Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 12

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12 WILMETTE FRIDA'Y, NOVEMBER 1924 ELEANOR BRAND BIRD SEED A aong in every aeed. t~IN SOCJ.~TY~ Cards Out for Charlotte SPryng~r's Wedding R. and Mrs. Lewis Bennett Springer. of. 130 Maple ave have issued invitations for the weddtng of their daugh~ut Charlotte Latham, to Victor Metzger of Wilmette, Thursday cember 4, at 8:30 :o'clock, the Rev: Gilbert ~tanse~l officiating.'~ marriage ceremony and the receptiOn followmg Will be at the ho of the bride. . lllt Miss Helen McGaughey of Lawrenceville will be maid f honor. Jean McCulli~ of Wilmette and Walter Ya_il of Michi~ City will stretch the nbbons and carry flowers, W1lham L. C. York of Evanston will be Mr. Metzger's best man, and the ushers will be Paul Latham and Prior Lewis of Chicago. A atory in every package. At all M I); Leading Dealers Packed by Wilmette Bird Hoqse We·tllermut oper4te )Vq1' F1111MC8 Let tile Woman's Club of Wilmette Plans Social Event M Cold O.,tf/001'1 "The first year we handled Monarch Coffee we aold 25,000 pound& Last December we bought a 32,000 pound-car." ~ Geo. L. Ole & Co.· Rew1 Crocen, Youuaaowo. Ohio. brilat· Han ..... llePII ............. MQVALITr lOR. 70YEA..'lS -TliATs THE REASON" G.~~,. -.....-.httloon ..._.._ lllc c.aiJ , ........... It . . . .., ......tlrall,y .. dw~. ltllcoef'IIIMI!oeecleu-'~ forta...__ .... "nw _____ _ -..a-. Beet EMBERS of the Woman's Club of Wilmette are anticipating the first of the evening dancing parties to be given Satur. day, November 22, at the clubhouse. Members and one guest will be admitted without charge, and the price of guest tickets is nominal. . The hosts and hostesses for the affair will be Dr. and Mrs Ralph T. Huff, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fisher, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. L. F : Gates, Mr. and Mrs . Hayes McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wheelock and Mr and Mrs. W. J. King. Dudley Pope Betrothed to Glencoe Girl W 'tf!.O~ 'FJyoritu REID, MURDOCH & CO. ~18JJ 40 Hart Oil Be,_.. II l k - - -lcal .. ,......._ lieu .. -. .UIItd In IMatinl .,sa-. ··1 ILMETTE will be interested in the announcement recently made by Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Buell of Glencoe of the en . gagement of their daughter, Virginia, to James Dudley Pope. The wedding day has not been announced. Mr. Pope, a graduate of Dartmouth in the class of '23, makes his home with his aunt, Miss Isabel Pope, 904 Lake avenue . Tomorrow the first of the clever ~r· formnaces for children given by tbe Junior League players takes place at 10:30 o'clock in Chicago at the Play· house. "The Wizard of Oz," revived by request, will include in its cas~ Mrs. ). R. Winterbotham, Jr., M~s Harriet McLaughlin, Miss Janet Paul· ing, Miss Clara Hollis, Mi ss Frances Olliver. Mrs. Edson Manierre, Miss Jane Scriven. Miss Emily Bissell, Mrs. Hunneman, Mrs. William Rend, Miss Mary Cooke, Miss Mary Meeker and Miss Brier Wright. The play will bt given for four successive Saturdays. The Duncan Sisters have written tht lvrics and have coached the produc· tion . A large number of Win.Pt'tlc.a JVMJ· en will attend the Novembtt meo:... ing of the Entre Nous matinee club in the Crystal room of the Great Northern hotel, Chicago, on \Vednes· day noon of next week. Specia\ lt· rangements have been made . for an enjoyable afternoon. Followmg tht Thanksgiving luncheon in charge of Mrs. A. ]. Rudolph and Mrs. F. 0. Neubacher of Winnetka, assisted br Mrs. Baugh, Mrs. Coyne, Mrs. Far· lev and Mrs. Miller, the members Yi attend the matinee performance ~ "The Goose Hang-s High" at the Pnncess theatre. Miss Katherine Cr~ and other members of the cast wtn be guests of honor at the luncheon. -o-A movement has heen started in the village to have a Bookfellows c~ub similar to that in Evanston, wht~h meets often during the month to dts· cuss books and literature, to outline rea(iing