Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 10

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10 WILMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, f924 and when it should come and his reph· was:~'The Kingdom of God cometh not with ob crvation, neither shall they say. Lo here! or Lo there!. for. b~ hold th e Kingdom of God ts wtthm you." · So. entering the Kingdom of H~aven through the pathway of prayer, ts not a process of overcoming matter with Sees Scientific Principles in mind . it is the process, rather of overcoming the carnal mind with the Jesus~ Works &ivine Mind-e\·il with Good. We are eliminating. iu other words. the creations of the carnal mind-"The world , Ed .lor's 110/1' : Accompanying is a the flesh and the de\·il"-with that di.t;·sl of a lrc/urc dcli1·rrt'd b~,o fVillif"m Mind which was ,i n Christ Jesus. Jhmca11 1\i/patrid·. C. S . B ., at llu! F1rst Church of Clrrisl . Scimlist, a/ Wilmr/1,·. .llr. r:itpatrick mlS introduced by Harry /)l); ·isson. first reader of the ~Vilmcllt' church. appointed and reflecting an atmosphere of comfort and hominess. Stairways lead from these lobbies to the individual apartments. Apartments range in size from one to five rooms, and embrace in general appointment the latest creative triumphs of the interior decorating art . They are arranged to provide the utmost in convenience with a minimum of arduous care. HOPE THOMPSON HOLDS MIRACLES SCORES CROWE WERE SCIENTIFIC Candidate for State's Attorney Branda Incumbent 44 Worst Prosecutor" CHICAGO HAS TWO OF Ttl~ There are only a few gas hold in the country ~hat ha,·e a capath~ of 10,000.000 cubtc feet, and they lOok eight months each to erect. Tht weigh 139,000,000 pounds each and a! 275 feet in diameter and 245 feet bight and cover 58,000 square feet of groun( Two such holders are in Chicago, one at Crawford avenue and 35th street and the other in East Chicago. ·'BROKEN CONTRACTS" Dry Cleaning Knocks The Spots Have your garments Dry Cleaned by us and see how easily the spots disappear. Our Charges make possible large economies for y.ou. We cater to both men and women. ,>I Wilmette Man Launches Independent Campaign VISITORS CROWD NEW LINDEN-CREST APTS. \l r til alll.t·l~ Christian Science comes to you, my Cook county political circle wer e friends. an open book. It ha s nothing <HOtt>l'd ~fonday of this week when to conceal hut volumes to reveal. Its Hope Thompson, 1219 Ashland a\·cnue. story is .>imple and sweet. It is a \Vilmettc. independent candidate for ~tory of IO\'e and compassion; one of state's attornev at the in stance of th r hope and happiness; one of comfort Better Gonritmetlt association, de - and good cheer. Christian Science is livered an impassioned attack upon the great angel of peace come to Rohert F.. Crowe, who is candidate for earth to heal it of its sorrows and its recll'Ction , hy branding the prese nt \\Oe». its ,.ickness and it s sin. It is state's attorney as "the worst failure the everlasting foe of fear and un.as a public prosecutor in the hi story happincs" and disease and poverty <>f Chicago." aud mi,ery. It is the day-s tar of the 1\fr. Thomp. on's open ing gun in the ·chri,.t guidi ng into paths of peace current campaign wa s fired at a lunch- and joy and plenty. It bids you doff ~on trndercd him b.:r friends in the the sack-cloth and the ashes of grief. cameo room of the ~forrison hotel. despair and grave forebodings and Cbar·e· Broken Promiaea don the garments of contentment and In his address Attorney Thompson happiness . It will lead you into paths said in part : and pastures you know not of and "When State's Attorney Crowe was hC" ls for each one of vou a Cod:1 candidate four years ago he made er ned promise laden with blessings thi~ promise to induce people to elect rie l nrl precious. It comes to bring him: pea< a struggling world and its "'Crime can and will be stopped troub 1 I hearts. when I am state's attorney.' An "u· if there are those here to"The people accepted his promise, day who are struggling under a load elected him and Crowe thereby en- of care or sorrow; if there are those tered into a solemn contract with the who are bowed down with the weight people. as binding as a business man's of years and unremitting and fruitpromissory note. less toil: ii there are those who are "He has broken his contract. In- sic k or needy; if there are those who stead of stoppin g crime he has permit- are shackled with the bonds of sin ted it to more than double. Court rec- and misfortune, we ha,·e for you a <>rds show criminal cases tiled in 1920. glorio··s message. 37.501 : in 1921, 53.381 cases; in 1922. Chriatian Scien~e the Reliwion Jeaua. 