Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 14 Nov 1924, p. 3

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WILMETTE Ll AmERS-SONS DINNER MONDAY dison Street Congregational church, Chicago,. are to be the spec:al guests of the occas10n. Lve_ry member. of the club and every tt; m m . the pansh is invited to bring enhcr hts own son or a son "borrowed" for the evening. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HONORS JUSTICE FALl Otto Falk, justice of the peace on the north shore duritlJ 24 consecutive years, and secretary of the Wilmette Chambet- of Commerce and its predecessor the New Trier Commercial association, has found it necessary, because of il1 health, to relinquish the latter duties. Announcement of Mr. Falk's resignation came at a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce on Monday of this week and immediately prompted a vote unanimously electing the "judge" to life membership in the Chamber and to the especially created office .of honorary secretary. Justice Falk is the senior justice of the peace in Cook county, that distinction coming to him upon the death recently of Magistrate joln1 F. Boyer of Evanston. Justice Falk has been secretary of the Commercial organization for seven years Prior to an illness. which has kept him somewhat in retirement during the past year, he was one of the most energetic workers in the Chamber. Justice Falk resides on Glenview road lll'ar the Westmoreland Golf course. Men'a Club Sneak Thievea Get Haul Event of Jewelry at Moran Home Jewelry a~d silverware were taken by sneak thteves who broke into the ~orne of Lawrence Moran, 506 Washmgton avenue, Sunday. An attempted robbery Sunday at the home of Dr. Harold Condit, 614 La~rel avenue, was frustrated. It is beheved, by the police department, that the prowlers were frightened away. when the Condits returned home. Nothmg was reported missing. "People who leave their homes for any length of time in the evening should l~ave a light burning and notify the pollee department of their contemplated absence. so that special watch may be made by the police officers on duty," stated Acting Chief of Police Brautigan, this week. ··we need such cooperation from the cit· izens of Wilmette if we are to prevent burglaries. ovember 11 Circus" e»vember 19 Ticket., $1.10, Street. In Glenc:oe ·t armacJ, E. 0 . Cart 10a. r· School. ll da)' tire world will netd jJ man! I sla11d beside his cot at night ~.·o11de r if I'm teachitlfl him, as best I cc m, to k1ww the nght. 0111 thr fallrcr of a boy-his life is mi11e t 41 make or marlid !1 1 110 /Jr/ter cau become tlta" what 11n· daily teachit~gs are; ho·t. 7,·i/l be nerd for someone great/ darr 110t faller from the lineIre 111 a11 that is lo serye the world may />.- th at lillie boy of mine. 1'.-rh<~t-' yo11r boy a11~ mi11e may not Slaea S to I . $5.00 Siaea 1% to 12 ~.so Practical, tli·tiactiwe Pia~ Shoe· f o r Children. Built with bi·h arch, aarrow heel and ftes.ihle eol~ Fine Arb Builtliat, 0531. tile lofty lre1ghls of fame; h.- ,,rtf,·rs for their births arc hid. We l·11""' 1101 wiry to earth they came. ·,·t i11 some lillie bed touight the great 111111 of tomorrou· sleeps .J 11 .1 ,.,,[y Ile who sr11t him here, the _,.,.,r,·ts of his purposes keeps. fathers lhen orrr care is this-to keep i11 mind the Great Design. 111t111 tf1c tvorld shall 11ced some rlay 11141.\' /oc your little ho)' or mi11c." -EDCAR A . Gt:£ST. aH !IId Aljredj·RUBY Inc ·Oft .Waahln~on near MlchlpD in "The Man To Be"-Just Folks. Eml·r,on said, "the test of a community·, greatness is the kind of young men it brings forth," and \Vilmette "Dads" arc pretty generally in the busioi helping tc ·make this village and Son Week'" has come to national event each November. It the "dads" a chance to take stock, · the sins of commission and of of the year past and to get a 'tart on that boy who grows so ia>t they can scarcely keep up. The ~len 's club of the Congregational church will have its annual Father and Son banquet Monday evening, November 17. in the church dining rooms. J. C. "Jim" Crossley is planning "loaded tahles. ia\'(1rs, pep and everything." Frank Wilson and Dr. Stephen A. Lloyd are preparing a program "without a dull minute." The Men's club of the Ad- ts Thursday, November 13 to Saturday, November 22 ~Rubbing Inclusive · Serve ··..·....... 6c ........... lOc ·.