Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Aug 1924, p. 9

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B sauthem ttates ~ the list. each of ~ in Qw...........ip that day ._. tilt oJ. , _ .-·. . thae croups econnc 55. The New . ._ ·-~~- Hill Q--L was to be decided bJ cbuiC:e af . . . . , . ........... f.ncland ltatea .c:ored 50, IOUtheutem r·., at ..._.. ., ... . ....... .. ,,.. l.-lz~"~"~ .-...1In the civilian military traininar camps ttates 51 · M4 tUt ~.states 4714 · COMBINATION of a slow of · tlltt· dab ....~ wu to 1«1 NJ 011 ~ ~'\t of 1923 a test of his --.:-1 ~ and eastern s\ates 45 potnts. . -' · 1"'.7"'- .,.....K;&....7 course and mosquitOeS wu not be p1aJC'Il off. was l(IVftl each of the 22,000 Younar men CO~RWW....... conducive to coif at Indian Hill At prul time the aolf ~ ... ECAUSE of Labor Day, women attenclinc. Four nents. compri~ the ll1t.:.l ,_.v.JIIJVn on Wednesday of last week, con~equeot- not decided upoa the eftDt for tbe golfers at Skokie will haw their test-100 yard dash, runmng broad JUD'IP, . . . DD lVI:' DD,O, ly the FJaa tournament ltheduled for week. «&Qiar weekly naatda on Tues- runniq hiP J-.p. and bar nult. Spik1t UW I" .UU.X. ftDft llll day. The event this coming week ed shoes and special athletic uniforms Brig. Gen. Charles G. Dawes, alwill be a ~~le threesome, the first were barred. The score in points rang0~~ ed from 120 points for makinar the 100 ready well known in Czecho-Slovakia, ~~t ~fu.::tsthi~~ at will use three dubs, one penon /rivinc yard dash in 11 leCODds, a running broad attained further recognition , when one person using the irons, and one per~ jump of 19 feet. a ruoninar high jump of Milan Lusk, a Wilmette violinist tourton putting f~r each team. 5 feet, .2 ncbes, and & bar _quit of 6 ing Europe, played the general's Skokie had ttl Guest Day on Monday feet. 6 inebes, clown to ~ pomts for the Melody ia A for President Masaryk with a field of about .f5 players. T...; same ~· with results of 1~ secoada, at the latter's summer residence. members matched their .cards against 9 f~ 2 inches and 3 feet, 8 inches, reIn eommentinc on the piece, Mr. par, and Mrs. H. G. ~1Uips won the spect1vely. · · . · Masaryk said: first place, her score belJIIr even with Each participant wu l(lftD a ICOre m "Gen. Dawes' composition is the par. Three members tied for aeeoact points and u each state was represented logical successor to Humoresque. place, their scores all being tliree clown m attendance in ratio to its population, America has produced a man whose All of the alleys have been refinished and put in ex· The ~'JeSts were awarded .prizes fo; it hu . ~ pouib_Je to ·tablish a pbyai- vision is as large as your count~')'. cellent shape. first and second low net, with ~. cal efticiency ratiDC for each state u Only America can produce a man b11 Bowlers Not~: There wiU be an ppen ~ SepRitchie of South Shore talciug the for- represented by its young men averqinc enouah to see a method to cure Eutember 2, at 8 o'clock, to make plana for the Businea1 mer and Mrs. Ayres, the latter. ts~Jt..t.!ytheove!.,.!!,.JQn of age, who at- rope's ills and at the same time 4e""'~ _ velop his esthetical side to a point Men's Bowling League for the season. The average score for the United where he can produce a noteworthy Lady Bowlers Note: Plans will be drawn up for the Library Cub le at WOI'k States was 51.9. Arkansas led amana- musical composition." , Lady Bowlers' League Thursday, September 4, at 8 the states with a score of 67. Second Mr. Masaryk bas ordered his privOD Two New Entelpliae· o'clock. If interested you are asked to attend. and third high scores went to Kansas ate orchestra to play the piece daily NIQUE in the work carried on and Arizona with 100res of 65 and 64, and it is predicted the Gen. Dawes' by a woman's club on the north respectively. The west, .!c:en~t~ral~.!and~Lc~o~m~po~s~it~io~n~w~i~ll...!sw~e~e~p~th~e:__!c~o~u!nt!!ry!.~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!~!:!