Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 9

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FRIDAY NOVEMBER 1924 's Club o·~ 'J Wilmette Plans . President's Day t. tins, at 40 cream ..... cold on ice 0\'E MBER 19 will be a day of un usua l interest at the club. The 111 orning meeting at It o'clock 1 he in charge- of the art and ratu rc department. Mrs. Mary E. . wi ll 1-!ive a lecture on "Literature hl' So uth " wh ich she will illustrate r· ·acl: ngs. Mrs. Rae has been ·d "T h ~ Bill Nye of Womankind," 11 ,. rk so sparkles with humor. IJ ,· afte rn oo n program planned in ,l' 11 a nee of President's Day wilt I · CarroU H. Jones, 1422 Forest avenue, of the Sheppard Towner Bill in Illinois. ber 12 at Community House, and the subEvanston. She called attention to the fact that ject, "How tht Government Raises Illinois was one of the seven states in the Money." These lectures are free and _t. U Union where the bill had not been are open to women of the entire village yllerJ passed, and to the remarkable reductions whether members of the I~ or not. Yflllllelb Le ... · I is a pupil of Paderewski, and is O!lC of the leadina piano teachers of Cbicqo. The art and litrature department o£ 'l'he Neighbors is to be COflKTatWated UUOD the success of this event. S · IXTY luncheons were served to the members of the Winnetka League of Women Voters at its second monthly meeting at Community House on Monday. Other members who could not come in time for luncheon occupied the chairs at the back of the room after luncheon to bear the speakers of the day. Miss Gemmell, chairman of elections, who now has the complete election report on the number of women who voted in Winnetka, corrected the origina! figures, which showed a vote o f 83 per cent to the complete figure of 86 per cent. Representatives of several nearby leagues gave brief accounts of the work o f their respective organizations. Among these were Mrs. William Weldon of the Wilmette League, Mrs. B. G. ]amison of the H ollywood League, Mrs. T . A. Dempsey of the Up-town League, and Mrs. Anderson of the 6th Ward League. Mrs. William McCready of Oak Park, the guest of tht;: day, urged the women to write their representatives a t Springfield to vote for the accepting · .. Used for ld value .... ~ELS l of a dramatic recital given by 1\unz Baker of Ne w Yo rk. She read the p lay, "St. Joan," by nard Shaw. Bertha Ku nz Ba ke r is considered mcrica' s foremost interpretative ar. The play itse lf being such a suethe cl ub anticipates one of its delightful programs. Dr. RichBurton has said he w ished Mrs. might be connected with every in the land where the students he brought in contact with ht s that breathe and words that She has a magnetic personala glorious voice , and a symetic heart and mind with which brin gs her characters in intimate ion to her aud ience. I in both infant death rates and the death rate of women in child-birth in those Renowned Artiat Civet Brilliant Club Recital states where the bill had been passed. She gave examples chosen from many HE lecture-recital upon "Corre· thousands of cases, showing the ineslations of Ultra-Modern Art and timable help given by the Infant WeiMusic, given by the distinguished fare and Parental Care clinics for which pianist, Henry Purmor Eames, bef :>re the Sheppard Towner Bill provides. The Neighbors club last T hursday was Mrs. Walter Dodd's amusing as well of the most brilliant successes in as informational lesson in citizenship one closed the meeting. Her subject was, the history of the club. Dr. Eames is perhaps the best known "The Governments over the Citizens of Winnetka," and she startled most of piano-lecture-recitalist in this country her audience by informing them that and he fully proved his artistic and there were no tess than 12. She de- scholarly standing by his playing and dared that the length of our ballots speaking in thi s delightful program. He virtually disfranchi sed the average voter, paralleled and contrasted the latest because it was imposs ible for him to movement in the color art with that of know all candidates, and proved her music, showing the closest intimacy bepoint by challenging any woman present tween the two manifestations of beauty. to name the three people for whom she H e played with brilliancy and unforget· able expression, musical examples from had voted fo r sanitary trustees. Mrs. Dodd also explained what por- Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, tion of our taxes went to parks, to sani- Schonberg, Szanto, Hormerger, Rebik::>ff, tary district, to schools, etc., and closed Debussy and Liadpw. her talk with a strong plea for shorter Dr. Eames possesses a compelling perballots and a simplified form