Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 5 Dec 1924, p. 11

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},{orning Session of The Neighbors Mrs. Robert 0. Law, 24 Warwickl r - - - - - - - - - - - - - -· ,. Jd, left for Florida last week to spend two or three weeks. -()- Our Boy Scout? Thursday, Dec. 11 HE Neighbors will have a morning program Thursday, December II at 10 :15 o'clock at the home of Mr;. Harry P. Harrison, chairman 1 the art and literature department. Three papers will be read. The first, ·SchongauE; ~. Von ~~ecke~em,. Leyden nd the Monogrammtstes, gtven by Mrs Charles D. Howe; the second, "Du~cr and the Masters," by Mrs. Frank \\'att: and the third, "Portraiture," (mostly 17th century) by Mrs. Earl W. Dr Moe. At the club meeting held Thursday, Dr ]e111 Turner Zimmerman, superintendent of the Chicago Women's Shelt.:r, and Mr. Clarence V. Williams, superintendent of the Illinois Children's Home and Aid society were the speakers. Mrs. Flora Ha rdy Burdett, contralto, sang. Miss }4uriel Badger of Detroit, Michigan, was the guest of Miss Cornelia Keith last week-end. --()-- WilMette Troop Activities Fint Church of Christ, Scientist, ~....tian ·Science ding Room T C~J~~UYou ew Nowl by . ~fessoy r l.eoDWU.O.. very woman must see why it has her men friends. I boolc.toru-$2.00 . PLAN IOO~FOOT HIGHWAY BOY SCOUTS, TROOP I Mrs. George R. Benson, 210 Melrose avenue, will entertain her bridge club There will be no meeting of Troop at luncheon, Tuesday, December 9. l until Saturda y, December 13. The -()gymnasi um will be used by the Drama Mrs. Valentine A. Smith 531 Abbotts- league on December 6. On December ford road, will be hostes~ at luncheon 20 Captain Gay will give another and bridge Wednesday, December 10. talk, and some of the former mem-()Francis Allen came home from New bers of the troop will be present and we may have some exhibition drumYork last Monday. ming and real circus tumbling. Let us h:~ve a full turnout on December 20. Wil111ette, IU. Wil·ette AYe. T . .tlt St. - · C.atral AYe. Hours : Services: . Daily (except Wednesday and Sunday at 11 A. M. Saturday) 9 A. M. to 6 :00 P. M. Wednesday Testimonial Meeting Wednesday: 9 A. M. to 7:-45 P. M. at 8 P.M. Saturday: 9 :00 A. M. to 9:00 P . M. Sunday School, 9 :45 A. M. The Blble and wone bJ' Mary Subject of the ~sson Sermon Baker JD4dy and all other author· lsed Cbrletlan Bclence Llteratun Decemher 7, "Gocl the Oaly Cauae may be read, borrow.a or pur-e~ Cr.ator" eh&Md. T1ae Paltlic ie conlially ia-rit.. to atte.l t . . Claurch Serricee ..i Yielt tiMa ....,. . . . . .. INTO SOUTHERN STATES A national 100 foot wide highway from Washington, D. C., through tht> south is favored by Representative Grant M. Hudson of the Sixth district of Michigan, who has announced that he will introduce a resolution in congress with such a project in view. His resolution will call upon the bureau of public roads to conduct an investigation into the feasibility of such an operation, and the route will be determined by experts of the bureau. Hudson said there will be one branch from the highway to Savannah. The ultimate destination will probably be Key West. "Several gre-at concrete arteries now converge in the national capital," he added. "There should be a wide highway to the west and southwest, and the federal government should get behind it. It should be a national project." -o- The next meeting of the MacDowell ~iety of t\le North Shore will be held in the Boy Scout room of Community House, Winnetka, Wednesday evening, 10, at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Anita Burnham will give the program, subject being, "A Trip Abroad with aPa 'nt Box and a Family of Six," illustrated hy sketches from the paint box. Guest tickets may be obtained from Dr. \V. A. Colledge, treasurer. -()- ht tn those n is a min- Mr. Va lentine Smith and Mr. Otto Owen are touring through Florida. They expect to ·be gone about four week s. Mrs. Valentine Smith is giving a series of parties during the month of December. -()-- ho carries n the soft gs oi charay, mother musical d hundreds ill play for y seated at roy N on Mr. and Mrs. Parker Dodge of Wash- Mrs. Harriet Childs Dies ington. D. C., are being congratulated at California Residence upon the birth of a daughter, Margery. Mrs. Harriet Childs, wife of Dr. A. Mrs. Dodge was Miss Charlotte Phelps, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward ]. S. Childs, for many years a resident Phelps of 328 Leicester road. Mrs. of Wilmette, died Thanksgiving