Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 26 Sep 1924, p. 20

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WILMETI'E F RIDAy SEPTEMBER LAZY JOB FOR FArnER TIME · PREPARE ZONING PLANS good? Is the mail handled quickly and effiFOR WEST RIDGE AREA ciently? Are the · banks well established? Do pertaining to the prospective zoning of the recently . annexed territory ly ing west from R1dge avenue, are to be discuss ed a:t .a meeting of th e Zoning commiSSIOn and interested property O\vners on Mon dav evening, October 6, at 8 o'clock, in· the Village hall council chambers. This meeting is adjourned from a session held Monday of thi s _w~ek hut at which th e Zoning comm1ss1on failed to sec ure a repre entativ e audience of persons owning property that would be affected by the zoning of the fornier Gross Point district. The z'oni ng commission. which. by virtue of action hy Pre ident Zip£ is identical with the present Board of Appeals on Zoning, is hopeful of securing a large attendance at the October 6 meeting. Many question s of importonce will arise that will directly co nc er n every property owner in the territory west of Ridge ave nue, it is explained, and the meeting will afford all interested persons an opportunity to express their views. The general opinion of tho se who attended the hearing held .Monday night, September l.2, was that the Ridge avenue dist rict sho uld be zoned for business purposes. There wa s di sagreement concerning how far west Lak e avenue should he zoned for commercial purposes. \Vith plans of the zoning commission to be presented to those who were not present at the me eting last :\londay, it is expected that a deci ion will he reached on the Lake avenue as w e ll as Ridge a\'enue zoning, at the meeting on October 6. ~iatters Are the railroad shrpping facilities To the Readers of Wilmette LiP.: "I lwve made a thorough pers01wl investigolio, the l!amesitcs offered tltm this advcrtisett~~tt _, of the development plans of the com,.-, ill It is my btlitf tlw 1vl!ich tlzesc lots arc located. these arc the best buys offered in the NOR.TIJ SHORE REGION for years. My concl.._ il supported by tiJe most competent realty 'VCIII!IIor$ in Cook County." Fint Year of Life Is Moat Haz·rdoua Fat her Time i far from being the wicked mortal of mankind that he. is proverhiall.v reputed to he. The ch1ef reason is that h e never gets a chance to use his fatal scythe with anything like th r~l!' ul arity with which he ha been credited from times out of other hand. the fir t year of life is far and away the most hazard ous of any a human being is called upon to face . Thi s is s hown hy mortality statistics for Illinois which were released to the public this week by Dr. Isaac D. Rawling , state h ealth director . Out of 81 ,761 death that occurred in Jllinois last· year 10,786 were among babies of less than one year, according to the report. No other Y.ear in the whole span of human existence exact such a frightful toll of life . The neares t approach to the fir t year in mortality is found among peopl e between 60 and 70 year. of age. This entire decade of the life span took but 12,442 lives a s compared with 10,786 in the fir st year only. From the point of three ~co re years and ten. the number of deaths decline rapidly until Father Time gets an almost clean bill of "not guilty" at the end of the century mark. Last year there were 48 centenarians among those who de parted this life. they offer good credit facilities? I s there a good public auditorium? Do conventions come to the city often? Is there a live Chamber of Commerce? \Vhat are the front foot property values of the retail di trict at present ? Stacey of Real Estate . F arne, Alao an Athlete The Chicago Real E state board tagcd its annual outing at Grand Beach :Mich., on September 16, leaving Chicago by special train over the Michigan Central railroad. Several members of the North Shore Real Estate board participated in the festivities. After an ispection of the grounds at the famous resort, the real estate men enjoyed luncheon and later split up into groups to indulge in golf, tennis , baseball, quoit s and other pastimes. W. G. Stacey, president of the North Shore board, together with