Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Sep 1924, p. 2

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1924 '} Heart of a Lion, Though Fate Has NEW FOOTBALL COACH AT NEW TRIER HIGH · Football candidates at the ~ew Tri~r Township high school will meet thetr new coach Robert H. Carpenter, Henry Mein~hausen,. as related in last week'~ \Vilmette Life, had a tele- shortly afte~ the opening of the school phone installecl at his hedsi.rle. so that te~f~. Carpenter comes f,rom Evanshe could talk to folks, despite the fact ville Indiana, and played foot~all ~m that fate had laid him low. der Coach Dobie at Cornell umverstty. That he is using the instrument to He was a member of the squad that ad,·antage may be deduced from the won nation-wide laurels for Cornell. following: in plays and formati011s that puzzle.d "ls this the editor," comes a firm the ea ·tern university teams. He IS \Oice over the wire. also an ad,·ocate of the open ~orma"It is." . ,. tion and !.traight football tactiCS. "Mr.:!\fein~hausen speakm~. ,. A large field of "huskies" will.greet "How do you do, Mr. Memshausen. ;\[r. Carpenter, who will be ';l SIStant "Very well. thank y~u-an9. l~r the athletic coach to W . L: Chtlds. !he way, that's just why I m callmg. athletic director, who tS arrangmg "Yes?" the season's schedule. . "\' cs. ~ir, I want to correct t~e Mr. Child~ will be m charge ?f ~tatement appearing in your last IS- basketball as in the past and wtll ... ue and to the effect that I'll probably supen·ise baseball, tennis. track and never walk ag-ain. That's sli!l'htlyMe:<l- soccer. aggeratcd. because, you see, Dr. .1 ton Barker has done a fine job '":tth D that operation and I'll het anythmg l Arrange Suburban ay at I'll he walking within six weeks." Uptown Chicago Exhibit (No bet) . "You sec, it's like this," friend. McmSuburban Day will be a feature of shausen continued. "Two years ago I th~ Fourth Annual Exposition and ~ufferf'd the amoutation of my left Trade Display concluded by the Upleg. They took it off above the knee. town Chicago Chamber of Commerce Not so good. Then, as you know, at the Broadway armory, October 13there developed an ailment in my 18. On that day special features will right leg and it was found necessary he designed to intert~t north shore to perform another operation. But Yi itors. this time. thanks to Dr. Barker. the The exJ osition has hccomc an anamputation was made eight inches be- nual affair at which merchants and low the knee. No( so bad." manufacturers of Chicago and sub"Yes?" urbs show their wares. Each ex"Well. non't you see? T'm to have hibitor arranges a booth and those an artificial limb and you can bank on attending sec the good~ on display. it, I'll be cutting capers before long." There is also a representative of the "I'm happy to hear that," replied the firm at the booth to provide informaeditor. And there was a tone of un- tion. mistakable sincerity in his voice. Word has been receh·ed by Lloyd Hollister, president of the Wilmette Numerous Entries Made Chamber of Commerce, from F. D. Smitten Him Hard Next Year what are you going to do when vaca-· tion titne rolls round? Be in the san1e fix you were this year-with a lot of plans, and no money to carry them out? There's no need for such a .thing; it all depends upon you. ·Join our Vacation Club, and put by a little each week. THEN next year you can CARRY OUT those wonderful plans of yours. The choice is yours; which shall it be? Plans season maturitl evening High s New T tion, \1 Therea will be of ever noon he give wmhe This rua c.Jac oowung League t~;~~·r 'to~hfnllP~~'r.t;~.. ~l.~~c~~. ~~~~.~- Top-coat weather brought out a portation facilities have been arranged sizeab le gathering for the initial meet- with the Chicago Rapid Transit coming of the Wilmette Business Men's pany for peopl~ wishing to attend the t th G 00 d . ll exposition. B I. 1 ow mg eague a e wm a eys In addition to the exhibitions there in the Brown huilding Tuesday night \\·ill be a fashion show three times a of this week. It was an enthusiastic session under day. with a group of expert models PrPsiclt>nt Oscar Schmidt's guidance displaying the late fall and wint~r and the lively discussion indicated clothes and furs for women and chtlhright prospects for the approaching dren. ~cason of howling. 1 Team~ registered for .en~ry in t~e Correct Voting Will Be Jea.gue mcluded The Pn'!tmg St~td1o. Lecture Course Subj"ect Wtlmette State Bank, Ftrst National Bank. SchuHz and Nord. Sni<l rA course of six lectures on governCa~\ !)Tug company, Clore and Bud- ment, with particular emphasis placed inger. Meyer Coal company, Knights on the matter of correct balloting, is of Columbus, Larsens and Nelson being arranged by the Civic and LegBrothers' Laundry company. Addi- islation committee of the \Vilmette tiqnal entries may be registered with- Woman's club for the women voters in the week, it was stated. of the village. The first of these disIt is planned to hegin the league cussions will be held late in Septemseason about September 15. ber, it has been announced. The Goodwin alleys opened officially The committee in charge has sefor the 1924-25 season on Labor Day. cured as speaker, Mrs. Walter F. Dodd of Chicago. a well known auth9rity on gon·rnment in it s many phases, PURCHASE TRUCK The village trustees on Tu<.'sday eve- including the franchise. One of the unfortunate circumning authorized the purchase o£ a White motor truck at a cost of $5.000. The stances connected with elections is the deplorably large number of votes vchiclt is specially designed for use o£ :nunic:pnl ~>troet deoartment~. It will rendered void because so many voters he put into commission by the street de- are not acquainted with the correct method of marking the ballot, partmtnt upon its arrival. the Woman's club committee explains, in urging every woman voter New York City had, at the close of in the village to avail herself of this 1922, 81,751 street lamps, of which 73,- opportunity to receive expert instruc930 were electric. tion in that regard. ~ ·vou1· Ill I /lome /Jdnh·· Ill I I ener placi tion cold Back Again! p .\RKER House roll are back into their old place on the table. \Ve don't know whv _ __......., "'"' n,..._, ......,. -.~ does the earth ~9 .,.;ayso a TUSh -because .ocean leakage or voLcanic action causes an underground stratum to slip. Hence a violent movement of part of the earth's surface. How easily are Brut Rela at at t will a T the Cro of cert and Aspirin Tablets move to break up a violent headache, cold or the grippe! Absolutely true aspirin, tablets sn skillfully made that their beneficial action begins in 15 seconds. Highest purity, never irritate or burn. Mi1 for them about this time of the year. .\lways fresh, soft, tender and delicious, our Parker House rolls are just about the finest thing we know of. 'l'ry them yourself! lSc a dozen 2 for 2Sc 7Sc for 100 One of 200 Puretest preparations for health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill and care can produce. IOC ist pin· fro twc btu VQI ten tic~ ape pOl la11 in8 anc Renneckar Drug Co. T elephonea 28-29 Th SOl Pr da Se ~~

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