Day, November 27, at her home in Long Phelps is now in Washington. Beach, Cal., at the age of 80 years. -()-Mr. and Mrs. Howard Knight of Ev~ The remains were cremated and will interred at Omro, Wis., Mrs. Child's anston are being congratulated upon the be former home. birth of a daughter on November 22, Dr. and Mrs. Childs came to Wilat the Evanston hospital. Mrs. Knight was Miss Clara Ruth Bennett, daughter mette more than 30 years ago and at 1137 Central avenue, t.he resided of Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Bennett of 185 present site of the Rockhold building. Sheridan road. They were married soon aft er the -()-war at Omro, Wis., Mrs. Childs Mrs. George W. Keehn of the Or- Civil having been Miss Harriet Hamilton. rington hotel spent Thanksgiving week Two children survive, Dr. Ralph Philadelphia. Mr. Keehn was in Childs of Winnetka and Miss Myrtle Washington, D . C., and went to Phila- Childs of Long Beach. delphia for the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Gra11t Keehu came from New York for MOVES TO NORTH SHORE thl· iilmily Thanksgiving party. Dr. Everett Wood s Maechtle, a Mil-()-An announcement of interest to Kenil- waukee surgeon who recently moved worth was made last Saturday by Mr. into his new home in Skokie Heights, and ~frs . John. H. Winterbotham, 674 Glencoe, has subleased Dr. J;yn~an Ru h street, Chicago, of the engage- Sexsmith's offices in the Z1esmg ment oi their daughter, Theodora, to block Glencoe, where he will main Shreve Cowles Badger, son of Mr. and tain ~ffice hour s daily until the completion of his new offices. Mr . A. S. Badger of Lake Forest. -()-- Not Just Bread! Dutch Oven Bread JNDEED, no! Dutch Oven Bread is a ten1pting ~omplement to any meal-delicious in itself and lendtng zest to the rest of the menu. Your fan1ily will demand twice as much of our Bread as any other. Encourage them to do so, as it's the most healthful and nourishing food they can take. The Dutch Oven When you get a good thing Remember where you got it 1129 Central Avenue h in therees for threerich tone is on makes it ally a pian? Mr. and Mrs. Belknap Hawkes of Cleveland were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, for Thanksgiving. They left for thei r home Sunday night. They expect to move to Buffalo very soon. -oMrs. J,.hn Benham of 165 Kenilworth avenue entertained at bridge last Monday for her cousin, Mrs. Holbrook, who live in Springfield. Mr. and Mrs. Holbrook \\ere the guests of the Bcnhams over Thanksgiving. -()- 1Jif..\4JMW)K.VJIM'WJMIMJ~IMMIM!MIM!MIW'9MMIM!M!MI Quality Costs Us More, But It Holds Our Business! fn Piano and will pos~lence. The oducer to be tists, and it r,ou The choir of the Church of the Holy Comforter will give an evening entertainment Friday December 12, at the Assemhly hall, 'for the benefit of its summer camp fund. Dancing will follow aftn the program. -oMrs. Rufus B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, entertained at bridge Friday afternoon for 1\frs. P. D. Rathbone and her .Mrs. Coleman, of Parkersburg, Virginia. -o-- SUITS and OVERCOATS \Vhile quality usually is the 1irst c?nsideration, men and young n1en are con11ng. t~ regard this Store a a standard by wh1cl1 values can be judged. Invest enoug·h to in sure utn1ost quality. You'll never regret that· little extra that good · Clothes co t here. 'l'ht Rector's Aid society of the Church oi the Holy Comforter will not ~ again until Monday, January 5, ~they will have their regular meetlllg and luncheon. -ol.!r, and Mrs. Andrew J. Maloney 0 S\7 Cumnor road, announce the bJrth of a daughter, Marjorie Carol, on ~ovember 24, at the Evanston b0S pttal, Hi-Grade Cleaning I to forget to have your Evening ·clothes Don 't 1et the Christmas rush cause you ·.· d and pressed for the holiday festlvtbes. 1 c eane YOU KNOW THAT WE KNOW HOW ! iful Music Store Shirley Ross ~hter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde p' Ross entertained 70 of . 'Fri day evemng, . N her Young friends hovember 28 at a dancing party at 1 e Kenilworth club. Mr. and Mrs. ~ard D. Parmelee ~~tertaincd the Evening Bridge cluh for dmner at the North Shore hotel Tuesay evening. ~.0 Schultz & Nord l The North I Mr. Ogden C~ the Kenilworth M~ !~aves Saturday ecember 6, for 1 famt, . Florida, wh~re he will spend ortmght. Mrs. Raleigh to have ~r Frank E road, has . · luncheon 9, at the Sho~e's Leading Tailors l 1152 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 320 . ... · · · · · · .·i..... · · .~

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