Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 12 Dec 1924, p. 29

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WILMETTE LIFE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12. ;1924 Performance · niversity will present he Scarlet Coat," an ghth Street theatre .on ember 29, and also in ae evening of Tuesday, llgo during Christmas its first appearance in ~ to be reserved. The Granddaughter of Early , Settlers December Bride \ 0 E oi the first weddings of the l'arly winter was ~' which took plan· at the res1dence of Mr. and ~~ r<. Lewis Bennett Spranger of 430 ~lapiL' a,·enue, on Thursday evening. December 4.. Chrys!lnthemums, rosl'~ a nd palms m arhsta~ arrangem ent iormed the ~ttract1ve. background for the marnage serv1ce read for ~I iss Charlotte Springer and Victor ~ll-tzger by the Rev. Gilbert Stan~etl. ;\ reception followed the cere- Mrs. Leslie H. Hanawalt returned Saturday to her home, 430 Ninth street, after a two months' absence in Pasadena where she visited her mother and father and sister. ...:o- Onl:r Twent:r Minutee b:r Motor from :· Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flanner of Blackwell, Wisconsin, announce the birth of a son, December 3, at the E\'anston hospital. The baby has been -onamed George Carlton, after his patMiss Gertrude Ingersoll comes home ernal grandfather. Mr. and Mrs. from Sweet Briar college tomorrow Flanner are staying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Fatch of to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ingersoll of 518 Central avenue 611 Washington avenue. during the coming holiday season. -o- Miss Katherine King and Miss Mabel Wheelock returned last week from a motor trip to Turkey Run, Indiana, where they enjoyed a fortnight's outing in that attraictive state park. the North Shore mTl;~ ent of tickets, are beson avenue, Evanston rn street, is in charg~ f the Royal Northw~t ~Hudson Bay country. e writing of the play ainting of the scenery' he work df Princeto~ performances, the club ittsburgh, ashington and The engagement of Miss Audrey Lonnquist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lonnquist, to Theodore E. Mead, son of Mr. and Mrs. James L. Mead bride was attired in a faille of Monterey, California, was announced Wednesday at a luncheon and bridge given at the Lonnquist residence, 418 Central avenue. . --o-- Sttall 6- Chicltln Dinntr§ LUNCftiON 111\YaO AT NOON Buaineaa Diatrict Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lodwick of Cen-terville, Iowa, are expecting to s~end the holidays with Mrs. Lodw1cks' father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes of 816 Forest avenue. Business Men's Lunch Seventy-five Centa -oMr. and Mrs. A. N. Page of 901 Ashland avenue left on Tuesday for New York, to be gone a week. They will stop for a time at Toronto before returning home. -oMrs. H. A. Morin of 635 Maple a_venue who has been ill for some t1me at the St. Francis hospital, is now improving. She has been at home for about a week. -oR. B. Wilcox of Washington, D: C.. is arriving today to spend the. holtday season with Mr. and Mrs. W11lard B. Thayer of 522 Central avenue. -o-Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Maley of M~ch anicsville, Iowa, are to be the holtday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Maley of 122 P.rairie avenue. -oMiss Laura Durgin is arriving from Goucher college December 20 to spend the holidays with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. William A. Durgin of 724 Forest avenue. Miss Laura spent her Thanksgivi~ recess ·n Philadelphia. .Get away from business by taking time off at n~n for a run out into the country~ -oThe Tuesday club met this week for 1 uncheon and bridge with Mrs. A. C. V\'enban of 900 Lake avenue. The next hostess will be Mrs. Thomas Knox who will gin a Christmas luncheon for her guests at the Orrington hotel. -o- (aids Return" aids Return" will be especially, aithough is being given at the Greenleaf avenue, by Wilmette, assisted by this evening. ush, Stella Pahlman, gh, Marguerite Krafonan, Rose Barton, Patterson, and Orpha Mrs. Frank J. Scheidenhelm has cards out for a tea she is giving Fri-o. day afternoon, December 1_9, from 3 The Reading club will meet with until 6 o'clock at her resadence on ).