Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Aug 1924, p. 6

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· 6 WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1924 WOUNDS OF WAR Chamber of Commerce to Aaaist in Defense Day Calamity Stalks Final action in the adoption of the new constitution and hy-law of the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce was taken at the regular monthly meeting of that organization ).londay eYening of this week. The Chamber of Commerce prom ised its cooperation with municipal authorit ies in ~he proposed Defense Day program 111 the vrllagc on September 12 in conjunction with the ob se rvance of National Defense Day at that time . Th e decision of the body followed the reading of. a r eq uest. from President Edward Z1pf for ass1stance from th e Chamber of Commerce in conducting the contemplated program. A large portion of the meet ing time :\1 on day was devoted t o the comptetio~1 of final det~il s attendant upon \Vtlmette Day wh1ch fall s on August 20 and is sponsored by the chamber. HEAL RAPIDLY "Business as Usual," Slogan in Brussels Editor's Note: Following is the second of a. srries of brirf obser..ations submillrd hy a """"'~""' of the editorial staff of the Lloyd Hollister , Inc .. publicafim1s who is making an e.rtcnded tour of Europe. Other articles will appear from tim l' to time as they are recei7·ed by mail from across tile waters. a Glencoe Bound Lumber Carrier " Ten Commandment." Topic Fred Schultz, Aged 86 at Baha'i Temple Sunday Years, Called by Death "The Universal Ten Commandments" Fred Schultz, 86 years old! died at 6 ·30 o'clock Saturday mormng, Aug~ t 12, at the home of his . son-inlaw, Fred Russell, 222 Woodbme ave nue. The end came as a re s ult of a collapse on the previous Tuesday. caused by the excessive heat. Mr. Schultz was an uncle of Village Manager C. C. Schultz and is survived by the widow and two daughters . Funeral se rvices were held last Monday afternoon. the interment being made in the Waltheim cemetery. BY THE GIRL R E PORTE R A combination of humor, pathos, and ~t otal unexpectedness characterized the total unexpectedness characterized the 'd tl orner of Lake avenue accr ent on le c and Eleventh street, Tuesday noon, when a truck bearing a load of lumber came to a sudden standstill, its contents hurled . . h d b the untately to t e g rowl Prt'C 1 P1 Y. . · forseen collapse of a supportmg peg. The truck was just rounding the corner nicely when one of the side supports gave way, and half o! the boards, blocks, and shingle on the1r way to Glencoe were. for the moment, retarded in their progress. Just what had happened conveyed itself with tightening -like rapidity to the driver when he heard the deafening crash. Alighting painfully from hi s seat hy the engine he ruefully surveyed the '>Cene. It seemed that, having wrenched hi ~ knee only that morning, and being alrcadv late on his trip to Glencoe, this acicdc;Jt was the proverhial stra·.v that so annihilated the camel's back. He was only human, and having relieved his emotion ~ by a few picturesque, 'colorful words, he began his task of reloading. \\'ith the help of several small boys and the moral persuasion of a \Vtun:rn: Ltn: reporter, the lumber wa~ soon restored to its original po ~ition, and the peg reinforced by a chain, whi!t: the drl\'cr drove gingerly off, whether tu arri\'e safelv at his destination withn ut another spill- a matter which might I ~eriously he doubted . will be the subject of discussion at meeting in the Baha'i temple, Sher.t· dan road and Linden avenue, Wilmette , Sunday afternoon, A~g1;1st 17, at 3:30 o'clock. Albert Va1l IS announced as the speaker. . A new feature at the temple JS a Sunday morning meeting at 10 o'cl~ck under the supervision of the teachmg committee of the Baha'i faith for the central states. It is conducted as a forum and is open to all ages, it is explained. .a / Announcement We wish to. announce the opening. of our Chiropractic Offices Monday, August 11, 1924 ~fetropolitan By P. B. K. (In Bruxelles) Two weeks ago today we landed in Liverpool. We went from there into New Trier Summer School North Wales where we lingered a ·ons Closed Friday sessl week. Then by a long railroad journey we crossed central England Summer school sess ion s at New and reached London. There we so- Trier Town ship High sc hool termin journed only four or fi\'e days. ated Friday of this week. thus bringOur next journey took us across an ing to a close the mo<.t ~ ucce ss ful arm of the 1\'orth Sea into Amster- vacation s tudy period in th e hi story dam, and today we arc in Brussels. of the secondary sc hool. Attendance at the classes this sumHave we seen any igns of the mer totaled 530, according to the Great war? Almost none at all. \\'e have . ccn regi,trar's report. The roster of s tu nowhe re any physical evidences that dent s included tho se who were mak only a few years ago the war ended. ing up delinquenci es in studie s and Of course we ha\'e seen, frequently. others who were intent upon