Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 11

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~ Mid-Summer Wedding 1leld in Presbyterian Church Mrs. H. E. Keeler of 610 Forest HE Presbyterian church with its avenue is at Mackinac Island for the altar banked with palms, ferns and rest of the summer. Mr. Keeler rebaskets of white gladiola made turned home about two weeks ago. an attractive setting for the marriage of --oMiss Phyllis Swaim and Gene Stanley M iss Sarah Huguenin of 506 Lake Olmsted, son of Mr.. and ~rs_. Geo~ge avenue and Miss Dorothy Dennett are E Olmsted of Danvtlle, Illtnots, whtch motoring through Wisconsin for two t ;ok place on Saturday last, the Rev. weeks. George P . Magill officiating. A recep-otion followed at the home of the brid~'s Mrs. Dwight Chapman and her two parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smtth sons, Dwight, Jr., and John. 900 ElmSwaim, 701 Laurel avenue. . wood avenue. are spending the sumThe bridal dres~ was .of tvo~y crepe mer in Wisconsin. . -ofashioned in stratght hnes wtth .embroidered chiffon and a deep collar ?f Karl D. King, Jr.. has just returned rose point lace, and a fut.l court tra.m. to his home at 914 Greenwood avenue, Her tulle veil was held m place wtth after spending the summer as a counorange blossoms, and bride roses and cilor at Camp Minbcqua. lilies-of-the-valley formed her bouquet. -o-Her cousin, Miss Doris Swai~, of M iss Elizabeth Ryall returned this Danville, was the maid of honor, and the week to her home in Escanaba. Michmatrons of honor, Mrs. Robert Day of igan, after visiting Miss Rosella Hett· Great Falls, Montana, her sister, and ich, of 1011 Central avenue. -oMrs. James McKnight of Chicago, wore Jack Frost, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. gowns of orchid, powder blue, and flame chiffon, respectively, made with bouffarft G. Frost, 500 Central a,·enue, has skirts with bands of sliver lace. They joined Mr. Jackson's camp at Watercarried basket bouquets of garden flow- vliet, Michigan. -o-ers with arm cords to match their dressM iss Grace and Miss Edith Cooper es. Rosemary Day, the bride's little neice, a~ flower girl, wore a frock of of, Lake avenue, will be hostesses at . turquoise blue over pink and carried an bridge on Wednesday evening for · fashioned nosegay. The bride- Miss Helen Shurtleff. -oroom's nephew, Rodney 0. Albright, Mrs. C. N. Roberts of 1014 Lake avethe little ring bearer, wore a suit of nue is staying with her sister, Mrs. white satin. Clare E. Kinningham, of Danville, A. P. Pierce of Evanston, .for a few weeks. was Mr. Olmsted's best man, and the -()ushers were Robert S. Swaim, ] r., the Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Potter, f:IJ7 Forbride's brother, and Marion Coolley, avenue, have just returned from Carl Cooper and Norman Dale, of Dan- est Eagle River, Wisconsin, where they ville. spent two weeks, After motoring through Wisconsin --aMr. and Mrs. Olmsted will live in DanThe Misses Isabel and Elizabeth ville. Pope, 910 Lake avenue, are visiting -otheir sister, Mrs. E. H. Badger, at Mr .and Mrs. W. ]. Spillane, 724 Big Lake, Wisconsin. Ashland avenue, are being congratu--alated upon the birth of a son on SatThe Misses Gertrude and Mildred urday morning, August 16, at St. Melone, 914 Forest avenue. are visitFrancis hospital. The baby tipped the ing relatives in Rochester, Minnesota, scales at 12~ pounds. for a week. Thursday evening, August 28, is the occasion of the second vacation social meeting of the Bethsaida Shrine, number 43, White Shrine of Jerusalem. which will be held at Masonic Hall, Evanston. There will be cards and bunco. The gathering is open to the public. Mrs. Arthur Faller, 915Tenth ttreet, wilt be h01tess at luncheoa Sata...y, her guests being members of her sorority, Nu Siama Sigma. -o- e Sunday summer lity have 1 T al to the of these 5 o'clock. Monroe while at se, tenor, Mrs. I. S. and Glover Chicago is visiting Mr. Yrs. of John B. Olwin of 820 Lake avenue. --a-o-Kenneth Kerr has come from DeMrs. A. ]. Mouat and her children troit to spend a week or two with are at Marinette, Wiaeonsin. Mr. Mouat his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. spends his week-ends with them. Kerr, 707 Forest · avenue. William --aKerr has returned after completing Mrs. Stanley Gage will entertain the his summer school work at Ann Comanci on August 27, at her home, Arbor. 