Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 2

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2 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 ARDEN SHORE IN ANNUAL FROUC Campers Invite North Shore Residents to Midsummer Festivity Rev. David C. Monroe Ia Summoned by Death mi~oionary in India who more recentl.v RH. Dand C. Monroe, a former IN EUROPEAN SETTING Procession and Dances on Unusual Program ~orth shore n ·:.1de nts. young and old. arc iu\'itcd to attend an in·erc stlllg midsummer frolic at the Arden Shor(' Rc ., t camp on the afternoon of \\'crlne~day. Augu'lt 20. The program will hegin promptly at 3 o'clock. The mi(hummer frolic will ha,·c an l·.uropcan ~c tting with costume rt·pre·t·nta tiou., from \'ariou' nations of tht· old world. There will he the ;trolling trouJ,adour, and the numerou o well populated \'illages in which the ~ong 'ters will lt·nd tlll·ir talents to the gay it·· i,·itic·s. .\11 thi~ will takr place on the ~pa cious grounds of the camp, the .,ccne prc~enting a gala spectacle with ih festooning' o[ lantern:. and flag of the nation~ . Al1out tw(·nty of the campers, who l1ail from Chicago'.; grt·at melting pot oi tht· nation.. \\ ill appear a~ ~ trolling playn, . Ot ht··., oi the Ankn ShoreIt··, will :t-'>U illt' the character" of \'il l ,tl{t'r,, ~uch n;lliou s as Ital y. Poland. Spain. HoiH·mia ;111cl lrdand l>cin~ rt'prc,<'ntecl. "Street" Proceuion Til{' aftt·rnoon' -; activitit·s will be inaul.(uratt·cl with a paracle and stunts through the ",tn·l·t-." of the villaKc' ~t·xt, tht·rc will he t·xhihitions of rare inH·re<.t in the i\rclcn Shore Arcade to l1t' located in the camp recreation hall. Among tht noveltits will he living picture,, txhihih of antiques and n ·lic-,. a chamhcr of horrors. a snake charmer and nun1croth freaks, rare animal spccimcns and a famous hand . The frolic proper will pro,·e unusually ahsorhing to the visitors . Here will !.l' kindng-artt·n children a'i dancing <lllimals, older girls in specialty dances t·ntitlt'd "a morning dance around tlw fountain" and "the 'tatue~ that carne to life." a popular race characterized <h "hanging up till' clothe,," a<; well :t, dances inrluding a scarf dance. l.an·hanak, folk tlance,, an ox dance and an "Al't' of Diamond >" dance. As a di rl't' t rnult of such entcrtainmt·nr.. a' the midsununer frolic . intt·rc~t in t\rdt·n Short' activities has hl'come witk.,prcad throughout the north ~hon· communities. A recent IJa,kct picnic. for example. added . ix new cottagt·" and a hathroom to the t'amp {' quipment. Two of the cottag<" w<·n· pro\'iclctl hy Mrs. ] . McCregor Adams of 1-1 ighland Park; a t ottagt' ami nnv bathroom for the t·a mp hO,Jlital \H' rr donated hy Mrs . G<·orgc H.. Thorne of l.ake Forest. and '\1 r,. Alfred 1'. l'u1 tou of Lake Forc>t, ~~ r.... Edgar \\' . Burchard of Kenilworth nnd Mrs . Tht·o<lorc L. O·hornc < ·ar h donated a cottage. has been li\'ing at the ho.mc of h1s son. Eric A . Monroe, 1220 fore't avenue . pas,ed away unday. Augu;.t. 10 following a lingering illne'"· Sernce~ will be held today at Graceland chapel. Mr. ~[onroe was a mi s,io nary in India for 25 years and la~er '~as !ector of an Episcopal pansh m Connecticut for 10 years. H~ wa s _f~rced to retire from the act·,·e m1n1st~y about 18 month s ag-o becau ~e of fa·li n~ health and und c r.wen t an operation at Roche o; ter. 1fmn . Sm.ce t~.at tim e he had made hi home m \\11llll'ttc. :-;hortly after comin); to the villag{' he suffered a >:troke of p~r aly'i' which left h1111 \'lrtually an lll\itlid to the time of hi; death. ~lr. ~lonroe is , un·iv cd IJy thr~e so n s. Eric A., and Alan H .. of \\' .1 mett(·. and Re\' . C. H. ::\[onroc