Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 12

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12 \\"fLMETTE LIFE. FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 7 1924 miN SOCIETY~ ~he North Shore Alumnae to Have Busy Week "The Store for Children " RS. JULIUS L. GUTTERMANN of 1142 Judson avenue, Evans. ton, will entertain the north shore al,umnae .o f National M Kindergarten and Elementary college at 4 o clock tea Monday, No. vember 10. The members of the North Shore Alumnae association of the col lege announce a rummage sale to be held in the .afternoon and evt~ ning of Thursday, November 13, and all day Frtday, November 1 4 at 1316 Chicag.o .avenue, Evanston. Mrs. Percy N. Arden. 7?1 Wit: mette a venue, is chairman of the sale. The proceeds are to be used for the college building fund. Mr. Barsumian has generously donated the use to the alumnae for this sale. COATS Girls' Coats of the most attracti,·e styles that lend charm and gi,·es distinction. Fur trimmed and plain. A n:!ry pleasing assortment. Hats that will form a pretty combinatiun Sizes to 16 years Society's Interest Now Centers in "Cynthia" OCIETY .of Chicago and the north shore will turn its interest from large bazaars to the performance of "Cynthia" Friday and S Saturday evenings at the Eighth Street theater, formerly the Arayan Grotto. This attractive and unusual musical comedy will be staged by members of the Service club, that well known organization of young ociety women who give one large annual benefit to raise funds for contributions to many charities. This year's cast will include in its chorus. all the debutantes of the season. Mrs. Albert Potter is to take the leading r.o le and Miss Daisianna Smith and l\1iss l~oberta Thorne will have other important leads. Richard Blow will have the most prominent part among the men, with Louis Laflin in the role of comedian. l\liss Elizabeth Beidler will do a specialty dance. The ~' innetka debutantes who are parttctpating will be the Misses Elsie Blatchford, Emily lloyt and Judith Boddie. The programs will be sold by a group of 50 girls. Mrs. Robert Hotz, president of the club, is in entire charge of the production. Be sure to see our models at the Elk Style Show, Elka' Club, November 10 to 15 Doys· Coats of the kind that \\'ill please the most discriminating. !\lade up in Chinchillas and Pebble Che,·iots. The kind that will gi,·e ultimate satisfaction. Hats to match. Sizes to 16 years. Carroll Ridgway, Inc. Two Stores EVANSTON 619 Davis Street Univ. 3511 WILMEITE 1160 W ilmette Avenue WiL 311 What Kitchen Aid Doesfor You l\[ixes dough for bread, cakes, pie, glnbt·r-bread, doughnuts, rolls, etc. Mashes potatoes-two or two dozen, to a wondrous fluffiness. Makes mayonnaise (drops the otl gradually), one cup, or as many as you like. Heats eg~~;s and Icings; batter for pancakes, watrlea, etc. Whips cream or evaporated milk, m,·rlngues, Icings, etc. Cr·eams varlou·s other ingredients. BNlls and cr·eams fudge, fondants, etc. \VIth attachment, It freezes Ice creams, Rhcrbds, mousses, or any frozen dessert. lt grinds cotree, chips Ice, chops meat, nuts, raisins, etc. It strains soups, purtes, through a fine sieve. Strains apple sauce. It is not necessary to par·e or core the apples. This adda imnlt'asur·ably to the flavor. It slices potatoes (to any desired thinnt>ss). Cuts shortening Into pastry. And It retains the temperature (either hot or· cold) of whatever product It Is mixing. All of this It does-and more! Harvest Party at Club Gala Autumn Event EMBERS of the Ouilmette Country club have been antic\\)'!.