lists. A short social hour ·fol· tows the meeting. Any Wilmette _res· idents who wish to join such a ctrcle or to inquire about it, are asked to call Mr. or Mrs. Charles Travi s. who are members of the Bookfellows of Evanston. Alll fw r.alw~ Tel. 1146 A YRE!!I TEFFT CO. G66 Ceater St. Wlaaetk.a aa&c.., · Bolton · Pittlbuqb · New York What Kitchen Aid Doesfor You Mixes dough for bread, cakes, pie, glnber-bread, doughnuts, rolls, etc. Mashes potatoes--two or two doaen, to a wondrous ftumneaa. Makes mayonnaise (drops the oil ~ ally), o - ovp. or lUI many u you "Enthusiasm for ·This Piece of Equipment Has Run High" "Enthusiasm for this piece of equipment has run high on the part of the Proving Plant Staff and every visitor has been more than ordinarily interested in it," says the report on Kttchen-Aid from the Priscilla Proving Plant. "From the standpoint of practical results under actual home conditions, it leaves little to he desired. It does excellently all the tasks for which it is intended. A cookie dough, for example, which req~ired half a!l hour fo~ mixing by hand, was prepared m four 11W11t~les wtlh :he Kitchm-Aid! "Fewer utensils are required so that much of the time and labor of dishwashing is eliminated." When such favorably known authorities as the Ladies' Home Journal Test Kitchen, Good Housekeeping Institute, New York Tribune Institute, Modern Priscilla Prov- s...t thia Coupon for Deacripme Circ:alar TROY METAL P-RODUCTS CO.. Troy, Olaio ·······-------------------------------- -----····----------------------------- Gentlemen: Please send me descriptive circulars and l'eprints of the editorial article on Kitchen-Aid from Tribune Institute. Name Street ·.·····.··········.·.··.·... ..· .............·.·· City . · · . . . . · · . · · · · · · . · · · · · · · · · . · State ·..·.......... Beata eggs and icings; batter for pancakes, watrlea, etc. Whips cream or evaporated milk, meringues, icings, etc. Creams varloU11 other Ingredients. Beats and creams fudge, fondant., etc. With attachment, lt freeaea ice creams, -a-sherbets, mousses, or any frozen deaaert. Members of Chi Omega sorority It grinds cotree, chips ·ice, chops meat, have been busy with plans for the nuts, raisins, etc. It strains soups, purees, through a flne large bazaar to be given for the house fund, Wednesday, November 19, at a lev .. Strains apple sauce. It Is not neceuary The North End club, Sheridan road to pare or core tbe apples. This adds at Granville avenue. The doors will immeasurably to the ftavor. remain open from 12 o'clock noon It slices potatoes (to any desired thin- until 10 at night for the spectators ness). to view the booths displaying handCuta shortening Into pastry. kerchiefs, fancy goods, toys, aprons And it retains the temperature (either and household accessories. "Nothing bot or cold) or whatever product 1t Ia expensive" is the assurance that comes mlxln!f, from those who are in charge. Dinner All of this it does-and more! will be served at 6 and at 7 o'clock. --<>Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Clara Steiner and Clifford Sullivan of Austin, which took place October 29, at St. Joseph's church at 10 o'clock, the Rev. John Schiller officiating. The bridegroom's sister, Miss Ruth Sullivan, was maid of honor, and Harold Bleser served as best man. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan are making their home with Mrs. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. Gertrude Steiner, 1463 Wilmette avenue. --<>Mrs. H. B. Mulford is giving a shower at her home on Elmwood avenue this afternoon for her cousin, Miss Jane Totten, who will be married Thanksgiving Day. Miss Totten is an alumna of Northwestern university and a member of Chi Omega sorority. Modern Priscilla Magazine The guests will all be from out-oftown. ing Plant. House Beautiful Magazine, Charm Magazine -o--when such authorities as these, after c01;nplete and Mrs. Lloyd Clark Ayres gave a tea thorough investigation, endorse a new electrical