WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1924 2 il II I I· School children oi thio community ha\'e determined to give those of the re t of the L'nited States and Canada a hard race for the honor s oi winning the $15.000 prize model elc.ctric home which is the principal nattonal in the Better Home Lighting Kenilworth Public School award ActiYity conte~t. . The local electrical league, wh1ch Substitutes i sponsoring the local co.ntest u_ndcr Semester Scheme the supen·i;;ion of the natJOnal Lighting Educational committee. reports increasing interest among school pupil· o,·er ten ~:ears of age. Many ALTERED already han: regl'itcred. . . In addition to the natiOna l prues offered J,,· thc Lighting Educational rommittce which range from t_he Schools Opens with Enroll- $15.000 home to college scholars h1ps and other Je--~::r award~. the local ment of 290 Pupils electrical league ha~ arranged a li t 'oi ,·aluahlc local prize which will go to the wmner, of the 600 word e The school yt·ar at Jo,eph Sears say contl':>t in thi ~cction. Only the <chool ha> heen changed from the sectional prize winner, will be per~tmeqer "Y'trm to the quarter sys- mitted to enroll in the national comtem. it was stated hy Superintendent petition . F.lmer L. Xygaard , this week. The The purpo,e oi the contest is to first quarter will he oi ten wceb' dur- teach the children. a~ well a-. to direct ation. while the other three quarter- attention oi their parent,, to the relawill be of nine week-.. each. Cnder tionship between proper home li g ht this p lan e the pupils will not he ing and goO<! ,-i,ion. The acti\·ity has hampered with two or more uhject the actin ,upport oi the ~ational of a simi lar nature during a s ingk Educational associat1on and the Eyelcr!TJ. For example. a pupil ~tudyi n g sight Con,crvation Counci l of America geography will study history during and other a llied organizations. another quartrr instead of having hoth of the~e cour,e-; during- the same ~choo l tC'rm. Superintendent X\·gaard Librarian Resigns to explained. · Enter Eastern School Several other change' han heen ::\fi,, Sue 0-mothcrh·, libro~ian at made in the ·rhool ·wst<'m. lla~~ pc·riorl will he 4S minuirs long in tlw the \\'ilmett.: Frt:c PuiJic J.ii>J ,.ry durmorning and 40 minut<'s in the aiter- ing th e pa-t three years. has resigned noon. School open' at 9 o'clock in to take up work :tt Columbia uni'the morning and the lower grarle'i will \er,it\·. .\'cw York. ::\fi'~' o,mothnlv i, cre dited with he dism issed at 3 o'clock while th e upner s;?radc.q will hold classes until l1 t\\ ing pl,.ce.l tit.· .Joe::. I library 011 an efficient ))a,is. \\"h en ~he came to the :J :30 'oclock in the afternoon. There will he:; two kindergarten classes; one ~illage the lihrary \\'as not well organfor children undc·r fi,·e ,·ear~ of age i7t'd and the se lection of books hefrom 9 o'clock until 11 o'clock in the low 'tandard. a memb er of the Library morning. ancl the other, in the after- board stated thi' week. ~he effected no~n, for children 5 years of age. a complete reorganization. including }'h·s plan for the kindergarten clas es the careful catalog-ing- of all hooks and the addition oi ,·a luable \olume s. IS for the purp~~e of accommodating th e YO';!n.IZer children who have regu- Cnder her juri sdiction. abo, the circulation department of the library lar pc-r10ds for afternoon naps. ha s enjoyed an almo>t phenomenal New Seatinr Arranrement de\·elopment. A change has also been marie in The Library hoard i~ now negotiat !he seating arrangement of the pupils ing to secu re a 'uccc,,or to Miss O s111 the st·vcnth and eighth grades. the motherly. Se\·eral prospects arc unhoys and girls are separated in dif- der consideration and it is thought the ferent roo~ s. ~his new seating ar- name of the new lihrarian will be rang.ement 1 s hemg made to make it made public in the early future. possll>le to hold a civic forum on fri day afternoons to study parliamentary procedure and to have di~cussions of a civic nature, according to Super1ntendent Nygaard . These plans and changes are "veil underway and have indicated excellent res'!lt s during the first week, with the 12 mstructors and the superintendent <'OOperatin~ effectively in conducting da ses, wh1ch ha\'e an aggregate enrollment of approximately 290 pupils. The teaching staff of the Joseph Niaht and Momint to keep ~ears s~~ool comJ)rises the following them Clean, Clear and Healthy m add1t10_n to Superintendent NyWrite for Free "E,e Care., p:aard : kmdergarten. Mrs. Marian or "E'e Beau~" Book ~orto_n W!nters; first grade, Miss M.n.. C·~D. ... B.S.