Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 7 Nov 1924, p. 7

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&MJENij = WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1924 7 Club Praiaecl F ··on· in Ci · ar. --.. M.r. and Mrs. Harry Vissering, 257 A. S. Thurnau of 710 Greenleaf ave- lowe'en party on Friday for foartee11 Kemlwonh avenue, were honored with nue has returned after several weeks guests. a distinguished company of guests over in the west, where he has been on --othe week-end. Their visitors were Dr. business. A. A. McKeighan of 1606 Forelt awHugo Eckener, commander of the fam--oenue is back from a business trip ous ZR-3, Captain Ernest Lehman Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lee Rogers Mr. and Mrs. George Spiegelhauer through New York state. He was commander of the airship at the ti~ bave sold their home at 523 Washing- of 1327 Central avenue gave a Hal- gone about a week. of its landing at Lakehurst Captain ton avenue and have moved into an ;:::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ · . · Hans Flemming, commander ' of the apartment in Rogers Park. L'!Th the mo~t dehg.htfu1 affair crew during its flight over New York ~ ut the week 111 ~emlworth was and down Broadway, and Captain-LieuMembers of the Tuesday club will the tea and receptton at the home tenant Max Von Schiller, second in take luncheon with Mrs. Kerry C. of till' Alexander W. Hannahs, 256 command. The last named is the grandWoo(hltlck avenue, Tuesdar aft~rnoon, son of the celebrated German poet, Meagher at her home on Central aveat 11 hiclt Mrs. Hannah, M1ss Ehza~th Von. Schiller. The guests arrived Fri- nue this coming week. -<>WU...et., IU. IllS Wilmette A·e. and ~~ ~~s Constance Ha~nah, r~etved · day and left Sunday, Dr. Eckener reMrs. E. F. Anglebeck of 1630 WalT-tla St. aacl Central A·e. Hours: thcir iriet.tds. The tea! whtch was 111 the maining until Wednesday. A large box nature ot a .cele~rahon as well as a party was given in his honor at the nut avenue entertained the members Services: Daily (except Wednesday aniJ of her sewinJ club at her home, on pre<ent:lt ion smce It .was also ~he occ~- Chica.go theater Monday night on the Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to S :30 P. ltl. sion n t the twenty-sixth weddmg ~nnt- occas10n of the first showing of pic- Monday evenmg. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting 'Nednesday: 9 A.M. to 7:45 P. W. --oSaturday: 9:00 A. M. to 9:00 P. ¥. versar~ of. Mr. a~d Mrs. Hannah, was tures of the historic landing of the at 8 P ' M ' The Bible a1ul Wona -F llu7 M.r. and Mrs. Matthew Beaton, 1539 most prrt ttly ~ppomted and those ~hose ZR-3. The visiting officers will sail Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. Baker Biddy and all other a·tllor· pleasant dut.Y 1t wa.s to pour tea did so for Germany November 15, and will Central avenue, announce the birth of a Subject of the usson SerJtlOD laed Chrlltl&ll Science Ltterat·n in a charmmg settmg. Those who as- be the, guests of the British Admirality daughter, Elsie DeCelle, at St. Luke's NoY. t, ..Adam aad Fallea Maa" :;'h~ed~· read, bonowed or D.,. hospital, October 14. sisted Mrs. Hannah were Mrs. Alf~ed in London en route. ---40-McDouga l, Mrs. James H. Prent1ss, . -<>Tlae Pul.lic ie conlial17 iaYitetl to atte.cl the Church s-.loM ... Miss Dorothy Borden of 1539 WalMrs. (~uy Littell, Mrs. Grant Ridgway Miss Ruby Badger, superintendent of mit the Readia. a--· and Mr . Hugh Foresman. The Misses the Park Ridge School for Girls was nut avenue is back from Grand Rapids Hannah were assisted by Mrs. Otis present at yesterday's meeting of The after a visit with "Mr. and Mrs. H. W . Heath. ~I iss Katherine Stolp, Miss Neighbors and spoke briefly of the im- Cole. ~ Doroth,· Bennett, M.iss Helen Little, portant work of the school. She was Miss Eleanor Eckhart, Miss Joy Scheid- a guest of Mrs. Walter F. Shattuck