fYSociety WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 Village- wide Invitation Is Sent Oltt for Gift Tea takes interest in the work ~f ~he Economy Shop comes a cordtal mvitation to be ~ guest of the Gift Tea at the Woman s club, Oct~ber 1, for Th1s .c?mmun1he benefit 0 f the sh~p. itv vcntun: is _ essentially femmme and h~cau'e it i-;, 1t ha~ the weakness of its ,t·x ft~r somethmg new.. ~or a long time it ha~. been the rec1p1ent ~f "an\· thin~ at all, ~aken from closet, attic r ·basement of VIllage ho!lle~ to be 11 plac~d on sale. But now 1t IS the unused. the unhandled, the brand . new pieces it wants. And . the only p~1ce ?f admission to the umque tea wtth 1ts ··Stunt Program," is ~ ~ew. gift. Put in verse, the mvttat1ons come from the club"Come to our Tea, 'Twill he jolly, you will see. Briug in your hand a new gift For Economy Shop to put over the top The depa:t"!~nt of New Goods, So be sw1ft. During the afternoon the following program will be given: I. L'Anens 12-piece Symphony orchestra, trombone solo, ducts, etc. Beauty parlor, in charge of Mrs. C. C. Henderson, assisted by Mrs. Chester Lawrence, Mrs. L. E. Ashley and Mrs. C. C. Kidd, Specialists in Permanent Hair Waving, Hair Bobbing, Electrolysis, Facial and Scientific Treatments. Free treatments will be given on Wednesday, October 1. Come early and avoid the rush . JII. Memories of the Childhood Days of the Present Board. Card Party, given by Mrs. Richa nl Jordan, Mrs. Thomas Copeland, Mrs. Carbon Dubbs and Mrs. Charles Tucker. "Grand Slams" for everybody. Dr. C'Em-Com, successor to Dr. I la s Been. Office hours from 2 until 4 o'clock. Anvone wishing to reduce should mak-e an appointment early. The Cast Away-Mrs. John Boddie in the ti tie part. The hostesses for the afternoon will he Mesdames Arthur ]. Dixon, R. E. Pattison Kline, F.mil A. Anderson, Roy ·H.. Marquardt, Frederick Tilt, Charles A. Eldridge, L. F . Gates, George E. \\'alk, Robert S. Swaim, Charles Camt·ron. Hayes McKinney, Lillian Northam, Benjamin Ott, George Clute, Jesse Denman, Willis Hutson, Leslie Millar, C~a!"lcs . H. Kraft, Howard J. Koehn , ..-~ ..~,.-~· :_a mm F. McNaughton, Monroe H. Frank ]. Waugh, George L. 1"1'.,..Rltnlri<i:llhip, E. Anderson and Mrs. MeMembers of the social comwill serve tea. Miss Angela Koenig of 825 Gregory avenue who is to be one of the bridesmaids in Miss Mary Anderson's bridal party entertained at a surprise kitch-1 en shower and tea in Miss Anderson's honor, Saturday, September 20. ~yEvening ~? early in the T O every person in Wilmette who 1t1es.. Its views .serv.tce, and the 1tal. mfluence in ectmg their enviii be hosts at tober 1, taking ~ [ildred Latham vanston. Mis~ 1 Mr. and Mrs. e home of the 'idges will perThe bride and ~y at one time November ld of Evanston, er, Miss Alic~ Mr. and Mrs. J Islands. The me a mo\·cment fmong Weilesleypositions and are I meetings of thr. Chicago and on rganize an eve1 "get together" er and to keep and club 3ffair>. formed. a1~d rhe eld Frid:.y en·e \Voman's City Any W cllc~ley us o.f att·:nding 1gs IS asked t:> Miss F.li7aht'th enue. Hubbard Vinnetka IY!O. inner should he Thursday, OcLectig of 1729 ded t:l:! dinner, given on Satand - lrs. go in celrhraedding annivl'rinner. a marperfonned at with the Rev . he pres<'llCC Of e flow ·r g-irls, g gold en dahlthe bride and 1e altar. A rethe home after 1\[r. of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. H . Heinzen of 1466 The Travel class m(t fOt' luncheon Mr. and Mrs. E. G. B~ntlq ~ave Lake avenue,, accompanied .by Mr. and on Wednesday with Mrs. Henry The Ladies' Aid and Sewing society left their summer home m Mtchtgan 1 Mrs. W. Etseman of Chtc!lgo, have Peirce Pope of Glencoe. The memof St. John's church will have a meet- and are visiting in New Orleans for returned form a motor tnp to the bers are reading a book entitled ing on Thursday ,at the church. On two weeks, returning to their Wit- Dells. "Great Britain" by Robert Shacldetoo. Saturday, they