Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Aug 1924, p. 3

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SWISS.SING OF THEIR FREEDOM lAID v ANISIIa wmt IWilmette Giaola Qualify ~ u Senior Life Saven $200 VALUABLE LOO'I Wilmette girls to qualify in the Red Cross life saving examinations held Exercise of utmost care in the em- at camp A-Wa-ki-a, Watervliet, Michployment of servants, particularly with ngard to authentic references, is igan, are: Josephine C. Otter, senior urged upon Wilmette householders by life saver; Frances Levi, Marjorie' Superintendent of Police Denman as Solamon, Marion Colby, Frances Levy the result of a robbery at the O'Neilt and Cecile Gilroy, junior life savers. home at 1035 Sheridan road, perpeA senior life saver must be able to trated late last 'week by a recently employed colored maid. disrobe in deep water and swim 100 Mrs. J. F. O'Neil, 1035 Sheridan yards, dive and recover weights, tow road, employed a colored woman who drowning persons by the head carry, answered an advertisement published cross-chest carry, arm Jock or tired in a Chicago daily. The woman, who swimmer carry, break from front or gave the name of Mary Jackson. back strangle holds and be able to presented the names of Chicago and float and tread water. A junior lif~ Milwaukee people as references. Mrs. saver must be able to tow a person O'Neill left the new help at home of equal weight thirty feet and be alone without verifying the refer - able to sho~, in the water, ability to ences, when she went on a shopping release drowning persons who have setrip. cured a wrist -hold, a front neck-hold When Mrs. O'Neill returned, the or a back neck-hold. servant was not to be found. About $200 worth of household and personal Mrs. Hoyt King and family of 711 belongings were also gone. Forest avenue are in Union City, According to Superintendent of Pennsylvania, for a, few weeks. Mr. Police Denman, this woman is want· King is going to Minnesota for a fished by the Rogers Park police in con- ing trip. The family will return to nection with a jewel robbery. The Wilmette about September 1. description of Mary Jackson as she appeared at the O'Neill home was as follows. She appeared to be about CR. C. E. GEISS£ 28 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall. weight about ·170 pounds, 3:nd wore Oateopatlaic Playaic:Uua a heavy brown coat, a black dres~ Villqe Theatre Biela'. and black shoes. Quietly Obaene Annivenary of Independence Editor's Note : Following is IM third of a series of brief ob.s'entatioH..r submitted /7\· a · member of the editoritd staff of ill c f:losd ~ollister, Inc. , pub~· rations w ho ·s makmg ~n exte!Jded tour of Et~rope. Ot~er arhcles Will ap~ear fr om timr to ttme as they are receJVed by mail from across the waters. = Palatiae, ID. ill Aaa. Z7 to Sept. t THIS YEAR'S EXHIBITS aq:..!; LIVE $TOCK-Ho....., Cattle, SM.p, Swi-. POULTRY a..t PET STOCK. AUTOMOBILE-Fint popular ahowla1 ia c-k eo-ey of -·t aeaaoa'· - · ·.W.. FARM a..t INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY. HORTICULTURE.. FLOWERS . . . PLANTS. WOIIAN"S DEPARTMENT. YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT. HEALTH DEPARTMENT. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. HOllE ECONOMICS. FINE ARTS. By P. B. K. btdepmde11ce Day Not the Fourth of July but the First n f August. Independence Day for the Swiss. It happened that 'we were in Lucerne on that day so memorable to the Swiss, marking as it does the achieving of their independence. So far as we could see it was not a holiday; in fact, if we had not been told we never would have suspected that anything mmsual was transpiring. To be sure, we encountered everywhere on the streets girls selling badges labelled "August 1." But all th t stores were open. ln the evening, however, we went '.\' 11 to the railroad station before hich we had been told a chorus of men would sing several numbers. We arrived just as they had launched upon their program. And they sang with great sincerity as well as with artistic feeling . Their last number was their national hymn the music of which, we were surprised to find, was our own "America." So ended Independence Day in Switzerland. It added to our appreciation of the value of freedom. BIG JUNIOR FAIR ALL WEEK All Scla-t ClaildND Cool& Co. A.lmitted FREE - n...a,., Au1. Zl The JUNIOR FAIR Ia held under the able eupervlalon of Mr. Edward J. Tobin Superintendent of the Cook County Sehoola, by Directors-InCharge 0 . F . Akin and C. W . Farr, aaalated by all Country Life Dlrectora. Trlala of speed, and many exhlblta are open to all Cook County School children, who will be awarded with over 200 CASH PRIZES In ail<lltlon to a silver trophy. Entry le free to all eventa. ia 4 Bic Daya 4c·~··e RACING 7'-AUTO aA.CB.,_,. MONDAY. 8BPTS·a a CLA.IIOa DAY) HOB Ill RACES ......... Baee 2 P. II. Tt·e II'BIDAY, AlJGtJST 2e 2 :80 Trot- 2:18 Trot Z: 26 Pace !H.TlJBDAV, "'1JGU8T at 1 FIRfT JIIVENT ......e . . . . 