Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 1

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--· _. .._ i '. .~ ~ ,. PARENTS COO'UDGE ' unus CALL MEDJNG H~~E:A~~ GENERAL AllEN LOGAN-RIDGE TO HEAR "TEml TAll" . . RU1i ON CHEST PLAN ~h.ere.wil! be~ AT SUNDAY CLUB BY 10-lRERE tagging and general sohcatataon an Walmette tomorrow the occasion being national Forget:MeNot day, and the contributions directed into the fund to be used by the Disabled American Veterans of the World War to aid those wounded and disabled soldiers who are confined in government institutions. The Woman's Club of Wilmette, the Woman's Catholic ctub of Wilmette and the Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion are cooperating with the Veterans' organization in the promotion of the Forget-Me-Not fund campaign. Volunteer workers and soldiers, as well as children in schools throughout the country have been engaged in recent weeks in making the little {orget-me-not flowers which wiU be given to contributors as an earnest of their thoughtfulness in remembering the men who are still "living the war" on hospital cots and in wheel chairs. Pledges and endorsements of wholehearted support have been streaming into headquarters of the Disabled Veterans' unit at the Great Lake~ Naval training station, and it is anticipated that the north shore villages will exceed their contributions of last year. Mrs. Edward J. McArdle, of 111 Broadway is chairman of the Wilmette Forget-Me-Not campaigl'l. R'S Store" Furnishings ear er of a ~SLER C. ~CON ERLA- ve and ~s 1277 The Pauni-Teache. .....,;.,;., of the LoJan-Ridge schools will hold .a special meeting in conjunction with the GrosSe Point Health center; Friday, Novem- Preaiclent AfM t· · 11,111 Head of Army of <kc:upation ber Preliminai'J' Committee Sum14, at 8 o'clock at the Ridge school. Votea in Total of 13,111 mons Citizelu to Diacusa to Give Armistice Acldreaa Or. Lon W. Morrey of Lake Forest will give an il~ustrated lecture on the Cut in New Trier Community Cleat in VUlace care of the teeth. This meeting is to be held at night to give the fathers an opportunity to and see the fourth and fifth JONES SWAMPS DR. LLOYD IS CHAIRMAN LEGION WILL ATIEND attend grade children stage "The Bad Baby Molar." This playlet wil also be given before the children of the public schools Polla Sur. Plan Would Centralize all Allen Hu Recently Returned Wednesday and Thunday, December 12 Hope ~ and 13. · · " Mrs. G. T. Black of the Evanston pnama ~ote Charity an-aYes From Geneva Kindergarten and Elementary school, asserted that the children are the reWilmette voters went to the polls The Wilmette Sunday Evening club flection of their mothers, in a talk at m.. ct ing, having as its purpose a the regular meeting of the Logan-Ridge 5844 strong on Tuesday to cast .their discussion of the Community has been fortunate in securing for the P . T. A. held Monday afternoon. The ballots in the national, state and counplan of ·fund contributions, is Armistice Sunday speaker next Sunday habits and manners of the mothers are ty elections. Several weeks aso 7190 I to be held Thursday evening, evening, November 9, Maj . Gen. Henry copied by the children, stated Mrs. voters registered in the eleven pre· h,·r 13, at 8 o'clock, in the assemT. Allen, who was 'Commander-in-Chief Black. If the mother smiles frequently cincts 0-f the village, in most instances nf the ViJiage hall. The disand shows respect for others, the chil- the votang at the various precinct of the American Army of Occupation dren do likewise. " ill be open to every resident of closely approximated the registration. n Germany, and America's representallaRC The children of the Logan school The total vote in New Trier town· Jlmt:tte is a village of friendliness, ~ ive on the Rhineland High Commission. kindergarten class gave a demonstration ship was 13,096. hn~p ita l i ty . of good neighboring," New Trier township went 10 to 1 General Allen only · recently returned of muscial rhythm. At the close of preli minary Community Chest comi rom the sessions of the League of Na- the meeting a silk flag was awarded to for C<Livin CoQJi<lge, the President explains. "No appeal in all the Miss Julia Davenport's classroom for amassing a total of 10,690 votes as <.ons at Geneva and his address in the ha s t.