Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 19 Dec 1924, p. 18

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FRIDAY DECEMBER 1924 SEEN IN THE CITY Where to Dine, Shop, Re·t, etc. ··STRAWS AND PRAYER-BOOKS"Ihasty exit, d isguising himself through the ~.own as an advenising "sandwich By James Branch Cabell Robert M. McBride & Co. man. . IS only started. P1loted And the fun . What are we to make of Mr. Cabell's by ·:Sooner Jackson" whose . mi.~dle n~~ epilogue to the great Biography of which I he mforms th~ Professor 1s ~.alam~ty we cannot bear to think as being ended? o~r ~~ro .remcamated a~ .J\dd1son He has for so long been laughing at us, S1mms begms adventu.res m '~:~1ch ~e has he at last decided to talk to us seri- learns ,among many thmgs to hve hss ously as man to man, or he is laughing own life.': Ofte thing he canm;>t l~rn, harder than ever? Like Mr. Shaw in however, 1s t? US;C t~ slang wh.'ch IS to the epilogue, of "St. Joan," is he saying ~ ~.n. of Ius d1sgu1se;, He thmk~ that ' 'Now children, you are so stupid that Sap IS a. word .for gentleman. ~nd of course you have missed the point to we hear .. ~1m saymg to the deparung all this so I shall proceed to tell it to Jackson II be a perfect sap wh1le you you"? Or is he merely blowing more are gone. We know that he speaks bright hued bubbles for us to watch, and truly. perchance to burst? Alas, only Mr. "BOOKS A~D GIFTS THAT LIVE FORE\' ER" Cabell can answer this. The follol\·lng books are enthusiasSo, be that as it may, Mr. Cabell has tically recommended by Esther Gould'll written a most depressing and delight- Book Corner: £ul book. He announces on page 3, that F·r tlae Clall.fta 4-e ,.eara. romance is all that makes life bearable. Story of Little Black Sambo, Bannerlt is thanks to the maze of romance, man. written and . unwritten, that surrounds us Bojabl Tree, Rickert. that "Nobody really needs to notice how The Cock, the Mouse and the Little Red Hen. Lefevre. most of u.~. in unimponant fact , approach Little Mother Goose. death through gray and monotonous cor- The .... 7 ...... ridors." There is no hope in reality Posy Ring, Wiggin and Smith. since man's knowledge and theories of Round the Year In Pudding Lane, Ad· dlngton. life "are comparable, let us say, to the The Friends of Dlgged~· Dan, Norwood. knowledge which a fly in a dining car The Story of Mrs. Tubbs, Lofting. e-12 7ean. possesses as to the management of railKarl the Elephant, Murkerjl. ways." Hari the Jungle Lad, !\lukerJI. But the creative romanticist alone can Men of Iron, Pyle. really escape the workaday world which Katrlnka, Hask ell. 1!l-14 Te-ara. is so abhorrcnt. And so mindful only of the Leader, H ey llger. of his own pleasure, Mr. Cabell has cre- Spirit Boy's Life of Edison, l\leadowcroft. ated for himself a world in which he Boy's Life of 1\Iark Twain , Paine. can be happy. And in that world he F·r the Tlft41 Ba·l·e·· ~ M··· has made no concessions to the useless Profeseowff~~. Could You, Harry L eon world of facts. "Man is, they say, the The Enchanted Hill, Peter B. K y ne. only an imal that has reason, and so he Rugs-ed Water, Joseph C. Lincoln. must have also, if he is to stay sane, Love and Learn, H. C. "\Vitwer. For tlae Sll ..htlT Serlo-· diversion to prevent his using it." And A Passage to India. E . 111. Forster. so he plays as do infants with straws A Gallery, Phillip Guedalla. and old men with prayer-hooks, hut the My Dea1· Cornelia, Stuart P . Sherman. Voyaging, Rockwell Kent. literary artist 1>lays with "Common sense :\1a··k Twain's Autoblograph~·. and piety-and death." For li!,·erf'lloo4IJ'I Of course you have not believed a So Dig, F.;dna Ferber . e French Girl, Allll·! Douglas word of all this, but do remembe r one The Littl Sedgewlck. thing and tha t is, Mr. Cabell has learned The Widow's House, Kathl et'.'l Coyl~. the secret of beautiful writing and of Arnold \Vaterlow, Ma~· Sinc lair. diversion. For Your Napkin A useful girt aud p· ·actlcal, at a very low price. Ste rling sliver (Solid Silver) Napkin Band11, e ntirely hand made, In hammered silver, with raised applied In I tlal. A product of our own factory; made In three slses, at $1.76, $2.00 and $%.60. 