Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Sep 1924, p. 10

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JCl WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 C WlllL~IE'f'flE CIHilU~ClHI NJEW§ AJMJD) Jl»A~ll§IHI ANN(Q)lUN<CIE.MIIE.MlS Congregational Church The regular meeting of the Woman '8 Guild will 'Pe held this Friday aft!'rnoon . Luncheon at 6 o'clock. At the business meeting, reports of the Committees. Let every woman or the parish bE' present at this first gath... rlng of the Fall. Our Camp Fire Girls meet at the Village Hall at 7 o'clock to participate In the march to Ridge school tor the Ueren11e Day program. Annual "Get-Together Day" Is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Hrlng the picnic basket well filled and the entire family and meet on the beach at the too.t or "'ashlngton at 6 o ' clock . In the afternoon there are to be games and contests In charge of Mr. Watt, chairman ot the committee. R n in only will Interrupt the plan. On Sunday, the entire Church School meets in cla11ses and departments at 10 o'clock. No study period. At 10:30 all assemble for the song service led uy Mr. Burtner. Let us have every class 100% present on Rally Dar. At the service of worship at 11, the entire parish rallies to fill every pew In the auditorium and gallerr. The choir members will be back In their places and sing two special numbers. "All Praise to Him." b~· Peace, and "Hear My Prayer," b)' PhllliJ)S. Monda)' at 6 :30 the Coz~· Corner Circle, Mre. J. C. A. Anderson, chairman, will ~:~erve dinner In the parlors of the church to members of the Eastern Star and their guests. The dinner committee Is In charge of !\lrs. Morton L. Paterson. Methodist Church RALLY DAY':9 :30 A . M. Sunday school, Special Rally program. Mr. Frederick E. Cle rk of the New Trier High School will be the speaker. 11 A. M. Church Worship Service. Special service by Dr. Stansell, theme, "LET US GO FORWARD." 5 P. M. Intermediate League. The Rally meeting of the y'ear. Miss Ruth C. Pease, Supervlslor. 6:15 P. M. Epworth League. Institute Echo Meeting. Margaret Statrord, Lillie Mae Humphries, James Reinhold, and Orville Borchers, speakers. TuE-sday, SeptE>mber 16-The ftrst meeting of the Young Women's Missionary society will bE> held Tuesday evenin~r at 6:30 at the home of Mabel Teal, 1017 Central avt-nue. Supper will be served vlcnlc l!t)'IE>. Thill Is to be dues ,>aying night. Wt dnesday, 4 o'clock--Girls Scouts in their first regular meeting of the year. Investiture of Patrol leaders and corporals. 8 o'clock - Mld-\Veek service of prayer. One of the fE-atures of this meeting will be a sympo1lum entitled, "The Big Thing In the Mid-Week Service for Me." A number of people are being asked to take part. Thursday, 8 o'clock--Choir Reheanal. Mr. Chamberlain will direct this rehearsal. He and Mrs. Chamberlain will sing a. duet Sunday morning the 21st. 2 :30 o'clock-F·Irst meeting of the Woman'1 Home Missionary society, at the home of Mn. Troy, 828 Ashland avenue. Dr. Stansell will pre1ent the ftrat chapter of Dr,. Spear's new book "Of One Blood." Industrial League to Help Dettitute Homes The Chicago Christian Industrial league is to conduct a drive to secure clothing and discarded household materials for destitute families. It has designated the week of September 23-30 as "Help for the Homeless Week." 'l'he league is an organization working for the homeless and destitute men of Chicago. It is also doing large constructive work in the interest of mothers and children. It is nearly self-supporting by its own industries. A, post card appeal to the public is being made at this time, which, from the standpoint of the league tells the story: "Wltat we want now is not cash but old clothes. furniture, rugs, clocks, silverware. papers, magazines, and anything you can spare." The Chicago Christian Industrial League helps sick, homeless, despairing, needy men-thousands of them in Chicago, by enabling them to help themselves, regardless of age, creed or condition. The league gathers discarded articles, gives "down-and-out" men such work as they are able to do, sells the material to poor people at the cost of remaking. It helps men but does not pauperize them. Everyone works as much as he is able for what he gets. Then he is given relief at the same time preserving selfresPect, and ultimately re~tor.ing respectability. It is not only sc1~nt!fic and efficient charity, but also chnst1an. . The more material the league rece1ves the more men it can help. A card to 833 W. :U:onroe street, Chicago, or a call to