Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 15

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WILMETTE LI FRIDAY AUGUST 1 1924 THERE ON STAGE AND SCREEN .i HOWARD Lloyd will move Into the' "'MertoD of the Mo·iea" Howard theater Sunday for a threeProduced by Paramount-presented day sojourn with "Girl Shy," regarded at McVickers- directed by James by many movie fans as his very best Cruze production. Cast. The great comedian gives way to Merton Gill The ... . . .. .. Glenn Hunter other stars on Wednesday when Sally ............. . .. . . Viola Dana Howard patrons will view "Her Mar- Jeff Baird .... . .. . DeWitt Jennings riage Vo\v" in which are f~atured Harold Parma lee .... . Elliott Roth such leading lights as Monte Blue and Gashwiler .. . . . ..... Charles Sellon Beverly Bayne, the latter having . Mr. Montague .... . . Charles Ogle recently returned to pictures. Mrs . Montague . . . .. . Ethel Wales "Dumb and Daffy" will be the Hardy Lowell . .. ... Luke Cosgrave comedy offering for Wednesday and Tessie Kearns ..... . . . Gale Henry Thursday. Director of Parma lee Company . .. Johnny Walker, Mary Carr and a ... . . . . . ........ . Frank Jon assail huge supporting cast will be seen at Mrs. Patterson ... Eleanor Lawson the Howard Friday and Saturday of next week in "The Spirit of the U. S. Another picture which bids fair to A." Ben Turpin will provide !tlhe comedy on those days, it being entitled attain screen immortality is on view at McVickers this week. James "Yukon Jake." Cruze's latest Paramount production, "Merton of the Movies" starring ADELPHI Gloria Swanson will be at the Glenn Hunter. Cruze's knowledge of Adelphi on Sunday, Monday and human nature, his understanding of Tuesday in her latest triumph, called comedy values, and his genius for mix"Manhandled." Miss Swanson under- ing honor and pathos have never betakes with consummate skill what is fore been better illustrated. It is a a u e ntirely new role for her. "The sure thing "Merton" is a fitting sucBonehead" will be the comedy feature cessor to "The Covered Wagon" and Cruze's other big hits. r those days. Walter Woods wrote the screen play "Being Respectable" is booked at the Adelphi for Wednesday and from the famous novel by Harry Leon Wilson and the popular stage success Thursday of next week. Monte Blue and Marie Prevost are the leading by George S. Kaufman and Marc stars in this production. "Dumb and Connelly. The story of "Merton" is the story Daffy" is the comedy. "The Shooting of Dan McGrew," of what happens to thousands of boys made famous in verse and behind the and girls who go to Hollywood withfootlights and now creating a verit- out knowing what is ahead of them. able sensation in its picture version , Merton is a movie-struck youth in a will hold the Adelphi patrons Friday tiny ,·illage of Illinois. Eventually he and Saturday of next week. Starred comes to Hollywood to seek fame and in this production are Barbara La- fortune as an emotional actor. The Marr, Lew Cody and Percy Marmont. sights he sees, the rude awakening to Ben Turpin's "Yukon Jake" is the realities and his myriad of strange comedy attraction for next week-end and there will also be an episode of the "Telephone Girl" series. experiences constitute a tory replete Distinguished Player with comedy situation!! built upon a in Gloria's Latest Film thin layer of tragedy-the tragedy of Visitors to the Paramount Long Isa boyish ambition that seems doomed to disappointment. land studio who like to hob-nob with Glenn Hunter has heen identified people with titles got the thrill of their with the character of Merton so long lives recently while Allan Dwan was producing Gloria Swanson's latest production. "Her Love Story." He had a whole flock of men and women working for him in various scenes of the picture who lay claim to titles from Baronesses to officers in the Imperial Russian Army. They appear in support of the star and principal players, Ian Keith. George Fawcett, Echlin Gayer and Mario Majeroni. The great cooling system at McVickers Theatre is large enough to supply ice for a city of 25,000 people. New Evanston Hoyburn Startiaa Monday Mon .. Tu... aad Wed. Barbara LaMarr BETTY COMPSON "Shooting of Glenn Hunter md..YLOl.l.Duu.. in the Par.3-mount Picture ·Merton or the M9vies · on the stage that is was natural to expect he would create the title role in the screen version. He plays Merton with such sincerity and feeling that for the time heing you forget that he is acting. Mr. Hunter is surrounded with a superlative supporting cast, headed by Viola Dana. featured as "Flips" Montague, the girl whose machinations are responsible for Merton's final triumph. Albert Carney is being featured as special organist at McVickers Theatre during the month of August. "THE ENEMY SEX" Jamea Cruse Production Dan McGrew" Comedy Thuraday, Friday and Saturday Carmel Myen iD Our Gang Comedy "BABBITT" Comedy New a Daily Showa at Z, 4, 7 aDd t-Satarday CoatiDDCMU Z to II P.M. NEWELL & RETCHIN All-Star Cut Seen in "The