Frank Reid, Allan A. Murray, Robert Johnson, Robert L. Wyatt and George W . Hufton, members of the local board, took part in the outing. President Stacey succe ss fully represented the North Shore contingent by winning first place in the overall race and was a. l'ilemher of. th e team that achie,ed the runner-up position in the baseball games. The other members played golf but failed to qualify for the cup. J. H. SCHAEFER. This Special OHering Includes: ~ Ten highly desirable residence sites. ~All mOno~~~ Seventy-five (75) foot frontages. ~ Water, Sewer, Gas, Electricity, Fire hydflllb, · Cement walks, Hard streets already installed. Nb Special Assessments. Convenient Steam Transportation. Low Fart. Thirt_ l\Iinutes to NEW UNION STATlON. UFIFTEEN Firat Y-r Huardoaa "Obviously it is not age that kills," declared Dr. Rawlings, in commenting on the statistics. "If a child can manage to survive his first stormy year in this world, his chances for reaching the 20th are greater than "The , wan," thl· Franz :Molnar those he ran before celebrating his s tag-e comedy. is an ear ne~t and infirst birthday anni\'ersa ry. From three Show Investment Advantages teresting sa tire on royalty. The Proto nineteen years of life, the number in "Home Towns" fessor Agi of the piece gives a fine of death s is relatively low. After age philosophy of life and those who live. 20, according to la st year's s tatis tics. the mortality by decades of age groups incrl'ases in Illinois at the rate Fred P. Paul, of the United States of about a thou sa nd for each teu-year Silica company, Chicago, ha s thr disperiod until age 70. Of thc .~e group s tinction of being the fir st student enthe first was low eo;t with a total of rolled in the American Real Estate In5.184 death s and the last, age 60 to 69, stitute to send in a le son sh et with a was highest with 12,442. The age problem completed, and is on his way group of 70 to 79 lo~t 11.R89. and the to becoming the lirst person to be offi next, 80 to 89, lost 6.880. A total of cially attested by the National .Associa1.103 people lo st out during the last tion of Real Estate Boards as having ten-year lap of the race toward the completed its course in real estate praccentury mark. tice hy mail. Six ro m.;, stucco. J heel rooms. "An analy is of the statistics by Enrollment in the In~titute, which is cause of death hows that contagious Hot water heat. with oil burner. a separate department of the ~ational disease , work the most mischief Garagt·. Large lot , 85 ft . front. among children. Diarrhea and en- Association of Heal Estate boards creteritis led the list in taking away chil- ated to provide home study in real esGood location. Act quick. dren under one , causinll 1.927 death tate, has heen pushed ahead (If the anin thi age group. Then followed nounced date, October 1st, to take care broncho-pneumonia with 1,097. of applications alreedy made. Whooping cough , influenza, measles, Here the prospective buyer of a propsyphilis and diptheria were other im - erty for bu ine s purpose or the pros731 E lm S t . 334 Linden AYe. pective buyer of an urban home is really p o ! t causes of infant mortality. · e study of the statistics shows buying not only a particular piece of W innet k a 142 Wilme tte 13 pta ly the most important field of ground but also and especially the compublic health service. Deaths during munity advantages which that particular the first year ~ life originate quite location affords, the first home-study frequeotly from a lack of prenatal les son emphasizes. Student papers comcare and that is why the department ing in in response are first-hand studies I specialize in making new is emphasizing maternity hygiene , of home town individual business localawns and remaking old ones . especially prenatal. The greatest tions and home neighborhoods. Flagstone and co~rete walks gains in pre erving human life will Here arc some of the measuring come from preventing the heavy losses tick to apply to a comunity in order and driveways of any kind. among infants, and that is why the to ascertain how desirable it would be Now ia the t ime to ·et ready program of the state department of public health involve so much that for a business location as the Ameri· and pla nt perenniala. I solicit can Real Estate Institute see the probis directly related to that particular your work and guarantee satisfield. A l>ig percentage of the deaths lem: faction. What is the racial and national charnot caused by old age can positively be prevented. 