WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1924 3 I The Community Drug store, Lake and Ridge avenues, had its formal opening last Saturday with about 1.500 visitors and patrons engaged in a . thorough inspection and coming away with attractive favors, the gift Public Spirited Citizens Be- of the owner, Carl Renneckar. Monday and Tuesday 700 rulers were given gun Present Improveto school children. ment in 1908 Mr. Renneckar, who took over the confectionery store which was under the management of Mrs. Dora Mick, on the northwest corner at Ridge and MANY A STUBBED TOE Lake avenues, has added a full line of drugs, including a prescription department, a regular litie of magazines, school supplies and has materially inFinally Secured Stairway to creased the candy stock. "The people have accepted our stock Avoid Rocks and we shall do our utmost to give them the best service possible in all our departments," Mr. Renneckar Just after the close of the bathing stated. "This is the only drug store season at the Wilmette beach, while the beach master and the matro1~ were totaling up the counts of the reg1ste~ed swimmers for the season and takmg inventory of the beach facilities. a document of historical Yalue to Wil mette was produced by ~Irs. C. W . Hilton, the matron. It is the first record of the village bathing beach containing a list of 61 s ignatures of citizens who became members of the Wilmette Beach Improvement association. Bathers at the beach this year would hardly believe their eyes if they saw ill'~ -..-..:pe facilities provided by the first civic beach in 1908. Facilities at that time included a stairway on the bluff at the foot of Elmwood avenue, "together with necessary railings, platforms, walks, etc." The railings, platforms and walks comprised a smalt unroofed pavilion several feet square. There was no other place of shelter from the sun of rain, except the trees. Plenty of Rocke The beach at that time was by no means a clean and well-kept recreation center. There was only a small space where the shore was cleared of rocks and tree branches. No swings, slide. life guard lines or rafts, were in evidence. There was merely a big open space with a thickly wooded shore. The stairway was built through the initiative of the citizens who wished to provide some means of reaching the water without stumbling down the bluff-especially for the children who would trip along and bruise themselves on the rocks and tree stumps. From that first little stairway, the beach has been improved from year to year until it now presents one of the best ;ki!:i .tt T~~·~b~~.\;; 1 -ornuivre:iti beach, the size, facilfties, the sanitary conditions and excellent supervision make it a mecca for bathers. In the past several seasons the beach has been a playground and a nursery during the weekday mornings and afternoons. The largest crowds of older people come on Saturdays and Sundays. Although the season just closed was one of the coldest experienced in the history of the Wilmette beach. there were about 31,000 registered swimmers from June 21 to September 1. In ad dition, there were approximately 10,000 visitors who did not go into the water. Records of the number of bathers was not kept in 1908, but it is estimated by some of the beach patrons of that time that the probable total was less than OUR BEACH HAD MODEST START Visitors Crowd Neweat Drua Store in Villaae with a complete line of drugs, confectionery and supplies in the we~t Wilmette section. We believe it will be of distinct advantage to this neighborhood." Mr. Renneckar is extremely well known to Wilmette and other north shore communities by virtue of his many years of service with the Renneckar Drug company . at Wilmette and Central avenues. He is one of the younger business men of the community and is active in civic affairs. He is a prominent member of Wilmette Post of the American Legion, is a member of the Optimist club and of the Chamber of Commerce. BACK FROM VACATION Miss Sue Osmotherly, librarian at .the Wilmette Free Public library, has returned this week from her vacation. She made a week's trip to Des Moinf's, Iowa, where she visited her sister, and .'spent the rest of her vacation period in Chicago. WHEN YOU WANt EXPERT WORKMANSHIP ON YOUR PAINTING AND DECORATING CALL THE NORnt SHORE CO-OPIRA.TIVE PAIICTEIS AND DECORATORS 558 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA Phonea Winnetka 11111 or 1712 and you are sure to get QUALITY and DURABILITY at lower cost because it is the CO-OPERATIVE SYSTEM. Read The Want Ada to College~ THE first Fall days mean to every undergraduate a new wardrobe for his return to schooL Our service here is planned to anticipate all collegiate demands- a personal service rendered by thoroughly experienced and painstaking sales1)e()ole who know how to serve young men. 1{tturn 1,500. Fathen of the Beach The fathers of the Wilmette beach or the charter members of the \Vilmette Beach Improvement association, who started the public beach by making small contributions were E. H. Stafford, M. ] . Coffey, G. L. :Martin, Hugh Melville, R. H. Smart .. R. E. Trosper, Dr. Hyde, Charles L. Hosken , W . B. Paulson, William J. King, W. H. Thayer, E. P. Fatch, Charles McCue, Charles D. Heller. A. H. Tuttle, C. C. Carnahan, E. B. Rathbone, F. N. ReQua, C. N. Roberts. Fred Norman, Lynam M. Drake, ]. C. Akely, A. J. Coburn, Albert Page. F. L. Joy. N. S. Betts, · F. ]. Scheidenhelm, C. Jackson. Wilbert Burke. ] . Melville Brown, W. C. Shurtleff, John Fielding, T. B. Ledward, T. H. Morris, Dr. C. B. Case, R. B. Donaldson, Clifford French, P. M. Bingha~, George J. Tobias, E. C. Emerson, F. B. Brown, H. B. Rennolds, A. W. Hawkes, F. A. Waidner, Jr., A. C. Wenban, A. K. Shurtleff, Emil C. Butz, H. S. Gemmill, ]. B. Frink, W. D. Hudson, William 0. Belt, ]. P. Gowing, C. C. :Mitchell, F. B. Crossley, Mr. Pond, C. ]. Cross, George Carroll, J. G. Wray, J. ~f. Melville, L. E. Otte and Edward Scheidenhe lm. Complete urnitJher~ ·to College tMen To demonstrate to more young men the a~van tages of buying their complete Fall and Wtnter outfits at this store we suggest tqese few really exceptional values. A FaU Suit Special Finest materials - 1 ate 1 t style-best hand tailoring, at Wombat Fur Coab Beautiful and distinctive; the latest fad in eastern college~. $50 Sheep Lined Coab Beat quality; Opossum collar and leather lined sleeves, $200 lJlsten, Guards' Model, Slagle or Double Breaated, Imported Overcoats $30 $75 Braun Brothers to Open Tire Shop in Wilmette Rraun brothers, well known tire merchants, will open shop number 3, Monday, September 15, at 621 Main street, Wilmette, with a complete line of General and Leto tires. The store was formerly occupied by the Skokie tire company which recently moved from that location. Braun brothers rented the store and have remodeled and redecorated the interior. Here they promise the same efficient service to their customers and atrons as is given in the other two shops operated by the Brauns, one at ~ Ridge and Wilmette avenues, and the other on Oak street, Winnetka.