Female" Picture Betty Compson is supported by a un1que cast in "The Female," her new Paramount starring picture directerl by Sam Wood. The story is an adaptation of Cynthia Stockley's "Dalla, the Lion Cub." All of the scenes a re laid in South Africa. .1:-ielo. linll the strong 10upporting c~st 1 are Warner Bt--~ ...a..d Noah Beerfy. Dorothy Cuntming, Helen Butler, Pauline French, Edgar Norton and Flor·nce .W.ix also· ~~ave important parts. There are other featured player_, who get no credit in the advertising, hut they don't care. They are an assortment of lions, fourteen in number, ranging in size from tiny cubs to grown -ups. All the zoos in Southern California were scoured by Director Wood and his assistants to find African lions of just the right size and temperament. "The Female," which will he shown n ext week starting Monday, August 18, at ~lcVickers Theatre is a story of a beautiful young Boer girl who knows no life outside the African vddt. "he meets and falls in love with a handsome young Englishman far above her station in life. Men before always Rocked to her, but this one is different. He is strangeft cold and ignores her, and his people the "Englishers," insult Dalla (Miss C~mp son). The rest of the picture is a gripping and unusually entertaining story of the carrying out of this girl's plan s for revenge-against all the ultra-smart of the English colony in general. The picture closes with her completely winning over the young Englishman. Warner Baxter has the leading man's role in the production. Noah !3eery plays the part of Dalla's guardJan . HOWAnaRD ADElPHI Continuous Every Day-2 :16 to 11 :16 Matinees Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays Oaksbore N. W. "L" Statioa at Howanl Sun1lay, Monda,·, Tu·11day Aug. 17, 11'1. 19 7174 North Clark St. Sunday, Moada7, Tae11da7 Aug. lT, 18. 19 :BUJC!z HAROLD LLOYD in GLORIA SWANSON "MANHANDLED" "THE BONEHEAD" \\' ednelltlay, Thunda:r j "GIRL SHY" \Vedae·dA;r, 'l'hur·da-,. MONTE BLUE BEVERLY BAYNE MARIE PREVOST MONTE BLUE "Her Marriage Vow" "DUMB AND DA,FFY" Frida,. aad Saturda,.- "Being Respectable" "DUMB AND DAFFY" Friday aad Satur··7 JOHNNY WALKER MARY CARR AND A STUPENDOUS CAST in BARBARA LAMARR LEW CODY PERCY MARMONT "The Spirit of the "The Shooting of Dan McGrew" BEN TURPIN YOUKON JAKE U. S. A." BEN TURPIN YOUKON JAKE "TEL.- GIRL, No. 12" The North Shore's MOlt Representative Theaters ·Tested and Lbted as Standard by UnderwTiteu' Laboratoriea Holnesites on the Lake -with riparian rights Many of the lots in Oakshore Subdivision have one hundred foot frontage on the lake; others have a permanent view of the water and all a-re unusually spacious. Beautiful natural environment and rigid restrictions are attractive features. This tract is located in a larger tract known as Oakshore Beach, which I also own. It is located in Winthrop Harbor, between Waukegan and Kenosha, and I am selling the homesites- with broad paved roads, landscaping, electric lights and water in and paid for- at prices lower than any comparable property between Chicago ami Milwaukee. Wbea They're Throwing Pies Again, Merton Discovers Yes sir. they're really throwing pies again in the moYies. And custard pies. at that. Glenn Hunter made a sad discovery at the Paramount West Coast studios, namely and to wit: that custard pies are just as sticky as they look. It took Hunter ten minutes to get all the custard out of his eyes, and he bad to put on a complete new facial make-up. James Cruze. noted Paramount producer who made "Merton of the Movies" with Hunter in the starring role and Viola Dana featured, wrote the scene into the script on the spur of the moment. He decided that Hunter, as the awkward. small-town "Merton" foot loose and fancy free in Hollywood, should wander into a comedy set where Miss Dana was working just in time to receive the pic hurled by a cross-eyed villain. "Now!" shouted Cruze as Merton got in line. Three stage hand nonchalantly mopped up the mangled remains of the custard pie. "Merton of the Movies," now playg at McVickers Theatre, features Viola Dana in the cast. Among others are Ethel Wales, Charles Ogle, Luke Cosgrave and DeWitt Jennings. oUheater remember: That Nokol is sold on a written guarantee. That the fuel cost of N okol is less than that of any other method of properly heating the home. That Nokol performance and dependability have been demonstrated and proved in more th.an ts;ooo homes. you cbooM your Titles Guaranteed by Chicago Title and Trust Company. No sites wall be sold on monthly payment plan. Without obligating yourself and without being bothered by annoying sales methods, you may secure a copy of a large and fully de criptive booklet, with local views, that I am having frinted. Simply mail . the coupon below aud will send you your copy as soon as it comes from the press. Telephone <..:entn&l 229-J ·------------~----------- OIL HEATING CO. 215 North Michigan Ave. · Chicago Telephone CentTal7832 TEAR OUT AND MAIL LESLIE A. 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