· 9 I. Ollie St~Cmt· ( arolmc L·ttlcr; second, Miss Edna R. Mayer; third, Miss Nell M. Littler: fou~th, Miss Lillie Bitting; fifth, Miss Edtth L. Crane; sixth, Mrs. Mollie Foreman; seventh and eighth grade FALL AND WINTER hoys, Miss Edith M. Stryker; se\'enth SUITS and eighth grade girls, Miss Dena E. Thomp.son; manual trai.ning and genCOATS AND DRESSES t"ral sc1ence, Ralph ]. Fmnigan; upper ~-tra~e art ~nd music. Mis :\{ary are now on display. Come in Lou1se Rohmson; athletic director. and see the latest vogues for Rol.>ert Townley. the corning seasons. CHANGE SEARS TERM SYSTEM Qu~rter fo~ Local Children Entered In Unique Prize Contest General Expenses that are regular in their occurance such as taxes, insurance and so on can well be taken care of by the use of our Special Purpo~e Club. and when you consider carefully, th1s is the logical way to take care of them. Even though your taxes do not fall due e\·ery day, it requires a period of time to encompass them and during all this time, your income is going on. You should take a proportional amount out of each installment of income and lay it aside so that there is no sudden drain all at one time. \Ve 'll be glad to give you a detailed explanation. but the statement that in principle this Special Purpose Club is jnst like the Christmas Savings Club will probably be explanation enough. You can start any time! CLASS PLAN ··vou1· I Ill I Home Banll·· Ill · Dollar Days One Pint Puretest Witch Hazel 6Sc, 100 Puretest Five Grain Aspirin Tablets 75c; both for ................ $1.00 · One Pint Bay Rum, $1.00, Any 35c tube of Shaving Cream; both for ...... $1.00 Rexall 93 Hair Tonic $1.00, Rexall Shampoo 25c; both for .............. $1.00 Klenzo Toothpaste SOc, Klenzo T.oothbrush SOc, Klenz.o Liquid, a mouth wash and antiseptic 25c; all for ............ $1.00 J onteel Double Compacts $1.50 for this sale .............................. $1.00 Large Size Harmony Toilet Water $1.00, J onteel Cold Cream SOc; both for $1.00 Two Packages of J. & J. Nupack Sanitary Napkins, twelve in a package 6Sc each; both for .................... $1.00 Any Two Popular Copywright Books $1.00 One Pound of Lord Baltimore Linen Paper SOc, Two Packages of Lord Baltimore Envelopes 40c, One Box of Lord Baltimore Correspondence Cards SOc; all three for .................... $1.00 Three Boxes of Adrian Stationery Regular price SOc a box, for this sale the three for ........................ $1.00 Fountain Pen $1.00, Bottle of Ink lSc; b.oth for .............................. $1.00 Gem Razor and Shaving Brush, a bargain at $1.29; for this sale .......... $1.00 Roxbury Rubber Gloves 6Sc, Black Rubber Apron 43c, Any 2Sc can of Talcum Powder ; the three for ........ $1.00 One Pound of Liggetts Original Chocolates $1.00, Half Pound Liggetts Sweet Chocolate 35c; both for ............... $1.00 Eleven Ten Cent Cigars, Louis K's, La Paulinas, N. C. S., .or Garcia Perfectos ............................. $1.00 A Bri~r Campaign Pipe $1.00, B. & W. Smokmg Tobacco lSc; for this sale .... $1.00 l' I 1, I <.:aooll prl··· e-..er.,- 'ft·eek (tliS,OOO.OO Ia all) for aolatloaa of aew "SparkPI··" ruaal··· atartln~r aext 8aada7 Ia tile Gllleaao Herald aad ExamIner. ~llmple aa addlaa 2 aud 2. Hnter .,-our paper toda.,- from "\\'ll·ett· Ne,·· A·eae,., 1 Eleetrle Plaee. l'lwae Wll, lTell. Unique Style Shop llZI CENTRAL AVE. Pia. Wil. Z403 Phoae Wilmette 2600 721 MaiD Street ' MOTORS SERVICE, Inc. EVERYTHING FOR THE AUTOMOBILE We are pleased to announce that \Ve can now supply our custot}lers with -because thieves used to pare off the precious metal from gold and silver coins and sell it. Grooved or "milled" edges prevent this criminal practice. It's a mighty good practice to take advantage of Dollar Day Sales. It swells the Bank account. BENZOL MOTOR FLUID a blend of Benzol and Sinclair Gasoline. Decreases spark knock, and carbon. Increases power and pep. Has been used in other communities for years without injury of any kind to motors Renneckar Drug Co. Phones 28-29 J. c. SlowD A. B. Van Deusen