Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 9

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ClLlUflffi §ffi:A§((J)N~§ §ECC((J)NIIJ) JMI((J)NJfiHI ~~((J)Mll§IE§ CG~IE:A1f ACC1rll\V1ITY Local Clubs that Will Meet During the Coming Week Winnetka Woman's Club Weatem Smith Clubs in Conference November 17 N November 17 a conference of western Smith college clubs will N October 30 the regular meeting take place in Chicago at the Fortof the Winnetka Woman's club nightly. According to a recent anwas called to order by the presi- nouncement, the program has been Dallas, Texa , with about one tetedent. Miss Matz. The minutes of the HIS morning women of Winnetka planned to include the following: FORMER RESIDENT DIES phone for every five persons, now has previous meeting were read and ap-1 rc asked to gather at the WilMorning business session, from 9:30 Mrs. Louise Walker Wilson, wife of approximately as many telephones as ;11l'tte Woman's club at 10 o'clock proved. The president then made the to 12 o'clock; luncheon at 12 :30 o'clock; Rev. Frank Wilson, who was pastor the entire Republic of Mexico. to , 1-w fnr ~he philanthropy department. following announcements: Mr. Thomas Mott Osborne's lecture Luncheon wtll ~ s,erved at the conclu- has been postponed until Monday, Desion of the mor1ung s work. ~ext Wed- cember 8. "Tag Day" will be held None<;lb~· the afternoon class m current vember 8 for the benefit of the Great t\-cnt , will resume for the season at 2 :30 Lakes chapter of World War Veterans. o'c!lKk under the leadership of R. E. The next meeting of the Drama Study Patt i'"" Kline. will be held November 3, at 3 :30 T"" departments of The Nei~hbors class o'clock. Mrs. Ernest Ballard will speak conduct tours next week. On ~ovem on "Luigi Pirandelto, the Italian Dramaber 11. the department ?f educatiOn has ti st." On Thursday, November 6, the plantH '(' a trip to th.e Fteld Museum for music committee wit give a recital. 3 tt1W and stereopttcon lecture concern- Helen Prothero Axtell wil sing and in!! th<' subject, ."The No~h ~merican Mrs. Norman Harris will be her ac£.;kim , and lndtan collections. . companist. On November 13, Howard ·Tiltlr'day. November 13, is the day T. Becker of Northwestern university for tltt· annual gallery tour of the Chi- will speak on "The Youth Movement" cal!" Art Institute under the auspices in Europe and the United States. A of the dcpartn:tent of. ~rt and literature. meeting of the Tenth District FederaOn thi s occaston Wtlham Me. McKee, tion will be held at North End club curator of prints and. drawing~, will give Monday, November 17. an address in the Prmt gallenes. After At the conclusion of the announcehis talk. Mrs. Carl A. Buehr will give ments, Mrs. Moon, chairman of the a dc>cri ptive sketch of some of the ~u~ civics and philanthropy department, instanding features of the Annual exhtbl- troduced Mrs. James Porter who gave lion ni American Art. After the tour an interesting report of the convention t\t(·,;c attending will take lunch at 1 of the International League for Peace o'clock at the Piccadilly Tea Room. and Freedom held in Washington. The ThL' ftne arts department of the Wom - convention was attended by prominent an's Catholic Club of Wilmette has ar- women from various countries who are ran!!ed a most attractive program for working for a new order which will the Ill"' club meeting occurring Friday make war impossible. ait.:rno>nn. l\ovembcr 14, at 2 o'clock at Miss Jane Addams, who has recently the home of Mrs. F. J . 'Oelerich, 1201 returned from abroad, gave us a glimpse Green,,., .. ,cJ avenue. of the efforts being made for construcDurin.: the afternoon Mrs. J . E . Dunn tive peace. She said the _ Le~gue of will gi ,:,. a "Current Events" reading. Nations is the great orgamzatJOn that A hook review will be given by Mrs. is working for the peace of the world. B. ~t Lupton. Miss Marion Condy and Miss Addams thinks that the Protocol :\Irs. Kearns Kirchberg will give read- mav lead to disarmament. This was ings. the subjects of which arc not yet indorsed with certain reservations, by amwuncrd. Mrs. Robert Fontham will the rep;esentatives of 54 nation~. An iurni>h the music. interesting fact in the Protocol ts that it defined the "aggressor" as one who refused to accept the verdict of t~e Miss Pendleton to Be after appealing thereto. A dts~ Guest of W ellealey Club court armament conference has been called l SS Helen Pendleton, pr~sident of for June 15, 1925. \\"ellesley college, wtll pass The hostesses for the afternoon were through Chicago the latter p~rt Mrs. Alexander S. Anderson, Mrs. nf next week on her way to Kansas Ctty Jerome N. Frank, Mrs. B. F. Langw attend the College of China conven- worthy, Mrs. W. P. McCracken, Jr., t'on. The Chicago Wellesley club is Mrs. Taliaferro Milton and Mrs. Ar!!iring- a luncheon in her