1\lany other useful gifts In solid 11llver at low prices. ! Tile House of Pearls LEBOLT & COMPANY 101 Sou-th State Street, Chicago 534 Fifth Ave~ New York Fer Pearl· Esei-1Yel7 122 S. MICHIGAN AVE. P eoples Ga11 Bldg. Clalea..· 8 RUE LAFAYETTE, PARIS the ftgure ; wlll-more-redace tilt ure? Yet It will. lt-thla corwt ta ca1led a Body Glove-Is t1lt For ft~rfher informatio,. concenti,.g tlon of a graduate nurse and any of theu shops commt~,.U:ate witlt weave of the material Ia 11eta up a gentle massage B/a,.clu AIa.so" you move. Yet you- never lighter, more comfortable Go to Florence Lund, at 8£EN IN THE CITY Republic Bulldlnc, and let her It Up near the North Pole tour apan G~~:e. to you. The addre· of reindeer are undergoing aome pretty atltr treatment the11e da:ya. Rubst,.~ea ter st-t " ' · down8,-you know-and lone sharp . No! No doubt you don't run11 around and around the Pole, like yourself stout. Hany of us ao many Jack Dempaeya getting ready perhap11 you find that the tor a bout. But do they mind It? Not atse 38 or 40 blnd11 In the they, tor they know what'a ahead. draw· aero·· the hips. That'· a pretty blc stretch-all the why don't you- try a frock from way down here ln a night, wUb a Bn·ant's? At Lane Bryant's they heav)' pack In the llle1ch, behind. And what one mlgbt call combination ah, that J)ack! How many thouchta In drealle-that Is, drease11 with hover around abuut It these daY11! blpa and small bust or drenes What does It contain. I wonder, for large bu11t and amall blp11. you and me? of the very moat elegant York or Parla. And alsea, of Gifts ,.._ Le...t run up to 51. Aa you know, the \v-en perhapa, It we've been all that formll the corner of Washington we should be to tboae who care for and Wabash Ave. us moat, It contains some · fair and Let's R - A - 7 - A - tile "lovely gift from Lebolt A Company, Ala' thl11 miserable winter! The Hou·e of Peal'l8, eh? No~ necessarily expenlllve, of cour11e. It may be only Just begun, and we've It whips our cheeks a set of pen and pencil, gold filled, enough. In a velvet ca11e. at $9.60 or a dainty turna our poor little nose purple cold, Can you- bellev~an you little arold pen knife, at $10. Or It may be a brocaded vanity, at 15. a lleve that aomewhere the pa)ms blowlnc, the wa.tera sparkling and hand hammered cigarette case at JUor even a 11terllng napkin band, with pink ftamlngo whlatllng to hl11 Let'11 go? The White Star rallied Initial, at U. Or If we're a man-no use &!IllUming we' re all ladlell fera a · wonderful crulae-alx or -It may be a bill fold with gold cor~ week11 out of New York. nen, at $6.50, or a silver belt buckle away aouth you go, Into aunny"~;!'!~~.,~ with belt and Initial, tor $3.50 or eve~ Firat you atop at the lalanda, -ahi thla Is lovely-a set of 11moked like Christopher Columbus. Then Glpear and platinum dress shirt studs bt·altar-tben Algeria. Then, my gOCJ4. and cutr links at U6. All theae may be ness, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Paleatllle, Egypt. And more! And all that Ia ~~~: ;!.