WIL:\IETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1924 2 PLAN PURCHASE OF CAMP SITE . Methodist Church Men DIS cuss Boys' Work Last Friday evening the Boy's WC!rk committee of the \Vilmctte Pansh Mcthofbt c hurch e njoyed its annual dinner at th e Ouilmette Country club. Only ~ few memhrr~ co u~d not a_ttend . . fho~c present. were. D_r. Gil bert . tan-.~11. Dr .. ~orrnan .Rtchard'o}~· _ A. L. hJI_Icr, I·.~ ..\f . B~mllt, E_lmer \\ lillams ..\laJ . T. ~~-. Bulin ant. f.tt:rrc T3ontecou. .'\. ~yst rom ,_ \~tllard Oibornl', B. )J, , ox, D. l\i. ..toker. V\ e5lp· Bro\'_11, homas_ H . \Vc-;t . __ E. 1 .1 ~~er, ( · -:\. Stoke~. and larl Monsignor Kelley to Become Bishop Oct. 2 The consecration of Mon signor Franci G. Kelley, bishop-elect of Oklahoma. will take place Thursday. October 2. with Cardinal Gerogc ).lundclcin oAiciatinK. The Sunday following the con-.ecration. ).fon si)!nor Kelley will celehrate his pontificial high mass at Franci-. Xa\·ie r's church. a se rvtce which \\'ill probably will be his last official se n ·ice in the parish h~ has se rved for many years. llt s ~op Kelley will ka\·e for Oklahoma Ctty, October 14. Bishop-elect Kelley has been for a numiJC~r of years one of the outstanding Catholic c hurch Jeac!ers in tl;e middle wc~t. In addition to hts scn·ices in the church. he ha s given a wealth of his time to his country as chaplain in both the Mexican Puni t ive expedition and the World war. He recci\·e d ~pccial rcco~nition from Great Britain and the United States. ?t. What-It Is doe n 't n1ake any difference. You can start a Specia l P.urpose . Savings account any titne, for any atno unt. Th~ I J· . ltfr~ cRichardson ga\'e a talk. going into the technical proh lcm~ th :H hoy workers arc facin~-t c\·cry day. ~lr. 'Veslcy Brown of the t\ew Trier faculty, spoke on analyziug the I.Joy for efficient guidance. Detailed report s were read hy Maj. T. E. Bulli1·a nt, \Villard O sborne, Pierre Rontccou, B. N. Cox and T. H. West of the summer camps for hoys. These reports were very intere sting, suggesting not only much hard work by the boys and men, hut many humorous incidents. A committee was formed for the purpose of locating and purcha ing a permanrnt camp si te. ~.fore inten se and far reaching plans for the boy s of the pari~h were dio;cusscd . ).fr. Brown was elected to 'ltcct·ed On·iltc Borchers as leadrr oi tltL' OldL·r Ho\·s' cluh. · 1 2: ! Fundatnentall y, the idea , Mon ~i~nor Kelley is the author of several 1~portant vo~ume.s an~ ~as been parttcularly acttve. tn brtnR't!ll!' about tmpro1·ements 111 parochtal school work. He wa s notified of ~is prospective elc\·ation to the hi.,hopric while on a missi011 to thl' Vatican last ~ummcr. 1s N ew T · 0 h rJer rc estra Sought for Concerts just like the popular Christtnas Savings Clu b P lan. and enables you to easil y take care of certain fixed expen e such as taxe , ins urance, pr en1iun1s and so fort h . of ~ voutli four local satisf! table~ start I dent. cured Chic dncti · To f e-.~ iq A. W he h Mr. and Mrs . ]. 1\f. Brown and their ramily who have been making their home at 1010 Central al'cnue, are moving to 907 Greenleaf a1·enue, tomorrow. -o~fr. and ~lro; . F. P. McKaughtcn of Peoria ha\'c hccu the house guests of their brother and hi~ wife. ~fr. and .\[rs. E. C. Phillips, 1227 Elmwood avenue. ... Tht Xew Trier Symphony orchestra ha s already recei1·cd requests from various organizations in the north shore ,-i llagr~ to play at meetings to he held in the ncar future . The plans as out lined by ~Irs . Homer E. ott on. the orcltl'.;tra director, call for at least three public concerts during the year in addition to the performances that will he gi\·cn at the high school. Fifty ~tudent reported to the orche stra director for rchrarsals during the past week . There arc abo a numher who desire to play hut have no instruments. it was stated by a mrmh<'r of the high school faculty. In addition to the first orchestra. there is a junior group of 15 freshmen w h o arc directed by one of Mrs . Cotton's assistants. I ~ I I ~ ~Oct. ~ t""""""""""""""""2 I I ~ t RADIO 6, 1924 sTARS ~ ~ I ··vouJ· Ill I /lome NEW RIDGE SCHOOL 17th St. and Spencer Ave. I I I I I Banh·· Ill I I M' "Ma son, vete ard and pro the It P ia i J!.i ~ I I I See Them In Person Here Them Broadcast The Foilowing Artist& Will Positively Appear Jerry Sullivan Three ).Ielodians I 1 I I -~ i I J!.i CITY MARKET CO. 627 MAIN .ST. -:- PHONE WILMETTE 1870 RETAIL Look at ~ ~ ~ ~ WHOLESALE MEATS Harry Geise Frederick \\". :\gart Harmony Girls 13obby Cougle Lang-don Tiro __ See A Broadcasting Studio In Full Operation 0\\'ing· to limitL·d capacitY there \\·ill he only ROO seats placed on sale t hl' f o llo\\'ing store~..; at RENNECKAR DRUG CO. DANNEMARK ELECTRIC SHOP W. G. BEYRER RADIO SHOP RIDGE AVE. PHARMACY TIME 8:15 P. M. .00 ................ ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I You can eat the best meats without paying a premium for them. these Low Prices on our fancy poultry-Beef-Lamb and Veal. SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER Z6-Z7 Fancy Fresh Killed Spring Chicken Lb . ........................ . ............................... . 38c Genuine Spring Lamb Legs Boneless Lamb Shoulder, Lb. ............. . .... . 37c I Special, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32c Native Pot Roast Beef Lb. ...... . ............. . 22c I Special-Lean Pork Shoulders Lb. . . ......................... . Armour's Star Hams Half or whole, lb. . . . . . . Star Bacon 281 I Armour's 2C Half or whole side, lb. ............................. l9c Armour's Cloverbloom Butter, Pound prints ............ . Lean Calif. Hams 42C I Fancy, Lb . ................. . 33c ISle WILMETTE, KENILWORTH, GLENCOE, WINNETKA FOUR DAILY DELIVERIES-9 A. M. -11 A. M.-2 P. M. -4 P. M.