66,765 cases; in 1923, 72,297 cases: in Christian Science is primarily and 1924 (at rate for nine months). 81.792 exclusi \·ely the religion of Jesus the cases. And during that time the num- Christ. It is a return to the t eachber of defendants in the Criminal in!!' of primiti\· e Christianity and as court fell from 6.723 in 1921 to 4 244 s uch it must necessarily iuclude the in 1922 and to 2,774 in 1923. Not ~ne practice of healing which exemp lified feJony in ten has been puni shed! the life, not only of Jesus, but the lnfera "Proteetion,. lives, as well, of many of the early ' "Such a record brands Crowe as the Christians, even the lives of those worst failure as a state's attorney in who had never been taught of ] esus. the history of Cook county. I demand We have been prone to think that the that he tell the people why he broke healing of the sick, the maimed, the his contract with them. Was it indif- halt and the blind by Jesus and by his ference? Or incompetence? Or was disciples and apostles was the outhe protecting his friends? come or result of a special dispensa" Another part of Crowe's contract tion from God tQ Jesus which was, in with the people was this promise: 't urn, passed along hy him to his fol"'I shall put C\'Cry force at my com- lowers in some mysterious or occult 1""' nd to wipe out breeding places of manner. That is, we have heen crime.' taught to belie\'e that the healing "He broke this part of his contract works accomplished by Jesus were by preventing the first grand jury he the manifestations of a superhuman had charge of from indicting the pub- power with which Je sus was especiallic officials of Chicago Heights after ly endowed to distinguish him from conclusive evidence of graft had hePn the rest of mankind; that thi s power presented. He broke it a~ain by pre - was something mysterious and that venting the indictment of vice lords, it is in no wise the heritage of all ahCT the Juvenile Protective associa- who obey God. tion had presented evidence showing This is a very erroneous concept Chicago 'the worst vice-laden city in of Jesus and of the import of hi s America.' He broke it again by re- holy mission and it is a concept which fusing to prosecute 2.300 bootleg joints has robbed Christianity of the \'ery which were fmally shut up by Mayor essence of that for which Je sus strugDever. g led and for which he permitted his Demanda Explanation crucifixion. In this mi~takcn concept, "I demand that Mr. Crowe tell the that the power to heal the 'iick and to people why he broke this part of hi s raise the · dead hy S!Jiritual means ~ontract. Is he in partnership with alone ended on the cross, do we find the vier lord s? If not, why does he the blighting limitation from which permit them to manufacture criminals Chri,.tianity must he fre d. This by wholesale out of the boys and girls wrong concept, that >piritual healing of Cook county? "as a special dispensation from God "In the business world a man who he..,towed upon Jesus alone and for a does not keep his contracts is a fail- limit ed period of time, ha s for cenure. Mr. Crowe is a contract breaker, turies deprived mankind of those won and, judged by his record. he is an derful blessings which Christian Sciutter failure as state' s attorney." t·nce ha s come to re store. Miracle· of ~aua Scientific. Give Travel Lectures Jesus did not heal the sic k. walk at the Field Museum the wan·~. multiply the loa\·cs and f1.,hes, rai:>e the dead and many other A serie~ of fr ·e public kctures on wonderful thing" simply for the grattravel and natural history, illustrated ification of the multitude; 11or were by still and moving picture~ . will he tho,e works done for the mere purgiven in the James Simpson theatre po e of showing mankind what he o{ Field Museum on Saturday aher- per ·on ally could do . He did the e noon s at 3 o'clock during thl month~ thin).{s to show to the world, to you of Octoher and !'\oH·mhcr. <ttHI to mr. what arc the fruits of a The managenH·nt of the museum rtR'ht undcr5tanding- of God and man's has takl'n g-n·at pain-. to procure the rl'lation to God . lJl'~t kcturt-rs <lvailahlr a11<l will hrin11: \Vh at ]l"'th accompli,ht·d hy way mt' n fro111 as far a-, Bo-,wn. :'l:t·w York of healing and sa,·ing w..1o; the positive and San Francisco. who an· tHJtt·d for n ·.., ult of his nH·ntal application of a their l"':perit·nces a tHl in form·t t tOn. ,~it·tltitic principlt·. lnu' wa., the Dr. \\.tlliam Bechl', IIC;tt··l author an1l ouly trul\' -.cil·ntitic inan who e'er 700lllgi,t. Ento·'t ThOillJhOn Seton . liYed and hr -.carcl'ly uttl'rcd a word Prof Ira ~l. l'rin· oi the l ' ni\t·r,tt\ or arcompli,hcd a deed that wa-. not of Chit·ago and Dr. \\'illiam