~J:~:~;deii~Ol South State, and seven wee ks! And all the while IUD· shine, and comfort, and gaiety. Can J·. . rtetl Haa·kerelalefa for Mu It be that such thlng11 really be! Come, For a discreet lady who wlahea to let's run away on a Medlterraaeaa make a very nlce but re11erved and ac- Cr:..l:e.St. For details Inquire at 117 S. ceptable gift to a man, I have aeen nothing better than the Imported, band monogrammed handkerchiefs which are to be found, conveniently located on the ground floor, at The Hub, State and _.ckaon. Theile handkerchiefs are monogrammed In colora, very 11mart1y, with two Initials, and come three In a box at $3.60, or Individu-ally at fl . Z5 each. Some of them have cut work around the lnltla.l, there are dosens of styles, and all were personalty selected abroad by the Hub's own repreaenta~\~~~· t~aonwt~:t~ you think of anything :o<t)s. In any combination of 2 Initials. Box of 3~. Each, ·t.JIS Monotrammed Hatulkerchiefa PROFESSOR, HOW COULD YOU I By Harry Leon Wilson Cosmopolitan Book Corporation Harry Leon Wilson is making us laugh again. And we cannot think of anyone writing today who knows better how to do it. Not an uproarious roar but a low delighted chuckle at the adventures and misfortuntes of Professor Copplcstone of Fairwater. Thr professor is one of those men for whom the adjective "hen-pecked" was invented. One day a friend remarks, "You are only a toy balloon tugging at your string. How gaily you'd start if the string broke, but how little a way you'd get toward a distant country! You wouldn't last long without the string old chap-your fun' s all in the tugging." But, that very day, partly due to the professor's absentmindedness, partly to his design the string breaks. The professor enters a neighbor's house, left em1>ty for a few weeks and camps there abashed at his own daring, yet enjoying his delightful freedom. Af ter a few days he accidentally sets the house on fire and is forced to make a cYill good qjooks Reviewed or advertised here are for sale at llenrg C.Lvtton I Sons State 8t·· At .laelul·· !IIEe ·RUa Kroch' s Book Store .. 22 N. Michipn Ave., Chic:ago n. -"·· #'- ·f··t~ll~d··· ClaH:···" Seo.d for epecial liat· Tray Fitted SUIT CASES from $ZS to $151 Taylor's 28 Eaat Randolph St., Chica1o When We Were Very Young Venea by e: Professoy How CtniUYou A NftV N<Wel by Winter Cruises WEST INDIES White Star Liner "MEGANTIC" from New York, Jan. 22nd and Feb. 25th; 30 days-14 porta of call. A.A. MILNE With over 130 drawinpby MEDITERRANEAN White Star Liner "ADRIATIC," 25,000 tons. from New York Jan. 7th and Feb. 26th. Red Star Liner "LAPLAND." 19,000 tons, from New York, Jan. 17th and March 8th. AppiJ' Coapaay·a otlice1 E. H. SHEPARD IIAJUlTI.BONWIUGN Widell wiD tktlde ~ As channing as the verses of Eugene Field. tol'llleat eYft7 wile AU boobroru-$2.00 NEW YORK ............ PRICE $2.00 E.P.DlJITON&COMPANY 127 So. State St., Chica.o, Ill. @lopolitao Book @;oratioa 119 w ... 40th Street, Ne- York or Local A··nta So 'Cig by Chandler's Book Nook Books for all tastes and ages. w ..... A·e.. Cltleap Styllah Clothes for Stout Women Everything to wear-Ready to wear 181 N. Haad Bac· fro· a S·art Silo· But to come back to gifts for ladle11 which Ia really the Important subject after all, Isn't It, probably as nice a. gift as anyone could select Is a bandsome hand bag. We all want them don't we- and, after all, It Isn't easy to find the really elegant sort. Yet at the smart Taylor shop, 28 Ea11t Randolph St., the newest and most charmIng sort of bags are alwa~·s to be found. Just now, In order to make selection easier, two especially good styles are being shown-the capacious under-arm bag and the gate-frame bag, which may be had at prices rangIng from $3.50 to $30. Ah Yell, very handsome they are-really. And by the wa}·. while you are at Taylor's atop and view their fttted suit cases' at $25 to $160. ' Fur C··t-Re41aeed A sal e of furs before Christmas! Impossible! Well, let us sav Improbable. But Mrs. Henning-the famous Mrs. Henning of H e nning's Furs In the Stewart Building, just across from Fields on State Street, understands as w e ll as you or I that It would be a joy to