device as at her home on the corner of Lake a time and labor saver in the kitchen, is it any wonder avenue and Hibbard road Tuesday women want to know all about the inpovation? afternoon for the precinct workers of the Wilmette League of Women Don't you want to know more about Kitchen-Aid, this Voters. Mrs. Ayres is president of the almost magic electrical machine that does so much in a Wilmette league. new and better way-what it is-what it does--how it -o-solves your problems? Ned Greiner, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Greiner of Lake avenue, was Let us give a demonstration in your kitchen, so that one of the group of Northwestern you can see for yourself how it works. A postal card students who went to Ann Arbor in or the coupon below will bring Kitchen-Aid to your home a special car to see the Northwesternat a time convenient to you. It costs you nothing nor Michigan game. places you under any obligation. Send the coupon today. -6The Infant Welfare auxiliary will Send thia Coupoa for Free Demoaatration hold its November meeting at the home of Mrs. Leland V. Pierson, 804 Forest avenue, Monday, November 17, KITCHEN-AID SALES AGENCY, at 2:30 o'clock. 7111 N. Paulina St., CIUc...o, Ill. -a-Warren Darst and William F. EngGentlemen : Please show me the Kitchen-Aid at work in my kitchen with the understanding that this demonstration lish are representing the Congregational church at the annual Homeplaces me under no obligation whatsoever. land Society convention being held in Rockford this week. Name -o-Street Mr. and Mrs. Michael Morris of 929 Linden avenue have moved to City ............ State . . . . . . . . . . Phone No. Evanston. The Windsor chapter, Daughters of the British EmJ;~ire, will have a booth at the bazaar to be given at the La Salle hotel November 14 and 15, to benefit the British Old People's home. now nearing completion at Riverside, Illinois. The chapter wishes to thank all who so kindly helped to make the card party at Skokie club on October 22 such a success. The affair netted about $200. · The chapter members earnestly urge all north shore friends who are interested in their aim of raising $10,000 to endow a room in perpetuity with the privilege of naming the occupant, to send all subscriptions through the Windsor chapter, for which the room will be named, rather than through Chicago, in order that their endeavor may be realized sooner. All donations of money or articles for the bazaar will be gratefully received, according to an announcement made recently by the chapter. --o- The mothers' association of Gamma Phi Beta will be in charge of a food table at the bazaar the sorority will give in the ballroom of the North Shore hotel. Saturday, December 6 Mrs. J. H. Wells and Mrs. A ..A. Me· Kinley are among those maktng rangements for the food sale. Re ly the association ga\·e a luncheon Winnetka at the home of Mrs. Wales. -a-- Announcement has been made of tnOlrriage of Miss Katherine Kallf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Char.Jtt Harold l<ane of the Lake Shore Dnrt hotel, and Robert Cavanaugh, \\' e~n~· day, November 12. in the Kanek apartment. Mr. and Mrs . Ca,·anaug are building a house in Wilmette. where they will li_ye. Mrs. E. A. Ka=.er of 601 Lin~:: avenue gave a dinner and .. recept~d on Wednesday. November ~· for ·ItO mother, Mrs. Minerva Wn g) 1 ~· h~ il was 92 on that dav. Mrs. \\ ng n also the mother of Mrs. D. M cD\oVu~~d and the grandmother of Mr-. a Ballard. Kenneth B. Watson, son ot · {: dtt Mrs. James Watson of 1007 1"w· a\'enue. has been elected to mem r1 hip in the Alpha Zeta honSt~tt agricultural fraternity at Iowa college. --<>- · :\{ ao4 --oMrs. C. G. Phillips of Mr!o Park was the guest of Mr. an~ ~ttll john Hall Jennings of 113 e a\·enue for a few days hefo~e on to Detroit where .;he wtll her home. ················································ ················································ 3

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