of gov- sonalit y, and with it a combination of crnment. gifts which appeal to heart and mind. The third of Mrs. Dodd's very popu- He will be heard again in Kenilworth tar lectures wiJI be on Monday Decem- with the greatest pleasure. This artist Library Cub Memben to Han Muaeum Tour T · 0 N Thursday, November 20, the members of the Woman's Library club wilt take a trip to the Field Museum of Natural History. Motor coach busses will leave the Park Avenue station at 11 o'clock in the morning, arriving at the museum in ti~ for luncheon, after which a lecture Wl~l . be given and a tour made. Those. desmng to make this trip will please not1fy Mrs. Charles A. Steele, Glencoe 479, so that proper reservations may be made. . Harry S. Atwood gave a most mteresting and instructive address on "The \. onol itution of the United States" on Thursday at the meeting of the Library club.· Mrs. William A. Fox, the president. then gave a review of the past two months' work of Glen Cote, the g1ft and thrift shop operated by the club for the benefit of the building fund. After her resume the members voted unani· mously to ratify the action of the board of directors in undertaking this venture which, it is stated, has already proved to be a benefit not only to the club but the community at large. ltly delicious ! Co. Let the Badger Limited EamforYou ) 5 -~·~c;;aa WONeP to A~ Tri-State Conference RS William Gold Hibba.r~ director of the Fourth Region of the National League of Women is opening her home at 800 road, Winnetka, for a Tri-State of representatives of the of Illinois, Indiana and Wi son Tuesday, N ovember 18. con ferenc~ is called for the purni giving the three state organizaan opportunity to trade cxperi, and learn from each other the ' that have pro,·ed most success ful rrying on the league work. The ion groups arc to be informal, and ryonl' will he asked to pa rt icipate. Tlw morning ~ess i on will be devoted :' J·r .. hlems of stat e and local organiza'<·n. and t o league finance. In the af rn· .. ·n the league's program for the · r and the child labor a mendment will d"cu,.;srd . Thl' iourth annual conventi on of the hn"i ' League o f \Vomen Voters which t .. he held in the Auditorium hotel. <·1unher 19, 20 and 21, will draw many till' 1'\ationat officers of the League l 'hicago, and these officers have been Yittd t o join thi s tri -state conference. ilthl'rs wh o have been invited arc her -, of the league boards and stand~"mmittec chairmen, congressional net and county chairmen o f Indiana \\'i scon in, presidents of local lit' '· and members suggested by them. he representatives of the \Vinnctka of \Vomen Voters who are to thl· conference arc Mrs. \Vatter pres ident ; Mrs. Morris Greeley, Elizabeth Gemmell, Mrs. H. S . . ).[rs. H. W . Moore, Mrs. John \" ries, Mrs. \V. Wallace and \\'. Dow Harvey. From Wilmette 11ill be Mrs. Lloyd C. Ayres, Mrs. ). · P .. ! ·:~ans. Mrs. Shelby Singleton, 1 ;, r- \\ tlham } . Weldon and Mrs. John " 1arJ... Baker. c?Q ~ Evening College Club Mail This Coupon Utility Securities Company 12 W. Adams St., Chicago, DL W ithou t obligating me, please send map and illust rated folder on the North Shore Line and information about the 7% invMUDaDt opportunity now offered. T '~man· City club Monday evening. ht ~ group, comprised of business and professional women who are unable to ~~end the regular club meetings, is '\ ad_ed by a comll\tttee composed of · nnte Peaks Kenny '96 · Helen Benne t ~t. '98: Margaret' He~th, '07; RaP lac Foran, '16. T evemng group" of the Chtcago \\' Wellesley club was given at the ~. E s~cond monthly dinner o~ the Has Second Meeting You can share in the earnings of the fast North Shore Line trains. Your money will safely earn 7% when invested in our Prior Lien Shares. Dividend checks-four each year-will help you to meet your financial needs of today and tomorrow. Start now on the road of systematic thrift and extra income. This Company's operating revenue has multiplied five times since 1916. If you can save a few dollars a month you can own these income-earning shares. A new limited issue is now offered at $100 per share-cash or payments of $10 down and $10 monthly per share; 7% interest allowed on payments. Dividends are payable quarterly at the rate of $7 yearly on every share you own. Asll an1 err~J*r!e or mul the co"pon for iliUJtrat~d foldn and larg~ map of the NOTth Sltor~ LiM s7stem. 1 liam· -----------------------------Addr." ·--------- Chicago North Shore and Vaaaar Club Meeta in Evanaton November 17 MUwaukee Railroad Company 72 West Adame Street, Chicago T HE Nortt ' Shore Vassar club '!leets Mond,v, November 17, at 3 0 clock, at \he home of M r~.

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