\.· ing the Harvest Home Dinner-dance taking place tomorrow evening. Those attending will come in costume. Among those will entertain the largest number of guests at. dinner wil~ b: th.~ H J. Richters. the Max Zabels, the Frank Oelertchs, and \\ . S. Kmgs and the A. S. R. Smiths. According to news coming to e'lclt vii!age from the young people who graduated from New Trier last June and who have entered nearby universities the following have been pledged to fratcrnities and sororities: North1vcs~ernDelta Upsilon: Kenneth Dowse, Herbert Newport. Phi Delta Theta: James Reinhold Sigma Chi: John Mitchell. Beta Th~ta Pi: Archer Kennedy, Robert Ramsev. Delta Tau Delta: Ridge~ way Daggy. C'hi Omega: Mabel Forherg. '23. Alpha Phi: Florenrd Scrib' 1 k '2~ D 1 G ner, F Iorence \VI~eeoc·. · · c t~ amrna:. ~fary _Hams, ~elen Ba~ret. Alpha Omrcron Pt: Katherme .Hamtlton. ~ap~ pa Kapl?a Ganun~: Harn~t ~~acock.. 2.1 · :!\1arcclltte _Mclmd; Vtr~mta Btxby. Gamma Pht Beta: Josephme 1h:::Ra~; ·dlie Gibbs. Kappa Alpha Theta: Alice King. Delta Delta Delta: Ethel Mile SturJ!eon: Ruth Truska: Doris 1-!an,.i tle: Marcia Converse. Pi Beta Phi: Marjorie Smith; Martha Thomas; Agnes Cornell: Theodosa Painter, '19. Delta Mu (local); Myrtle Best; Dorothy Englehart. \Visconsin-Sigma Phi: Dick Cody; 1 arry Perkins; Bill Johnson. Sigma .f\"u: Rov \Vclch. Delta Tau Delta: Harold Nelson. Psi Upsilon: Aubert Moritz. Theta Delta Chi: Frank Comph n. Phi Delta Theta: Laurie Meyering. Kappa Sigma: Everet Fox. Illinois - Sigma Kappa: Elizabeth Stutson. Zeta Tau Alpha. Amy Hagen, '23. Alpha Tau Omega: Russell Smith. Zeta Psi: Everet Nelson. Phi Kappa S 'gma: George Hannah. Psi Upsilon: Darrell \Vare. Sigma Chi: "Bud" Cru~h. Sigma Nu: \Vatter Sanders. Elelta Gamrna: Gertrude Brown. Alpha Phi : Jean Drayer, '23. The month!~· meeting of the North Shore ~1usical society was held October 27, at the home of Mrs. Ruth. 1345 Tower road. \Vinnetka, with Mrs. Copt horne assisting hostess. A most interesting program was arranged. Those giving the piano numbers were Mrs. Fowler, Miss Ethel Flentye, Mrs. Akely, and Mrs. ~ettibone. The \'Ocal numbers were gtven by Mrs. Cordts. Mrs. Simpson and ).1rs. Evans. Mrs. Dubbs was the violinist. The committee of friendly coop tion with ex-service men for \Voman's Cluh of Wilmette, of whil committee Mrs. C. D. Ewer of 11\ Ashland aYenue is chairman. met i the latter's ho~e on Mon.day for lunch-_ eon and a bt!smess sesst?n· The plan for ~ork du:rng the c?mmg year _ were outltned, wtth especral emphasr .on !hose for For-Get-Me-Not day wluc~ ts to be :t:Jovember. 8, a benefit tag daJ for the J·o!t Sher!dan vet~rans. Mrs. R. E. Patttson Klme, prestdent of the \Voman's cluh was a guest. and tht members of the comm ittee as foll ows: ~~ rs. Theodore Breyer. ~lrs . n. M . Comee, Mrs. Charles Eldridge. Mn \Villis Hutson, Mrs. Frank Koontz. Mrs . James Topp, Mrs. Emmett ~nid· er Mrs (' Renneckar and l\Irs Leon Sykes · · · ' ·· ·· -{1The Arden Shore hoanl is starting its work again this season with an alt-day meeting Thursday. November 13. at the home of l\frs. Willis Hu tson, 1112 Elmwood avenue. The member; ·1 10 0 · k 1 · '" 11 gather at cloc to >egtn 'ew· in~ for the girls of Cinderella I who haYe no families . Members of the hoard are ~[rs . tie F. Gates. chairman; Mrs. F . Tolman, treasttrer: Miss Edna J.ew1 chairman of sewing; and Mesdame H. A. Storms, Myron \Vest. Edward Hoffman, L. E. Ashley. Archie Mac· lean, Louis Becker, Frederick