at Mrs. G. C. Baker and her little son enhelm. and Mrs. Victore Spoehr. The luncheon. have gone to join Mr. Baker in recept inn was followed by an informal Kansas City, where they will make -o-atld a gathering about the radio M rs. Charles Mock of Kenilworth, their home. th e party "listened in" on elec- who has been staying at the Orring-?ton, left Friday for Bueolo, Colorado, The Neighborly club met at the -<>for several weeks stay there and in home of Mrs. Thomas 0. Delang of \\'hill' those who stay at hoqte are Denver before journeying on to Los 1501 Forest avenue on Tuesday evening to play five hundred. planning parties, Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, Angeles. --0-o-1 3-10 l'hl"tnut avenue, has embarked on The next of the Tuesday evening ena j oiUrlll' ~ that will carry her around Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Halliwell of the "·or lt! hefore she once again settles tertainments at the Kenilworth club will 1133 Lake avenue are leaving this down in K:enilworth. Contrary to cus- he an Evening Bridge party with Mrs. Sunday for a ten days' trip to New tom. ~J r, . Snydacker is taking the west- John V . Rathbone and Mrs. Clyde P. Orleans and Houston, Texas. ern route. leaving Kenilworth today for Ross acting as hostesses. Play will comSan Franc isco, there to board the S. mence at 8 :30 sharp. "~!au i . " Stopping first at Honolulu -o-DR. C. E. GEISS£ Ciive J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road, a sta r of a week or" two. she will what kind o[ bread they get; they on to. Peking where she will spend motored to Crawfordsville, Indiana. over Osteopathic Physician just ask for "A loaf of bread," and Christmas holidays with her daugh- the week-end to attend the Wabashtake whatever is handed to them. But Village Theatre Bld1. :\fi. s Clara Snydacker, who is a Franklin game. They spent Sunday in most folks these days have learned Phone WU. 2052 tlll the Far Eastern Times. Ac- Logansport. ied hy her daughter. she will -o-to a sk for their bread by name. Mr. James H. Prentiss, 210 Cumber· around the world returning to \\ e want you to ask for a loaf 1\:cuihrorth poss ibly in the early spring. land avenue, is also headed south, his destination being St. Augustine, Florida, of \Vilson's Bread, and give it a trial. -<>We think that one loaf will show you J..:enil wurth will hoth lose and gain where he will stay ten days or two an old re.; ident by the announcement weeks before returning home. why folks insist upon it. -o-" i the purchase of the pretty C. F . Mr. and Mrs. FTank Ketcham of 40 :\!eya h"me at 423 Cumnor road by the Lenn B. Aliens of Evanston. Mr. Allen Devonshire lane spent the week-end in j, the '"n tli Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen Joliet where they were guests of Mr. oi Jldrt N' avenue. Mr. Meyer, who and Mrs. Stillman, formerly of \Vinrl·tur m:d home from Los Angeles over netka. --othe ll l'l'k-cnd to formally close the conMr. and Mrs. A. F. Reichtman and A aoag in every aeecl. tract .. has rrturned to California wpere \1 Ill ~ t lon he joined ~hi~ faani)¥. Mr . )Villiam D..ent of 13..Elrringtoq. .were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry TayA story in every packqe. definite date of departure is not kn own but it is expected the Meyers lor, ]r., 431 Essex -road, 'I'uesday and At all meet Mrs. Mock in Denver ·some- Wednesday. -o-during the month. Mrs. Walter Noble Gillett, 624 AbLeading Dealers -<>Dr. Mary Sloan of Buffalo, who has bottsford road, left Wednesday for the the guest of Mrs. John C. Car- l'ast where she will spend ten days or Packed by more visiting her daughter, Miss Mary 422 \Voodstock avenue, was feted during her visit here which Gillett, who is attending Vassar college. --oin a dinner party given by Ciyde P. Ross is spending a few Carpenters at the Skokie Country Saturday night, following a lunch- Springs. He has gone west on busind