Ban cared stituti and t Both offici a pruc ·: Keep 1Oth Street Open ALWAYS BEWARE OF MR. GLOOM World Has No Time for the P essimist Chap \\ h· ., '\ l' 111\'l't till' rlt:1p 11h·· in-1-tt h ,. t·\t'nthuu.: i- .dl \1 r .. ng o111d th, r· I.: I " I"' ·,d lh· \\,1\' fli making an~ thing r··,ln ,.,, "ant ,,; he 'lllt' 1111! trl lr" h 111 11 lhl<ll<'< u'. "· m·' ll"" th;l! "'rt , j a ciLtp i- ci·t .-<1 1 ·h ,J,qtll'llrt·. 1' r~ P· r-tht'l\ ,., ·111 I ltJII IJI \\'llh lignn·, that ~t'l'lll !" fJl·,t, 1 !'\' 1 1 I (1' ill 1:11101' ,.( hi-. C·tlltl'llli~tll ~II<· ..Jm.,,l m.tkt, u, lll'lin ,. th.tt rj "I -li·n:.: · rth 11 hilt- j, impoo--il·k anol It Prevails Here The Spirit of Optimis1n hen.· yuu arc gTl' l'il'<1 11 rtlt a ... lllik, "hut _1 uu rl'n·in: a :-hake of thl' hand. \\here tht rl' i" ..,ttn-..hint· , g1 ",.J rhel'r, a " or<l of \\'('krllnl'- all :\ idenrt" ui tltl' pirit uf optimi ... m. 11 I·~ ,-nyhocly likl·, lt 1 du lntsinl's-.. Coming A NEW STORE Ridge Ave. Pharmacy IN WILMETTE'S NEW ADDITION Lake and Ridge Avenues ABOUT SEPTEMBER 1ST the k ing a ,tittll wort! posed ': . 1 ~ ··111-,,ncl "lit P··- ,i mi t, lt .. ,n.,·,·r. ljll tf11 it' that y .. u .uH\ I !Ia .. , .tid ..,: · nld u . . l'. lit· ltd, kno \\ 11-dct \ntl 1111 lll o lll \\ h , 1~· ·' k 1 ···11!.-<li.!<' , j 11hat thL· 1ace oi m:m lc.t ·I · I' 1- ,thh \II );I\\ ' :Ill\ kill<\ , j . 1 tf \I h ft· lljlillll oil ;t, !t I \I Ji,;f 1111'11 \':til '·I \ dl "" fIt lwJ.., im.t~inati1111. 1\nd imaginal II - l'n·<kd '" by 11111 th1· pl;111 in ad \t ill' · i tht· 1\rork th.1t h.t, JH"dun·d t 11 r 1 inng 111:111 h:t, acl'.,mph,hed i .. r hi'> '11'11 l·t·ndit. I le lach:, l'"lll'agc·. nd natun· hatL' · t " " .tnl. l.rr.ltl'\' it 1~ 11111 in tht· nature (,j !lung, j.,i- an) man to h1· afraid. The 111.111 wh" ha, ku"lvll·dgc and imac:inatr~tn, anti o..till dot·~ nut pnssc" eonlidcnce '" J.;ll i"rwar<l aud help hi~ io:llt>\1 men W· 1111\\'arcl, j, a pnor~r 'lll'Cimen than h(· 1\ ft. · i' mcrl'l} ignorant or dull. The Jll'"imi't 11CVN get~ <tii\Whcre hun ··li. 1\nd if \\l' hcL·d hi, ·ftHtlio..h ,11 f) C tl\, trdly JH)I)o,elh\'. Wl' \lTV lik(']\ 1~1.1 r 1-!t'l an_1 11hL'1'L', our,eJ,·.;,. · · ;I It I , · 1n" \\Ill litH! it hnl'. The 'J'irit oi nplimio..m j._ une pillar... ll[IIHI \\ hirh thi!-> hu-.ittl"" ... tructure ha-.. i>et.:ll built. It has fll't·n dl'Hloped and ju-.tifit·d ll\· a con-.i ... tent ,·.,n:--l'J'\·atin pulicy, l1~ thl' conti<letll'l' and-patronage of thl' !'ttl,Jil·. hy tltl' cutttinun..; unintnntptl(l .