1f allowed to expand, acter of the population? I the per capita wealth or buying commensurate with the needs of the people, the public health service will power high? What is the monthly paygive Father Time something more roll ? Is the industry varied, so as to make to do." for stability in business conditions? LANDSCAPE GARDENER the rapid transit system good? Are I COMMUNITY DANCE OCT. 7 the streets well paved ? The first Tuesday ommunity dance 379 Hazel Ave., Clencoe Is there a market for goods among will be held October 7, at ·the W n'a club, Tenth street and persons outside the city? Is there a large tourist busi~ss? Gr leaf aven . These dances, Are saving accounts increasing in whi will be held every Tuesday aetb night, help to create a closer com- number and amount? munity pirit among the young a well as the older re idents of the villaae. REALTY SCHOOL LESSONS BEGIN WELFARE CLINIC The In fant \Velfare clinic conducted hy the Chicago Tuberculosi · institute will be held e\·cry \Veunesday from 2 t o 4 o'clock, at the Grosse Point Health center. 1[iss ~orcross, the nurse for this community, will be in charge. MINUTES TO WILME'M'E BEACH. FIVE }.1IN1JTES WALK TO NORTHWESTERN CO!\JMUNITY COURSE. Charming Natural Surroundings. Residences in immediate locality valued at from $12.000.00 to $50.000.00 already establishe(l. [ I iighest elevation on the NORTU SHOHE. Intelligent Restrictions. Com·enient terms to acceptable applicants. 'pecial inducements to those who will build within one year. 1 ~ For Further Information Apply- J. H. Schaefer & Company 909 Ridge Avenue Winnetka Home Hill & WHEELER, Inc. WILMETTE, ILLINOIS Phone 364 ?\ . B. \\'e will he pleased to show this 'prO] ert request. ~lay we also show you how you can a\·e 20% or on your building costs? Almounclnll aaewaadpeate.Sales aad Service lor Evaa8toa Nokol buaineu aloDg the North Shore bu pown to sw:b. proportions u to make neceuary the openina of a new Sales aod Servke branch office at EvanatoD. TIWof/iu u located at 1579 Maple Sweet, just south of Dcwil, near ehc Nonlu.&.atem Staricm. It ia in the heart ol. the E'ft~Uton bUiioeu diltrict aDd CODV. . nlellt to all m.etboda of tranaportadoD. Home Ownen aloq the North Shore will find thia new office fully equipped and ready for buaineu. They will receive the I&Dle courteous attendon and lervice here u at our laraer office in Cbic:aao. Now before cold weather iJ dae time eo irastaU NolcoL It is the most comfortable and economical heatins · ter'Vice known. Ita fuel cost ia leu than that of hard coal It ia abo, to the beat of our knowledge, W. than tl,at of ""' ocher oil burner - in man, cases the ICit/ing u a much cu40%. Come in and 1ee ademonatration today. NokoJ S. Biseth ae - ca-- w . .__ t· WANT ADS / I When All Others Have Failed Come To Us · B OUIIICBOid) SERVI CE RT H<Jl~E CLEANING; WINdo ....,..flln~r; ftoor waxing; furnltu ... pollehtnc; odd Pltlntlng and calchalalnc Jobs. Tel. Wlnn. 1035. %5LT45-tfc _ ....& . When_ a property owner wishes to sell his real estate, he wants . QUI~k a~tJon as a ru.le. The best way to get results is fo r h im ro hst _h·s property w1th a reputable and energetic realtor with a n exclusiVe contract~ We, knC?wing that we are protected in our efforts to sell WOper~y, Will devote every possible energy for making a sale. e wll! spend money advertising the property which we would not do 1f. other brokers had the property for sale. The chances for a satlsfacto~y and prompt sale are obviously much greater under an exclus1ve contract. This system gives quick results without costing the property owner one cent more than the replar aales commission. OIL HEATING COMPANY, CHICAGO Ennaton Braach -1579ld.ple Scnec Te~epMne u~ 74ZO Why Not Try It? ,, T.... ... u..~ · r....,. ......... w......_ F...~a~a s.....,a....._ Quinlan & Tyson, a-.....Inc. . w - .._.....,.,u............. , .......,.._ I .-~,...

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