Elliott in dirl'ct oppoo;ition to what we have Grifiis arc among thl' \vt·ll known a lwa~' concl'i\·cd to he plty.,ically or lectl~rcr-; sdcrtcd. matt·nally 'cit·ntitic. In other word'i. In addition to these aftl'Tnoon lec- ,ll"li' comp letely dtsrt·t: ardt·d and ture ·,, a ~eril·s of free entrrtainment- nul lii'ed, through thost· works which for childn·n han· he l' n prcparl'd and lw arcomplisht·d, c' cry so-called will be held in the 'arne theater on ,~·it·ptific principle hao;cd upon matcthe Saturday morning-, of Octohl·r and rtaltty. or matter, of \\ hich vou or I Nov(·mher. T~wsc free progrant- will Ita\· ~· any knowledge, ~hawing concons iq of motion pictures which "ill du,n ely that God does not operate run continuouly from 9:.30 to 12 :30 1hrouR'h material law and that the o'clo ck. Ca1)t Kleimchmidt'.., Polar ~aw '!f God, when . cientifically and Advt·tH urt·s, "\\'hy Elephant~ Lea Yl' ltltt·llu~ently applied, t. one of anHome" and "Nanook of the !\'orth" uihil:>tion to the so-ca lled law5 of are cxampll·s of the film . to be . hown . matttr. or oi C\ il. Heaven CIRCLE RUMMAGE SALE Jesus ~aid:The Neighborhood Circle of the "The Kingdom of Heaven is at Vir t Congregational church will hold hati<i" an all-day rummage sale at Economy not afar off. And you will recall Shop, Greenleaf and E. Railroad ave- that .on one occasion Je u wa · asked nue, Thur day, October 2. relative to the whereabouts of Heaven Some 1.500 people engaged in a tour of inspection at the new LindenCrest Apartments. Fifth street and Linden avenue, on official inspection day, Sunday. September 21. according to RichardT. Davis owner and builder of the attractive residential structure. That the visitors were pleased is attested by the fact that reques ts for apartment s in the building haYe been received in large number thi s week. .More than half of the 58 apartments had been rented early in the week and it was said that many of the Sunday visitors were making appointments to make further investigation of the apartments. The Linden-Crest compri ses three large wings, entrance being from Fifth street through two spacious courts which are to be landscaped with broad lawns ·ad shapely e\·ergreens. Built into the ea s t wall of each court are attracti,·e founta i n~. to be illuminated during the e\·ening and early night hours. Each wing of the structure contain~ a large reception lobby, luxuriou s ly DE LUXE CLEANERS 1105 CENTRAL AVENUE Phone Wilmette 690 tt:r. ~ K ing, ui C ceren' ,nee 10. I Chri· Th trip Clev romi ~ ttJ\1'11 ~lr Sofia Stephali TEACHER OF SINGING Tone Building a Specialty, At Wn, Mt:TT£ BRANCH STUDIO 13ZZ Greenwood Avenue Telephone Wilmette 218 On Wednesday from 9 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. ~I Cos mas Chats Real Savings Fruit and Vegetables. Look o,·er thi s list of >:pec ials-then give us your order. You know as well as we that each ~rticle at our price means a saving to you Kcni tlay mer Fran and turc Wt't' whe H er mad spen stop day s :\{r. Selected Aligator Pears, each ................ 29c Special Sweet Com, per dozen .............. 49c Choice Peaches, flats ....................... $1.95 Fancy Eating Apples, per bushel ............ $2.75 Pink Meat Melons, per crate .............. $1.95 California Seeclleaa Grapes, heavy package .... 69c Califomia Tokay Grapea, basket . . . . . . . . . ... 69c Celery, choice, large bunch .................. 19c Green and Wax Beans, per quart .............. lSc Sweet Potatoes, 3 pouncla .................... 25c Egg Plant, each ...................... 15c and up Cauliftower, each .................... 15c and up We have a full line of Tomatoes, Cucumber Pickles and Pears for canning. M nue, her I.e xi ing the Lon nue, strm Gas ning then Mr. lowi are Cosmaa and Fresh Fruit and Vegetables are Synonymous \· She hos Lea last huil for tern Jon Phone 2693 COSMAS BROTHERS Opposite the ViUage Theatre-WILMEITE Phone 2694 I. lcav1 whe1 the 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111llllllllll11111111111111111111111111111111111111111tllllllllltl111111111111111tlllltll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IFURSmeiiJ~ii~i or RELINED Work Done Promptly at Reasonable Price& I i= T with stocl The for Lot~ merr to b M Ma1 Tay wee Lou Red Illil1 D H. A. ROPINSKI 916 Chicago Ave. ~lllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111111111111111tllllltlllltllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltiiiiiiiiiiii111JHIIIIIIIJI _ tain arri s. ! = 1! Manufacturer of Fine Furs EVANSTON Telephone 3 722 Established since 1908 IJ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIHIIIIIt..~

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