have a new fur coat for the Christmas season, perhaps even-oh audacious tho11ght- as a Chrlatma~ gift, and If furs have to be reduced late r anyhow, for a sale, why- why not have th4<m redu ced now and make < verybody happy? So at Hennln~·s all th\' fur coats are otrered right now at vPry much cut prices. Such beautiful furs, too! Dyed ermine, trimmed with long fox ; astrakan, trimmed with long fox. But go and' see for yourself. You really must go and see! Pael8e Crulaea The Canadian Paclftc steamship cruises to the Gateway Porte of the world for 1925 otrer all Intending travelers an opportunity to select a cruise for this winter that will ftt In with the amount of time they have at their disposal. Ther:e will be four crulees, one around the world by the famous "Empress of France," the vessel twice chosen by the Prince of Wales for hts trips to America, one to the Mediterranean by the "Empress of Scotland," and two to the West Indies by the "S. S. Montroyal." A feature of all Canadla.n Pacific crul11es Ia the fact that each one ta conducted from start to ftniab entirely under Canadla.n Pacific management thu-11 ensuring the aervtce during the entire crul11e for which the Canadian Paclftc Ia world famous. Further particulars regarding all these cru111es may be had from Mr. R. s. Elsworthy, Steamship General Agent of the Cana~~~~~a=~.clr1~. in the New strau· Bldg., A R-laa MUIIaer "A hat," cried she. "My kingdom tor a hat!" Yea, but what kind of a hat? Why, a becoming hat! A-you underlltand- splrlted hat! Well then, you must go to Sonia, tor that ts just the kind of hata she makes. Sonia, wholle shop on the 8th ftoor of the Lake VIew Building, over-looks the lake! Sonia, who Ia an artist, and a Russian artist at that. Beslde11, all her winter bats are reduced to about half price now The add.r ese Ia 118 S. Michigan Ave. · A l or·et ·· oft a Gl··e Can you believe that a garment as I soft as a glove will shape and mould .J-UU7 ao, -· ODl)o a IDOilllli from buaineu AppiJ' ·-·· aceata or H. S. ELWORTHY Steam·lalp Geaeral Aceat Tele-plaoae Wabaala 1104 11 E · .laek·o· Blvd" Clatea..o, Ill. ··...._,.a1 CANADIA'NPACII1C ALL FUR COATS materially reduced in price. This unusually early l'······· SALE enables yQU to buy as advantageously nowbefore the holiday sea· son-as later. c{}P FURS 220 Stewart Balldlac 188 N. State 8t" Claleaco Sonia Milliner "The Hat of Toda.y" P·-e State ltD 888 Lake VIew Bl.... lUJ s. Mlelllc- Ave" Clate··· ~~~ .... Cllml~ A.··-- ··· a···· (Reg. U. S. Patent Oftlce) For That Slim Princess Effect The softe11t garment ever made for rt-duclng FLORENCE E. LUND 332 Repablle w····b 1.. State 8t. Clalc·P Tht> Finest Possible Gl!t! Edith Wharton's OLD ~BW a11d anotlrl'r GJtedalla Book Edna Ferber The biggest selling book of the year YORK A CALLERY Cloee upon the heels of tha t sparkling gem, SUPERS AN 0 SUPERMEN, Is laaued th i~ ne11' book, the best. accordl n~t to some, that Guedalla . ha.s written. It Include· pictures of A natold France, Thomas Hardy, Bt·rnar Shaw, Hugh Cecil, :Marcel Proul~ the Empre811 Eugenle, LadY PI· merston and a 11core or ot her~ who have made the historY 0 literature and polltlce. PM In a lfi\V gift bolt of bright colora, with pictorial end papen ·ud .Jabelll, Ute four new novels bv Edith Wharton are as attractive a glft as can be found . "Exquisite stories, universally lllgnlflcant and enduringly beauttful, " the New York Tl·e· calla them. The four volume11 are "False Dawn ," ' 'The Old Maid" "The Spark," "New Yea.r'a Day:" Look at them at any bookatore. The aet ....-. Each volume ·1.11 Fw 8&1 a.t all bookMlkra D. APPLB'I'ON AND COKPANY U We~~t 8U 8t" New Y·rk Bv Philip Guedalla G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS New York City

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