Mon'r oe 2474, will bring a wagon to the homes. Launch Bia Drive for · Opera Subacriptions The drive for Chicago Civic Opera subscriptions continues on all fronts. DISPLAY .,SAMPLE" LIGHTS "Fill every seat with subscribers on subscription series nights," is the Kenilworth residents will pass judg· watchword of the management. ment on the "sample" street tights which That ideal should not be long in were installed and lighted this week. Affulfillment, if the subscription lists ter these lights have been on display for continue to grow as . they have. .a considerable time, citizens will be ask· Achieved, it would mean tha ~ Chicago ed to express an opinion on the proposi. Civic Opera would have 18,205 sub- tion of accepting the lighting system for scribers, from a population of 3,500,- the village. 000 possible opera-goers, which is the population of the area in which ChiWINS MARKSMAN MEDAL cago Civic Opera attracts regular patronage. John McKeighan, who attended the In the coming grand opera season, Citizen's Military Training camp at mid-channel will be passed in the Camp Custer, Michigan, returned home guaranty period. There are three last Saturday, with a medal for marksyears yet to run of the five year pe- · manship. riod for which 2,200 guarantors batt underwritten Civic:: Opera for aa amount equal to $500,000 a year. The first year of tJte annual KUaf. anties, the present managemtllt brought the deficit down to $350 000. In spite of increase~ costs in production and redecoratton of the Auditorium theatre, the deficit was shaved the second. (~ast) _year to $325,000. If the subscr1pt1on hsts can be materially increased this fall, it may )>e pos. sible, in spite of stilt greater increases in costs, to take up another notch in the deficit. Monday, 7:30 · o'clock-TI'OOl>B 3 and Tuesday at 2:30 the Neighborhood 6 of the Boy R<'outs will meet. Circle will meet for business Rt the home of Mrs. E. H. Burge, 924 Forest Thursday, 7:30 o'clock - Junior avenue. Wednesday night Is the )>lay time Scouts. tor the officers and teacht-rs of ou1· Sunday, September 21. D1·. Odgers. church. At that tlmP the offlcet's and teachers of the Church school are go- Superintendent of the Chicago NorthIng to play together with the offlc<!rs ern district will preach. of the church, including husbands, \Vt'dnesday, September 24. The wives and sweethearts of course. For nt least one evening they will forget Fou1·th Quarter))' Confe1·ence will be their resJ>Onslbilitles as church om- conducted by Dr. Odgers. cials. Come, every official of the Church school and church. and see what the committee has In store fo· you. Some pt-ople set-m to think that "reOn F1·lday evening at 7:30 the choir ligion ha.a too many unrea.sonable reOt COUI'St', some other holds Its rehearsal with Mr. Noble quirements." Cain, directing. This will be the rally- peot)le f!'!'l like asking, "How did you Anyhow, WE' are to ing timt' for all members of our BJ>Ien- gl't that way?" hE'at· about th!'se "L'm·easonable Redld choir. quil·ements" next Sunday morning. ANDDon' t forget RALLY DAY Sunday It is granted th!'re a1·e some real morning at 10 o'clock In the Chut·ch lll111rulties In the wn~· of faith and srhool and 11 o'clock at the chUI'<'h Christian living, but at·e tht.>y "UnreaSl'rvlc!'. Honablt' Requlrements ·t· NOW IS · the time to have your REPAIRED REMODELED or RELINED First Presbyterian Church FURS ~\I Work Done Promptly at Rea1onable Price· St. Augustine's Parish St. Augustine's opened vices last Sunday very with an attendance mo1·e that of the same Sunday It!< fall serausplclou·s ly than double 1-t year. II o'clock at the PresiJ\;ter·lan church If Interested you are Invited to hea1· thE' sermon next Sunda\' mo1·nlng at H. A. ROPINSKI Chicqo Ave. Ninth st1·eet and Gree1ileaf avenue. ' tha.t nex.t Of course, everyone should know ~u,ndav la Rally Day and what that means. The question ts. !l:ext Sunda~· is Rail~· Day In tht' will they remembe1· It next Sunday Wilmette churches. St. Augustine's mo1·nlng'l Special Rally Day exer))t>ople are u1·ged to make a special ef- cllwll in the Sunday school at 9:30 fort to attend and also Invite and o'clock. bring their friends with them. Services will bE': Holr Communion at 8 .~~~~k~eek s<·rvl<·e '\'t>dnesday, o'clock and Morning P1·a~· er with ad- 0 dress at 1 L o'clock. The Junior UO\' Scouts will resume St. Augustine's Chut·ch schools al- tht'11· mt'etings n'E'xt Frida\· ar'ternoon ways assemble the Sundav after the !tu ~ ~30 o'clock In the chui·ch gymna(lpc>nlng of the public schools. The ft1·st session of both schools. the Primary school In the Clu·b House, and Some one has said, "All sorts of the Junior school in the Parish House, vuhlic evils a1·e tolerated simply bewill, therefore, be on Sunday, Septem- t·au:;e Christians a1·<> not as militant ber' 21. N!'w teachei'S an;· replacing 1\0:< th.