·und her people either cold or village will therefore be of timely in- having the best attendance of parents against 966 for Davis and 963 for La Follette. Wilmette's returns indicate hc<~r ing . But we have now come terest, as well as in harmony with the at the gathering. that the proportion was maintained in place where it seems that some spirit of the anniversary of peace. His the village. efficien t method of gathering funds theme will be, "The European Situa1rorthy charities should be f<J und Small Traila Here t.on as I Saw It." tlte experience of other cities points In the gubernatorial ballot Norman Kaowa Preaeat-Day Europe 'C11mmunity Chest' as a plan E. Jones was an easy winner over "\Vhether Americans wish to remain · 0i our consideration. Governor Small, though the latter was. aloof from European entanglements ··Thert·inre a meeting of all citizens is given a n1ajority in th1ee west side or not, the f,uropean influence in our lied i11r Thursday evening. November ·w ilmette precinct s. The vot e for national life has come to stay," reads a at R o'clock in the Village hall to governor indicated clearly that most comment on General Allen's subject of rc)H>rt s of those who have been inLibrarian Finds Book InterNew Trier voters split the ballot todi scussion, "and America must know ing the operation of the Comget in a vote for Jones. what is going on there and what is back Chest plan and, if it seems wise, est Increasing In the senatorial election harles. of the various moves which are being nize such a movement for WitS. Deneen received general favor~ Krauss Plant to Open Doors engineered by other nations and their polling a total of 8596 votes as against statesmen. Of prime importance is the Not an Experimeat Next Week The book circulation at the Wilmette 3724 for Col. Albert Sprag~re, the situation in Germany, Germany's ·at"The Community Chest idea has gone titude toward the rest of the world and Free Public library showed a marked democratic candidate. Sprague's vote r l1eyond the experimental stage. It the probable outcome of affairs in that increase during the month of October was disappointing to many local Relwen put to the severest tests in many o ver September. During October 2,762 publicans who were interested in hi!J Machinery wilt be set in motion next country." anc.l has proved its worth in every fiction books and 1,596 children's books candidacy. week at the new Krauss Cleaning and General Allen ia now out of servi<:A,: se where honeatly tried. were borrowed, as compared to 2,042 Although State's Attorney Crowe "[n the 6.-at .place it eliminab!s all Dyein& company plant at 1215 Wash- and able to tell the American people fiction and 1,115 children's books in secure<! a huge majority here, be· It is a campaign once and for ington avenue and from that time for- what he saw in Europe and to help September. cause of the consistent "straight" votmakes it possible for each to ward Wilmette's newest commercial en.- give a· better understanding of developSixty-seven new borrowers were reg- ing on all Republican candidates exshare of the community burden terprise will continue its busy hum of ments on the Continent. istcred during the month, and 125 books cept Governor Small, Hope Thompson, to his ability; it endeavors to activity. Poat to Att-d were added to the library shelves. the independent candidate for that It will be a strictly retail business that share fairly, to distribute it The Wilmette Post of the American Among the list of new books received office did remarkably well, running . hfCI,ug!hotat the community where all who is conducted in the plant, according to Legion will attend this Sunday's service at the library are "My Dear Cornelia," considerably t hl':~ rl of Michael Iiroe, the privileges and advantages J. Krauss, the owner, who has enjoyed in a body and in uniform, it is an- a clever collection of writings by .Stuart the Democratic entry. Crowe's total some 20 years' experience in the operashare also in its responsibilities. nounced, the meeting constituting Wil- P. Sherman, former professor of Eng- vote was 8249, Thompson was given is a plan for mutual helpfulness tion of the largest cleaning plants on mette's only community observance of lish at the University of Illinois, "David 21J!)J and lgoe came third with 1910. upon sound business principles Chicago's north side. Blaige of Kings," narrating the days of Republican LanaiWe A fleet of trucks wilt call for what- the Armistice anniversary. to be by far the best plan yet the English school life at Cambridge by In the other state and county offices for meeting adequately the fin- ever the householder desires to have Benson ; "Single Heart," an explanation the Republican candidates were given needs of the social agencies that cleaned-or dyed-and every bit of the of why some beautiful and clever women an enormous majority along with the in the very nature of the case do work will be done right in the Washnever marry, by Buckrose ; "Gentleman head of the ticket. neighboring. Those agencies that ington avenue plant where have been of Courage," an interesting novel of Complete ngures on the presidential. for under-privileged children, and installed facilities for handling everybrave ~~n and beautiful wvme:~· by Cur- gubernatorial, senatorial and state's mnrm·,·rJpn.