Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 16

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16 "'ILl\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, ACGUST 15, 1924 NO DANGER IN BEACH WATER Dr. Moore Declares Bathing Not Hazardous There is nothing wrong with the bathing beach water, according to Dr. E. E. Moore, of the Wilmette health department. The frequent rains and the strong winds have helped to keep the beach in a sanitary condition, and as long as the sand is raked and kept clean there is little danger of contamination. "Every year somebody spreads the rumor that the beach is unsapitary," Dr. Moore stated, "but in general, that is not true. I have been at the beach &e\·eral times this year and find nothing wrong there. The continuous change of the water makes it safe." Dr. Moore expressed the opinion that it is safer to stay in the water for a little time and then leave, than to roll about in the sand for several hours. If there is any cause to believe that any lake bathing beach is contaminated it is generally the re sult of an unsanitary shore filled with dead fish and other refuse, but that is not the case with the \Vilmette hcach, he said. A si milar statement was made hy Dr. Moore with regard to the Kcw Trier Town ship High School swimming tank. Fresh water is put into the tank every day and the tank is cleaned. The children take o;howers before going- into the swi mming pool. and everything is kept safe and clean. Investigators Collect Delinquent Auto Fees A few automobile ill\·c;,tigator;,, working under the direction oi ~ecrc tary of State Loui s L. Emmer: on. force the collection of at lea , t a quart<"r of a milli on dollar-, a year in automobile fees which otherwi'c would escape. Although each in,·e,tig'ator mu,t coYer sHeral counties. a> a rule. hy co-operating with local authorities and happening in at unexpected time they succeed in keeping thr state pretty well clear oi last year\ liccn-;e plates. Jn addition to rounrling- up delinquent owner., . they abo co-operate in the enforcellll'llt of automohilc law s and, because their authority is not limited by county or city ho~:~ndarics. they do ,·ery effecti,·e work. Over 2.000 arrc>ts were mnd e personally by these inve-;tigator' la'ot year, and 30,000 dri\"Crs who were ignoring traffi c laws were warned. First Aid for D octors ESTABLISHED 1854 C. H. JORDAN & COMPANY FUNERAL DIRECI'ORS FOR 69 YEARS 2-Pass. Utili ~y ( Coupe '640 612 Davi& Street, Evan&ton, Ill Phone Unioer&ity 449 164 N. Michi11an Aoe. Phone· Randolph 1346-1341 Conae ~iillio BLACK DIRT FERTILIZER WELLS. WESCOT CO., INC. LIME Cynthia Stockley's story, "Dalla. The Lion"s ·uh"' ha 'i hcen made into a 1103 Chicaro An. Phoae 885f-W7 Paramount Picture and called · "The Female." Betty Compson ha the part of Dalla. It will he s hown at M cVickers next week, starting ~I onPeoria Bloomia~oa day, August 18th. To Beautify Your Lawns CRUSHED STONE To Dreaa Up Your Driveways Edinger & Sons Eatablialaed 1107 EVANSTON WILME1TE Noyea and Colfax 1301 Lake Avenue Evanaton 5035 Wilmette 641-842 WINNETKA 7%! Elm Street handicap frctive em bod yi by the of Ame the Unit testing "Thou port," ar large nu tinue th educatio cal defe proven portant ness, st truancy. The r time the in the schools 24.000,00 Winnetka 143 JAPS FORGElTING ANTI-AMERICANISM Winston C. Mmray, a graduate of the College of Liberal Art<. of Korthwco;tern university of the class of 1922. now holding ~ responsible position with the Internationa l Banking Corporation in Tokyo, Japan. in a recent letter to his sister, Mrs. Florence Murray Schmidt, says that apparently anti-American sentiment in Japan, engendered by the enactment oi the immigration law by Congress, is rapidly dying out. ~f r. Murrav was in the thick of the Imperial hotel riot where a number of }apanc~e rowdies entered the dining room and insulted a Jargc number of American men and women . "1 was sitting at a table in a central po ition and at this table were several Japanese," Mr. Murray wrote. "Suddenly one of the party at my table arose and started the riot. He seemed to be the ring-leader of the disturbances which threatened to be serious for a while. No American, so far as I could learn was injured and the disorder was quickly controlled by the police." The Northwestern alumnus added that following this display of bad temper various Japanese stores put up placards, "No Yankees Allowed" while many other printed bulletins condemning :'me rica ·s attitude were posted in promment places. In his last letter to hi s sister, just received, Mr. Murrav explained . that these bulletin-; and placards have dl'apeared and that the people t'emed to have forgottm the incident. Mr~ . Schmidt, Mr. Murray's sister, hnJd., a secretaria l positiou in the Evan ton ollice of PrcsidPnt \\'altn Dill Scott. She says that in the bank where her hrother works there are only four Amencans and that all of the othr-r eiTllployee are either Japanese or Chinese. Her brother, she says, ha recently met several 'orthwt" tern uuiversity students and alumni who arc traveling around the world and have stupJlcd 0\·er in Tokyo. Pay as you use it! Liberal tennsNow! Report. ol hi& catch. come lrom w~ sin's Land o' Lakes. Muskie. pike. pickerel and trout are also