are giving a bakery mette hom~ ~ Elmwood avenue, -o--o-sale at the National Tea stor on Main October 1. Mrs. C. N. Pinkerton of Oklahoma The Cozy Corner circle of the street for the benefit of their church --o-City returned Friday to her home Congregational church will have an fund. Dr. W. R. Oliver of Johnstown, after visiting all summer with her all-<lay meeting at the church Thurs-odaughter, Mrs. Helton Ira Jones of day, October 2. Miss Jessie Boo~Mr Pennsylvania, who .has been ~tten~ Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Anglebeck and ing the Osteopathic convention ·.n 1538 Forest avenue. will be in charge of the luncheon. their two daughters, Elaine and Chicago, has been the guest of h1s -o--o-Lucile, of 1630 Walnut avenul:, have sister, Mrs. Robert B. Biesemeier, 804 Mr. and Mrs. George Slocum and Two hundred an dforty reservations returned from a visit to Bay View and Central avenue. their children, who have been living were made for the luncheon ~d pivot Petoskey, Michigan, where they have at 931 Twelfth street, left Tuesday for bridge at the North Shore Golf club -o-been visiting relatives for several Mrs. John Panushka had as her Los Angeles where they will make on Wednesday. A number of large weeks. parties were given. guests Thursday at her home ~m their home. -o-oNinth street, Mrs. Dresser, M1ss --oThe North End circle, of which Mrs. Maude Dresser and Miss Mabel OresMr. and Mrs. Morton L. Paterson Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, M. C. Hecht is chairman, will be en- ser of New Orleans who have been 804 Forest avenue, left Tuesday t:> en- have sold their home at 925 Chestnut tertained at the home of Mrs. Charles visiting in Evanston. ter her senior year at Wellesley avenue, and are living in an apartA. Eldridge of 1029 Lake avenue, on -o-college. ment in Evanston. Monday, September 29. Mrs. C. E. Mrs. F. L. Bateman of 735 Mich-1--~-------------------------- Tucker and Mrs. T. E. Thompson will igan avenue is expected to return to be assisting hostesses. Wilmette next week from Berkeley, -o-California, where she has been since The first meeting of the Home Mis- August with her daughter, Barbara , sionary society of the Methodist who is attending Williams school. church was held September 18, at the -ohome of Mrs. F. A. Troy, 828 AshM iss Barbara Stewart of Pensacola, land avenue. The program for the Florida, who has been spending her coming year will be announced from \'acation with her grandparents, Mr. time to time. and Mrs. Warren Darst of 1115 Lake -aavenue, has returned to her home. Charles Michelet, Jr., and his two -osisters, Miss Gertrude and Miss El:zaMrs. ] . P. Fehlan of 1805 Walnut beth, 1028 Sheridan road, have just avenue entertained her club for returned from a ten day motor trip luncheon. this week, and gave a to New York City, and ·washington, theatre party for the members at the D. C. They motored back oyer the Studebaker in the afternoon. National trail. -o-aMr. and Mrs . Thomas S. Hardwick The J. B. Greiners have come back of 757 Twelfth street, had as their from vacationing in Michigan , where guests over the week-end .. Miss Adelthey haYe spent the entire summer, aide Bamberger and M1.s Frances and are stopping at the Orrington DeVere of Chicago. hotel until they again occupy their --oown home on Lake a\·enue. A. F. Brown of 1607 Elmwood ave-()-nue is in Pittsburgh on a ten days' The third and last luncheon of thi s business trip. season given by the social committee -aof the Wilmette Woman's club took Phillip Bright and Thomas Fitch place at the club on \Vednesday. Mrs. left Tuesday for Beloit college. George F. Clute was in charge of the luncheon arrangements. -oMrs. C. C. Mitchell, 814 Linden avenue, has just returned from a motor trip in the east, which included visits Season 1924-25 WAUKEGAN f\OAO NORTHBROOK. in most of the large eastern cities. Her son, Harrington, who accompanied her, is attending Harvard. -o- j Mrs. John Charles