2:12 Trot-2 :14 Pace 3-year-old Trot Blhalaatlea SECOND EVENT THIRD EVENT Jllle Bll·laa...a Plaoae W"aL 2t52 Youth Recoven from Effecta of Dog Bite After a week of careful attention and rest Jack Higbee, 810 Lake avenue a substitute mail carrier. who wa~ bitten in the left thigh by a collie dog owned by Carl ]. Zipprich, Saturday, August 9, has been getting out · and around. He has visited the post office several times and was out to witness the Wilmette Day activities. Higbee was delivering mail at the Zipprich home, 623 Forest avenue, when attacked by the dog. The incident was reported to the police who had the canine shut up for medical lnvesti~tation after 21 days . Examinations of the collie during the past two weeks have indicated no evidences of the rabies, according to the police. REPORTED CONYALESCING Word comes to Wilmette Life from Leo M. Dean, formerly of the Wilmette Dairy company, who is now in Hot Springs, Ark., that Mrs. Dean is improving after a serious breakdown. The Deans went to the Arkansas resort several months 1 6-Horae Running Race on above dates In which Girl Jockeys will ride. EXTR ., -MAY MACK SUNDAY. AUG1JST 31 2 :09 Pace-2 :24 Trot 2 :18 Pace SPECIAL Fl'4'e ·11e Ell·laatloa FlY& FIFTH EVENT Jl'tve Jllle few l'fea-Wlaaen SIXTH EVENT P'lffeea Jllle ll'laal SEVENTH EVENT ron Steek car ... noeon. C2..C%), el·-··- favel'lte, will ,._,.eaw- tret ······t Summer Dresses Fluffy light sumrtter frocks for the hot August days. They're attractive and moderately priced. s'T~i 5 BRILLIANT FREE ACTS 5 BACHMAN'S JIILLION DOLLAR Bt\ND A. D. Gaah to Preach for Engliab Lutherana The address next Sunday at the Wilmette English Lutheran church, Greenleaf avenue and Seventh street, will be delivered by A. D. Gash , a prominent member of the parish. His subject will be "The Christian's Delight." BACK FROM EUROPE Raymond ]. Roth, 1124 Forest avenue, arrived in New York Monday of thi s week from London on the Atlantic Transport line steamship Minnewadc..., Unique Style Shop llzt CENTRAL AVE. Pia. Wil. Z4l3 that popular ex-World War ortul dlaplay of horaemanahlpganlzatlon of the Sun SE-t Dlvlperforming miraculous atunte-slon, composed of eighteen Sure to pleaae you and your musical artiste- many of whom friends. are soloists of national renown 81 ., Vletel"· Aal·al Cll't!U - will render delightful selecHighly trained Horses. Shettlons every day and night at the land Ponlea. Trained Doge and 0 8~ne~:fnU'u~:~r. Liggett aald, Monkey-a Comic Scream for "That band Ia worth a million young and old. dollars to the American Army." LaSalle, LaH. . . .· A LaSalle The name stuck. FaaaJ' Fellow· Lt. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, 1 of Junior said, "I want to tell you Funny rel~~w·-'d:.:ru'::: 11 e. A Laughterf nt Sown folks especl.people' that this band has played for me twice now and It Is a big joy It e~ - our pe rfectly corkGREAT.'FIREWORKS' PRoGRAM oH, JOY! OH, BOY! Here'· the BIG ANNUAL FEAST of FUN AND FROLIC! PLAN NOW to come and han the tip-lop ti·· of JOUr life Ferrie Wheel, Tlae Whip, MWP7-Go-Round, Chair-o-Plaae, Curioaity Shop Myatic Show, Athletic Show witla REAL Wr.. tlen M'lle BHlal'a Tralaeol Bene~~ A auperb animal act-wonder- s'TlfR Immense Midway DANCING EVERY MIGHT-OUT IM TH£ OPEN Mu11lc by hlgh-claBB Chicago Syncopators SAFEGUARD YOUR in oar roomy FURS FUR STORAGE VAULTS ~[]!{ LAKE SHORE AUTO . SALES Salea R-m and Sei-.ic. Station 1111-11 Claica1o An., E-n-to-. Ill. We will Renovate, Repair and Store your Furs for the Summer in our Big Vaults and Insure them against Loss by Fire, Moth and Theft. Reasonable Rates· Prompt Attention Excellent Care IT'S EASY TO GO TO PALATINE (14 milea from Cbica1o city limita) VIA VIA VIA S11'f'1'1 Car aad ,('ab C · .t: N. W. R. R. AtJTOMOBILF) T 1·ansfer to or take Special Round-Trip Take the Northwl·st Excursion Rates Highway Route 19 1\lllwaukee Ave. car 8 to Jefferson Park. yo~~ ag·!~~lor0 ~ direct to the Fa I r ~::eto .:~frthgro:~l~~ particulars. Grounds entrance. ![:::· HARRY A. ROPINSKI FURRIER Eatahlialaed ia E'Yaaatoa Ill CHICAGO AVE. Near Maia Street CALL EVAMSTON 37ZZ Sia1 le Adaliaaioa Da1 a 75c; Ni.lata stc·· yOU're a;.A~ t' - d d Grand Stand Free e ·· At Ni.bt 1· EVANSTON 627 MAIN ST. -:· PHONE WILMETTE RETAIL WHOLESALE Where Bake Day Is Going--Bake day, with its attendant terrors for the housewife is going into the discard, just as wash day went when the laundries finally discovered how to . do the kind of work that folks wanted. \\'ilson's Rread is the bread that has made bake day unneces~ ary here in Wilmette. · Are you up with the times? MEATS The Quality of our Meat is always High-but our Price· are always Low. Prove this to yourself at our Friday and Saturday Sale-Aug. 22-23. Fancy Freab Killed Broiler· lb·............................................................ Genuine Sprina Lamb Lega Lb..................... . 44c Porter House Steak SSe Lb.... . ................ . 38c I Native Armour's Star Bacon 32c Half or whole aide, lb. Native Pot Rout Beef Lb·..................... 2~c I AH~fr:r ~hot~ib.· ................................... ........ · 27lc Strictly F reah Selected E11· Dozen .............. . ... . Lean Smoked Butb Per lb........... . ..................... . .. . ..... . .......... . 40c 33lc ASSORTED COLD MEATS, RELISHES, PICKLES, ETC. WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE, WINNETKA FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-9 A.M. ~11 A. M.-Z P. M. --4 P. M.

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