·· ·- ·· ·-· JOe, Alcohol Unsurpassed for relieving soreness, lameness, stiffness, bruises and sprains. Fine for r~ducing fever and for relieving inflamed skin and headaches. Ideal for men after ahaving. Full Piat Look at these Unbeatable Prices. On ~Products Z3c 14c 19c 13c 39c 23c 39c 19c 19c 1.95 23c 7c 13c 19c Elkay '· White Pine, Tar and Wiltl Cherry Compound For coughs, collfs, hoarseness, bronchial irritation and allied catarrhal affections of the throat and reapiratoey tract. V e r y pleasant to take. 7 ·ounce Bottle ........... tOe ........... 35c ........... 30c ........... 30c ~ .......... . ZOe ........... 30c ........... ZSc ............ ZOe ........... 2Sc ... ... .... . ZSc Glycerin and Rose Water bring ha.t:~PY relief to sore chapped hands and face. Wonderfully healing and delicately fragrant with rose bouquet· Men like it after shaving . 9-ounc:e Bottle Boric Acid, 8 oz. . Cream of Tartar, 2 oz. Rochelle Salt, 4 oz. Sodium Bicarbonate, t6 oz.. Cascara Aromatic, 4 oz. · Glycerin, 4 oz. . Castor Oil, 8 oz. Tincture of Iodine with applicator No. 6 Disinfectant, 5 oz. No. 6 Disinfectant, gal. Rhinitis Tablets, 100's . ,Greek Sage, 1 oz. · · Fuller's Earth, 4 oz. . Flexible Collodion, 1 oz. ~ Cod Liver Oil The universal richness of Puretest Cod L1ver Oil makes it 100 times stronier in lifegiving vitamins than rich, fresh creamery butter. A wonderful strength builder for the winter. Easy to take. No bad taste or odor. Full Pint . . . . . . . . . . tSc ........... ZSc ............ ZSc ........... ZSc ........... ZSc ........... 30c ........... ZSc J9c ~ On JIEI Remedies and other . S1c Medicine Cabinet Needs Catarrh Jelly in tube . Dyspepsia Tablets, 7~·s · Asthma Powder, 6 oz. Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 3 oz ·· Cherry Bark Cough Syrup, 7 oz·· Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, 16 oz. Cold Tablets, Special, 30's · Larkspur Lotion, 2 oz. · Laxative Aspirin Cold Tablets, 24's · Bronchial Tablets, 40's · Throat Gargle, 4 oz. · Throat Pastilles, 60's · Riker's Petrofol (American) full quart. · Riker's Expectorant, 8 oz. . Elkay's Rat and Roach Paste, 2 oz. · Cascara Comp. Dr. Hinkle's, No. 8, tOO's Phenolphthalein Laxative, pink, lOO's · Dobell's Solution Tablets, 30's . Calomel "- gr. and Soda Tablets, tOO's Saccharin, % gr. Tablets, tOO's · · Compound Cathartic Pilla, tOO's·· Quinine Pills, 2 gr., tOO's · · · · Zinc Oxide Ointment, 2 os. · 19c 39c 39c 19c 39c 79c 19c 19e 19c ~ Epsom Salt is easy to take. It is thorough in a c t i o n yet gentle. A couple of tea-spoonfuls in water every few mornings will help you to have a clean, fresh, healthy system. Zinc Stearate A smooth delicately-scented antiseptic dusting powder that is not affected by moisture or pers}1 iration. Unsurpassed for Babies. It covers the skin with a thin waterproof film, preventing chafing and the irritation from wet diapers. Top Can ........... ........... ........... ........... .......... . .. ...... . ........... tOe tOe 3Sc tSc tOe tOe tOe .. ' ....... lOc .......... lOc .......... lOc Boys' Corduroy Suit l\ ra de of excellent quality corduroy in the popular Norfolk model. T h e m o s t practical and best school suit Very Specially Priced Aae· 7 to 18 Y ear· 8 oz. 11 c 's lba. sgc 15c 19c 29e 89c 49e tic 23c 41c lite 1 ounce aew Sifter JJc Ccucara Sa grada ........... 7c . . . . . . . . . . tOe lOc tOe tOe is a real germicidal and stim-~ ulating tonic. It is not sticky ~ or muBBy and is easy to a:p· ply. Does not leave the hair dry but gives it renewed life --and lustre. ...:::8-ouace Bottle lie 23c ftc 3 gc -·~ Uc S3c To6lete6 ,r. Valuable in treating chronic constipation . Chocolate coated and therefore easy to take. A uaeful preparation to keep handy at ~~ tim ea. Bottle ot 100 ubles at JatcaU. Orderlies ~ ~ Slipover Sweaters .... $5.50 Knitted Silk Neckwear SSe 's Caps ........... $t.G s Bath Robes .... $5.75 Flannel Blouses $3.58 Recommendedbyuaaaa pleasant and gentle acting, effective laxative. Ideal for children, aged people and invalids aa well as for robuat persona. Boz of SO Tal»leu . Scatter Sunshine With personal engraved Greeting Cards, from Wm. Freund & Son, P. F. Valland & Co., two of the foremost lines in America. No other cards quite so artistic and beautiful. . We ask you to look over our many samples, admire their beauty, and notice how rea onahly priced they are. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER. do not delay. Su.ar of Millt t h e preparation o f Selected expreuly for "Modifted Milk" for infant feedinl' and for invalids. Used aa a baby food, it will not c au · e fermentation under any conditiona. A product of the veey higheat qualit7. Illinois RENNECKAR DRUG CO. Phones 28 and 29

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