1428 Sheridan road. --o- ~ji~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii;ii~ ~vents d zest to )uilmette pell has .o f that tts again 1 S of the · friends, ight will day the uests~- nd mali nue for , D. C., ormerlv e north g a part s. Leon Lake Foridsummer on Weding Mrs. . Casselson, Miss Dorothy [rs. Harry . Harold rk; Mrs. coe; Mrs. ka; Mrs. rth; M~s. tte; Mrs. Rompel. Elizabeth kweather, Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Smith of 1325 Greenwood avenue. and their daughter, Marjorie, have left for a lake trip which will include Mackinac Island and Buffalo. They will be away about three weeks. -o-Mrs. Lodwick of Winnetka, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes, 816 Forest avenue, has had as her house guests for the past week, Mrs. Labagh and her two daughters whose home is in Iowa. -o-Mr. and Mrs. C. T. McGrew of Long Beach, California, and their daughter, Miss Jane, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, ~l14 Lake a\·enue, last Friday and Saturday. -oMiss Marcellite Melind, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Melind of 693 Sheridan road is spending the month of August in New York and other eastern cities. -o-Mrs. Benjamin Roodhouse was hostess at a small, informal luncheon at her home, 427 Laurel avenue, on Wednesday, for Mrs. Truman Gaylord of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Nutt of Moline, Illinois, are the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Small, 411 Maple avenue. Mrs. Nutt was formerly Miss Phyllis Small. M iss Helen Couffer of Pittsburl[ is visiting Miss Pearl Couffer, at 903 Lake avenue. The Tuesday club met this week at the home of Mrs. Lyman M. Drake of 933 Lake avenue. -o- --a- EVANSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Bu·ine··, Slaortlaand and Secretarial Cour··· New Term MaiDs Sept. 3 STIJDIO BUILDING 1718 SHERMAN AVE. IITAIL.IItl I I IYI II SO Y t A II I Only Twenty Minutea -o- by Motor --oMr. and Mrs. Harry Stark left Saturday morning for their home in Scott's Bluff, Nebraska, after visiting Mrs. Stark's sister, Mrs. Stanley Gage, 1428 Sheridan road. Steak 6 Chiclun Dinners I.UNC .. ION IUWaO AT. NOON' from the North Shore Buaineu Diatrict -o- M iss Bernice Houck of Yorkville. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mulford and Illinois, is the guest of Miss Leah their daughter, Betty, 835 Elmwood aveEldridge of 1029 Lake avenue. Mrs. nue, were the week-end guests of Mr. C. A. Eldridge has just returned from and Mrs. M. E. Mogg at Lake Geneva. New York state where she visited -o-relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greiner of 631 -o- Lake avenue, will return October I F. Owen and daughter, from their summer home at Top-in-ane, of 725 Greenwood avenue, and lee Michigan. Di G. Park and daughter, Vir' -o-uf 01!1 'L:n·~-~ ... e, ar t ivtr .and Mrs. Claude C. Smith of ng their vacation at Lake 701 Forest avenue expect to return eva. from Europe about the middle of Mr. and Mrs. Whitsett of 1716 September. -o- -o- --a- Edward Panushka returned to his home in Green Bay, Saturday, after spending several days with his mother, Mrs. Henrietta Panushka, 1041 Forest avenue. Business Men's Lunch Seventy-6ve Cents -oMr. and Mrs. Walter Renneckar of Napoleon, Ohio, are visiting at the home of their son, Carl Renneckar, 1014 Greenleaf avenue. -o-- U Highland avenue announce the Kathbirth Michigan, Miss Helen of of twin girls, Phyllis Jane, and willMcBratnie be the guest of the II erine Elaine, born August 1, at the W. W. Kerrs, 707 Forest avenue, next Evanston hospital. week. Saginaw,lffi;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:=:=:=:::::;:=:=:=:=:=:==========iiJ Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Hoffman, 419 Tenth street, have motored to Constantine, Michigan, where they will spend a week. Get away ir.Qtu business by taking time off at noon for a run out into the country. -o- of 804 friends a few a guest f Evanselm, who past six part of nd anci Mrs. R. H. Klemm of 418 Park avenue