<rowth oi the l:anL \ · t1 " _tl.l· Get G<:t .\n First National Bank of Wilmette \\ E 1:\\Tl'E Y<lC '10 ~L\KE TillS \'OCR IL\:\K. Do G Th< .\ru c CARL C. RENNECKAR Phone Wilmette 316 Member of the Federal Reserv~ Bank Wilmette Stationery and Gift Shop 1101 Central Avenue Telephone 3051 \;".·. 1d_1·· ~tn· on our w.a.l' t11 succc" tl<"t < ·. llh(llratltJil, ;~nd not di,CnuragL·ment. \\ c arc too WhC to It-t ounclv~;, h · I ·tl hy pc~:-.nni,t;.. If you believe in Optimism our card:; \\'ill carry your WILMETIE, ILL. sample WOULD YOU SUCCEED? THEN BE A DIAMOND t llcrc ts a Another Birthday 1 ' !l.. tll1011Hh arc "Illy chunk' ni cn:t l . 11 1o1t . -tuck to t\wir j(lhs. you ,co:: I f the~ d pett"rL'<l out, a mo-.t oi us \\'hne 1\·JUid the diamond he? ' Jt i~u·t tht· 1rt. of making a ,t:m. ·':, tlw ,t 1l'klllg tllilt count-. I'll ,ay. It the tt:llnw that know~ not the nwan· i 11 ~ oi fail, Bu IMmn'lt'r" and hamm 'r' a\\'al·, , otolli.'Vt'r you think ) uu\ l' C·mw 1;, the tnd, And yuu're 1 3;ttn a. hat! as can l~t·, Rt·tneml>('r that tliamnnd are chunk' oi cc,al. 'I ha tuck to th ·ir juh-., _,·.,u !>Cc." J u~t uo ~hecr up, old chap. Kow don't feel hluc. s'po e instead you younger "rei\'! 0 i: 1_n_·111 \\ 1 .'" r;tdi;_lh' good ch ~r. h' mak,., htL· h.tfllller \\'lwrev ·r ht· m.et_. · 11, 1 , 11,,,~, a nMn of ,.i i 11 and "' !'H h 1_1,. ·Lc th<' hfo.,.,om !ng fttm . er m tla! tu) <'t:d. the . ilvt'r lining iu lcry d<~~l<l, aud a h\·autiful tomorrow 111 tlw ·hrk~,t toda:.-Edwin <hr{orl() ·n If . YES, H E'S AN OPTIMIST Each year you'd lose a friend or two \:ou:d lose your family, money too,· \_ou d lo~c and lose, each day and week, \our ne1ghhors wouldn't nod or speak Acquai.ntance would pa. s you hy- · q1d, fnend, would ~tare with gla!>sy yc, \_ou d fo-.~ your PO~SC and t~ct and plact·, \our glass would show a s1mple face Y~>U'd lose your, know ledge-lose you; grip R·gl~t there you d sure ly start to slip. \ ou d find yourself in love, My Go ·It! · 0 full of mush, you'd simply S<Jua-.h. The years would slide-you'd be in -.chot·l And feel the crack of t eacher's rule ' You'd eat gre. en apnles, nuts and tr~,h. B k " rea out With mea le , mumps and ra,h. \\'hy! if old Dandy Tim<' Shut dOl\ n on the throttle. Sure as you liYeYou'd end up on the bottle. Charles E. Olewine Quality Builder tu: pe 732 Park Avenue th Phone 2517 th "Wider Streeta-Keep Tenth Street Open" "Wider Streets- Keep Tenth Street Open" tr *~--------~--~--~~ 01 tM

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