[rs. H. A. DeBerard at her home on Forest avenue for Mrs. Albert K. Greenwood aven~~fternoon. Scheidenhelm, a recent bride. -oMrs. David Lee Taylor has issued invitations for a reception she is giving at her home. 849 Michigan avenue, Tuesday afternoon, December 16, for Mrs. Whitman Taylor. The hours are from 3 until 6 o'clock. Telephone Wilmette 37 INSURANCE .. Husiurss, I.i/c, Estate A111w·ttes, £ 11 dowm.mts, Trtlsts J. E. SWIFT TEAL 1017 CeDtral AveDue Wilmette, Illinois Coatiaental Limited · 10:30 a.m. Colorad., Special 10:30 a.m. -o- Delerich will add their m and Miss Madeline in song from "Topsy atsie Krafthefer will t, and Joseph Chopic. re society took great in- -Photo by Pe.r.c.lval-Grlnsted. Mra. Victor Metza-er .of i,·ory tint, worn by her trotht>r on the occasion of her w~d din!! in the same home 32 years ago. :\ crown of lace and orange blos.,on" held the tulle Yeil in place. Val.ley lilies, sweet peas and orchids fornted her bouquet. ~I is~ Helen McGaughey of Lawe· . ille. Indiana, the maid of honor, t' a dress of rose charmeuse and .-arried pink roses and sweet peas. ],l'a n McCullin of Wilmette. one of the little ribbon stretchers, was dressed in a frock of light blue georgt·t tc trimmed with cream lace. She car ried a small garden bouquet. \\ a lter Vail of Michigan City, the 0the r ribbon stretc~er, wor~ a ·black 1 ,·1\· t't suit with a white satm blouse. William L. C. York of Evanston 11;1~ Mr. :\Ietzger's best man, and thhering were Paul Latham and E. l'ryor Lewis of Chicago. lucluded iu the list of out-of-town l!'ucsts were Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Latham of New York and Mr. and Mrs. \\'illiam Vail of Michigan City and their children. Mr. and 1\Irs. Metzger will be at home at 419 Maple ave!luc aft~r February t. They are takmg the1r wedding trip through the south. go11 n e Grenfell benefit dance Charles McCue of 631 Washington avenue. after an illness of five months. is now able to travel and left on Thursdav to pass the winter months in California. ~Irs. McCue accompanied him. -oMrs. John R. 'McFarland of 54 Crescent place has just returned _f~o.m Lake Geneva where she was vtsttmg her mollher. Mrs. John Bartlett. Mrs. McFarland's sister, Mrs. Douglas Bell of Wilmette, accompanied her . -()-- · 7 Chicago Omaha · · to ...... Cid_,. CbicagcH)maha Special 6:05 p. m. Loa AD1elea Limited (*) 8:00 p. m. Overlaad Limited(*) · 8:10 p. m. Dally Trains Portland Limited · 10:15 p. ·· California Mail · · 12:15 a. a 'I . (· F'..-et-clua etaMar4 ....,., can...,.) .....................,..,....u ·· aay evening at the Evan's club. The wttrk Grenfell mission on the brador has engage~ esidents all along the Some of the young peoen their services during to work among the na· ho earn their livelihood nd trapping. The introeep into their mid st necharn, and it is for the his that the dance was afternoon, home- spuns, baskets, mocassin s and the hand work of these be on sale at the club. esses for this affair frorn were Mrs. Rufus tolp h. Miss Harriet H oughnetka, Mrs. Arthur C'ahle The \\' oman's Club of Wilmette has adopted unit 21, south, at Great Lakes hospital. Club members under the chairmanship of Mrs. C. D. Ewer "'!et all day Thursday to sew for the disabled soldiers and sailors. -oM iss Betty Rice is expected back from Smith college today for her two weeks' Christmas vacation. B. B. On., Tleket Al-l Wilmette, Ill. T ···· 981 .Chieago & North Western By. F EXCELLENT CHRISTMAS GIFTS Reasonable prices FRED PAUL Breeder