of Shahjahanpur. India: hy a hrothcr, Dr. Charlc' P. ::\lonro oi De Ruyter, ~. Y., aud a ,i-, tcr. 1Jr3. Jane Riggo; oi Dolge,·ille . :\. Y . · -( NEW TR Wanta When You Travel vou should not carry large sun1s ~f n1oney on your person. As any seasoned globe-trotter knows, that is dangerou s in the extretne. A. B. _ \. traveler's checks provide a safe way to carry your funds; only you can cash thetn, and you can ca h thetn instantly, anywhere! Here's Subdivision for University Folks Only A -uhdi' is ion cxclu,i,·cly for uni' cr~ity graduates is 110\\' announced as a part of the program for the de vclo(>lllent of the former Fort Sheridan Gardens, opposite the Old Elm Golf cluh. north of H ighlarHI Park . Fifty oi the 17H acrt·~ compri-,ing the tract will he ... et a-,ide for thi' purpo,e, accordi··K to Krenn and Da\O, who will handle the property. an(! will be kno\\ n a., the l 'ni \·er,ity Ficl(k "Apply law to pe accidents" Hayes, pt club. "A ing in sot the move consider regulate conform motorists the same the pede! tain poi· Our . gen is now the~l' lin Alderma on local city cou~ man Sci traffic ~1 submitt~ pedestna signal 11 ;;afe. bq give th we are operati "Cn~~ ,,mstan~ ON FISHING EXPEDITION l~e\ . George l'. .\f agill. pastor of the f-ir'>t Pn·,hvterian church. re turned today fro~n a ten-day lishing t1 ip in the northern \linnesota lak r n·gion., . ~I r. ~I agill will occupy his pulpit Sunday tllorning, August 17. I nor pr9 "Sup( law of suppose violati~ ··vou1· After Sun, Wind and Dust- Murine ln summer the EYES frequently become blood , shot from the irritating effects of wind and dust. Murine relieves this unattractive condition almost immediately, as well as eye-strain caused by the glare of the aun. If used night and morning, Murine encourages a clear, bright, healthy condition of the EYES. Contains no belladonna or other harmful ingredienta. Ill I Home Banh·· and at rights how t pedcst is not from until t the pe If, on sees a must the ca would he do Iibera either or by: right· ~i;h~ that Ill I I "H todaYi they iiRI tt;'~i~IJ,{:;,~d'~'i.~:1;e0 &.":: The Murine Company Dept. Z9, CIUc:qo CALLED FOR TRAINING Lieut. Col. Claude E. Fitch, ordinance re erve corps, l ' nited States Army, has hecn callt·d to active duty c.~t Rock Island ar.,cual for instruction from August 3 to 17. Colonel Fitch was formerly a member of the village hoard o£ trustees. He resides at 1033 Elmwood a venue. Screens Screens Order your screen from us now-Any amount-Any size Made in our own factory · -because winking is Nature's instinctive protection of the eye. Each wink spreads a tear over the eyeball and keeps the eye ~vashed clear. A " ·elc.ome aid to Nature is ~ Mineral Oil Russian Type which keeps the intestines clear and prevents con tipation. Puretest Mineral Oil is a pure heavy lubricant. By softening the bowel contents, it facilitates the removal of food waste. Especially good for all who lead a sedentary life. One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. REAL SERVICE Plate and Window Glass-Glazing-Mirror<;-Art Glass Picture Frames and Framing Paints and Varnish Wilmette Glass & Paint Works 1133 Central A·n. Phone 2508 SAFEGUARD YOUR FURS iD oar roomy FUR STORAGE VAULTS We will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs for the Summer in our Big Vaults and Insure them against Lo s by Fire, Moth and Theft. Reasonable Rates Prompt Attention Excellent Care Full Pinta .............. 85c Half Pinta ............. SOc Renneckar Drug Co. Telephonea 28-29 HARRY A. ROPINSKI FURRIER EataWiaW ia Enaetoa · · tit CHICAGO AVE. N..,. Mala Str.et CAll. EVANSTON S7ZZ EVANSTON

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