is spending several weeks with her Suzanne Gage, Mary Martin, Betty son, Robert, at Muskegon, Michigan. Marshall, and Lillian Fitch are motor-o-ing to Wheaton this week-end to be M iss Ruth Rice and Miss Margaret the guest of Miss Luella B~ut. Ernst are spending a month camping in -oColorado. Mrs. 0. E. Fuchs, f:IJ7 Lake avenue, -()has as her guests, Mrs. E. Fuchs and Mrs. E. H. Burge of 924 Forest avethe Misses Olive and Myrtle Fuchs nue will remain in Washington until from Chicago. September 1. -aFrancis Neir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Neir of 201 Ninth street, is returning home this coming week from Mr. Childs' camp in Canada. Mr. and, Mrs. W. P. Seng of 401 Lake avenue, and their family, who have been spending the summer at Land o' Lakes, expect to return to Wilmette about September 1. -oMiss Rose Millen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Millen, of 1128 Greenleaf avenue, is spending a fortnight at Three Lakes, Wisconsin, as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Stephen Maguire. -()- Mr. and Mrs. Louis K. Gillson of 706 Forest avenue returned last week from motoring around Lake Michigan, a trip of ten days. -o-. Miss Helen Dickinson of Winterport, Florida, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Arms of 720 Lake avenue, for a few weeks. PCDL & PIPER ·I Jt4C· CHILDREN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS --o- -a- Saturday, August 30th is the last day of Our Semi-Annual Sale If We Have Your Size in the F ollowina Schedule of --oA. B. Crost, 401 Tenth street, is spending his month's vacation in Baltimore and Washington. Women's, Misses', Children's and Infant's SHOES, OXFORDS AND PUMPS You Will Find Them Unusual Valuea National KinclerprteD aDd Elementary Colleae Incorporated and Accredited A Non-Proftt Institution We Do Not Use "Drops" in making an examination, but examine your eyes in their natural, normal condition. This enables patients to continue their usual activities without interruption and discomfort. Our 14 years of successful practice has proved the advantage of this method of examination. Infant's Shoes $1.45 2 120 I 3 130 I 4 140 I A B Children's Shoes $2.45 I 50 I I A Fine professional training in most recent developments in elementary and kindergarten work covering every phase of child life from infancy to twelve years. Stroa~r c I 1 I I I I I I I I I I B I 1 18~ I 9 19~ ItO IJ00111 I I I I I I I 1 ····..,. ..... _ . . ..... 8Jilrlt ··~r 38 .,...... Preett-1 eXI!'erleaee Ia teaelllq. Hl~r· o·etel rattq, ··· ..._ ···t· ltJ' Maeeton, eiYie ··· - low···· Ia ali ·oraltort-. ealtw.ral Hane.. D E 8 6 1 8 r 4 1 4 1 3 14 1 14 I 8 1 4 I 6 4 I 6 I 8 1 18 I 16 I 10 I s 1 w I t6 I w I 12 I 16 I 14 c D E I 16 I 12 I 4 I I I 6 I I9 I 6 I 2 I 4 I J I 4 I I I I I 2 I I I 2 1 14 16 I ts I 14 I 14 I I I I I I I ·-·· Misses' Shoes $2.95 AA A Women's Shoes $3.35 I AA A B D E ··· · ........ Eat·-la·tle at. .eat . . ..,. of - . Coati···- pltWtla .._.. · .,.. t·e · · - · · for lt. pa·-tn · .._ High school graduates from accredited schools admitted without examination. Two and three year diplomas, four year degree. For 14 Y ~tws of Success/vi Pr:octiu c B Dr.O.H.Bench I Fw- 1/,r. o,utd INti. C. D. P1Modt,lw D E I I I I I I I I I 22 1 16 1 tz r 6 l'o I 10 I 3 I s 6 I s I 4 I to I I I I lll01 12 11201 13 11301 1 1101 2 I I I I 8 I9 I 4 I7 I4 17 I 6 I I 8 I9 I 8 I I I I I I I I I ' c II 12013130141401 s IS0I616Yii717Y.il8l80 f I I I Tt21 8 81 615 I 8 18 I 3 I I 151 9 141 3 ·51 7 I I 4 1131 10 111515141215 3131611511014 3 1101 s 171 5 Ill 3 J I 3171181141 J l4l8l17l2l9l 5 I 3 I s 1101 10 !4!3 Reeter, . . . r_t Prettt·e·t Ellaa Della Ball:er Catalope, Gra·-·· Boolta of VleWII a·· Opto...arbt No Excbanaea, Refuncla or C redita Allowed on Sale Sbuea Dis~t 10% on Hoaaery · · QUcqo Annue, ·t D.,U National Kiader.artoa aad Elemeatary CoD··· Box 48, :&e44 Blelttpa lloale..-.... CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ror .&JI.,.aataloat . . . . . WIL , .. . or._.. __ WU..U. l'JW Hol08 .....,. ,.._ · · A. . . to · ... p, · · ·...,. · .,. ............ 1177 WUmette Ave. Street EVANSTON, ILLINOIS 20% DieccMat oa Buc:ldea

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