of 1130 Chestnu~ avenue, and her son, Donald, have returned from a summer spent in Europe. Donald has gone to Brloit college to resume his studies. -<>- Mrs. C. T. Berg, 1320 Greenwood avenue, entertained at bridge Wednes· day afternoon in honor of Mrs. J. W . McElroy, who is leaving for Centerville, Iowa. ' -o-- I 12'Hlinutes by Motor to J3artelme's · ~morthfitlO on FALL TERM The Dels a:t In·n Ledig' of the Manust week at the es. 1304 Forest eletced for the orge Rice was Mrs. Wilhur members der philanthropy ear. The next t the home of ~31 Forest aveSept~ber 30. Scheidenhelm s Mary Louise, ccompanied by heidenhelm of 1, Edward, Jr., d son-in-law, of Evanston, "ng of Albert Margaret in Indianmith of 1325 their daughturned from h the cast, York, they f their SOil, ves, of Ose will move re they exnent home. On Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the north shore alumnae of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will meet with Mrs. Florence Capron at her home, 1414 Hinman avenue, Evanston. -oM iss Mary McArdle will be hostess at luncheon and bridge tomorrow at her home, lll Broadway, for Miss -()-Mary Catherine Anderson who will Mrs. Henry J. Koll of 1412 Elm- become the bride of Robert McArdle wood avenue is entertaining on Sat- on Wednesday. -ourday for her daughter, Rhea, who M iss Laura Rurgin, 726 Forest aveis having a party in celebration of her nue, leaves Monday to resume her elnenth birthday. The Kolls had, as their guests for work at Goucher college. the week-end, Henry Sleishour of Canton, Ohio, and Frederick and Frank S!rishour of Chicago. -o}.[r. and 1frs. E. H. Colgrove of 735 Tenth street had as their guests on Thursday fo last week, Mr. Colgrove's niece and her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sischo of Los Angcle who stopped here on their way to St. Paul where ::\[r. Colgrove went on husincs .. -()-- -o-- school for 0 scar Plano what stands Is h 1 g he s t and best In the art of tea c b l n p; music and directing music Nlucatlon. OSCAR DEIS 1200 Central Ave. Wilmette Tel. 984-M in Every Roo1Q COMFORT OIL BURNERS Perfection in oil bur.ncrs now at· tained. The Hart Oil Burner riv· more heat and is easily and quic:kly installed. It operates a!.ltomatically and is controlled by the temperature in 'your home. The Hart is the last word In oil burners for comfort and com·cnience. It burns a low and in· expensive grade of oil. Let us tell you ·how easily we can In· ataU a Hart Oil Burner iu a day. HART HEAT The FitJ,al Word in ~fr . and ~frs. William Baker of 1450 Lake avenue had as their guest over the week-end, Mr. Baker's brother, R. }.f. Baker of Kansas City. Both ~[r. Baker and his brother returned to Kansas City, on Monday, where the former will stay on business for a few weeks. On Tuesday women golf ~ r s at the North Shore club will play 18 holes match play against par with full handicap. This week Mrs. Collins. _,.....,-.---. ~. Ayres, ::\Irs. \\'anncr and Mrs. agstaff were the winner~ of the one uh event played over 18 holes. and Mrs. Herbert C. Arms, 720 Lake avenue, will occupy an apartment in the Orrington hotel October I. Their daughter, ~1iss Eloise, left Saturday to attend Rollins college, \Vinter Park, Florida. ~rr. --o- -o- ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED A aong in eve ry Red. atory in every package. "'We have been eelllnc your Monarch CoO~ for leV· era} yeare. Our bet! nade uee. and aecoiDIDCDd. it to their friend aa the beot c:oUee th~ ever draDk.. 0 . cnde 11 crowillc daUy on Monarch. · "Best Trade u.. Moaarcla" GmBS CASH AND CARRY GROCERY At all MAIL THIS COUPON Gentlemen: Please. without any obligation 0 Send litt:rature concerning the Hart Oil Burner. 0 Phone for appointment for demonstration. 0 Send your Engineer to inspect our heating plant relative to installing an Oil Burner. Ludiqton, MicA. Leading Dealera Packed by AYRES-TEFRA CO. Phone Win. 1148 NORTH SHORE BRANCH WINNETKA 5M C.ter St. Wilmette Bird House