doing The school was in memorials in honor of the so ldiers. a1ll·ance work . But nowhere haYe we not ed any signs charge of George A. Harper. dean 0 f boy s. A corps of 14 in,tructors \\as of de struction . "Busine~s a usua l" is the slogan . retained for the summer ses<;ions. The wounds of war are so completely heakd that the touri ~t st·es none of Improvement Board Seeks th em. To he sur e. one never knows Enlarged Widening Plan from clay to day the exact \'alue of his American dollar. Today, when Contrary to general expectations, banks are closed, our Belgian hotel I he hoard of l'illagc tru stee s took no manager is a little douhtful as to just action, Tue sday nig-ht. on the propowhat our Dutch guiders arc worth in ~i tion to widen \Vilmette and Central Belg-ian francs. avcntH's. The committee on local imBut a "' ide from the<;e unsettled prol·cments, howc1·er, ga1·c the matter financial con ditions 1\l' ha1 l' ~een consideration at a meeting held pre11either in I·:ng land nor Belgium any ,·ious to that of the trustees and relics of th!' terrible -torm. passed a resolution urging the widenTomorrow we ride thirteen hours on ing of Central avenue from Tenth a train from Brn~seb to Basle. street to Park avenue and 'Vilmette Switzerland . Thence to ltalv and avenue from Elmwood to Park France. avenues. A public hearing on the proposition will be held and announced Local Republican Leader J;t ter. Building, 1120 Central Ave. H. M. Carpenter, D. C. Wilmette, Illinois H. C. Lewis, D. C. Edna B. Lewis, D. C. Palmer Graduates Office Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. Evenings 7 to 8 Telephone Wilmette 3204 Village Board Endorses Defense Day for Wilmette Presi dent F.dward Zipf threw a bouquet-covered bomh into both the democratic' and pacifi sts' camps, Tues day evening, when he announced that as a pledge of loyalty to the country the hoard of trustees should make some plans to fittingly observe National Defense day. The other tru stees were unanimous in endorsing the project, hence there will be public doings of some sort on that occasion. SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS Nationally Advertised Fifteen Famoue Feature· Millen Says: It's time to repair and clean furnaces; and if you have no furnace, it's time to buy one, so it'll be ready when cold weather sets in. And you should ha}·e to Visit on West Coast Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas P. Miller. J77~ Washington avenue, Wilmette, will leave Thursday, August 28, for an ex· tended trip visiting with relatives and friends in west coast points, stopping on the tour at Denver, Salt Lake City, Los Angeles. San Francisco, Portland, Seattle and other cities. They wilt return late in September, according to present plans. Mr. Miller is secretary of the New Trier Regular Republican club and immediately upon his return to the north shore will devote hi time to the activities of that organization in connection with the forth coming Presidential campaign. accura of i e abou ation. eek. T1 Charles on ing, too. Joseph q neighbors The trio for a little ing over t l roads. ~ hetter. Dodge, B machines he en "Gee, L exclaimed "It's too Ah. the!' structure away, u1 speed sp pulling o Said J body." "No." "Lizzie's several factory l That's t In the debating carry th vided th within i On th pose tot at the Warsho declare. l Keen Appreciation Will he yours when you have had your l>aintie. t Clothing and Fabrics Dry Cleaned at our establishment, by the most modern methods. The same satisfaction we have given others, we offer to you. Mail your-. gufl:ers and sheet metal attended to while the weather is right- DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL A VENUE Phone Wilmette 690 They are the Beat. That why we handle them. And Millen Knows. Read All the Want-Ada 1 on the I I ~ i How Many Silver Dollars I I I First National Bank Float ??$?? f""""""""""""~""""""""""""~ 1 I I ~ John Millen "Jilt'· Hardware, Millen Has It" Phones Walmette 3060-3061 1219-21 Wdmette Ave. I I I I I 1 ·· ·· Enter the Guessing Contest on Wilmette Day Aug. 20th ·I 1 I I I ~ 1------------------------------------~-----------------------------------------l ~ ~Take a gue and tnail it to the bank on this ballot. ~ llfy gue s is ............. Dollars. X a me. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1st Prize ............. ..$5.00 Savings Account 2nd Prize ...............$3.00 Savings Account 3rd Prize ............... $1.00 Savings Account I I ~ ~ You Had Better PHONE I I .,.. · Wilmette 1304 if you want to sell Real Estate ....... Add res .................... ........... I I I I RULES FOR CO~TEST-\Ve want evervbodv to n1ake a guess. There i no charge. Each person is li~ited -to one guess. In the event of a tie, decision will be by lot. Your guess must be received at the bank no later than August 23rd. ~ ~ ~ ·--------~....,.,,, J First National Bank of Wilmette .. ·'-"'"""""'· .,.,,,, .,.,,,,,,,,~ .. i A. J. WOOOCOCK 3S Years' Experience ·,

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