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ shore, is the new venture of the ivies department of the Woman's Club of Glencoe, which is expectmg to conduct a night school during the coming fall and winter. The first step the committee will take to finance this new enterprise will be a benefit bridge given on the afternoon of September 11, at the home of the club's president, Mrs. William A. Fox, 585 Longwood avenue, Glencoe. Several years ago -a night school was run by one of the teachers of the Glencoe public school, with great success, but it was discontinued when she left. A need for such a school is still felt, and the school board is very desirous of its establishment. Other departments of the Library club are working enthusiastically in their new ~ift and Thrift shop, and are preparmg for a Rummage Sale September 4, 5 and 6. One of the features of the shop will be a circulating library, and orders for magazine subcriptions will be taken. Woman's Event at Teat ShoW. U cieacy · -~ .a. __....! __ , M -L--~ ~ ........._I S .... D· a.,., '* A = inc a a an Sf: Good · 'a Bowling AJleys FALL OPENING Labor Day--8ept. 1 U · Qualify for Next Trophy At North Shore Tueac:lay Da:Yq the women member· O Nin Labor the golf tvents, or a two ball ~ ~~ ~-~- wqtu~~~~~ has been planned for the . The followmg day, the regutnne for the women's golf matches, 1ri11 be given over to the qualifyinc round for the September championship. This Tuesday the field was made up of 48 fourball mixed foursomes the men playing at the invitation of th~ women The prizes were awarded as follows ; Four for the foursome having the lowest net score, and the awards were _given to Mrs. C. N. Jonas, Mrs. John Caine Ben Huggins and Ralph Boozer; Mrs: Frank Wanner won the putting contest for women, with Fren Lenzen and A. D. Collins tying for the '"IDeo's prize· Mr. and Mrs. Banning won the match against par. The players all had dinner at the club at the conclusion of the afternoon's match. A copy of this book will M sent wichouc chcarce, on requac. Little Garden Qub Holda August Meetina The Economy of Cadillac Maintenance VERY automobile owner oJ maklnc E time to hit Car, order tlty time OD T 12. HE August meeting ~f the Little Garden club was held August 8, at the home of Mrs. E. L. Davis, 115 Third street. Plans were made for the Garden Show to be held September A tour of the members' gardens was made. Th.e flowers were very attractive and their beauty was only a little impaired, considering the most unfavorable weather. recopfut the necetadjultmentt IDd repaln from in lO lnture maU· ~ ...:1Jif;,m84et mum perlormance. lcoDomy ol main~ therefore, ie · lmportuat · J.ctor 10 the protpee· dve purch.er ol a IDOCOI' ar · the Inherent value ol the ar lllelf. Thebook."The Economy of Cadillac Malotenuce: eontalntcomplete deteripdons and priceeon aU the ordinary adju.tmentl and mechanical operatloo" tQIIther wlth a deecripdon ol the c.cliu.c Stand· ardiMd Charse Sytteaa. k coatalM coavtndnc proof of the bMlc: ecoDOIDJ of OWDiDI & CadW.C. Your copy ..W be ·nt by naun mall. oa requelt. . Ridte Plana for Gueet Day, September 2 UEST Day, once postponed because of rain, will be held on Tuesday of the coming week, according to the present plans of the golf committee. This week the qualifying · round of the SWlset Ridge championship was played oft, with Miu Virginia Ingram baviug the lowest score. ~e also won the approaching and puttJug contest. G CADILLAC MOTOR CAR COMPANY-CHICAGO 8MNCH ,..,.,_ f/ c-.1 M.,_ CM,_.,,_ IVA.NITON BRANCH ... N41e A.,._ UOI SOUTH NlCHIOAN AVINUI c-...t~tt &..J.t llllt .,._._, 41160 W. w.......,.aa.,4. WIST liD& 81\ANCH MOADWAY UANCH WOODLAWN IIV.Nmt toP C.... O.Ove Ave. FRESH .AIIl BELOW On the top deck of the Leviathan there is an electric ventilating fan, which, niaht and day, summer and winter, blows 60,000 cubic feet of fresh air l;;elow deck every minute, regardless of weather conditions or whether the giant American ship is in port or at sea. KENILWORTH HAPPENINGS The Kenilworth Garden dub will hold its first Garden Market, September 19, at 2 o'clock, on Mrs. Charles Ware's lawn, 325 Abbottsford oad. Tea and w;p,fers wiU be served d an opportunity given to purchase iris roots of good varieties as wen bulbs. Remember the date. CADILLAC Standard of dae World· r I ~..:.=s-;.~w--~,· ..... . . . . . ..., ....... . _ , .. c.Mie M' x· 1 -_ Gl .........................~--~ 1"-· . L~----~----!:--~-~ ---~~ -~ I

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