\VTL:\IETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12. 1924 4 I and in the homes of two heirrhboi.;. To write an essay. not JO exceed 600 words, on good ho!!l :: J:ghtin ,:. telling how the contestants would relight th eir own home. . . Judges for the local and dt~tnct competition will he from among the ranks of local. educational and hustness le~der~. Person~ ot nation-wide reputatiOn 111 the bustness and educational world will ju~lge the national c~ntc~t_. Sch.ool offictals and te_ a chers wtll dtrect closely the _operatton . of the contest among the1r re spectt1·e pupil!; . Howe1·er, the teachin~ st aff will . not_ be as~ed to devote !tme in spectal tn structto n on the subJeCt. E S SAY PRIZE WINNER T OGET MODEL HOME ~ome -ttHit 111 in th<· ,choo J, o f \\'i l- Women Bowlers Form Own L t G d · Hall eague a 00 WID m c t t c an1l 1 il· in it ,. w ill hl' a candidate to \\Ill t he .1~.000 modt:l clectrir lt.:mtc-a \IHU of forst magnitude in the 11ational competition ior the Better H rPlll' Li g hting acti1·ity. The local Electric lcal(lll~ . which i.; tht· rcprc,entatin: here for the Light ing Educationa l committee direc ting tht: national -wide mo1·ement, is rushinK plan· to t·o mplction for the loca l and di·trict contest · from " ·hich will eml'rge the ,·ictor <; who arc to han~ Child W elfare Announces th e opportunity to win the electri ca l Ita Conference Schedule home . the collrgc !>Cholarships or ,Oilll' otlwr ,·aluah le national prize. Child Welfare conferences. it is anThr contl'.,t ll'ill clo~e officia lh· on ttt·unced. an: held every \\' ednesday Octola·r 31. · irom J tu 5 o'clock in the afternoon The J·: lectrical league i:. planning at the Grosse Point Health Center. \\'il to ofTt·r a numher of prizes locally. ( 'hildrcn ten year~ of age and over mette Riclgc avenues, \.Vilmette. Dr. and Southerland of the Rush Medical enrolled in public, parochial and pri,·- college is the examining physician on ate sc hools arc eligible to take part alternate Wt.-dnesdays. Hi s next visit in the contest. -is scheduled for September 17. Every child who regi,ters is to he The Health Center nurse, it is angi\'en a Home Lighting Primer, supplied throurd· the local Electrical nounced, may be reached every day beleague by the Lightin g Educational tween 12 and 1 o'clock by telephoning committee. ft will contain rules of Wilmette 2402. the conte,t. a se rie~ of brief. <;imple lesson s on home lighting. and the rna- Kenilworth Children Await teria I necessa ry for the three competiti\·e features . · These will he: Summons to School Monday To cut out of ca talogue pages in During the past week children of the Primrr the proper lighting fiix- Kenilworth have been storing up tures for each room in the home and pencils, erasers and tables to bring paste thrm in pictures oi the several with them to the opening of the Joseph rooms provided for that purpose. A Sears school Monday morning. wide variety of specially designt'd The pupils who attended school last non-commercial fixtures will be pro- year will be greeted by their new vide<!. drawn to sc ale. The selection ~uperintendent. Elmer L. Nygaard, who of shades and desi,llnation of wattages ts taking the office held hy Miss Alice will he a part of t~is feature. . \\'essa. who resigned last spring. A To fill 111 on hn~f forms p~ovt~ed number of new teachers will also for the purpose a hst of the l1ghtmg welcome the pupils along with those equipment in the child's own home, who taught last year. fij:l~n~d~T~h~u~r~sdia~s~.i~~mmli~~ii~&~i;iiijiijji~~i~i~iiii~~ijjiijiaiaiii~ii~i" A Wilmette Woman 's Bowling league was organized this week and will open its regular tournament sea~on of play Tuesday, September 23, with six teams. Tournament games will be played at the Goodwin all~ys in the basement of the Brown bUJlding. The league is officially termed Goodwin's Bird league and already includes fi 1 ·c teams on its roster: the Orioles, Mary Schumer, captain; Nightingales, Anna May, captain; Warblers, Hazel Anderson, captain; Bobolinks, Mrs. Nighthaven, captain, and the Cardinals. Margaret Kalmes, captain. Officers of the league include Mrs. Ethel Simpson, president; Miss Mary Schumer, vice president; Miss Clara Braun, secretary, and Kathleen Kalmes. treasurer. Bowling nights are to be Tuesdays \Vhile_ rcpairin~ a puncture in one ~f of the tires of hts car, parked on Shendan road between Woodstock and Oxford ~venues, Sunday, Angelo Loverde, of Chtcag?, was knocked down and severe!y brutsed by a passing automobile whlch sped away. Loverde was taken to ,.,e Evanston hospital. INJURED BY AUTO I The annual Fall Festival of the St. roseph's parish was held September 8, 9, 10 and tl at the St. Joseph's school. Members of the parish and others attended the festival and purchased things on display. This fe stival is held every year for the benefit of thP school. HOLD FALL FESTIVAL = JohnS. Meek Teacher of Piano Ninth year on the North Shore Courses . Intermediate Advanced Adult Beginners Residences Only For appointment, write or phone, Fund I 5020 No. Aabland AYe., Cbic:qo, IU. Telephone RaftiiSwood 0521 RALLY DAY SUNDAY Mond apart f scores the pub Heart tivity. Days : council, L. Elle goal fc three it lie's ge followi Wen' Sisters ing Ha valesce: Club f Childr dren, Morg Girls, Osteopj ton H~ Childre Delicious Sweet Rolls rich \\·ith butter, raisins, cinnamon and nuts, are ready for your luncheon. They are favorites w\tll the k\dd\es, and wbUe September the 14th IOOd· are not too rich for their delicate digestion . ~omt' of the special kinds are WILMETTE C Pecan RoDs, Almond Filled RoU. and Butter Biacuits. ___,.,___ · \_ COME ALONG ---·--· (A11spiccs Wilmette Church Cotmcil) Meet Your Favorite RADIO STAR "Face to Face" at the DIRECTORY OF CHURCHES: 1\e Fnt Presbyteriu O.urch Ninth and Greenleaf Re1.·. George P. Magill I· NEW WESTSIDE SCHOOL MONDAY, OCT. 6th 1:15 P . M. St. Aapstiae'I f.t,iseopal Caurch 1140 Wilmette Ave. Rcr·. Hubert Carleto" Y~aaette Eqlish Lutheran Garda St. John's Lutheran O.urch Wilmette and Park Aves. Rc~·. Herma11 TV. Meyer 730 Greenleaf Ave. Rev. William Guise ADMISSION Jerr, SulliYH _ _ ,. Girle ClaiWrea Ad.tta $1.· Sk The Fnt Metboclst Oaurcla Lake and Wilmette Aves. Rev. Gilbert StaNSell Forest and Wilmette Aves. Rev. FraNCis C. Sli/ltr Hany Laa·doa Bro1. GeiH First Co.,re,alioul a.ua Lake and Wilmette Aves. Th .... M elCMii... F ....... Aprt aad ot1Mr1 wUI IN tiMn. -·Y Rev. Steplur. A. Lloyd