-lr general orders 1·equlre." those who have moved awa)· and everything will be In readiness !or a large attc>ndance. Manufacturer of Fine Fun EVANSTON Established since 1908 Tal pi 1 11 Baptist Church The htt.lies of the congregation and theh· friends a1·t- invited bv the AsRociated Guilds to an afte1·noon t.,a In St. Augustine's Club House, 1126 Wilmette avenue>, next Thursday aftel'noon, September 1 , from 2 :30 to 5:00. Mrs. F. D. Da)· and Mrs. ,V. E . Ten Jlroech will be In charge of the tea. The regular weekly meetings ot the Daughters of the King will begin on Thursda)', September 2S. These will always be preceded by a service of Hoh· Communion In the church. which Rervlce, at 10:30 o'clock, is Intended for all women of the church. All women are also Invited to remain after the service to the weekly Discussion classes, which will be led by Rev. F. J. Tromp. Next Sunday Is Rally Da)·. The Blhle ~chooi will commE>nce at 9:45 with a full attendance of every enrolled s<·holn1· and ev·e ry new frlt>nd they can bring. Part'nts should come with their chlldrt>n and attend the classes of the Adult dt'pa1·tment. Th!' ,Morning WOI'Shlp will be preCE'<i!'d by an organ recital at 10:·5, by our o1·Kanlst, Mr. Barnes. Mr. Stifter has chosen as his Rally Day theme, "Prepa1·ing the> Way of the Lord." The Wilmette Ba1>tl1t Choral society will sing. The Senior B. Y. P. r. will have tlwlr Rally Day service at t; :30 o'clock. Okihl Camp Fire commenced Its tall wo1·k last Tuesda)·. They meet every Notices rc>gardlng tht> Knights of Tuesda)· at the church after achoo~. Sir Galahad, St. Augustine's Troop of the Boy Scouts; the Pioneers (both The Mid-Week meeting to be held divisions) and the Children's Movies \Vednc>sday, at 8 o'clock In Children's will be announced later. hall, will be In charge of the !.lembel·shlp dt-partment of the church. St. Augu1t1ne's Vestry will mee nc>xt Wednesday, Septembe1· 17, In the Th!' choir will met-t for Its weekly rector's omce. l'eh!'al·sal on Thur1day evening at 7:45 o'clock. School Books Get your school books and supplies early and avoid that long "waiting line." We have then1 all ready now and a con1plete list on hand for all grades. 1'o Encourage Early Buying, We 'Vill Give English Lutheran Greenleaf and Seventh Wllltam Gul1e, pastor Services for September 14: "Our Valuable Souls" will be the theme ot the 1>a1tor's message at the service of worship next Sunday at 11 o'clock. Thla 1ermon will 11et forth Christ's answer to His own great queltlon: "What Shall a Man Give In Exchantce tor his Soul?" It is well that In the midst of the beautiful Rally Day aplrlt we remember our own worth and the prlce pald for our redemption. "Ye are not your own, ye are bought with a price." ca'f~r a~VlJ.rgre::t ::gt~t~~~~~f:b.avi!n~:; and ht-artll)' welcomt-s all to its servicE's. The pastor, Rev. Francia C. Stifter, may be t·eaC' hed at his etudy during the mornings or by appointment. The omce is open dally except Saturday from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The ch urch t!'lephone 11 Wilmette 2235. · lMilan Luak, Violiniat, Home from En-·... Tour . -...--· FREE one school bag with every purchase of books and supplies amounting to $3.00 or over, until and including September 13~h. Bible School at 9:45. The attendance waa .rood last Sunday. We t.re bopInc for an even cret.ter number preeent cturlnc the rem&lnlng Sundays In September. The teachers and omcera oC tbe acbool wm hold an ·Important b ........ eeulon next Monday evening lD tiM chu-rch. O.r RaliJ' Day wlll be held Sept. !1. ftle later 4ate Ia neceasarr In our eaee to ch·e ue the needed time tor preparation. A 1Ple.tell4 Protrram will be ren4erect 4urinc the Blble School r. I preparation ta alao be· ~. J:[e. th chu-rch aervlce on r· After an absence of five months engafted in a concert tour of Europe, Mtlan Lusk, noted Wilmette violinist returned to the village this week. ' Mr. Lusk's farewell concert was given in Prague and brought forth the following splendid tribnte to his aenius, from the pen o4 Dr. Bartos critic of the "Prague Pi-esse": ' "The concert d' Milan Lusk as a splendid wields a beautiful, whose techn TAYLOR'S The Satiafactory Store 1125-27 Central Ave. Phone 1914

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