of highest class Boston Terriers 2252 Orchard Street Chicaa-o Phone Lincoln 8813 l :~~ .:".;d:~;::;~~: will thoroughly enJ OY cketty House, the play by students of the Xargarten and Elementary t Evanston Woman's club f December 13. Even the fcketty house dolls and tie dolls are unanimous . The fact that half the ~d i\J rag-tags and tatjat the furniture is apt or a pound of stuffing merely adds to the gcnand fun. Of course, insist on having r all the time may Tidy Castle dolls a be two performances 10 :30 and 2 o'clock, be secured from :\!is! ery, University 1801, or at the Evanston Wom- -£yanaton AITHFUT, attention to all the wishes of tlie bereaved characterizes our service. That is why so many people depend upon us absolutely. We are experienced. W c Understand -o-On October 29. the philanthropy d_epartment of the \Voman's club of Wtlmette gave a delif{htful _afternoon hridRe under the chatrmanshtp of ~{rs. It P. Wanner. It was not possable, however, to give a final report of the ;;uccess of the affair ~ til Mrs. Wanner re ad the notice at t~ last club meeting-. The total receipts were ~18.20, ·he disbursements. $102.61 , 1eavmg a h dance of $315.59. This card party was one of the attractive social affairs the autumn. the throng of happy folks who JOIN trod the pathway to the best Luncheons and Dinners in Evanston. The Parkway Tea Shop Chicaco Ave. at Gron St. Appreciated Gifts far the entire family \Y:\H.~I. CO~l I· ORTA H LE ...\'f'l'R:\C'l'I\'E -o- EVANSTON -o-- ~ a A. Rochlitz anrl her ranees, gave dramatic Thursdav at the home ck, 520 Diversey park· rock who is the mother of th'e New York \\'orld, tiful luncheon in honor embers of the Illinois n's association. An1ong ere Mrs. Blue, a , hort and the daughter of O. s. Thalia Rochlitz. po~t ~or, and Mrs. J)pheha lown lecturer. writer andf poem, "Little Girl ,0 was recited by MISS e Junior auxiliary of the Infant rc societv will meet at the Conion-a! church at 2 o'clock Mon· '· December 15. ·The members are plannin~r a Christmas part~ for all th t· mothers and children registered at thr Tnfant \Velfare station. \fonday will he a busy day and all ml'mbers are asked to be present. It is necessary to make 300 bags for Christmas candy. -o~r arian Mottscha 11 of 33 Cres~ent tll] ace entertained ten of her httle .,.it·nds Ia t Saturday afternoon to C('lrbrate her sixth birthday. J:ler ~'tlt' sts were Marguerite Cur~!. Manan l{u,,e\1, Jacjnta Kampme1er,_ Jean Finalvson, Helen and Ellzahe~h ~! uq)hy, Ashton Taylor, Dame! \lurphy, Billy Murphy, and Jack Hope. On Saturday a ~stmas bazaar will be given hy members of Kappa ~elta sornritv of Northwestern un1vers1ty at th e Evanston Woman's club. The proceed will RO toward the fund for f' llUilding of the sorority house. It exoected that ground will b~ broken the sorority's new home 111 June. -oBetty Funke daughter of Mr. and Mr$. Erwin H~ Funke of 1008 Gree~1~af avenue, is visiting her aunt ~n 'Flu. hing, Lontt bland. where sh~ Will . remain ovK t e Cbriatmu hohdays. At all Plrst doss Qrocers HOUSE SLIPPERS in a 'l·aricty of ~'l'Y LES AND COL RS You don't know how. good such confections can be until you ha\'e ta ted Tiley Will Sol'l'f' }' nur (;i.ft Problems .Host Deliylttfull_\' SEIDEL'S Macaroon· and Lady FiDa-eral No expense has been spar~d in _the making of them. Every mgredle~t is the best. And they're bak~d 111 just the right way. Tell the Grocer you want "SEIDEL'S" PCDL &·PIPER ·INC· CHILOilEN'S SHOE SPECIALISTS 1608 Chicago Avenue, 1 - at Da'lJis Sttwt -o-- of Evanston spok!' last ab(lut p~r IS and acquaintance ~~th ~hs. The famous wnt~ r It gave to Mr. Buck Ul >rm, his last book. "Tilwmovement to ha,·e ad ircle like the £yanstol. to which Mr. and Mrsis belong, has been start· :te. e Bookfellows EVANSTON, ILLINOIS SHOP IN EVANSTON AMPLE PARKING FACILITIES NO NOISE OR CONGESTlO~

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