matinee party in the afternoon days at the "Broadmoor." Colorarlo Mrs. Thomas C .White, 310 ness. -o-road, was hostess. Dr. Sloan Mrs. W. W. Wheelock, 132 Oxford last Saturday night declaring road, entertained with a dinner party \·isit here a most happy one. last Thursday evening before leaving -o-for Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. and Mrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 -o-wick road, are southbound on a Mrs. Sidney C. Eastman, 255 Melneeded vacation and have chosen rose avenue, and her sister, Mrs. Walkit in the delightful manor er, returned Monday from several weeks around Tryon, North Carolina. sojourn in southern Mississippi. and Mrs. Otis Heath (Miss Eliza--oStolp) will take charge of the Mrs. P. D. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford home during their absence, and ny for Miss Katherine Stolp. road, has .· as her guest her sister, Mrs. travelers left Tuesday night and J. R. Coleman of Parkersburg, West Virginia. return in about two weeks. --o-<>Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. White enMr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett and their Miss Dorothy Bennett, 185 tertained with a dinner party at their road, are other travelers who home, 310 Richmond road, Friday night. -o-· home with the first frost. returned Saturday from a month's The Kenilworth Sewing club met at rent moose-hunting in the woods of the home of Mrs. Russell Y. Cook, 331 Canada around Lake Shehan- Cumnor road, last Friday. put up in pt. and 1 pt. tins, at Mr. Bennett reports that he down his moose as evidence that cents and 75 cents ..... 1\ladc of the purest cream. trip was a success. -<>Smooth and delicious ..... Serve it hot or cold on ice and Mrs. William C. Englar, forold residents of Kenilworth, have guests this week of Miss Ethel cream, .candy apples, popcorn balls, cake ... . Used for of Winthrop avenue, EdgeI will conduct an Authorship ~he Englars have just returned ten years by pron1inent caterers .... High food value .... Class this winter. . summer home at Tomahawk, Subjects to be studied: The . and are on their way to Chocolate or butter-scotch flavor. aovel, tlut abort atory, the ... fornta where they will spend the aay, and the article·. tnter. The course compnses fifteen weekly sessions. Mrs. James H. ~iss, 01 CumberIt is especially adapted as a Cvenue, and Mrs. Dudey Taylor, finishing course fo~ ~om.en w~o umnor road, left yesterday to have had some trammg m wntl? Ann Arbor, Michigan, where ing. Wtll spend the week-end visiting For terms and further inforPrentiss' sons, James and Robert. mation write or telephone to hievement of the Woman's ~ the successful out c of citizenship conduct~ ershi~ of Mrs. Waltrr tor w1t~ her husband f lment m Illinois" n~ a reference book at ;hoot and in other as held under the and Legislation has~ I Hannah Tea both Anniversary and Debut Festivity Wilaaette H..,.,eaiap Q Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, Christian Science Reading Room Some People Don't Care ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED Wilmette Bird Hollie I:~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~;;~ "Just add a little Powdered sugar and spread!" Try S. & C. Fudge, 0 40 Training in Authorship Among those wh~pt "open house" the young folk on Hallowe'en were and Mrs. Frank Sherritt, Mr. and r Charles F. Southward, Mr. and r:.. ~oy H. Jarrett, and Mr. and Mrs. ·~foss. MRS. W. L. BALLARD 211-tth St. Wilmette. Ill. Tel. Wil. Z41Z Snider-Cazel Drug Co. Phones 400- 401 Wilmette and Central Avenue ~lrs. C. ]. ~as hostess to a number of her M~. 535 Warwick nends at a luncheon and bridge at her home yesterday. -<>-John H. Mathison, 84 AbbottsW entertained at luncheon and Dr. Arthur H. Tuttle Dr. Alice D. Tuttle Oateopathic Phyeic:i-· ·Residence and Office tiS C.atral A·-- ednesday. fla... -

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