bitina. It's a great fishing eeaeon in the Cool North Woods. Now! of the p t of tant "Even port co with m of eyes with vis developr comfort jeopard school o in their Concl applyin say the provisi found t ex a min dren ha by Statl twenty for eye o_ther S hons wl and in examine to incl Est a adequa the Ia tricts. elusive the sta Wl·eon·ln l.ake· Speelal Lv. Chicago at 7:00 p.m. (&.fu:rd) Daily, ex. Suaday Oil heat · at a pnce you can payNo more coal piles. No more dirt and ashes. No getting up at dawn to start the furnace off. Note now how to obtain world's cleanest heat without financial strain. Ma:l the coupon now. for Three Lakes, Eagle River, Conover, Phelps. State Line, W atei'8Dleet, Rhinelander, Tomahawk Lake, Woodrutl, Lac du Flambeau, Powell, Manitowish, Mercer, Wincheater and Winegar,arri ving early next morning. Drawing-room and open·eec:tion sleeping cars, obeervation-lounge car, eerv· ing appetizing bullet luncheon and breakfast. on terms you can afford-a new plan Lv. Chicago 5:00p. m. daily (St.f~!'d) -fd for ill.utrt~t«< rr111P folder. mforrrtlllitm lltlll l~~r~~ B. E. Orner, Ticket Acent C . .tN. W. Ry. Wilmette, Ill. Telephone · ASHLAND LIMITED I6'IC CHICAGO . . . . . .& . NORTH . . . . WESTERN . . . . . . .tt .. Beck va. Haughdahl in Auto Races Sunday George. Beck, . driver -promoter, a form er l~van ton·an and now lh·ing on the uorth ~ide in Chicago, has a chance to attam national fame Sunday afternoon at the 'orth · hore Polo club speedway, Lincoln and Peterson a\enue~. He is matched to meet Sig. Hau~hdahl, world champion, in a pecml event. ~aUJ.l~Hiahl i~ the grcatc,t dirt track dnver 111 the world. Known as the "three mil_e a minute man," he holds a taggenng array of national records. He holds the ucach straightaway mark at Daytona, Fla .. for all distances from one half to ten miles. He made the milt· in the a tounding t11':·~ of 19:97. Haughdahl has the record from one to ten miles on a half ~ile dirt track and from one to ten msle on a one mile dirt track He ~ill pilot hi famou5 "Wisconsi~ specral." Another match event which will attract national attention i that betw~en Cliff Woodbury, celebrated Chscago st~r, and Fred Horey, one of the world s greatest driver ·. They competed re~ently at Aurora, Illinois. and now Chff has another chance at the veteran. Horey piloted a Miller "8", and hold the national records for 15, 20 and 25 miles 'ln a half mile dirt track, and from 15 to 50 miles on a one mile dirt trac:C. He est!abJi hed the e. ~arks at Springfield, Itt.. and at Loussvdle, Ky. At Springfield Horey made J.t~ milu in one-half hour, whsch al o is a record. Whatever th4 CircumJtances dM IIUIM CDal'tely--dM 1UDe llelpf1al ...... Ill ........ all paplaiq detaDt ... ... . . . . ,.. wiMther d.-. aa aalladtl4 apeeclltve or wbather clrcamatalldll taCI'ftt that 10'1 , . , . ..... ture. The burner alDon't Wait Till lows for fluctuations of every home-owner. of weather automati· Cold Weath er The cleanest, most cally. The heating season st :uts economical her.ting· How unlike the oldin 60 days. plant in the world fashioned coal furcan be yours on such Get your orde.,ain nace! Up at dawn to easy terms you can't NOW! start it. Down at night afford to be without to bank it. Possible it. Rc :-.C: t':c Lets now. fire-failure to chill the Oil heat has successfully been used family when you're away from home. in larger homes for years. Thousands That's all finished now, with this of our oil-burners are in use today, new oil·burner. and have been for man)' yc;;rs. But Fire the furnace man. He's obsothe demand from small home-owners lc~e today. Why pay $15 a month was insistent. They wanted oil heat, to have the furnace stoked; and $3 too - for homes of 6 and 8 rooms, a month to have the ashes carted? bungalows, two-apartment houses. Save that toward this newoil·burnerl Today we offer you this perfected new oil·burner-the lowest priced Find ou t the facts NOW completely automatic oil-burner. We make all types of oil-burners This new oil-burner fits any type of - for the tallest skyscraper down to furnace. The price includes its inthe smallest bungalow. Our war- stallation. A small down payment ranty is your protection. and terms as low as $25 a month. Then worries end over heat. Fire the furnace man With t his new oil- burner you Clip the coupon now-get,. the simply set the thermostat in the livfacts. Mail tonight and learn more ing room at the desired tempera- about this new oil·burner. Act now. oil heat is N ow within the reach necessi port in departJ S u itab t ra inin health makin "Th forced' tefatic the Ia is pra at lea Territ others. upon be th school are re 'mand; many The ment r·. !JK[Jrgr:g[j[j{f{f~cg;(t Automatic Oil Burning Systems (Wbulow BoUer &. Enlineerloa uclae alMa. Co., Chkaao, Me~nw/omor.n) l r-----------------co-: - - - ; 8 ~IN~LOW BOILER A: ENGINEERING Cbicaao Ave. ee WINSLOW BOILER & tNGINEERING CO. 817 Chicqo Ave. E vanaton, Ill. TelephODe Evanston 9235 I I Phone Wilmette 654 \124 Central Ave. Pleaee tend fr w· 1 . . --, (Checkone] on oil heatmg · · · · · · · · · tthout obligahtio~ aend your engineer to examine my preeent eattng plant · · · · book E vanat,_ IlL O O \VilmettP ~- --~--=-=-·::-~:;;~~=~::;;~-;=-J

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