- tor aged, that minister to the thing from hats to the most luxurious Dr. Norman E. Richardson of North- wood; Mystery of the Opal, b! H?l- attorney balloting in New Trier are . the destitute and disabled. Agen- rugs, including tapestries, garments of whose main object is to give folk every variety and descripti~n, curtains western university will speak at the din- land; "Arnold Waterlow," by Slnclatr; given elsewhere in this issue of Wu.....~.;.tion of Scout activi- " Blind Raftery," by Brynne; "White Mt'l'Tt LrPt and the finest and most delicate of chance to help themselves. ner and 01 Monkey," by Galsworthy; "Balisand." . · 1 h gowns and other wearing apparel. Efticient Method ties to. be given by the Girl Scouts of by H crgeshheimer ; "Sandoval," by Beer; I~ as notewor!hy that nort 1 s ore The plant will have a capacity of Wilmette on Friday, November 14. His "P k F th .. b B .1 . "H se re s1dents are mcluded among the "This work can be done efficiently subject will be "Character Building F.leeacoc ea,. ers, Y ~~ .~y ' ou winners in th e election. They are duplication, without waste of en- from 750 to 1,000 garments daily. Garments will be returned to the ments of the Scouting Program." of the Arro~; by ~ason ',. In. a Shan.~ Henry R. Rathbone of Kenilworth. y. time or money by the organization tung ,G~rd~n, by Mtlne; Juhe Cane, Con~re ss man -a t - large (incumbent ) ; customer in ready-to-wear condition, the Community Chest. Lewi s B. Sprin~e r of Wilmette , Rc:pThe dinner will be prepared by a com- by 0 . Htgg;ms. "Tell your neighbors about the meet- Mr. Krauss emphasizes. That is to say, ~ittee. of scout mothers. Every Scout Chtldren s Book week takes place resentative in th e General Assembly next Thursday night. Plan to come all necessary repairs and finishing 1s d?mg her .P~~ to make the whole Nove':"ber 9.-15. (incumbent ), and Mary Wilmarth Ickes. ask questions and to take part in touches wilt be made. It will be pos- evenmg one of great success. There . 1t as dunng these days, after school of Hubhard Wood s trustee of the discussion. Help in the organiza- sible, upon especial request, to secure 24 will .be exhibitls of .Scout work, ~e~on - !hours . and ~t . night !hat boys go, ad- Uni versity of Illinoi;. i i such a move meets with your ap- hour service, at the plant. Equipment in the plant is of the most strat10ns of knot-tymg and · first a1d, a ventunng w1th "Robmson Crusoe or ·. approved type and strictly modern in playette and many other things of in- playing with "Tqm Brown." The girls ~amp Post Wrecked in ··c"mc Thursday evening I terest to show that Scouting is making 'take to homely tasks with the ," March The preliminary committee for the every detail, one is informed. In fact, so great strides in developing girls. · Girls," listening to the stol'ies of "Polly . Cruh of AutoJDObiJM munity Chest plan comprises Ed- complete and up-to-the-minute is the An automobile struck by another car The dinner will be served at 6 :15 Pepper" or wandering with "Tom" in the Zipf, F. ]. Scheidenhelm. Charles general layout that Mr. Krauss has been o'clock. Every friend of l.irl Scouts is ," Water Babies." c' r ashed into a lamp Post in front of the ny. Arthur H . Howard, Dr. Don- busy receiving visitors fmm among the invited. It will be an evening of keen Among the children's books which I. 0. 0. F . Lodge hall at Wilmette cleaners' profession who are bent upon (,allie, Eston V. Tubbs, Frank R. enjoyment and fun for all. have been entertaining the younger gen- avenue and Main street, complete!~ William D. Leary, Dr. D. installing similar machinery and devices eration, according to reports from Mis wrecking the light standard . T\app, L. F. Gates and Mrs. R. .E. in their own plants. Anne Whitmack, librarian - at the WilThe car which st.