honor Friday, thur H. Woodward. ~m-embe r 14 at the Woman's Athletic ~ lnh. (,01) So~th Michigan avenue, at 12 :30 o'r/ock. Miss Pendleton will speak Harry S. Atwood Speaka at Library Club Meeting iu~ the afternoon . Mrs. Henry K. of Winnetka is in charge of the ARRY S. Atwood, welt known arrangements. Members may Chicago laWYer, was the speaker e guests. at the Woman's Library Club of A large and interesting meeting of Glencoe on Thursday afternoon, on the the North Shore circle was held in E,·anston, Monday afternoon. Miss occasion of the first meeting of NovemGrace Boynton gave an illuminating ber, for which month Mrs. William L. talk about the present political condi- McGowan is hostess. Mr. Atwood spoke tion,; in China, giving some novel infor- in the place of George E. Odell who mation about the lives of the outstand- was unable to fill his engagement on ing ngurcs in the civil war that has been account of illness. Mr. Odell is a lecin progress. Mrs. Earl \Vhite brought turer for the Ethical Societies of Amerthe Iatc.; t news from \rVellesley gathered ica and editor of the Standard Magaduring her trip there for the meeting zine. The tickets for the large card party oi the graduate council from which she ha :; just returned. She announced that at the Admiral hotel Monday to benetwo more girls from the middle west fit the club building fund have been sellhad carr ied off class honors at college. ing rapidly and the affair promises to Lnui'e Burroughs of Chicago has re- be one oi the large, attractive events centlr heen elected corresponding secre- of the autumn season. tary· ior the sophomores and Maida ~ ~ Randall of Evanston is the treasurer for thr same class. :\I ro;. Gilhertson and Mrs. McClellan pourecl at tht' tea table and ~~ rs. S. \V. \\"hit~· and M:rs. A. C. Goodnow were ho,tr,st:,, Radiola 111-o Clubs Takin~ Interest in Includes four WO.. 11 Radlotrona, Annual Bazaar for Home headphones, and HE Sarah Hackett Stevenson Radiola Loudspeak· ).fcmorial Lodging · House \\'ill u. Everything exhold it s annual bazaar at the Parkcept antenna and barruies · . . $90 wa~- hotel on November 13 and 14 from 10 ro'clllCk in the mornilhl{ until 10 :~ t night. Luncheon and dinner will he hnth days, and there wilt be card hnth afternoons at which a pri t.e ~ive n for each table. unusu'\l features will he noted n Sisters will be present Qr. HUNDREDS of desirable dresses from <?Ur regular stock are for dinner. Some of th-:: priced at about cost to make way for the arrival of new winter stars are also assisting. Talbot will sing Th~rsapparel. Included are regular FaU models of silk, 11annel. twill and nening. Among the clubs holding booth!' are jersey in the season's newest ~hades and black. Sizes range 16 to The Au-;tin \Voman's club, The Roger~ Park Woman's club, The Englewwd 48. Early selection is advised and all sales are final. \\ om('n\ club, The North End Women's lVomCit's Apparcl-Srcolld Floor cluh. The Irving Park Woman's cluh. The \\'icker Park Woman's club. The Xnrth , hMe League and The Milhtrd Carry rbe ball tbrouchl Obl Yelltt<· dub. Tackled! But he IDIIde ltl One interesting feature will ht! the Atta boyl Pint downl Booth, causing wonder a~ to You can almon aee the II draw the valuable pnzc of playen u each plunp lllld donated by a prominent Stale p ... it told O"er the radio. merchant. For you're bearinl every the board of managers of the word of it on your Radiola. cnnists of delegates from 47 difHearinl It dbtlnctly, too. \Vomen's clubs, about 15,000 ~hould know of this event. Chooee vour Radlola nowwbile cbe foocba1l ecuua II fRENCH TEST AUTO FUELS OG. 1-.xpericnce thus far demonstrates PIER('E RADIO <"0. hat the arrangements made for the El·aa·ton e of national alcohol stocks as moChildrm's Shop-First Floor t:alv. 3067 3Z% Davl· St. fuel in France have not proved actory, but apparently the French d ~o carry on the experiment for ttme loneer. ----- WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1924 ., of St. Augustine's Episcopal church from 1914 until 1917, died at Eau Claire, Wisconsin, Saturday morning, November 1. The funeral services took place at Eau Claire Tuesday and the interment was in Chicago on Wednesday. O O motor trip, from 1 :30 to 2 :30 o'clock: af ternoon session. from 3 to 4 :30 o'clock; tea at 4 :30, and dinner at 7 o'clock, to be followed by an address by President Alan Neilson. Miss Ellen Holt is chairman of the committee on arrangements. T v Fountain Square ' Evanston Illinois M H ta · I.; : : : : : ; : :: : : : : : : : I : :: : : 0 : : : o : : : I : : : : :: I : ; : 0 RadioIa Women's and Misses' Dresses T IN A GREAT SALE Values from $18.50 to $85.00 Reduced $12.75 to $65.00 Smaih 1 the lim. 50 Dresses for Girls Sale Prices Range Are Sharply Reduced for Clearance $5.95 to $20.75

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