Tilt. John Baker, Leslie W. Millar B. F . Blymyer. R. L. Stoddard. Joe Davis. Willis Hutson, Willard Thayer, Hayes McKinney. Raymond Simmons. Frank Simmons, Lester Mee, Gordon Wilson and Edward Heinszheimer. M How You Can Try That Kitchen-Aid is an important and permanent addition to modern kitchen equipment is estahlished b>: its u~e in the teaching of Domestic Science in the followmg umversities and schools: University of Chicago (School of Domestic Science), Chicago. Columbia University (Teachers' College), New York. Pratt Institute (Dept. of Hou ehold Science), Brooklyn, New York. E lmira College (Dept. of Domestic Science), Elmira, New York. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla. Utliver ity of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Indiana State Normal School, Terre Haute, Ind. Miss Farmer's School of Cookery, Boston, Mass. Home Bureau, U. S. Department of Argriculture, Washington, D. C. JGtc;b!~d \\"hen such favorably known authorities as the Ladies' Home Journal Test Kitchen, Good Housekeeping Institute .t\cw York Tribune Institute, Modern Priscilla Proving' Plant. House Beautiful Magazine, Charm Magazine -when such authorities as these, after complete and thorough investigation, endorse a new ·electrical device as a time and labor saver iu the kitchen, is it any wonder women want to know all about the innovation? Don't Vl>U want to know more about Kitchen-Aid, this almost .;jagic electrical machine that does so much in a new and better way-what it is-what it does-how it solves your problems? Let us give a demonstration in your kitchen, so that you can see for yourself how it works. A postal card or the coupon below will bring Kitchen-Aid to your home at a time convenient to you. It costs you nothing nor places you under any obligation. Send the coupon today. -oThe Board of Managers of Eli Batt! House will give its annual benefit at t~ Illinois theatre on December 22. 7be entertainment will be the opening of "The Music Box Revue" which come! here with the highest recomtllendatioa from New York. The sale of seats for this benefit will commence on :r\ 10, and tickets may be procured frolll members of the Winnetka committee al follows: Mrs. William B. Hale, chairman; Mrs. Arthur G. Cable, Mrs. Franci,; But!~ Mrs. Preston Bovden. Mr. Char~~> Forman. Mrs. Phillip \V. Moore. Mrs. ~1orris Wilson and Mrs. Arthur Woodward -o- Send this Coupon for Free Demonatration TROY METAL PRODUCTS CO.. T~. Olaio ···-·······----------------------·····- --------------------------------------· KITCHEN-AID SALES AGENCY, 7111 N. Paulina St., Cbic...o, IU. Gentlemen: Please send me de criptive circulars and reprints of the editorial article on Kitchen-Aid from Tribune ! institute. Name .·.·..···........·.··.····.·.····..·.·.......·.· Gentlemen : Please show me the Kitchen-Aid at work in my kitchen with the understanding that this demonstration places me under n<1 obligation whatsoever. Street -o- Mrs. A. C. Wenban, 900 Lake avenue. i entertainin~ the Fellowship Name .....................·....··... . ·.··.·..·.·..... club tomorrow evening. Strm ............................................... . City ......··..··.·... · ·········· Lawrence Schaefer of 1632 Mrs. A. B. SeW entertained Itt ~pencer avenue, has heen ill at her members of her club at luncheon ant City · ..........·. State .......... Phone No.......... . home for the past thr.ee weeks. bridge Thursday. Mrs. ················································ -o--

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