-uck the lamp post Kl ine. · mette Free Public library, are E. Boyd was driven by John Schultz of Chicago. Since the Rotary club of Wilmette Woman's Club Announeea ~mltlf s picture books; · J<>bnn" Crow's 'rhc- other machine is the property of Garden." or the "Little Mother Goose." Albert Adler ot ~hacago, accordmg to heen active in sponsoring the plan, Current Events Lectures illustrated by· Jessie Wikox Smith. the police. The driver of the Adler ear St~ p hen A. Lloyd, chairman of its A course of eight discussions on Children under 10 years old enjoy failed to stop after crashing into the Chest committee, will be "Aesop's Fables, l(alory's "King . ~r Schultz machine, the police say. rman of next Thursday's meeting. "Current Events" will be given by R. E. Pattison Kline before the W~n's thur," illustrated by Wyeth, the "Dutch Club of Wilmette under the ausptces LARGE GROUNDS Twins," by Perkins, and "Grimm's Fairy Firemen, Police Revive . F. J. Tromp Assigned of the Civic committee of the club. Tales." Children over 10 ytars of age FINE LOCATION Teater Overcome by Gas to River Forest Mission Mr. Kline is announced as excep- HOU SE GOOD AS NE W have been reading Colum' "King of Ireland's Son," the "Arabian Night s," \Vhile testing meters in a manhole on ]{,., . Francis }. Tromp, assistant at tionally well qualified to discuss matters C OM~iODIOUS GARAGE of current and momentous interest and "Haps Brinker and Pyle's "Adventures Third treet between Linden and Green.\··'t:-ustine's Episcopal church during present them clearly and interestingly. FR IT TREES leaf avenues, H . S. Gibson .an employe of Robin Hood." fla' t eleven months, has been asare to be open· to all The lectures of the Puhlic Service company was O\'erntd rector of Christ Church Mission women of the village and tickets may comc by gas, fell, and received a ga h l~i1c r Forest and will conduct his Legionnaires to Elect F 0 R HALE- A COZY 5- ROOM on hi s forehead, Tue day noon . tra l service in the west suburb be procured from members of the comhouse and large groun<ls-mitte. The first lecture is scheduled for New Officers on Monday Fire Chief Zibble, Acting Chief of $12, 500. In a nn e location: 2 morning, November 9. Iot8 ; houst> In A-1 condition; The annual election of officers of Wil- Police Brautigam and Officer Steffins Tromp came to the Wilmette Wednesday, November 12 at 2 :30 garagt>; fruit treu. 5-car mette Post, No. 46, of the American revived the victim by u e of a pulmotor. as curate about a year ago when o'clock. Shown by appointment only . Legion will take place Monday evening, .eland Hobart Danforth, former Tel. Winnet ka 1689. Kovember 10. at headquarters in St. CHANGE CONFERENCE HOURS was appointed rector of the Want ·used Playing Carda The hours of the C'h ild \\ clfare conAugustine's Pari h House. of the Holy Comforter at KenDisabled Ex-Fighters for In addition to thi s election acttvaty, ference held at the Gros e Point rth. He has been extremely popu\\'ANT ADS CAN AND The Woman's auxiliary of Wilmette Health Cent er have been changed, the the Post will enj oy a talk by Brig. the local parishioners and his Gen. S. C. Stanton of Wilmette. A time now hei ng \Ve<ltwsday afternoons \1\' ILL GET YOU A COMtve service has prompted the pre- Post, No. 46, of the American Legion ~a la time is promi sed the member who from 2 10 -t o'elock.. th.a t he will bring complete sue- is directing an appeal to the houseFORTABLE HOME holders of the village for donations of have been urged to turn out in full to has pastorate at River Forest. CLOSED ARMISTICE AFTERNOON used playing cards to be sent to the force. The \Vilmctte post office will be veterans at the Great disabled war The election will conclude another SNEAK THIEES BUSY Lakes hospital . year for the post. In tallation cere- clo ed after ll o'cloc k on Armi tice Wedneaday N-. ia the eak thieves gained entrance to These contributions, it is explaaned, monies will take place in the near fu- Day, Tu e~ clay. ~ o vember 11_. .T ere home of Guy R. Knickerbocker, DEAD LINE for Waat Ada ture and will be in the nature of an en· will he one delt very of ma1l m the Greenwood .avenue, Tuesday night, may be sent to Mrs. William C. Kurz, mornin~:. tirely unique venture, it is hinted. escaped wath a number of trink- 1225 Wilmette avenue, or Mrs. Harry W . Hopp, 225 Linden avenue. and other articles. SMALL 'nlomp1011 NEW CLEANING CONCERN READY CHILDREN HAVE OWN BOOK WEEK Le.- GIRL SCOUTS TO HEAR DR. N. E. RICHARDSON demonst I Make This Your Home!

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